Saturday, December 08, 2012

Somebody created an amazing video to go along with my favorite Neil deGrasse Tyson quote. Thought I would share.

I swear hearing this never fails to make me feel incredibly thankful for my time in this reality.

I can hardly wait to see what the universe has in store for me tomorrow.


  1. You cannot peer out at the night sky and not feel awe.

  2. Anonymous7:11 PM

    You know, last night I watched one of my favorite movies again..."Contact" with Jodie Foster..which was based on a book by a brilliant scientist who died way before his time, Carl Sagan..I teared up, as I always do, at the very end when the credits start and there it is: "For Carl"
    This was a man who knew, absolutely knew, that we humans on Earth are not the center of the universe, that there is "something" bigger and greater than we are "out" there. I'm not talking about a "god" but just more life forms..out there. There has to be. We cannot be the only life forms in the universe.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      "Ok to go". Ok to go!

  3. Sharon7:14 PM

    Thank you again Gryp for leaving us with an awe inspiring thought of the day....Neil is one of my heroes too. He represents the best of our nations, no the world's greats minds based on fact, scientific facts. Obama pushing for more focus on engineers, math and science careers is backed up by Neil and Bobak the mohawk NASA guy making these careers much cooler.

    On another note....I just watched the documentary made by Sam Branson (son of Richard Virgin Airline) about the failure on the war on drugs. It is way worth the time and maybe you can post the link's called "Breaking the Taboo" and its free via youtube on the daily beast. It describes what different countries are doing along with the utter failures....Morgan Freeman narrates. I think it says alot that this millionaire kid worked so hard on such an under reported issue and is offering it for free.

  4. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I have had discussions with people that say that..well.."no one knows what happened before the big bang" and so they 'chalk it up to God" and yet those people believe in the Bible's version of life on Earth..Why?
    I readily admit that no one living on Earth today knows how or why the universe formed...but why do we have to accept a 'version' of what happened 2,200 years ago by ancient people that had absolutely no scientific knowledge or clue about the world or the universe?? Why is what was 'written' by ancient people with no knowledge accepted as fact?? I just don't get it. Never have, never will.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Oh, come one, it's Faith, you must just accept all of that scientifically unquantified stuff on Faith. Also, while you are being Faithful, please give dollars until it hurts, to those organizations that propagate these stories that anesthetize the masses. Thanks ;-)

    2. Another issue: Why is it that some people have a problem with "the universe just happened", but have no problem with saying "god just happened"? Why do they have a problem with the first, but not the second? Why is it that the universe needs a cause, yet god does not?

  5. emrysa7:32 PM

    pretty amazing, isn't it gryphen? makes the politics seem so inconsequential...

  6. Anita Winecooler9:56 PM

    Thank You!

    enlightening and humbling.

    The last line is a great way to live.

  7. For folks who have a bent for this type of thing I thought I would pass this along.

  8. WakeUpAmerica7:30 AM

    Truly amazing and beautifully done!


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