Monday, December 31, 2012

Really goes without saying.

You know what is even more humorous about this is the idea that Palin would even care about how anybody else was feeling.

You know unless their illness opened up and opportunity for her that is.

Update: I just heard on MSNBC that the blood clot is located between the skull and the brain in vein behind the right ear, the doctors are treating her with anti-coagulants, and they expect her to make a full recovery with NO neurological damage expected.

So you know what that means.

Hillary 2016!


  1. Caroll Thompson1:12 PM

    Hillary in 2016. It will be great. And what's even better is that Hillary will have the coat tails to put the Democrats back in the majority in the House.

    1. Keeping our finners crossed!

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    yessssss 2016 Hillary

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I warn you not to read any rightwing sites, or especially the comments at the pee pond. They are as heartless as the devil (wait, aren't they Christians?) about the news with Ms Clinton. It's unbelievable what this country has come to.

    I can't wait for all those old asses to meet their maker. We'll all be better off then.

    I hate that I feel this way.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Meh, they wish Hillary ill will and most of us hope that Sarah Palin either fell into thin ice on the lake or succumbed to organ failure due to her extreme dieting.

  4. Hillary is going to be OK! Great New Year's gift. And another Palin marriage fails. This time it's Todd's brother and his wife.

    How's that family values thingy workin' out for you, Sarah? It happens in every family, but most don't around pointing fingers at others while their own family falls apart.

  5. WakeUpAmerica2:47 PM

    Those graphics are hilarious!

  6. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The next time I want to see Sarah Palin's name in print is when she has suffered a "fatal ANY DAMN THING". I despise that bitch.

  7. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Sorry, but she'll be almost 70 with this health problem in her past plus whatever else may crop up in the next 4 years; there is no way she is going to run for president in 2016.

    1. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Dick Cheney had five heart attacks and he was VP for 8 years.

    2. People of any age can fall and hit their heads, that is why they make helmets. All humans catch viruses and can get dehydrated. Those who travel to other countries are at higher risk due to exposure to microbes their immune system has no immunity to. Most people know if they go to Mexico they may get sick, but don’t know that when people from Mexico come here they get sick as well. Then add a high stress job and frequent loss of sleep. We actually have a history of presidents falling, vomiting and more. Gerald Ford fell down the steps of Air Force One, GHWB vomited at a banquet in Japan and then passed out, Jimmy Carter collapsed while running from heat exhaustion, and GWB passed out due to choking on a pretzel. So Hillary is just practicing for the presidency.

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I think Hillary '16 is a pipe dream. This woman deserves to spend her golden years doing something other than being involved in politics. I wish her the best and hope that she declines a 2016 run really very quickly so that someone else can start the campaigning process, because ya know, even though Obama's inauguration hasn't even happened yet for the 2012 election, it's never to early to burden the public with a campaign :-)

    Hillary Relaxation Rules!

  9. Wendy3:36 PM

    I have a friend in her forties who's had a blood clot at the base of her brain for over a year. It's not getting smaller, it's not moving, it's occluding the blood vessel but not completely. She is fine, has not had a stroke, but gets lots of care and treatment in efforts to make it -- just go away. Taking a long time ....

  10. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Elizabeth Warren 2016.

  11. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I wish for Hillary a complete and speedy recovery! No matter what she does in her remaining years, she will continue to make a big and positive difference in America and the rest of the world.

    1. CorningNY9:24 PM

      Yes! She is an amazing woman...all the best to her..

  12. Anonymous8:02 PM

    hillary has been a blessing to our democracy. if she needs to rest and do something completely different - i am cool with that. if she wants to run in 2016 - i am very cool with that as well.

    for now, let's just let her get some R&R and be with family.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      As someone said above, x2

  13. emrysa9:50 PM

    I hope hillary gets better and enjoys good health for many more years.

    that said, let's not pin our hopes for 4 years from now on someone who has a history of blood clots. seriously, I know people may think this sounds cold, but really it's kind of stupid to be looking forward to possibly having a president who will be 69 years old with a blood clot history. let's find some young folks who will be with us for a while. attack me if you will, but let's be realistic here.


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