Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just when you thought things in Sandy Hook, Connecticut could not get any more horrible.

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:

Less than a day after the tragic shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut that claimed the lives of 20 children and six adults, members of the Westboro Baptist Church are already announcing plans to protest during and after President Obama'a visit on Sunday. The hate group is best known for its protest of the funerals of U.S. service members. 

“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment," Shirley Phelps-Roper, a member of the church, tweeted.

You know usually I would suggest that people simply ignore these ignorant, assholes but the thought that these poor people, many who have just lost their babies, would have to see the hateful signs these animals will undoubtedly wave in their face is too disgusting to contemplate.

I know that the First Amendment guarantees free speech and I know that THIS is how these people make their pathetic hate filled lives seem purposeful, but this is simply too much to ask these grieving families to bear.

The folks over on Reddit are organizing a human blockade of silent protesters to keep the Westboro folks from disturbing the service.  As some of you may remember from an earlier post today this has been done successfully in the past.

Students at Texas A & M block Westboro protesters during funeral
People lock arms to prevent Westboro protesters from attending memorial services in Aurora, Colorado.
Well I certainly hope that somebody does something to interfere with Westboro's agenda of hate.

Someday I may have to subject myself to yet another reading of the bible just so I can figure out exactly WHERE this group finds their excuse for this disgusting display of inhumane behavior.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    A true church doesn't condemn God and promote hate. If they are receiving tax exemption; it needs to be taken away from them. I don't want to see my tax dollars supporting them and other hate groups.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      No church is anything more than a confused and frightened gathering of charlatans. The good of all churches is always outweighed by the harm they do.

  2. Leland6:38 AM

    These people are so crazy they almost make the ultra-right winged religious Repubes seem tolerant and sane.


  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I am not surprised these freaks are planning to do this.

    Disappointed, disgusted, sickened, yes. Surprised? No.

  4. angela7:13 AM

    They get nothing from the bible. They got this from their crazy fucked up, disbarred, ex-lawyer, wife abusing father turned preacher who makes money by suing municipalities who try to block them from spitting hate.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      They may get nothing from the bible but they sure get huge tax breaks. No matter what anyone else believes if you pay taxes you are subsidizing all kinds of destructive kooks who use religion and prey on the weak and vulnerable.

      'Wasn't the Connecticut killer just doing what abortionists do every day?' Shocking outburst by former SNL star sparks outrage

      How Jim Riley turned his life around. Former Oklahoma football star now runs an addiction outreach ministry.

    2. Why oh why oh WHY, Sky Daddy, can't the murderous lunatics of the world go unhinged on THESE SCUMBAGS and NOT on a room full of little children?!?!??! WHy, why, WHY?!?!?!

    3. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Adults killing adults is more like an adult war (not that war is adult) who would care anymore than any other civil war?

      Unfortunately, even in an adult killing war there is always collateral damage. INNOCENCE HAS TO GO. That is the nature of violence.

  5. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I would like to add that they have been chased out of El Paso Texas TWICE, once there is a crowd they get scared and run real quick.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      I remember reading about someplace (it may have been Texas) where they planned to protest but there was a massive effort to gather people to block their protest. They never showed up.

      I can't imagine any situation generating more outrage than a planned protest on the children of Newtown. Hopefully, they will be afraid enough of the reaction against them and decide to stay away and leave the grieving community in peace.

  6. London Bridges7:21 AM

    Father of shooter a VP for GE Capital?

    not verified, but possibly true:

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      The father isn't really responsible for this. I hope whatever people due they don't make this tragedy any larger by having this man fired from his job by boycotting GE Capital.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      10:26 AM

      Whatever happens let's find out more before getting anyone fired or targeted in any way. I hope the father can open up about his years with his ex-wife and children. Her employment, beliefs, mental health and her entire life.

    3. What's your point? This has nothing to do with the father or the older brother. They're victims too.

    4. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Victims are at times part of the process that erupts into violence. How can you leave out the father in a family dynamic? After there is more information it may be determined that the father was a very innocent victim. You won't know anything if you don't ask questions and include the father in the total picture. To bring him up is not blaming him. It only mean there would be a more complete picture of what lead to the situation where a 20 year old could do what he did.

    5. Anita Winecooler1:03 PM

      I'm with Meredithp

      Wow, a divorced father, who's gainfully employed and owns property!?!?! He's been co operating fully with the authorities, as has his surviving son.

    6. Anonymous2:42 PM

      OP did not blame the father, only said:
      "Father of shooter a VP for GE Capital?
      not verified, but possibly true:"

      Why does anyone call that blame?

      The article said:
      The tragedy is also being politically exploited for tighter gun control. If they ever get guns banned in the U.S., the politically unfavorable will be quickly rounded up and we will get a Soviet style authoritarian system magnified by 100. It is not the guns doing the shooting, but the people. Some of the “leaders” in the U.S. want to get the guns away from the citizens. I don’t know what the answer is to the violence that permeates the United States, but it is likely a symptom of a very sick society. Nobody is shedding tears for the thousands of children who die from U.S. bombs. A nation that exports violence around the planet with an elite core of individuals that profit from it, is destined to be troubled domestically. It’s a karmic certainty.

      Co-operating is what the father and son should do. One day we will have a bigger picture of everyone involved.

      Seriously, it is not blame to question and investigate anyone with association to a crime. The police question blameless innocent people all the time. I don't think the father will be connected to the shooting. He may have been a great father or there may be neglect if he could have done something about a gun hoarder with a mentally ill son at home and there was something he could have done to not leave a his hoarder wife in potential danger.

      We'll see how it shakes out.

  7. Westboro thrives on publicity and attention like a flesh and blood troll. Their announcement that they intend to picket an event gets more publicity than anything they do at the event.

    1. Which make the media culpable in their antics. Once they are ignored, they lose a lot of their impact.

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I have never understood why the US Supreme Court upheld rights for this absolutely hateful group from Kansas. Americans have a right to free speech but they also have a right to peacefully assemble and to worship according to their beliefs. The rights of a small group of evil-minded people should not be allowed to trample on the rights of grieving members of a family or a community to assemble to remember those who died.

    It is bad enough that because of the US Supreme Court, we have to believe that corporations are people, that the Second Amendment is really about the rights of Americans to brandish whatever kind of firepower they wish to, now we have to believe that the Westboro crazies have a right to spew their viciousness in the faces of a grieving and wounded community.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Idiotic, BeagleMum. You just joined the wingnut argument against that case, well done! Your first Ammendment is there for the VERY reason to defend UNpopular speech for small MINORITIES. Get it? Probably not. Sigh.

      If one small group of assholes get banned, who is to stop someone else deciding YOU are 'evil' and 'dangerous' and are simply a minority view so should shut up and have your rights taken away? Absolutely nothing. But you aren't thinking.

      You should blame the media. They hype it into a big thing when really there's only a handful of members and will be hundreds if not thousands of people willing to stop them coming too close, so the problem is sorted before its even started, but the media can't help but to hype this family into something it isn't....

      What is depressing is how l hook line and sinker you fall for the bait. Embarrassing. Why don't you also catch on to populist conservative arguments against government run healthcare (death panels!!) and social security (ponzi scheme!!)??

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      It seems to me if they carry signs that say fags on them, isn't that engaging in hate speech? Is there a way to prevent their provocations by interpreting these signs as hate speech through the laws that protect citizens from hate crimes?

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Anon at 9:18 am. I don't care what the Westboro crackpots say but I don't think that they have a right to obstruct others who are simply going about their lives doing things that people do when they are grieving, like having funerals or memorial services. Imagine how you would feel, going to the cemetery to bury your son, husband, wife, or child and having these people stand around with their hateful signs. It is intrusive and it is unacceptable.

      And, by the way, I do believe that we should have universal health care in this country and I do firmly support Social Security and Medicare. I also believe in the rights of workers to have collective bargaining rights. I do not believe that the Second Amendment gives us the right to own arsenals of murderous weapons. And I do not think that the First Amend right to free speech means that we can do some of the things that people do - like the Westboro bunch (I've always wondered who pays their way.) and the crazy Florida minister who parked in front of the major mosque in Dearborn MI two years ago as American citizens went into their house worship to attend regular services. He came to Michigan with a loaded gun and I'm glad that the Dearborn authorities booted him out. And I'm a lifelong liberal Democrat and proud of it.

    4. I'd still like to see their tax free status as a church taken away. Let them spew all the hate our first amendment allows. But don't let them do it on the tax payer's dime.

    5. Anonymous10:07 AM

      9:18 AM I agree. They might slow down when tax laws are altered. Meanwhile counter protests have helped.

    6. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Anon at 9:18 - You have a point that we can't pick and choose whose speech we allow and whose we ban, but there should be limits on the distance from an event that a protest can take place.

      The families of the deceased SHOULD have the right to grieve in peace, whether it's a soldier killed in battle or a child killed in a shooting.

    7. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Too the top person who defended these pieces of shit, there is a difference between Free speech and Hate speech.
      Unfornately our supreme court is infested with teabaggers that allow this hate speech. Why do you think Sarah palin and fox news is allowed to spew their hatred at fox?
      Until we get a non-teabag court who can discern between free speech and hate speech and corporations are people....we will continue to have divisiveness in the country.
      Gun nuts are already spewing how "this isn't the country they grew up in" bullshit.
      We have a nation of whiners that call themselves teabaggers, Patriots but are a bunch of big mouth, knuckle dragging chickenshit assholes with guns.
      We the people (who voted Barack Obama in) are sick of it.
      We demand change NOW. Fuck you and fuck your guns.
      And fuck the Wesbourgh bible church. I hope a bolt of lightening comes down and kills them all.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Lets start with the airlines - no-fly for anyone named Phelps unless they can prove they are not Westboro.

    Then the state and local police - any cop knows that you can always detain someone for some infraction - no turn signal, suspicion of public intox, disturbing the peace, etc.that maw of Shirley Phelps breaks all decibile level ordinances, even at a whisper.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Unfortunately, those are exactly the types of incidents that make the Phelps family their money. If I recall correctly, one of the daughters is an attorney and they have become experts at suing people and organizations for violating their rights.

  10. I have great hopes for a blockade by those people who truly do represent God and love. May it be the biggest one yet!

    If God was going to condemn anyone, I think that group of hateful people would be at the top of his list along with that creepy Florida guy, Fred whats-his-name.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      You know what. This may actually be "a blessing in disguise" moment. Imagine if hundreds of people show up to support this heart broken town in their time of need and bring their loving thoughts to the community eclipsing the vile nonsense that these sadly misguided individuals try to convey.

    2. I have no doubt the entire town of Newtown will come out and lock arms to protect the families. I am also sure that teachers and their families from surrounding areas will come and join them. Westboro hasn't a chance of getting close.

    3. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Lynn, Can you look at the faces in that line above and really think that God is their priorithy. It's not Lynn, their priority is hate. That will be the main priority of any blocade against the crazies tomorrow too. Some my even bring their guns to back themselves up. They may even use them. It's the American mindset of reacting with violence.

    4. Balzafiar11:36 AM

      Anon @10:16

      The line of people above is the blockade formed to stop WBC; they are the good guys.

  11. Anonymous7:43 AM

    You know, I hate to 'hate.' A culture of hate helps to bring about tragedy such as the one Friday in Connecticut.

    But if any group, people, persons deserve to be hated, it's the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.

  12. Anonymous7:53 AM

    These people are the lowest form of human beings.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Some may suggest that a people who slaughter their own in the highest numbers and with the highest frequency are the lowest form of human beings.

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      There are some low life happenings in this world. I am also dismayed, disgusted and lost for the words to describe how I feel about the drone attacks that slaughter small children, the old and innocent.

  13. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I'm glad these detestable people vave the stupidity to mouth such hatred in such times. Maybe people will finally understand how hateful revengelical christians really are.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      The more veiled and subtle ones, like Scarah Palin, are laying low but need to be classified in the same list as Westboro. Scarah's ilk, NRA and such will return to do what they do, possibly more in sheeps clothing.

  14. Signing this petition could help to keep this hate group from inflicting more pain and celebrating survivors' grief in the future.


    Legally recognize Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.

    This group has been recognized as a hate group by organizations, such as The Southern Poverty Law Center, and has repeatedly displayed the actions typical of hate groups.

    Their actions have been directed at many groups, including homosexuals, military, Jewish people and even other Christians. They pose a threat to the welfare and treatment of others and will not improve without some form of imposed regulation.
    Created: Dec 14, 2012

    1. Done. They're over 36,000. They need 0 by Jan 13, 2013.

      I think that pretty much sends a message.

      Along with doing something about gun control, the American people want something done about Westboro hatred.

    2. Anita Winecooler12:57 PM


      Done and Shared

    3. Done. It's over 73,000 now.

  15. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Newtown school shooter’s mother collected guns, was loath to let people inside home

    “Guns were her hobby,” said Dan Holmes, the landscaper of Nancy Lanza’s sprawling yard here on the edge of town. “She told me she liked the single-mindedness of shooting.”

    Holmes said she even spoke of taking her son to the firing range to practice his aim.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Then she was not far different from many normal americans. So consider that her son faced no confusion in finding the answer to the problems that were haunting him.He immediately knew exactly what to doand he knew where to find the tools to do it!
      Don't blame the guns, blame the mindset that needed to own the guns. Blame yourselves and hold yourselves responsible to the loss of life in this tragedy.

    2. Other people recognized her son had mental problems.

      You don't teach a paranoid schizophrenic to shoot.

      If Mom was in denial AND giving her son the knowledge and means to do this, then she was a part of it.

      Sounds like she had mental issues of her own, which may only have been amplified to her home-schooled, isolated son.

  16. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Let the Natio0nal Guard block all entrances to the town. At the risk of sounding insensitive, where are the people with Uzi's when you NEED them? Who would miss these despicable morons?

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      You say, where are the people with uzi's? I hear you. I hear you loud and clearly submitting your answer to your frustration.

      What's wrong with that picture?
      luv from Canada.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      It is a well educated brilliant society that will fight blood shed with more blood shed. Appealing to humans most base desires is the answer.

      Many of these religions would not be so mad if their sheep did not have to pay such high taxes.

    3. Balzafiar9:36 AM

      I really, really don't like to be in the position of wishing harm to anyone, but if anyone in this country has earned it, it would be the Westboro group.

      A couple of well-placed RPG's on their motorcade enroute from Missouri wouldn't hurt my feelings any, provided no one survived, especially that nasty, hateful Shirley Phelps-Roper.

      One of these days someone like Adam Lanza is going to target them when they least expect it. It will happen, it's just a matter of when.

      One last thought: they may have picked the wrong target this time, too. Emotions are understandably running very high in that community. They will be less welcome there than any place they've ever been.

  17. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Mark DeMoss, the Christian conservative public relations executive, told POLITICO that placing some limits on guns wouldn’t have to conflict with constitutional liberties, as many on the right contend.

    “I’m a conservative and a Republican, and I believe in the Constitution and all of the amendments. But the reality is, there are restrictions on lots of our freedoms,” DeMoss said. “We cherish the freedom of speech, but it doesn’t give you the right to yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”

    DeMoss continued: “I have trouble defending a position that says there should be no restrictions on any guns or ammunition, and this slippery slope argument that if you allow the slightest bit of [gun] control, then that’s the start of taking away all our freedoms.

    “Somebody’s got to break ranks on one side or the other, it seems to me, and talk in a rational and thoughtful way, which will probably come with great risk to whoever does that,” he said. “I imagine a Republican who speaks on this will probably be opposed in their next election.”

    Read more:

  18. I think I'm getting my list of disgusting hateful people mixed up. Is Westboro the same group that has that creepy Koran burning guy?

    Anyway, I hope the protection of counter protesters is huge and keeps this vermin far away from the tragedy.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      L.ynne, that creepy "pastor" who burned the Koran is in Florida. The Westboro creeps are in Topeka, Kansas

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      They might as well be one in the same.

    3. Nope.

      Same crazy. Different state.

  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The Horror In Newtown: Reader Reax

    The Horror In Newtown: Blog Reax

  20. AKinPA8:42 AM

    Is Huckabee joining them?

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      They are of the same Brotherhood when it comes to church, state and taxes.

  21. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Will both sides take their guns to back themselves up? This is an interesting diversion and both sides will use it to manifest their hate toward the other.

    And the 'conversation' won't happen. It won't happen because nearly all Americans are afraid to face the fact that they have become a violent people, due to their slaughtereing of human beings in foreign lands. Thereby reducing the value of human lives of even their own.

    The senseless slaughter of your own will only end when the lives of human beings on this planet become valuable to you again.

    What can reverse the pattern? Probably nothing short than a terrorist (freedom fighter) attack that is much more significant than 911. There appears to be no other motivation and certainly not any willingness to accept the truth.

    The guns are not the problem in a direct way. The American mindset that drives people to buy and possess the weapons are.

  22. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The last thing these 'people' need is more publicity for their idiotic intentions. Covering them in the media does nothing more than allow them to suck up undeserved attention and cause unwanted disruption.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      These crackpots are grifters. They know how to work the system as a religion. Where do they get the money to fund their protests and campaigns? They are experts at getting free publicity as well.

  23. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Try to always keep in mind that all the bible nonsense is nothing more than imaginary fictional bullshit. None of it is going to help right the wrong in your country. Do something meaningful or at least say something meaningful.

  24. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Gregory, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," noted on the show Sunday that pro-gun rights senators in the new Congress had declined to go on the show to discuss guns two days after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

    "We reached out to all 31 pro-gun rights Senators in the new Congress to invite them on the program to share their views on this subject this morning," Gregory said. "We had no takers."

    1. To which I ask, what are they afraid of? Don't they truly believe in their position? Can't they defend it adequately?

      If not, then maybe they should reconsider their position to one they can believe and defend.

  25. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I have a sneaky suspicion that Fred Phelps is a closet homosexual. It's always the die-hard hardliners against gays that turn out to be gay.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      He may have the same mental affliction as Shaily Tripp described of Todd Palin in regard to his anatomy. A very tiny mental manhood problem. Sad that those guys can procreate and spawn. They just keep passing it on. Even an adopted child will will be cursed by men like that in a parent role.

  26. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I live with a son who is mentally ill. I love my son. But he terrifies me.

    A few weeks ago, Michael pulled a knife and threatened to kill me and then himself after I asked him to return his overdue library books. His 7 and 9 year old siblings knew the safety plan—they ran to the car and locked the doors before I even asked them to. I managed to get the knife from Michael, then methodically collected all the sharp objects in the house into a single Tupperware container that now travels with me. Through it all, he continued to scream insults at me and threaten to kill or hurt me.

    That conflict ended with three burly police officers and a paramedic wrestling my son onto a gurney for an expensive ambulance ride to the local emergency room. The mental hospital didn’t have any beds that day, and Michael calmed down nicely in the ER, so they sent us home with a prescription for Zyprexa and a follow-up visit with a local pediatric psychiatrist.

    We still don’t know what’s wrong with Michael. Autism spectrum, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant or Intermittent Explosive Disorder have all been tossed around at various meetings with probation officers and social workers and counselors and teachers and school administrators. He’s been on a slew of antipsychotic and mood altering pharmaceuticals, a Russian novel of behavioral plans. Nothing seems to work.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I also have a mentally ill young relative. He isn't violent and so far, appears only to be a danger to himself when he has episodes but he is fascinated and obsessed with guns and ammunition. It is frightening to know that when he comes of age there isn't much to stop him from obtaining these weapons.

    2. The professionals are at a loss and so they toss this back to the MOM to deal with?

      This is the true problem in this country. (And we can thank REAGAN for it.) This country has no practical support system for dealing with the mentally ill. We medicate them and toss them back to the family to deal with. Or we toss them out on the street to become part of the invisible homeless.

    3. Anonymous10:27 AM

      For the sake of your other two children (and yourself) I would urge you to consider your options.

      Even a baseball bat or chair can become a deadly weapon if you have an angry child or teen that is strong enough to use it against his family.

      As hard as it may be, you might have to place the child outside your home to protect your family.

      I do hope if you have firearms in your house, you have them in a gun safe that only you have the combination to. If the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter had properly locked up her weapons, that tragedy might not have happened

  27. Anonymous9:24 AM

    If you felt sadness yesterday then you have turned it to anger today. Do you really want anybody to lose their children? Would you prefer that they lose their children to gun violence?

  28. Have the Baptist Hierarchy (whoever is in charge) disowned, excommunicated and condemned the Westborough "church"? Have them been tossed out of the formal "Baptist" church organization and been declared a "heresy" or whatever it is they do? That needs to happen. The world need to be shown that the Westboros do NOT reflect Christianity and will not be tolerated within the official church. Those in Westboro need to be know they are not tolerated by the official church and if they believe in that stuff, will NOT go to heaven if they continue to participate in Westboro hatred.

    If I could, I'd get me a firetruck, and when Westboro set up, I'd spray the entire group with the firehoses. In this weather, being wet isn't a good thing. And let's face it. They are all wet. Making it a reality is just natural.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Baptist Hierarchy ...


    2. They are not included in the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest affiliate group of Baptist churches in the U.S.

      They are generally "shunned" within the more mainstream "proper christian" denominations, but there is scripture that "prevents" many from criticizing other "christians" and church "leaders".

      At least that's the reason I've been told by a few of the moderate church leaders that I know well. Because I've asked about why they don't announce vocally and loudly that they are not associated with the Koran-burner-types and grifter magical Snake Oil salesmen like Benny Hinn, etc., and I was advised that it's a more ticklish issue than it appears within the clergy of different "sects".

      That was my attempt to reason with a few that definitely did not fit into the "knuckle-dragging" stereotype. My only comeback was that it was foolish and cowardly to stand by and let your own mission be slandered by association without speaking up. For what it was worth.

  29. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I understand your outrage, but am sorry to hear that your mind is even capable of that thought.

  30. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Westboro Baptist Church and their antics are why I am an atheist.

  31. Anonymous10:05 AM

    A northern Indiana man who allegedly threatened to "kill as many people as he could" at an elementary school near his home was arrested by officers who later found 47 guns and ammunition hidden throughout his home.

    Von. I. Meyer, 60, of Cedar Lake, was arrested Saturday after prosecutors filed formal charges of felony intimidation, domestic battery and resisting law enforcement against him. He was being held Sunday without bond at the Lake County Jail, pending an initial hearing on the charges, police said in a statement.

    Cedar Lake Police officers were called to Meyer's home early Friday after he allegedly threatened to set his wife on fire once she fell asleep, the statement said.

    Meyer also threatened to enter nearby Jane Ball Elementary School "and kill as many people as he could before police could stop him," the statement said. Meyer's home is less than 1,000 feet from the school and linked to it by trails and paths through a wooded area, police said.

    Police said in the statement that they notified school officials and boosted security at all area schools Friday – the same day 26 people, including 20 students, were shot and killed at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.

    On Saturday, officers served warrants at Meyer's home and arrested him. The statement said police had learned that Meyer kept many weapons in his older, two-story home and "is a known member of the Invaders Motorcycle Gang."

    Officers searched the home, finding 47 guns and ammunition worth more than $100,000 hidden throughout the home.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Our friends in Europe can simply not understand the fascination that Americans have with guns. I'm sure they also would not understand our inability to take even minimal care of the mentally ill persons in our communities. This Mr. Meyer will probably be soon again out on the street with his collection of weapons ready to spew forth threats and accusations against any and all. This is America, after all.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM


      We fill up jails and prisons with lots of minor criminals and there is just no room for violent and the real bad guys.

  32. Anonymous10:05 AM

    We're still very behind the times in being honest with ourselves and our communities that many of these (often very intelligent) yet disturbed kids do NOT belong at home being cared for full-time by overworked single moms or even two parents. They need to be in a facility that can best provide for their needs but ALSO keep those around them safe. This of course is horribly expensive and difficult since mental health care was reduced drastically under Reagan and has never gotten any better. Remember when he closed down so many mental health facilities and people with severe problems were left to run the streets, many of them becoming homeless or descending into crime due to lack of basic care for their disabilities? Sad stuff.

    Also, on a quality of life level for the locals, the prevalence of very mentally unbalanced people running around these towns quickly degraded your sense of peace and well-being when you walked in these towns, making many shoppers retreat to malls and so on instead of running the gauntlet of wandering "crazies" as they attempted to shop at local family-run stores. I saw this in Princeton when I lived in town and also in Ocean Grove, NJ. To simply walk around outside meant that deranged people would constantly come up to you, off their rockers, most of them nonviolent but some of them in very bad places, indeed. They desperately needed to be somewhere where they could receive mental health help but those facilities had shut down and only "premium" facilities costing $5000 a month per patient were available -- out of reach for these poor folks.

    I know five people in my extended social circle right now who have children, most of them boys, who are dangerous and on the autism spectrum. Violent emotional outbursts, sometimes physical outbursts, sometimes with whatever weapon they can get their hands on (bow and arrow being the most creative one.) NONE of them can handle these children. As the kids reach 20 they become a huge problem. They can't work, their parents find it hard to maintain their own jobs when their kids are so borderline and dangerous, marriages almost always break up under the stress, and there is little to no help for these families.

    That said, you have to be an absolute fucking loony to be like poor Nancy Lanza apparently was, keeping lots of powerful weapons in her home knowing she was also caring fulltime for a deeply disturbed 20 year old man. Not very smart. A tragedy waiting to happen.

    Jennifer aka Media Insider

  33. Anonymous10:06 AM

    When 911 happened America started two wars. One in Afghanistan to destroy a country that was supposedly harbouring terrorists that were involved. the other in Iraq against a people who had nothing whatsoever to do with the crime. And then perhaps a hundred thousand Iraqi people were slaughtered.
    America didn't look inward at itself and consider that the 911 attack was a revenge attack and then react accordingly. That was first on the order of importance, even more important than killing Osama.

    This is the American mindset of violence and the American people are now turning it upon themselves. Yesterday is just one more example. Connect the dots, don't deny any longer. The clear connection is there.
    Americans own guns because they want to use those guns. In the very large majority of cases they want to kill something with their guns. Far too many Americans even purchase and own the exact weapon that is right for the killing job they wish to carry out.
    There is no satisfaction and complete fulfillment in owning such a weapon and keeping it loaded and ready to use in a case where the owner needs to defend himself. The fulfillment will only come when he gets the chance to use his weapon for it's intended purpose. This is the American mindset.

    When will any of you have the courage to accept the facts and stop blaming it on the guns?

    1. Anita Winecooler12:51 PM

      Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda Yadda...

    2. "When will any of you have the courage to accept the facts and stop blaming it on the guns?"
      Probably about the same time you get off your pompous self-righteous ass and stop making repeated blanket condemnations of everyone in the country. Doing so makes you look like the ignorant blowhard you undoubtedly are.

  34. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Where or what is the source of Michael's need to be violent? Don't answer here. Sorry that I can't offer more help than that.

  35. But the Westboro members believe that nonsense. So it is only right to use it against them. If they believe one part they have to believe all of it. It is not Christian to graze the bible looking only for parts you agree with and ignoring the parts you don't like. (Which is exactly what Westboro and so many other fundamentalist hate groups do.)

  36. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I don't want anyone to lose their children but if kids have to be killed let it be their kids. They seem to have no feelings for the families whose children have died. Let them learn how it feels. Anyone who thinks that arming more people to stop this has no humanity left in their souls.

    Fucking right I have turned it to anger and everyone else should be just as angry. NOTHING will change if we don't get angry, really really angry.

  37. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Is it about parents loosing THEIR children?

    I feel for any child whose life is lost. Screw the A-hole parents.

    Weird thought process to think/wish child being killed just because they were born into a bad family situation.

  38. Anonymous11:02 AM

    There was another shooting last night at a California mall! I think the country is going to go into a state of panic.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      The population growth causes strains on individuals and institutions. More people to have a shoot out.

      The country has been neglecting mental health for decades. Thank you Ronald Reagan. Bush regime really pushed us into fear and homeland security and protection modes.

      Remember we are to go shopping at the malls where a lot of frustrated mental cases take out their anger.

  39. Anonymous11:12 AM

    In case this link hasn't made it to your comments, yet... a video which puts this bizarre Westboro "Church" family clan on notice...

    "Anonymous - Message to the Westboro Baptist Church"(video)

    "Hacker collective Anonymous were swift to respond, releasing private information of Westboro members including email addresses, phone numbers and home addresses. This video, decrying the church for spreading “seeds of hatred.” The video warns, “We will destroy you. We are coming.” "

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      This link is an easier way to access warning vid. Listen all the way to the end... Chilling.
      The prelude of talk is almost over one feels.
      Certain elements of America need to be purged to get the poisons out.

      Media focus on this sick & hateful group is important. And what Anon does next (to them) may be the beginning of another civil war. So divided a country is writhing. It is painful to watch, the the world IS is important to speak up, protest, stand with other progressive people to show America has not given up doing the right thing.

    2. Anita Winecooler12:42 PM


    3. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

      I'd think the Westboro Tax Shelter Loonie Bin would be familiar with that one.

  40. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Children are collateral damage. Even the ones on the "good" side.

  41. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Please don't refer to the WBC as "animals". Animals do not do things like this. Perhaps "monsters" would be a better choice to describe these sick, inhuman creatures.

    1. More like parasites, since as a so-called "church" they don't pay taxes.

  42. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Once again, I don't wish for anyone's child to be killed. You people need to learn to read ALL the words and then put the sentence and thought together.

  43. President Obama will be in town. His "entourage" might slow down the Roepers. You know, the folks in the black SUVs.

  44. Deuteronomy 32:35 (King James Version)
    To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.


    Romans 12:19 (King James Version)
    Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

  45. Anonymous12:02 PM

    As hateful and despicable as the Phelps family may be, I wish no physical harm come to them, especially to their children.

    However, they have perverted the law to accomplish their heinous goals, so using the law to permanently silence their evil voices is the best way to deal with them.

  46. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Anonymous hit Westboro Baptist Church over Sandy Hook picket plans

    1. And I am happily reposting that private information from all THREE of my blogs.

  47. Anita Winecooler12:40 PM

    They're possessed by demons, I'm convinced. Why insert your hate when people are hurting?
    Nothing more than media whores and opportunistic parasites.

    So glad The President is on the way and has Secret Service with him.

  48. Anonymous3:14 PM

    OP @ Anonymous8:51 AM
    "I try really hard to not wish harm on anyone but I wish these assholes(gun nuts and fake christians) would be the ones who lose their children in these incidents."


  49. Emily Parkers Facebook account was set up five hours after the shootings. With bank account already set up to receive charitable donations. Before her parents even knew she was DEAD! No media will report this. This is not a negative comment about the deaths of innocent people, but a question of how this could be possible. Questions about this will be removed from the page by the 24/7 monitor, will be removed from twitter, ect. Where is the freedom of speech. Where is the Media.

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Go away and take your conspiracy link with you, you're one of those crazy illuminai kooks.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.