Monday, February 11, 2013

Gabby Giffords stars in new gun control ad.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) stars in an ad released Monday by the gun control group she launched with her husband, Mark Kelly, who also appears in the ad. 

"We have a problem: where we shop, where we pray, where our children go to school," Giffords said in the Americans For Responsible Solutions ad. "But there are solutions we can agree on, even gun owners like us. Take it from me, Congress must act. Let's get this done."

I still think that Giffords, is the NRA biggest problem.

Every time you hear her speak in that halting voice, knowing that it was caused by a bullet fired into her head, it drives home the devastation that can be caused by allowing guns to fall into the hands of the wrong people, and the importance of limiting their ability to use them to gun down dozens of innocent Americans.

In short she is the perfect spokesperson to push forward responsible gun control policies that do not infringe on the basic rights of the 2nd Amendment but DO limit access to extended clips, assault weapons, and the type of ammo used to penetrate a police officers bullet resistant clothing.


  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    And in other news:

    Nugent invited to State of the Union after column about ‘ebonic mumbo-jumbo’

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Was he writing about Sarah Palin's 'Word Salad'? That's the only Mumbo Jumbo out there.

    2. AJ Billings4:15 PM

      I can't believe they will let Nugent into the Congressional Chamber after the savage lies and vicious asshole rhetoric and threats he's made about the President.

      If I were Mr Obama, I'd find a reason to bar him from coming.

    3. Anonymous4:33 AM

      I hope Obama slips in a comment that goes over Nugent's head but insults Ted royally!!!

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Just curious Gryphen, how many cops were killed by so called body armor piercing bullets last year?

    I'm with you on keeping guns from criminals and mentally unfit people including those on drugs and alcohol. But that's as far as I'll go.

    1. So the sane, angry assholes and belligerent jerks can purchase all the guns and ammo they want, while a mentally ill but completely non-violent person cannot (not all mental illnesses lead to violent behavior)?

      Great solution.

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      >> Just curious Gryphen, how many cops were killed by so called ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADES last year? <<

      See how this type of logic works?

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Nope, don't see it at all. The fact is, no cop has ever been killed by a so called "cop killer" bullet. It's just another red herring of a lie thrown out by gun banners to try to make their point.

      Just like when Sarah Palin and FOX Noise lie to make a point, you soon lose credibility when you use falsehoods to try to win an argument. The truth will set you free.

    4. Wrong spanky.

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Gryphen, can you read? I said no cop has ever been killed by So called "cop killer" or armor piercing bullets.

      And the best reply you can use to refute me is a story about some guy wounding three cops with non armor piercing bullets? Did you think that because the newspaper writer sensationalized the story by claiming the shooter tried to get to an "assault rifle" loaded with "more powerful armor piercing bullets", you'd win the argument?

      For starters, body armor doesn't protect against high velocity rifle rounds. It was never intended to.

      And secondly, none of the officers shot was shot through their body armor.

      "Ayala, 49 — who took bullets to his thigh and ankle even as he shielded his comrades and fired back

      In addition to wounding Ayala, the perp shot cop Michael Keenan in his left calf. Keenan remained hospitalized last night.

      Officer Matthew Granahan, 35, also was hit in the left calf, and Capt. Al Pizzano, 45, suffered a graze wound to the face. Both were treated and released Sunday."

      As for killing a cop with "cop killer ammo, this is a non story, sensationalized by three reporters who had no idea what they were talking about.

  3. She is an amazing woman. One of the reasons she has done as well as she has is she has first-rate health insurance. I do not begrudge her that at all. All Americans should have medical care that would get their lives as normal as possible as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, many of us, myself included, wouldn't have recovered so well because we don't have access to the care needed. Speech therapists, physical therapists, etc., visits are very limited on a lot of medical plans. I'm glad Gabby is putting her efforts into this campaign. If anyone can change the "conversation" about guns in this country it is Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly.

    1. AJ Billings4:22 PM

      Deni, you have that right. I bet that Gabby's triage, hospital stays, therapy, medication, and ongoing costs are way over a million already.

      If most of us got shot, even with health insurance, we'd have to sell our homes, live in our cars and we still couldn't begin to cover the huge deductibles, copays, and all the rest.

      Therapy, rehab, and medications for life?
      Not covered by most plans

      50 million of us (like me) are self employed or unemployed, and can't pay the $900 a month for health insurance

      No one can get good treatment for most stuff from the emergency room.

      I've often thought that if one were desperate enough, you could get hit by a car, or rob a bank. That way, at least someone's insurance would might cover us.

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Yes, Gabby has had the advantage of having access to the very best medical care available.....BUT she also has perhaps the best support system that anyone could have: a dedicated loving husband and family. This should never have to happen to anyone: crazy people should not have access to fire arms or large capacity clips and everyone should have access to universal medical care. Sorry,there is no way to legislate that we all have the same kind of support system that Gabby has. :-)

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    the 'good guys with guns' aren't always good shots..

  5. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I certainly hope that "we can get this done." Unfortunately, a generation ago as a result of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, the Brady initiative began - to get nowhere. I do think, however, that with the rise of the internet, there is a greater chance to "get this done" now. The need is all the more pressing today than a generation ago.

  6. Anonymous3:53 PM

    O/T yet a cheery little piece about another "good guy" with gun at Mediaite:

    Hardball Segment Dripping With Hatred For ‘Evil,’ ‘Snarling’ ‘Troll’ Dick Cheney

  7. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Now SHE is an American hero(ine)!

    I am in awe of her courage...and her marriage.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, Gryph.


  8. The GOP is going to learn it's lesson the hard way...
    Keep up the good work...and demonstrating that white man speak with forked tongue.

  9. You go Gabby. Enough is enough.

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    She is still very pretty. I'm glad that she's doing so well, and that she's found work. Both her and her husband seemed like people who were very dedicated to their careers. It's great that she's finally back into politics in some fashion.


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