Friday, December 14, 2012

I think that it is appropriate that our final words today come from Fred Rogers.

If ever we needed the wisdom of a Mr. Rogers in this country, the time is now.


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    That is true for today, but tomorrow will be the time for those of us who specialize in rational argument and justified anger to prevent another tragedy.

    The helpers can then go on to help us be better, instead of repairing damage.


  2. Sally in MI6:22 PM

    Unfortuantely, I think even Fred would have trouble finding the 'helpers' right now. We are few and far between, squashed beneath the evil and the takers on the right. The NRA, big oil, Norquist's anti-government lobby, big pharma, and the GOP Governors. The helpers are being asked to give ever more, do more with less, and sacrifice their lives for the '2nd amendment.' Even the wee ones. Meanhwile, CEOs grow ever richer, give less, hide more, and contribute nothing good to society. Politicians have become nothing more than shills for the lobbyists who fund their next campaign. While they used to 'help' their constituents, they now just help themselves to more power and our money. We need Fred, but I think he is appalled at the state of our once strong union.

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    And what a great mom he had. Thanks for this

  4. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Absolutely, Amen......

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Over at the sea o pee, we have the usual suspects, you know, the ones who want to go all libertarian teabagger and cut all spending on social services, putting up this article: "What may have failed, even though speculative, is whatever social service system that did not intervene or pay attention to domestic issues that were occurring inside the home of the dead shooter."

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM


      So they wanted BIG GOVERNMENT IN THE HOME?!?!?1?!?1?1?11?1?

  6. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Oh, thank you Gryphen for posting this. I will spread it to lots of people with kids. This is a wonderful reminder.

  8. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Thank you for posting this tonight.

    The helpers were those who cared for the children and kept them safe today, giving them some sense of calm and love despite the horror of it all.

  9. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Wow, Gryphen, I love that. Thank you.

    R in NC

  10. Anita Winecooler9:25 PM

    He's right, those helpers were heroes, I'm convinced that they saved many lives. I can't imagine the grief those who lost loved ones will bear the rest of their lives.

  11. Anita Winecooler9:34 PM

    This is what Fred meant - heart wrenching accounts from survivors in Conneticuit.

  12. Anonymous10:12 PM

    This from Mead Treadwell today:

    "From the second through the fifth grade, I was a student at Sandy Hook elementary School, site of today's tragic events. The park where the press conference was held afterwards was Treadwell Park, named for my father who was for several years First Selectman (Mayor) of that town before his death in 1973. I'm just sick and in tears for these kids, these teachers, these families. I know those hallways like the back of my hand, and those playgrounds, and to think today that they are the scene they are just breaks my heart. Hug your kids, say your prayers, and work for peace, and appreciate every day we have with each other in this world."

    No mention of controlling automatic assault weapons, of course.

  13. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Perhaps if those of us for intelligent gun ownership laws refused to send our children to school until they do something about it, congress would act.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Nice try. Congress will NEVER act as long as the NRA lobby controls the puppet strings on the unstatesmen-like greedy GOP congressmen.

      NRA has to be brought down, like the tobacco firms were (you don't hear THEM saying smoking is not harmful anymore). Keeping your children from what education they are getting isn't going to phase those congressmen -- your public-schooled kids be damned. You be damned.

      Why can't Republican jerrymandering of elections be stopped so the majority of Americans who vote against these bozos be counted?

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Wanna bet? Millions of kids on a national protest/remembrance outside schools is one powerful statement.

  14. Anonymous5:49 AM

    On the news, they talk about finding a motive as to why he did this horrendous act. What difference will that make? Will that mean that the next person who goes nuts with a gun will be stopped? How about the nutcase with a grudge against life?

    Sometimes things like this can never be explained. Other than following everyone around with a camera and a notebook, there is no way to predict who will snap and be the next killer.

    Having mental help readily available is a start but not the only answer. More gun regulations without enforcing them is not the only answer. The best you can hope for with additional mental help is to hope people will take advantage of it. The best you can hope for with additional gun regulations is maybe to slow down tragedies such as this. A person determined to commit this type of horror will find away.

    I am not pro gun. Far from it. I wish that there were a way to prevent this from happening. I realize that there is no one answer, a comprehensive approach is needed, but as long as there is the NRA spreading around money and militias and politicians spreading around hate, sadly things like this will happen again.


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