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"Me a professor? Who in their right mind would try to learn anything from me?" |
This is how the humor site started off their article:
Former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has joined Harvard University as a visiting scholar.
According to an official press release, the conservative pundit and reality television star will teach four courses over three years at Harvard's prestigious Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass., beginning in fall 2013.
The transition to academia comes just weeks after Palin was unceremoniously released form her contract at Fox News, which had served as her primary source of income since 2009.
The former Alaskan governor will focus her classes on topics close to her heart, including the war on terror, welfare reform, U.S. evangelicals, and oil and gas development.
Sarah Palin teaching a class in U.S. Evangelicals or welfare reform? How could ANYBODY not know that was ridiculous?
Well as Mediaite reports there have already been a few that rose to he bait:
This story has already tricked TIME Magazine writer/editor Bobby Ghosh, who sent out the link via his Twitter account noting “No, this NOT from The Onion.”
It sure isn’t Mr. Ghosh – it’s Daily Currant! Ghosh has since deleted the tweet, but one of his 5,000+ followers immortalized it in a retweet:
You know the problem with Sarah Palin is that she is such a walking and talking parody of herself that it makes it almost impossible to tell where the incidental humor ends and the purposeful humor begins.
Sarah Palin teaching at Harvard. The day that happens pigs will be flying all over the skies of Wasilla.
People are making soooo much fun of her! Great, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI always LOL when I see that goofy photo.
DeleteThis should be the Palins... Family Facebook Photos Lead To Arrest
It shouldl be, but they't think Manatee was the sports guy who had the fake girlfriend.
DeleteOil and gas development!!! I'm from Alaska and we know that she doesn't know shit about the subject. McCain pushed that she did - w/o vetting and knowing a damned thing about her. She's a proven idiot, liar and faud!!!!
ReplyDeleteInstructor at Harvard? Cracked me up!!!! But, it would be fun to critique' her should she ever try to do it. Haha!
She could only DREAM to have even the slightest inkling of this subject matter. Hysterical article, do read it in full.
ReplyDeleteFrom the article:
According to the press release Palin's course topics seem quite advanced, with a heavy emphasis on the practical application of political philosophy.
The list of her courses includes
•John Locke and the State of Exception: Extrajudicial Executive Action In the Age of Terror
•The Evolutionary Psychology of The Welfare State
•Pascal, Chateaubriand and The Modern U.S. Evangelical Movement
•The Geopolitics of Arctic Hydrocarbon Resource Development
Despite the impressive curricula, some Harvard students are skeptical about their new professor's ability to deliver the intellectually challenging experience they've come to expect.
"Sarah Palin?," exclaims a shocked Dalia Richmond, a second-year masters student in public policy. "The same woman who said her foreign policy experience is seeing Russia from her house? What's she qualified to teach? How to tie a shoe?"
Um, she's not qualified to teach that; none of the shoes she's been photographed wearing have laces.
Delete$P's association with those courses?!?!?! OMFG!!!!!! (I doubt she even knows the definition of the majority of those words. I know, it's a joke. But, still.....Oi veh.)
DeleteWhat is Ol' $carah qualified to teach? There are many courses she's a master at:
Delete- stuffing a pillow up her shirt and pretending that she is pregnant.
- tying scarves around her neck to flaunt her faux pregnancy.
- achieving incredible "results" while on a water-break, during a wild ride from Texas to Wasilla.
- also let's not forget, there's the slapping on of the Belmont Girls to cover her cavernous chest.
She could teach a course at the local community college in Wasilla..(how to screw over and fleece my idiot followers while winking). How many people would sign up and what would she charge?? lol
DeleteI don't know what Sarah thinks about Chateaubriand, but it's a lavish cut of beef tenderloin and has nothing to do with Pascal or evangelicals. Very tasty, though.
DeleteHalf Baked Alaska probably thinks being a Rhodes Scholar is someone who likes to leave tire tracks on the backs of people they drive over.
ReplyDeleteMy God, what's next??? I see it coming...
ReplyDelete"Former half-term governor and failed vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who is widely held as responsible for John McCain's failed bid for the presidency in 2008, was nominated today for the Nobel Peace Prize..."
"Former half-term governor and failed vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who is widely held as responsible for John McCain's failed bid for the presidency in 2008, was nominated today for 'Mother of the Decade' ...Earlier recipients include Octomom, Joan Crawford, Susan Smith and Lucrecia Borgia..."
"Former half-term governor and failed vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who is widely held as responsible for John McCain's failed bid for the presidency in 2008, was nominated today to become the United Nation's Secretary General...."
"Former half-term governor and failed vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who is widely held as responsible for John McCain's failed bid for the presidency in 2008, met today with former South African president, Nelson Mandela, who hailed Mrs. Palin was a stalwart leader in bringing peace to the entire world"... Mr. Mandela also added that 'bitch looks good in those yellow wedgies and K-Mart bags..."
"Former half-term governor and failed vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who is widely held as responsible for John McCain's failed bid for the presidency in 2008, has unseated Ken Jennings as Jeopardy's smartest person in the world title...Mr. Jennings managed a smile and waved to the four people assembled at the Golden Gate Bridge right before he jumped off of it....which was right after Alex Trebec shot himself...."
You're right Gryphen, she's such a joke herself that she's easy to mock and those that don't know might think it's for real.
ReplyDeleteShe's a parody of herself and she has no clue why people make so much fun of her.
She's a mean, nasty, dirty, uneducated, knockmedownandfuckme, lowlife, skank of a punching bag and people really like to level her because she's such a vile and reprehensible human corpse being.
She's earned EVERY LAST MOCK at her full expense for all the toxic trails she's left behind in her wake.
Truly, the world would be a far better place without Baldy having ever been in it. Really. No kidding.
The only thing Baldy related that might show up at Harvard is Psych 201: an in depth psychological study into extreme narcissistic personality disorder associated with early childhood incest resulting in aberrant and ab(WHORE)rent behavioral patterns.
DeleteDAMN, that was ( as bristool would coin it ) AWESOME !
on another note, when he does his fly bye;
up chuck jr,
go fuk yerself...
According to John "Country First" McCain.... Sarah Palin is more than qualified to lecture and teach college in the field of energy since both Sarah and John claims that Sarah Palin is the world's energy expert.
ReplyDeleteThe only energy that Sarah Palin knows about came out of the "BIG STICK" that she got from Glen Rice.
DeleteI'm starting to feel sorry for Glenn. He boinked a wonkeyed charity case ONCE and nobody lets him forget it!
DeleteIt is SO NOT Glen's fault. A college kid is supposed to predict the nation will go of the rails, elect a dry drunk fake cowboy president twice, start a few wars, AND THEN this ditzy sports reporter with a a wonky eye will get the Vice Presidential nomination.
DeleteThey lock people up who predict things like this.
He probably wanted a quick hummer and no doubt regrets it since about September 2, 2008.
He has been dipping his dick in bleach and disinfectant ever since.
DeleteThat's right, me at Harvard. How do you like them apples, liberal elites?
lol, is she so fucking stupid she thinks people believe that? she's not qualified to teach a nursery school class. she's doing herself no favors by responding...
DeleteSarah Palin is too stupid to even be considered for a Volunteer job at Harvard University.
DeleteSarah Palin's resume of tanking, quitting, and failing couldn't even land her a job cleaning the toilets.
DeleteIts a fake insufferable bitch site
DeleteThe BIG problem with this is that her bots will think it's true.
DeleteAnd now not only will she be the world's smartest oil person, but a Harvard instructor to boot.
If you say it often enough, it comes true, right?
Sarah Palin has three adult kids and the closest they will ever get to college is if they do a night stand in their auntie's Alaska college dorm room like Sarah did.
ReplyDeleteSorry, should be:
Delete...is if they do a "ONE" night stand...
I think impersonating a night stand is probably Sarah's highest and best use.
DeleteThe only way any Palin would go to Harvard is if they go there to recruit prostitutes and johns for pimp daddy Todd.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin would be a visiting scholar at any college only if her contract specifically states:
ReplyDeleteNo questions will be asked by the students.
No recording devices.
It also would state:
DeleteThe class will be taught from the instructor's house in Wasilla and the instructor will be given a per diem.
The instructor's husband will be given an allowance to buy underwear.
Anon 3:17pm
DeleteDon't forget the most important thing: bendy straws
My favorite part is Pain's twitter response, likening the chance of her being a Harvard instructor to Elvis rising from the dead and drinking coffee in Wasilla. Frankly, I think the Elvis thing has a much greater chance of happening.
ReplyDeleteApparently so does Sarah, this is the second time she's mentioned him. Guess Breitbart couldn't pencil her in?
Deleteshe's not qualified to clean the toilets at Harvard...
ReplyDeleteJC--- surely she is trainable. Potty training wasn't all that difficult for any of our kids.
DeleteAnyone know if Sarah bothered to spend enough time with Trigg to train him? Or did she leave that to the babysitters too?
DeleteShe's not qualified to USE a toilet in Harvard...
DeleteWhat happened to Bristol Palin? When she bought her house in Arizona, she told everybody that she is going to enroll into Arizona State.
ReplyDeleteChristian Bristol wouldn't lie to us, would she?
I thought she went back to Wasilla, cause you know, that's where her heart was and that's where she wanted to raise Tri-tip..She had a house built on the dead lake across from her parent's house and she was going to have a trial marriage with Gina.... I mean Gino...
DeleteSo then she takes up with Joey Junker or somebody like that...
Who knows?
Does Arizona State University offer classes for the Mentally Challenged? If not, Bristol was talking out of her ASS.
DeleteDo they accept borderline retards at ASU?
DeleteTo Bristles "enrolling in Ariz. State" means buying a house in Arizona! Who mentioned college? Maybe they PAID her to go elsewhere. She "invested" in Arizona doncha know, and whatnot?
Deleteyou need a diploma to get into college - none of the Palins have one.
DeleteAdam Lanza Probe: First Story From Hartford/PBS
WHY THE HELL are they giving this murderer this kind of attention???
Sarah Palin..... Harvard?
ReplyDeletePresident Obama went to Harvard.
Sounds like Sarah is stalking President Obama.
Delete6'8" Glenn Rice tore that shit up. Poor two tone 4" Todd could never compete. That is why she longs for POTUS.
DeleteShe looks a bit like early Roseanne Barr in that pic although RB is much more attractive and smarter too!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a woman who defies intellect at every turn!
ReplyDeleteI concur with above comments. I saw this posted earlier on Facebook and KNEW it was a joke from the title alone, then the class titles? Yeah, RIGHT!
ReplyDeleteThat's the problem with media, social and otherwise, today. Rush to be first with the scoop without bothering to check details is the name of the game, and the dingbat is so THRILLED to be back in the limelight that she doesn't get she's STILL the butt of jokes and always will be!
Quitter Twitter Shitter!
If Palin was even mentioned as teaching at Harvard, and I had a child at Harvard, that child would be transferring!
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! And I'd want that hefty tuition back.
ReplyDeleteOur mother is going to be a professor at Harvard.
She is as Dumb as you are, Bristol.
DeleteMy mom is awesome and hot for having five kids at her age without a title. She'd make an awesome professor, or President or whatnot.
DeleteStop ,you Liar, she has 4 kids and Todd has 3
Deletegirls. 'CAINT GET RIGHT' is a Menard.
Sheeeeeyit, she's not even qualified to be a whatnot.
DeleteThis is all fun, we all like to laugh and tweak (no pun intended) this miserable charlatan. Knowing she reads here makes it all the merrier. That being said, when, when do we see her do her final public liturgical dance, the one where she is wearing bracelets and a jumpsuit, going to JAIL?
ReplyDeleteMy whole life, whenever I've heard the phrase 'liturgical dance', I've laughed. I didn't realize at first that such a thing really did exist, but now that I do know, it's all the more funny to me.
DeleteThat's shits not funny. We thought Sarah was going to leave Alaska for good.
DeleteSarah Palin might be qualified to be a visiting scholar at hair school. Harvard, not so much.
ReplyDeleteSarah couldn't be visiting scholar at hair school.
DeleteEverybody knows Sarah wears a wig.
Almost a scene from "Airplane":
ReplyDeleteStewardess: Would you like something to read?
Passenger: Do you have anything light?
Stewardess: How about this 3x5" index card, "The Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin"?
Delete"Excuse me, I speak Word Salad!" And please don't call me shirley!
Love that movie!
I started laughing the instant I saw "Sarah Palin teaching at Harvard..."
ReplyDeleteFive colleges in six years. . .even if she mastered in Common Sense (which she doesn't) - wouldn't happen.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about? They are hard workers with God on their side with perfect attendance and Honor Rolls even without showing up to school or doing homework. They are the PAC brain trust and responsible for Sarah's officious operations like the bus tour and will-she-won't-she public appearances.
ReplyDeleteTo name the Kennedy School of Government tells you right away that this is a joke. Mrs Palin wouldn't be invited to step foot in the place, not even for lunch.
ReplyDeleteYou know who studied at the Kennedy School of Government? Walt Monegan.
Sarah Palin is so corrupt that she replaced a solid gold Commissioner with a known sex predator. And the whole world knows it. And remembers it.
Thank you for reminding me of that, 5:18. It was a terrible then, indeed.
DeleteAnd, she named an Attorney General as a candidate - Wayne Anthony Ross (goes by WAR who resides in Eagle River, AK - north of Anchorage), that was turned down by the people and Alaska Legislature after much investigation and testimony. The hearing was amazing to watch (done in Juneau) and Sarah Palin didn't even show up to defend him. And, for the first time in Alaska's history a nominee to this position was turned down!
DeleteWhat college did Todd Palin graduate from?
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding..right. Have you heard him talk? there's your answer!
DeleteTawdry graduated from the College of Washcloth Folding.
DeleteThe University of "college stuff"
DeleteI bet Sarah couldn't name the state where Harvard is located even if she was spotted the first 3 letters.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin with her limited education and knowledge is unable to tell you what country Harvard is located in.
DeleteBut they's lots' of commies there! Wherever it is and what not. Also too!
DeleteYeah, and her daughter went to two high schools and gradeated even while pregnant, and having mono for six months, so there. And she has a super-great job in the dermatologist's office, which used to be in Anchorage but now has moved to Wasilla. You just don't know anything at all about this hard-working, God-fearing, church-going, charity-helping, gun-totin', family-loving, bunch of native Alaskans who value having babies so much they don't even need to get married. So there.
ReplyDeleteWhat the?
ReplyDeleteAccording to Wikipedia, Todd Palin doesn't have a college degree.
You telling me the citizens of Alaska allowed a high school student to run the city of Wasilla and the state of Alaska?
A pimp!
No wonder sex trafficking is not an arrestable offense in Alaska.
DeleteNo wonder Sarah and Todd's kids never served jail time for all their offenses against the state of Alaska.
DeleteWikipedia can and is altered by anyone at any time. SP accused Track of altering her description when she was caught the day after she was nominated.
DeleteSarah got her time slot at CPAC. 12:00 - 12:20 on the last day (when folks are going to lunch). After some guy I never heard of and before Phyllis Schlafly.
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with Todd Palin who only has a high school diploma and no college degree running the state of Alaska?
ReplyDeleteDidn't high school student Bristol Palin who never went to college, who wrote a best seller book, gave paid speeches achieve a high level job too?
Wasn't Bristol hired and qualified to run and manage a medical office with only a GED?
and she does it while working an average of two weeks per year. That girl is INCREDIBLE!!
DeleteI knew Sarah Palin labeled a visiting scholar was a joke.
ReplyDeleteSarah's eldest child Track is nicknamed Caint Get Right
Bristol was labeled borderline retarded in high school
Willow dropped out of high school in her sophomore year
Piper was barely learning addition in 2008
Tri-G looks to be the smartest Palin in the family
Willow has Asperger's syndrome, she has difficulty forming words. Who in the Palin Family doesn't have some sort of learning disability?
DeleteWillow has asburgers? Yup it sure looks like she's been eating a lot Big Macs lately.
DeleteFace Palm- Willow doesn't have asperger's, she's got "Ass Purgerger's" She's hooked on high colonics
DeleteWill somebody in Alaska please tell us this isn't true.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Wikipedia, Todd Palin with only a high school degree from Wasilla High School was heavily involved with the running of the state of Alaska:
In February 2010, the state of Alaska released to msnbc.com reporter Bill Dedman about 1,200 e-mails, which totalled 3,000 pages, that (Todd) Palin exchanged with state officials. Almost 250 additional ones were withheld by the state, under a claim that executive privilege extends to Palin as an unpaid adviser to the government.[19] Gregg Erickson, columnist for the Anchorage Daily News, said, in September 2008, that Palin "obviously plays an important role… I've seen him in the governor's office and I know that she's conducted interviews in the governor's office with him present."[20] The emails showed Palin discussing a wide range of activities: potential board appointees, constituent complaints, use of the state jet, oil and gas production, marine regulation, gas pipeline bids, wildfires, native Alaskan issues, the state effort to save theMatanuska Maid dairy, budget planning, potential budget vetoes, oil shale leasing, "strategy for responding to media allegations," staffing at the mansion, pier diem payments to the governor for travel, "strategy for responding to questions about pregnancy," potential cuts to the governor's staff, "confidentiality issues," Bureau of Land Management land transfers and trespass issues and requests to the U.S. transportation secretary.[21][22]
Incredible all that has been swept under the rug.
DeleteAnonymous8:25 PM that's why the internet is the Palin's family worst enemy.
DeleteTheir pasts doesn't go away.
It is true - has been proven so in Alaska! Sarah was missing half the time from work (Alaska Legislature members actually had a pin made up w/her photo that said "Where's Sarah?" that they wore daily on their suits!
DeleteTodd was doing her work as frightening as that was to learn. Both of them worked the 'system' to their benefit financially. Juneau people hated her and still do. She's not even welcome in Juneau anymore. Anchorage people feel the same way by a majority. She took 'per diem' and lived in Wasilla during the time she was quitter gov. A corrupt state government and the Palins (Republicans) continued in their vile methods!
How many Palin's matriculated a school of higher learning?
ReplyDeleteMy money's on Tripp, it's proven he genetically has half a brain.
Don't bet your money so fast. First Tri-PP has to enroll in kindergarten before he turns 18.
DeleteAs the "Quitter Twitter etc" commenter above, I apologize for that. Down cousin in my family tree and they worked HARD to make the days he had on earth worthwhile. Advocated before it was even "right" to do so.
DeleteIt's EVERYTHING about this bunch that angers me starting with that. I could see it in '08, who did they think they were fooling? Predators of the nth degree.
DeleteNow you've forced the Palins and Heaths to look that word up.
Your relative with DS obviously had loving parents who cared about their child enough to get him the best possible help and assistance. Those qualities do not exist in the Palin clan. Unlessthere is a payment involved, they keep their distance. Too bad they do not see that their grifting days are over.
DeleteI'm afraid to imagine what Todd would of done if the Palins were elected vice president and possibly president of the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteLegalize prostitution and blackmailing in all 50 states?
The idiot that is the paylump is becoming more and more of a joke every single day. Wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteUh, maybe Beck U.
ReplyDeletePalin may never get invited to Harvard but there is a good chance her nemisis Tripp will someday soon be invited to speak there on women's issues! Tripp has already spoke to a number of colleges and institutions in the past year and is gaining quite an academic following.
ReplyDeletelol, sarah palin will ALWAYS be the punch line. I bet she's stupid enough to believe the saying "any press is good press."
ReplyDeleteemrysa were your referring to Glen Rice, Brad Hanson,Curt Menard and Todd Palin punching Sarah's ticket when you said:
Deletesarah palin will ALWAYS be the punch line
I hope lazy ass Governor Sarah Palin didn't have Piper run the education dept, Bristol in charge of the health services, Willow working for the justice dept, Track with the education transportation dept and Todd with the women's services? I wouldn't be surprised with all her nepotism and cronyism within that state.
ReplyDeleteI would of wanted a job being governor Sarah Palin's executive secretary but I ain't fucking no Palin like Britta Hanson did.
DeleteAnon 10:36, Yeah pity that, the way you write you "would of" have fit right in!
DeleteShe/he who lives in glass houses, Anon 8:13...
ReplyDeleteDoes seeing another country from a distance constitute foreign policy experience? Is refudiate a word? Is North Korea one of America's allies? Most Harvard students (and for $55,000 a year we'd hope all of our professors) would have no problem answering no to all these questions. All except our newest member of faculty, according to one blog.Satirical blog The Daily Currant published an article yesterday claiming former governor of Alaska and famed "mama grizzly" Sarah Palin would be joining Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government as a visiting scholar in the fall, teaching classes on the war on terror, welfare, religion and oil and gas development.Despite the fact that their post was, well, a joke, Twitter saw some interesting, rather serious reactions to it. "How can Harvard use Palin and scholar in the same sentence?" one user asked, while tv another claimed, "those students will tear Sarah Palin up. Let's see how long she lasts in that classroom."With Palin's record on geography, literacy, and, well, politics, perhaps it's a good thing we won’t get the chance to find out.
Maybe historian Sarah Palin will teach them Ivy league college kids the true unknown history of Paul Revere's ride?
DeleteWell at least the version Sarah's pappy the school teacher taught her.
Facebook Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete"3 hours ago · Todd just called from Nome, Alaska – the halfway point in the world’s longest, toughest snowmachine race! Todd says he and his partner, Scott Davis, are feeling great and loving the very cold, very FAST conditions. Scott’s wife Regina took the photo below of our Team #11 coming off the frozen Norton Sound and into the Nome checkpoint. Todd and Scott hit the halfway checkpoint in 4th place.. "
How come Facebook Sarah is not out there taking pictures and rooting Pimp Daddy Todd on?
After all these years of leaving Tri-G at home, don't tell us she has to stay home and watch Tri-G!
How many are in the race, 5?
DeleteNoted in Alaska - Palins getting very little coverage anymore. Todd has NOT won this race in years and he is likely not to again this year.
DeleteThe idiot from Wasilla is 'milking' this for all it is worth as she no longer has anything of interest to say. Most Alaskans wish a giant ice berg would take her far out into the ocean to where we'd never hear from her again.
giant iceberg ?!?
Deletethis Alaskan would prefer a rotting iceberg about 5'X5' for the rotten $kank
According to Wikipedia:
ReplyDeletePersonal life
On August 29, 1988, Palin married his high school girlfriend, Sarah Heath.[33] The Palins have five children: Track Charles James (b. April 1989), ....
Todd Palin married Sarah Heath in Aug 1988 and Track was born April 1989?
That could only mean Sarah was giving up some ass to either Curt Menard Jr or to Todd in the summer of 1988, more specifically in July, a month before Todd married already pregnant Sarah Heath.
Damn! That's at least three generations of pregnancies before marriage for that bloodline.
Track was born 8 months after Sarah eloped and married that sleeze bag toad?
DeleteSarh ju got som splainin' to do!
Sally Heath started this whole mess of pregnancies before marriage.
DeleteSarah Heath ran off in the middle of the night so Track wouldn't be born a bastard child
Bristol disappeared and was suspiciously sent away to live with her aunt without her family for several months. Some say that was Bristol's first pregnancy.
Bristol tried to marry her baby's daddy before Tri-Pp was born a bastard but Levi wasn't having any of that.
Track married the already pregnant preacher's daughter on the side of the road without his sisters, Palins or Heaths present. The only witnesses were the freshly new grandparents to be, the Hansons with Todd and Sarah.
Willow suspiciously announced on her facebook that she was marrying her fiance and the girl didn't even graduate high school yet. Maybe something happened to Willow because she never married the feller?
Wait a minute here?
DeleteIn the winter of 1987, Sarah Heath had her one night stand with Glen Rice in her sister's Alaska college dorm room!
"....Each year, over Thanksgiving weekend, the University of Alaska hosted a basketball tournament called the Great Alaska Shootout, featuring some of the country's best teams. In 1987, one of the top squads to visit Anchorage was the University of Michigan, led by six-foot-eight junior Glen Rice, number 41."
So this means that Sarah Heath was doing Glen Rice in the winter of 87 and doing Todd Palin in the summer of 88.
Why did Sarah Heath have the nickname the Barricuda when she was more like the Busy Beaver?
You forgot about Tri-P!
DeleteIf Bristol was his mother then does that mean he is a bastard too?
When it comes to those Palins and Heaths, you need a baseball lineup card to follow who birthed who, who was married after getting pregnant and who is the father.
DeleteNow that's a reality show Bristol can produce.
Visiting scholar? Actually, she'd be neither.
ReplyDeleteMore like a trespassing idiot.
More like the trespassing village idiot.
DeleteAll The Details Of The Sarah Palin-Glen Rice Coitus You've Been Waiting For
ReplyDeleteBy Tommy Craggs, Sep 19, 2011 3:40 PM
Joe McGinniss's Sarah Palin biography just landed on our desk, and our eyes went immediately to the excerpt—mentioned last week by the National Enquirer but quoted only in part—that proved for all time that Glen Rice never went to his left. Here it is, in case you were curious:After her graduation, Sarah returned to Alaska and worked on the sports desk of Anchorage television station KTUU. On weekends, she'd sometimes appear on camera, delivering sports reports during the 10:00 PM newscast.Her attitude toward people of color was evolving. In Anchorage, she even dated black men. A friend says, "Sarah and her sisters had a fetish for black guys for a while."Each year, over Thanksgiving weekend, the University of Alaska hosted a basketball tournament called the Great Alaska Shootout, featuring some of the country's best teams. In 1987, one of the top squads to visit Anchorage was the University of Michigan, led by six-foot-eight junior Glen Rice, number 41.Rice would lead Michigan to the NCAA Championship in 1989, appearing on the cover of Sports Illustrated and setting a scoring record for the NCAA tournament that stands today. After graduating from Michigan as the school's all-time leading scorer, he starred in the NBA for fifteen years.Whether in her professional capacity as a sports reporter or simply as a basketball groupie who'd begun to find black men attractive, Sarah linked up with the Rice during the weekend tournament. One friend recalls, "They went out. I suspect it was more than that. I can't say I know they had sex, but I remember Sarah feeling pretty good that she'd been with a black basketball star."In one version of the story, Sarah's encounter with Rice took place in her sister Molly's dorm room at the University of Alaska Anchorage. "She hauled his ass down," a friend says, "but she freaked out afterward. Hysterical, crying,totally flipped out. The thing that people remember is her freak-out, how completely crazy she got: I fucked a black man! She was just horrified. She couldn't believe she'd done it."Glen Rice remembers the weekend quite differently. When I spoke to him by telephone in March 2011, he said, "I remember it as if it was yesterday. She was a sweetheart. I met her almost as soon as we got out there."Rice does not recall being in a university dorm room. "We hung out mostly at the hotel where the team was staying," he told me. "We just hit off. In a short time, we got to know a lot about one another. It was all done in a respectful way, nothing hurried.""So you never had the feeling she felt bad about having sex with a black guy?" I asked."No, no, no, nothing like that," Rice said. "Even after I left Alaska, we talked a lot on the phone. I think right up until the time she got married. She was a gorgeous woman. Super nice. I was blown away by her. Afterward, she was a big crush that I had. I talked about her for a long time. Only good things. She was a well-rounded young lady. It's amazing the way that's stayed with me. I think the utmost of her and I felt that way from the start."It was all done in a respectful way, nothing hurried.
Most people - unless you are from Alaska - know the degree to how horrible Palin was as a 'sports announcer'! She was eventually fired/let go from Channel 2 TV, but that isn't new when we all look at her work history throughout the years!
DeleteEven more interesting was the fact that Channel 2 did a review of folks they had had work for them throughout the years and it conspicuously left out any mention of the idiot from Wasilla, Ak!
The Daily Currant's report on Sarah teaching at Harvard left out an important course that she could teach-- American History. After her visit to Paul Revere's house in Boston, Sarah is an expert on Revere ringing those bells, firing thee warning shots and warning the British.
ReplyDeleteSarah's people were once floating the idea of trying to get Sarah to be hired as a "judge" on one of those competition type reality shows; she really wanted to be like an American Top Model type judge (without the requisite beauty, poise, or intelligence). Thank the gods that that never happened. I think it might happen eventually, though, just on a different kind of show, just because some of her people were pretty well connected and might still be able to pull some strings. Bleah.
ReplyDeleteOT: I just published a new book and while the main theme is more about "firing your gods" and learning how to open up your creativity and psychic abilities WITHOUT joining a cult or getting your brains sucked out by one of the many, many New Age type scams out there -- I do have a little bit of Media Insider type material in it. And I have a brief section called "Todd Palin's Prostitutes" which talks all about how that story got completely covered up, along with the Secret Service/David Chaney stuff, and I encourage people to get Shailey's book. I hope in some small way that I can take some of my audience, which these days is mostly in the spirituality/self-help niche, and show them how huge political scandals are just IGNORED --- plus I talk about how journalists end up going "Into the Buzzsaw" (Great book by Kristina Borjesson) when they try to cover REAL stories.
You can download the table of contents and first 25 pages for free at my site:
Hope it's okay to post this, Gryphen! And if not, that's okay, too.
Jennifer aka Media Insider aka Lipstick Mystic
Thats like Obama having a respectable job in education where students trust him.
ReplyDelete9:14 AM Students Love President Obama. Your Bias cannot change that.
DeleteYou have absolutely no clue about that. He was loved as a professor.
DeleteSarah Palin in a classroom would be an unbearable situation. Her lack of personal Hygiene is well known.