Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Only three weeks after Sandy Hook NRA launches shooting game I-Phone app directed at young children.

Courtesy of America Blog: 

 In a somewhat creepy, and certainly tone-deaf, move, the NRA recently launched an iPhone game app that kids can use to shoot coffin-like targets. And the game is rated for kids aged “4+” – meaning, 4 year olds and up. Four year olds? Seriously?

The game, called “NRA: Practice Range,” was released on January 9, a little more than three weeks since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 six- and seven- year-old children were murdered in a spray of gunfire from a legally-bought weapon. Three weeks later, and the NRA is back is back in the business of peddling guns to kids. But it’s actually worse than that…

One of the options in the “game” is indoor target practice that has kids shooting at things that look like coffins. 

Just as troubling is the fact that this isn’t just a kid’s game – it’s part of the NRA propaganda machine, helping to push political criticism of the White House and Democratic members of Congress to impressionable children. 

Well, so much for the NRA blaming video games for the violence instead of guns, don't you think?

Let's face it the NRA could care less about shooting deaths, or the safety of children in this country.

Their only concern is to sell more guns and attract new members. And apparently they have learned from the church's example that indoctrinating them early is a sure way to create a lifelong congregant.


  1. WakeUpAmerica4:28 AM

    wow. Just wow.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Look, surveyor's marks.

  2. Sally in MI4:48 AM

    I couldn't tell, but do those coffins come in two sizes? You know, so the kids can shoot at dead kids or adults? The NRA is despciable. All the shows are talking about this today, and with almost universal disdain and disbelief. My 3 year old grandson loves WII, and plays MarioCarts quite well. He also loves the WII boxing and some other things that, were he my son, he would not be playing. Luckily my son owns no guns, and is the most laid back person you'll ever meet, but
    I do not like seeing kids even act out violent behaviors.

  3. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Seems as if you are saying that playing the wii will lead children to see out guns. Your right, so lucky he doesn't own guns.

  4. ManxMamma5:29 AM

    It's almost (just almost) beyond belief that this organization would stoop so low.

  5. Maybe the NRA could do a cross promotion with one of Big Tobacco's trade associations, and they could arrange to send to the kids who register online a carton of smokes and a t-shirt with Joe Camel screened on it. That way the kids can become more coordinated and dexterious as they learn to shoot up stuff and kill people while playing with both hands with a cig dangling between their lips. Besides, some say that nicotine helps you concentrate better and calms your nerves, also, too.

    Kids are smart, and they begin learning and forming attitudes early. So we need to make sure they know how low and unimportant that good parental patriots consider book learning and teachers to be, so they'll be diisrespectful to teachers, too. This is just good American patriot common sense--- I mean, who has ever learned ANYTHING from a teacher?

    I'm do glad we have these fine organizations like NRA, Tobacco companies, and the video game and entertainment industry all working together to help us teach our kids how to be good Americans. That way, by the time they're getting started in home schooling, they'll be ready to help us with our prepping and storing supplies underground in the bunker for the coming race wars. And they can help us horde weapons and ammo to prevent Obama from coming to take our guns away.

    1. It's spelled dexterous not dexterious, dumb ass.

  6. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I'm now too sick to my stomach and had to take action. Please sign my Change.org petition here:


    Thank You

    Derek Smith

  7. Anonymous5:54 AM

    They are the PR arm of the gun manufacturers plain and simple. It is sickening to me and many others. Ask yourself how exceptional we are now America!

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Our country is so damned screwed up. The NRA is an organization I would never want to be a part and I am a gun owner.

    I'm sick and tired and tired and sick of the Republican party across the nation - especially in the United States Congress. They are creating nothing but havoc! All they are doing is obstructing the President of the United States and could care less what they will do the financial capabilities of the USA and its population.

    There is so much hate in our country and I'm getting near that and never thought I would.

    I watched a violence prevention panel done in CA on TV the other night and the people that spoke scared the hell out of me. They were full of hate and disrespect of others. Frightening bunch to say the least! I felt sorry for the panel that had to listen to them and was amazed they could keep their cool.

  9. Leland6:25 AM

    As a gun owner (who also supports gun control) I can only say I have felt the NRA is despicable for decades. I wouldn't join them on a bet

    I have one question, though, which no one has been able to explain to me.

    There are over 60 million legal gun owners in this country who are quite adamant about safety and proper storage and keeping a properly maintained firearm and so on and so on.

    The NRA admits to fewer than 5 million members. There are 312 million citizens in the US.

    Why, in the name of everything ANYONE considers holy, do they have such power? How can they wield so much control over our government when they have a membership of less than 1/60th of the population?

    Answers anyone? Please? Anyone?

  10. Anonymous6:35 AM

    NRA spits on the graves of Newtown massacre victims with release of mobile shoot-'em-up app for iPhone, iPad

    National Rifle Association launched free game that could allow children to play target practice and pay to unlock more powerful weapons, including an assault weapon like the one used by Adam Lanza to kill 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14.

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/nra-spits-graves-new-shoot-em-up-app-article-1.1240207#ixzz2I3i4ZMId

  11. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Scarborough Blasts NRA ‘Extremism’ That’s Offending Americans: ‘How Sick Are These People?’


  12. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Sandy Hook Students Sing 'Over The Rainbow' For Newtown Charities (VIDEO)

    Recently, some pretty young musicians spent a day in the studio with Tina Weymouth and Chris Frantz, the rock duo behind Talking Heads and Tom Tom Club. The kids, aged 6 to 9, were all classmates, teammates, friends and neighbors of the 20 children and 6 adults killed this past December at Sandy Hook Elementary, there to record the Judy Garland classic "Over The Rainbow" as a way to raise money for their hometown.

    In the video below, we're treated to a glimpse of the recording session, overseen by Weymouth, Frantz, Newtown-based vocal coach Sabrina Post, and CBGB co-owner Tim Hayes. The kids command the scene throughout, playing in the snow one minute, and nodding to Post's reminder to sing for the memory of those they lost the next. You may want to keep some tissues handy as you watch.


  13. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Victoria Soto Namesake School: Connecticut School To Be Named For Hero Sandy Hook Teacher

    Officials of a town near Newtown, Conn., are renaming a local school for a resident killed in the massacre there and hailed as a hero.

    HoneySpot Elementary School in Stratford will be named after 27-year-old Victoria Soto who died trying to shield her students from the gunman inside Sandy Hook Elementary School.


  14. Anonymous10:01 AM

    That video game, shooting at coffins shows the mentality of some of the gun nuts. Shooting a dead guy is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's senseless. The guy is already dead. Please, walk into a graveyard and unload your assault rifles into the graves. It makes just as much sense.

    They have also answered the question about why they need guns. Not for hunting (that's a moving target, a live animal either running or flying).Not for self defense, since they are not shooting at someone breaking into their house. No, they just want to kill people, especially dead people.

  15. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Pennsylvania Gun Show Bans Assault Weapons

    With the debate over gun control raging in Washington, the organizers of a major gun show in Harrisburg, Penn., have banned assault weapons at their February event, Lancaster Online reports.

    The organizer of the annual Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show in Harrisburg apparently is banning so-called assault weapons from this year's show.

    Reed Exhibitions has informed some exhibitors -- including Kinsey's Outdoors in Mount Joy and The Sportsman's Shop in New Holland, representatives of both stores said -- that AR-style rifles and high-capacity ammunition magazines capable of holding 30 rounds or more may not be sold or displayed at the show, scheduled for Feb. 2-10 at the State Farm Show Complex on Cameron Street.

    The firearms industry is trying to reverse the ban:


  16. Anonymous12:27 PM

    An Allegory;

    “We’re in too much debt dear, so we’re going to have to cut back,” Trep Blanchard told his wife after returning from an after work dinner out with some of his friends.

    “We’ve been cutting back for the last few years, honey,” replied his wife, Dema, “Can’t you bring in some more money for us by charging your rich friends rent when they use the summer house we inherited from my Dad last year. They’ve stayed there for six weeks practically free-of-charge. They’re rich; they can afford to pay a little rent.”

    Her husband was aghast. “What? Charge my friends rent to stay there? You lazy scum! You selfish skank!”

    “Why are you talking to me that way?” his wife replied. “We’re barely in the middle class, and they’re millionaires. We can’t afford to let them live it up at our expense. They don’t have to pay a lot, just enough to get us over the hump here. Dad charged even close friends, who are a long way from wealthy, $100 a night. If we get even fifty from your rich friends, it will help a lot.”

    “You weak-minded socialists hate the rich because you’re too lazy to become one,” hubby shouted, his face red with rage. “There are lots of ways we could cut spending without hurting my rich friends. We could cut out the money we send your Mom; she’s a welfare leech anyway with her government social security check coming in every month. “
    “We are not going to cut my mother out to help your millionaire friends,” his long-suffering wife said. She’d been through this before.

    “If we quit sending money to your mother, and stop buying books and school supplies for the kids, we’ll save enough to get our debt ratio down and keep the rich friends in the cabin!” he shouted even louder.

    “I won’t stand by and watch you hurt my family just to keep your rich friends getting richer,” his wife said.

    “We’ll save even more money by putting off the brake job and new tires on the car,” the husband roared.

    “You’re putting your family in danger for the benefit of those rich guys? You’re despicable,” the wife lamented.

    “Don’t you dare call me names!” Trep shouted, spittle flying. “I can’t stand being in the same country as you and your commie ilk! I’m going out for a few hours to a gun show with my friends. They tell me there’s an assault rifle there that I want, and it’s only $1,500! It’s an excellent deal, even though my pal Ruttinger Bertram, who owns the biggest charcoal factory in the state, bought one for $ 500 last summer!”

    “How can you tell us to cut back on food and education, then go out and buy some useless g un at an inflated price? You’re insane,” Dema said.

    “It won’t be useless if you’re still saying lazy socilalist type-things when I get home,” Trep said, checking his wallet to make sure he had his credit card, so he could charge the gun and the necessary accessories to go with it. He hoped his credit limit was high enough, at least until he got home and cut up all the charge card so his wife couldn’t buy any more overpriced food, clothing or books, or help out her retired mother, too.

    1. Did you write this yourself?

    2. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

      Go Nefer!

      Race you to the copyright office! lol

      It's listed fourth down in the comments on this link, again no mention of where they copied it.


  17. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    Well, New York just passed a new gun law, so the NRA goes on the defensive with a new ad that exploits President Obama's kids to make a point! The ad is on their site, I won't link to it here, but CNN has a piece on it.


    These gun freaks are crossing one line too many, and public opinion is most definitely on the side of Gun Control Laws

    This just in - LOD reports they've taken the ad off their website, but it's too late, that horse left the barn!

    Stay tuned! Tomorrow, President Obama will give them the answer they fear most. "Proceed, Mr President!"



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