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Sen. Fred Dyson |
The Alaska Senate has passed a resolution urging the federal government to protect the Second Amendment.
SJR6, by Sen. Fred Dyson, urges Congress to maintain its authority to protect the Second Amendment, which the resolution refers to as "our most fundamental right."
Protecting the Second Amendment has been a topic of discussion this legislative session.
House Speaker Mike Chenault's bill - which would make it a felony to enforce new federal laws restricting gun ownership in Alaska - passed the House Judiciary Committee this week.
SJR6 now moves to the House.
The 2nd Amendment is "our MOST fundamental right?"
Not freedom of religion?
Not freedom of the press?
Not the right to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure?
Not the right to a speedy trial?
Not even the right to vote for our elected officials, is more "fundamental" than the 2nd Amendment?
The right to own a gun takes precedent over all of that?
What kind of twisted logic is that?
Somehow I seriously doubt that the Founding Fathers would agree with that sentiment. They put an awful lot of work into setting up a government that would stand the test of time, I doubt very seriously if they would be happy to see which freedoms these idiots deemed the "most fundamental."
By the way the resolution passed almost unanimously with only one senator voting against it. That would be Senator Hollis French who believes that owning a gun is fine but that background checks help to keep us safe.
Yeah how un-American is THAT?
As hard as it is to believe, this law will certainly pass and pass in similar forms in other states. Then the Feds will enact some new law, it will end up in court and get shot down. In the mean time the taxpayer will spend tax dollars shooting down this stupid shit while more important tasks get shoved aside. It's classic misdirection from the right. Their goal is to destroy this government one way or the other and replace it with a military junta run by Koch and other super rich. There's a revolution coming, or at least a civil war. Getting the black man out of office will slow things but only for a moment if/when Hillary runs and gets elected.
ReplyDeleteWes Keller and his buddies are just having the BEST TIME EVER when they go to work at the State Legislature. Who cares about working for the citizens and thinking about jobs, infrastructure, pension plans! No, lets spend all the Legislative time on bills that restrict rights (except for guns), take away citizen empowerment, and give away our treasure to multi-national corporations! Yeah Team!
ReplyDeleteWonder how well that is going to work out for them (and us) in the long run?
It is interesting that American conservatives have worked so hard and so long to distort the Constitution, doing their best to undermine its meaning and its potential. This country used to be a beacon to all the world; soon we will be the laughingstock and then worse, we will become a fascist state where the Constitution means nothing at all. I am so tired of conservatives braying about their rights, not about "our" rights. They are perfectly willing to trample rights and lives in order to get what they want: a corporatist fascist state. Then people like the cowardly Koch Brothers and their ilk will be happy. But the beacon that was the United States of America will be gone and our grandchildren will be the ones who suffer the most.
Think they have found that republican' brain do not work the same as ours.
ReplyDeleteHhhmmm. The SECOND Amendment is THE most important? I wonder why he thinks the FIRST Amendment isn't.
ReplyDeleteYou know, the one which gives him the RIGHT to say stupid shit like this?
Fumb Ducks must not understand that "support and defend the Constitution" includes all of the amendments.
ReplyDeleteLet's see....Dec 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Hawaii was not a state at that time, but was a territory and we had a military base there. Hundreds were killed that Sunday morning. They awakened a sleeping giant! We entered WW2.
ReplyDeleteOn a sunny, normal Fall day, September 9, 2001, 4 planes flew into the World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon and one into the ground in PA. About 3000 were killed. They again awakened a sleeping giant. Not one person, armed with a gun - of any caliper - could stop either of these incidents. But it was immediately determined it was Islamic terrorists that attacked us. Since that day we have lived under the threat they have infiltrated our borders..sneaking across our borders to the north and south. We have been in two wars ever since. We can't fly on any plane without pat-downs, xrays, and taking off our shoes. Our fears went up or down depending what color defined our day of alert! We were told the Islamist terrorists are our enemies. We've lost another 4000 men and women on their soil plus we killed thousands of them.
Someone decided we needed to keep GWB in office for 8 years to protect us. We had the best military and military industrial complex to protect us! Then we had another election.....oh, no, a black man was in the Oval Office. Racial paranoia set in. He's not an American. He's not a Christian. He was called every "ism" in the book. HE'S GOING TO TAKE AWAY OUR GUNS! Remember all those terrorists that sneaked across our border with those illegal aliens? Yup....they are going to take over. But the 2nd Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms so we can protect ourselves! This guy is going to take away our guns. Time for real Mericuns to arm and head to the mattresses! Mentally challenged have amassed an arsenal of weapons and tried out their agility to wipe out masses of people in schools, shopping malls and theaters to prepare us for the invasions that are coming. Don't retreat people! Reload! It's our patriotic duty to be prepared. Our armies won't protect us, we need well assembled militias to save us. If we all had a 100 round AK47 we would have a better chance of fighting off the terrorists! Right? If we vote in gun-lovers to make our laws we can be safe when everyone has their own arsenal! We don't need no stinkin' Libruls to take away our prayers and guns!
The stupid just doesn't stop. Be afraid...very afraid people!
The Alaska Legislature compares to the U S Congress. The Republicans control and are nothing more than assholes and jerks. They need to be replaced next election cycle and I sincerely hope Alaskans are paying attention!
ReplyDeleteAlaska government is corrupt and has been for a long, long time! Fuck them!
About the only right that you list that wasn't taken away by the Patriot Act under the GWB Reicht is the right to own guns. Where were all the Constitutional Patriots then???
ReplyDeleteI was right there complaining about Bush. The whole country allowed themselves to be railroaded because they were in an emotional turmoil. Much like the anti-gun campaign using school shootings to drum up support.
DeletePeoppe need to think with their brains, not their emotions.
ALEC is coordinating this bullshit legislation wherever there's a Republican majority in state legislatures everywhere. Abortion, gun regulation, anti-Sharia laws, women's health. voter ID, pro-fracking, pro-drilling on protected lands, states rights for nullification, pro-voucher, anti-union, anti-science, anti-education, climate hange denial, pro-Israel without restrictions, anti-ACA, etc--- all the pet issues of the RW and the plutocrats--- are issues that are being exploited by ALEC everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThis is the dirty truth that Chris Matthews was hinting at---the far-right is trying to push us toward anarchy and chaos. The best time to make a power grab is when there is fear of "the other", whether it is domestic or foreign matters. I'll admit Chris is irritating and loses his shit on occasion, but he's been around long enough that he knows what's happening. He'll be the canary in the coal mine if folks will just look past his loony side and listen to what he's trying to say.
I pray that it couldn't happen the same way today, but this is basically the turn of events that laid the groundwork for a B-actor with great communication skllls to play John Wayne saving the day after the Shah fell in Iran and the students there took hostages in our embassy in Tehran. Weak economy and exploitation by Mossad and Israeli/US Zionists which love to intervene in regime changes, then grab power and cash in.
And of course we learned later that Reagan made a deal (actually the powers that be, via the RNC---> Israel) with the Ayatollah to give them weapons to fight against Iraq, which we were supported by helping Saddam fight back against Iran covertly. The only winner when middle-eastern countries are fighting one another and the US is wrapped up in it is Israel (the Zionist state, not the Jewish people. The Jews are victims just as the Palestinians are, and the American people are, for that matter.
And ALEC is just another name and another brand for the Koch Brothers.
Yes, Beaglemom. The Kochs are the funding arm along with a handful of other billionaires that use dark money to buy influence, including Freiss, Adelson, Kaiser, Simmons, Kinder, Hilderbrand, RL Hunt, D Washington, et al.
DeleteBut many have dual citizenship and their names don't pop up because they shield their donations through trusts, shell companies and super-PACs which launder their money and then spread it around via Crossroads PACs, Freedomeorks. Club for Growth, AFP, et al.
What a bunch of frightened little people these second amendment nuts are.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think they were scared of everything. (Which of course---they are).
Just try and buy ammunition. The paranoid Fuckturds are so afraid that now they have stockpiled everything and anything you could put in a gun. WTF is wrong with people. Going to hell in a handbasket looks like a walk in the park these days.
DeleteA peeponder at the rightscoop was asking if anyone was going to the Resistance Rallies being held around the country on 2/23. Not only are they prepping for war,they seem very open about it. One poster said that he was over the sadness of the election and was now empty but for the killing hatred he feels.
ReplyDelete2ndenforcers.org Resistance Rallies 2/23
My god these people scare me.
So this means that Wielechowski, Berta Gardner, Lyman Hoffman, and Johnny Ellis believe that the 2nd Amendment is our "most fundamental right"?
ReplyDeleteHey you Democrats ... you are totally wrong about this!
The right to continue living (for the children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School and all of us) is much more fundamental than the right to bear arms. My right to continuing living is much more fundamental than some jerk running around with an assault weapon, an itchy trigger finger, and killing people on his mind.
The problem is, these jackwads have too little to do. Actually they have a lot to do, but some of it takes hard work -- like study and critical thinking -- something few of them are willing to give. Wake up Alaska voters.
ReplyDeleteI haz a confused. He wants the feds to protect the 2nd Amendment that allows citizens to fight against Feds?
ReplyDeleteWhy the pope resigned various allegations. Part next. He got two red binders full of Vatican boo foo buddies and gay seks blackmail scandal?
"The paper said the pope had taken the decision on 17 December that he was going to resign – the day he received a dossier compiled by three cardinals delegated to look into the so-called "Vatileaks" affair.
Last May Pope Benedict's butler, Paolo Gabriele, was arrested and charged with having stolen and leaked papal correspondence that depicted the Vatican as a seething hotbed of intrigue and infighting.
According to La Repubblica, the dossier comprising "two volumes of almost 300 pages – bound in red" had been consigned to a safe in the papal apartments and would be delivered to the pope's successor upon his election."
The Guardian (a real newspaper- 3rd largest circulation in Britain)
also broke the Murdochgate hacking and spying story.
Think for a minute Gryphen. The 2nd Amendment, if properly used, protects all the other Amendments and the Constitution. Yes, all the Amendments support each other and weakening any weakens all. But if the Government disarms the public, and no longer fears it, what is going to stop the Government from running roughshod over the public and taking away the rest of the Constitution? The goodwill of the Government? It doesn't work that way. Do you really trust the Government to always do the right thing after living through the GW Bush administration?
ReplyDeleteI thought the Obama administration was going to set things right until I saw him compounding on Bush's illegal actions. Then I realized the two parties have merged to drain citizens of their rights.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where your access to a assault rifle protected your rights from the Bush administration.
DeleteAny idiot who believes that their handgun makes the federal government fear them, is about to have a very bad day when they do something illegal and think law enforcement is too timid to come after them for it.
Did you NOT see what that kind of thinking did for Schaeffer Cox?
And your answer shows the real reason we have so much violence in this country. We can't even have a debate any more without resorting to name calling and belittling anyone who has a different take than our own. As long as there is no respect, there will be violence.
ReplyDeleteAs for Shaeffer Cox, his view of the 2nd Amendment didn't get him in trouble. His willingness to conspire to commit murder did.
Now explain to me what protected your rights from the Bush administration and what is protecting your rights from the Obama administration? Nothing, because the government no longer fears the citizens. And that is the fault of the citizens because they don't have the will or the means to hold government responsible any more. If you think voting for one candidate over another changes that, they've got you right where they want you.
All the amendments are important, that's what makes the constitution such a brilliant document. I just wish people stopped having a fetish for one or part of one over the others.