Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jim Carrey responds to Fox News attacks against him. Update!

As all of you know Carrey has been under the most vicious attack from the conservatives since his brilliant "Cold Dead Hand" video with Funny or Die came out.

The ugliest attacks have come from the no talent human marsupial Greg Gutfeld, who even went so far as to claim that Carrey had killed more people "than all rifles combined."

Well yesterday Carrey decided to respond.

This from Hollywood Reporter:

Since I released my "Cold Dead Hand" video on Funny or Die this week, I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles. I would take them to task legally if I felt they were worth my time or that anyone with a brain in their head could actually fall for such irresponsible buffoonery. That would gain them far too much attention which is all they really care about. 

I'll just say this: in my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue. 

I sincerely believe that in time, good people will lose patience with the petty and poisonous behavior of these bullies and Fux News will be remembered as nothing more than a giant culture fart that no amount of Garlique could cure. 

I wish them all the luck that accompanies such malevolence.

" In my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue."

THAT made my day!

You know you have to wonder why ANYBODY would dare to challenge a man who once made his living standing in front of people and telling jokes while they heckled, insulted, and tried to sabotage his act?  That kind of experience MORE than prepares you to take on the tiny little minds over at, what did he call it, "Fux News?"

If these morons had half a brain they would have realized they would come out on the wrong side of any fight they picked with Jim Carrey.

Update: Apparently the marsupial responded to this statement by Carrey ( This comes from the uber Right Wing, so though I am obligated to provide a link in deference to blogger etiquette do not feel you need to visit and provide them with additional hits. I have included the portions worth discussing below.):

The Five didn’t let this one go—all of them, including Bob Beckel, took shots at the “comedian’s” remarks. “Our country is great because washed-up comics have the right to suck,” Gutfeld said. “I love the First Amendment—and Twitter especially—for it exposes the soft underbelly of the celebrity simple mind. They undo everything their publicists try to mask. 

Yeah that was pretty much the most coherent and appropriate of their responses, so you are not missing much by avoiding that site. 

So just to sum it up what we have here is a clash of cultures, the intelligent entertainer vs the classless clowns of conservatism. On the one hand we have a famous, well respected comedian and on the other representatives of a network losing viewers so fast that ratings statisticians are getting friction burns while calculating the loss.

The funny thing is that while Fox tells their dwindling audience that they have the upper hand, everybody else in the world is mocking them.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I believe you have the name wrong, Gryphen. Isn't it Greg Gutless?

  2. AKinPA7:07 AM

    "a media colostomy bag" Perfect.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I really did laugh out loud at that one.

      Jim Carrey probably has more fans than Fux news could ever dream of. What a bunch of fools. they are.

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    over at, they have the headline "The Five Absolutely Destroy Jim Carrey's press release". The article is hilarious, in that they do no such thing.
    Jim Carrey's skit was funny. The reaction is even funnier. Fux News indeed.

  4. Anonymous7:39 AM

    OT - There is a real vial poster over at CP4 that constantly insults our president.

    In honor of their tendency to skew all polls regarding Palin, I just gave him over 30 down arrows. It was about as difficult as fudging high approval ratings in Alaska.

    They really get their panties in a wad over the down arrows.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      +1 X 30

      Kudos, indeed!

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Would that be siouxsomething? I quit reading there months ago as the chuckles via brianus and others were not worth the anger this particular hate bag made me feel.
      Since I have the day off, think I'll saunter over and give those assholes the middle finger aka down arrows.

    3. Anonymous9:41 AM

      The down arrows are kind of fun because it lets us know there are more people over there down arrowing than there are actual supportive commenters. Oh, and the down arrows really don't bother them, they really, really don't because they let us know 10 times per day that our down arrows really don't bother them.

      One commenter thinks that we're all just welfare cases that have too much time on our hands and in between cashing our welfare checks and shopping for food on our EBT cards we go over and down arrow their posts. I can down arrow their whole website in about 5's childish, I know, but since it really, really doesn't bother them, then no harm, right?


    4. Anonymous12:06 PM

      If it's good enough for Lou Sarah, it's good enough for her fans.

  5. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Heh...Carrey makes more money than the 'five' combined and will continue to make big bucks..
    Gutfeld is a joke. What, in the name of everything holy, is Gutfeld famous for? What has he ever done to warrant being on TV in the first place?

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I don't know all of Carrey's life story but what I do know is he came up with some real hard knocks. His closeness and relationship to his father and family is powerful. You always carry that pain and insecurity inside. Although he is now more secure with life. What some, whose job it is to critise him, don't get is that it takes great courage to do what he does. Especially when there are those in the public that think he went too far. Not sure what they think is too far, mocking Heston? Oh well. That in itself is funny.

      He works in a field where he can create work with humor and a message. How petty to think because of where someone was born they must hold back and oppress themselves, that they have no right to do their work as they see fit. Carrey is established and doesn't need to worry about getting more work and having to tow the line to please certain people. He knows and is totally use to critics of all kind, it is part of his life. If he couldn't deal with the Twitter uproar he wouldn't do anything edgy. He has been through this bull before. I doubt it is fun but what a shame if he had to suppress himself for some knuckle heads. Or fear about he wouldn't work again so don't upset a Charlton Heston fan or gun lunatics.

      Jim Carrey has the guts to let it out and stand up and there is nothing hypocritical about that.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Nothing I can see, just a talking head one way or another.

      I did find this article he wrote for Huffington Post:


      Calling Sarah Palin a murderer might seem a stretch.

      At first.

      But alarmingly, Sarah Louise Heath Palin was born on February 11, 1964 - a suspicious beginning, as it is also the forty-eighth anniversary of the arrest of the free-thinking "first-wave feminist" Emma Goldman, for lecturing on the benefits of... birth control.

      This "coincidence" could be easily dismissed, if poet and woman Sylvia Plath had not committed suicide one year (to the day) prior to the birth of Palin. Whether Palin was aware of this fact as a child isn't known - and whether the banning of the book "The Bell Jar" was actually discussed with her parents cannot be said for certain, but there had to be a reason why both mother and father landed comfortable jobs at various schools of learning - convenient locations that gave them easy access- not simply to books - but to bells, jars, and to children as well.

      Yes: Our children...many of whom at the time were childlike - and vulnerable, like the late Sylvia Plath. If Plath could not weather the already considerable exploits of a youthful Palin - what harm might come to these young and helpless individuals?

      "A lot," says one person who wishes to remain anonymous because I am related to him.

      Palin was "born" in Sandpoint, Idaho - but for murky reasons fled to Alaska - a well-timed move considering that only a decade or so later, Sandpoint would become a destination for like-minded travelers called the Aryan Nations. The organization claims to have disbanded in 2001 - a "fact" Palin might want us to believe, as she made more than several visits back to Idaho - for what observers call "schooling." Not necessarily an advocate of "white power," it is safe to say that Palin is white, and full of power.

      That's what some skeptics might call "convenient."


    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      11:08 AM

      Thank you for the links. I will try to read later. The guy is just not that interesting or of any matter. But it is good to have an idea of who someone is once you hear their name.

    4. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Anyone who is part of the Fox downfall is doing some good, including Greg Guttfield and Sarah Palin. They don't have to know what they do. I was sorry to hear that Palin was fired from Fox. That leaves it on Guttfield's shoulders and not many people have heard of him.

  6. Anonymous7:56 AM

    A giant cultural fart. Could anything better describe Fux?

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Succinct, kids will get it and it will stay with them for life. "Cold Dead Hands" just an old joke line now anyway.

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    If you don't like the message, disparage the messenger. Yes, Carrey and family were homeless at one time. All the more reason to respect him for rising above adversity and maintaining humor to overcome.
    These idiots at Faux have responded like middle school bullies to Carrey's video. Gutless mouthbreathers.

  8. Anonymous8:11 AM

    'vile' not 'vial'.

    I spent too much time at C4P and lost the ability to spell. Going over there is the mental equivalent of huffing paint.

    1. fromthediagonal10:29 AM

      anon@7:39 AND 8:11:
      I saw that misspelling, and thought: "Ooohhh, here comes some nutcracker comment". It was a good surprise that you made sense! Now I know why!
      Keep making sense, even if it infuriates others...:)

  9. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I have always loved Jim Carrey. Now I love him even more.

  10. Anonymous8:18 AM

    You're literally feeding a form of hate by supporting a man who attacked millions of people.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I totally LOVE Carrey's humor. What a talent and natural gift that man has. He is more amazing with the love his laughter brings. A few people don't get humor, that's alright. Forgive them. Laughter is the best medicine.

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Get over it, 8:18 AM. Do you think you and your ilk are the only ones that get a voice?

      It's HUMOR. FIRST Amendment, BAY-BEE! If you're so concerned about hate speech, perhaps you should have a little chat with your "queen."

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Go back to making love to your guns.

    4. fromthediagonal10:32 AM

      One of the hallmarks of both right-wingers and dementia patients is that neither understand satire... Don't believe me? Google studies done on that.

    5. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Nobody is LITERALLY feeding anything.

  11. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Carrey is terrific for speaking up and utilizing his craft. Love him! He is genuinely funny and makes me laugh out loud.

    That thing they call the Five b/c maybe they get 5 of their mothers to view them. Who watches that crap? Seriously. I tried to see what it was about once. Never heard of townhall before and I can forget them now.

    Carrey is a gift and a national/Canadian TREASURE. He is enjoying these reactions as much as most of North America.

  12. Don't own a gun. But still -8:45 AM

    There was no point in reading this article. It just got "Dumber & Dumber."
    Like so many others, I've enjoyed Jim Carrey's early work. And it a shame he hasn't made a winner in years. The only thing that's been in decline & losing viewers is Carrey's talent & movies. But I'm not trying to bash him, I'm typing this because I have some time to kill on my lunch break. I'm not a gun owner & I got no problem with banning assault rifles. But I do mind when a Canadian tries to mix comedy & politics to mock a dead American who can't respond. Especially when Carey doesn't even have the guts to respond to his own criticism in person. He doesn't talk on camera. He issues a press release through a publicist. Like a weak hypocrite!

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      I think he has dual citizenship.

      In his profession press release is how it's done. No one has to like anyones work, I know people that didn't care for his early too physical for them work. That's life and that's fine. He has a right to express himself as he knows best. Plenty of folks enjoy him and his message. Those that don't are fine with that.

      Every-bodies career/life has peaks and valleys. Personally, I don't pay much attention to artists I don't care for, wouldn't bother to comment on them. I do like hearing a variety of opinions at times. Whatever makes you laugh is good for you. Peace.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      No, not trying to bash him.

      Doesn't talk on camera? WTF was the video he made? Did you listen with the mute on?

      Charlton Heston left a legacy that anyone has the right to criticize in a VERY BIG WAY. He wanted to provoke, and he did. Jim Carrey is brilliant, funny, thoughtful, and angry, and he's an American too, not just Canadian.

    3. Anonymous9:42 AM


      You have to work on Saturday? That's sad....

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I am old enough to remember The Bible with CH when it was first released. We have been laughing at/with him ever since. As a child I was expecting to see something spiritual or bringing the good book to life. It was a corny hammy over done movie in the 1950s. I don't know a kid that took it serious and we were some serious film critics because that was what we had to do most Saturday mornings. Not all the adults were telling us was worthwhile, CH made it apparent with his over acting melodrama silly nonsense. Sure he could deliver lines and had that great radio voice. He was a better fit in the Planet of the Apes. I thought he was cheeky and didn't take himself serious. Can't say I paid attention to his work for the NRA until way later and it was just comedy or made to mock. The man was an actor, nothing more pathetic then actors that take themselves serious with the roles they play. Some people think the "cold dead hands" line for the NRA was his greatest role. At best it is mediocre propaganda and should be used in comedy, at least it has some redeeming feature. Kids today can learn about propaganda, the good and the bad. I mostly thought CH was funny and I didn't care for all the "Earthquake" type stuff either. He was not a quality actor or comedian. He made mostly stupid movies. If he had any talent beside the radio voice he sold out by the career choices he made. At least after his early days (Touch of Evil, when he did seem to have potential. He ruined The Bible for many kids, but that was a good thing. I can thank him today because at the time I thought Sunday school was a big deal and the old dead hand Chuck helped open my eyes to the hype.

    5. Anonymous2:17 PM

      He has American citizenship. That makes him a citizen of our country.

      Charleton Heston became a parody in his later years and was used by the NRA while he became less and less aware of what was going on.

  13. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I never fully understood that Five thing, couldn't stay tuned to their spiel long enough. Is it suppose to be edgy comedy? I think we may have discovered some of Sarah Palin's CONSULTANTS! These are the peeps who she consults for her new try outs as a comedian? GULP! GAG!!!!

    In other current events it looks like their Sarah has secured the reputations of all Republicans and Conservatives on the world stage as CON ARTISTS ~ mountebank, poser, cheat, imposter, fake, teabag, liar, douchbag, quack, fabricator, humbug, ringer, quacksalver, counterfeiter, deceiver, dissembler, duper, sham, copycat, bluffer, cozener, defrauder, dodger and so on. Take your pick for the definition of GOP now they've allowed John McCain and Palin to run amuck with the party. Of course, she is taking the entire Republican party with her, they should have left when they had a chance. Now they are doomed to be labeled as the world wide joke, Sarah Palin.

    Stay tuned for the more exposed Sarah Palin and pals. There isn't a PR firm on earth that can clean up their mess. Watch their next propaganda with glee.

    1. fromthediagonal10:53 AM

      You have almost said it all. Patiently (well, kind of) waiting for you to be proven right!

  14. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Good for my fellow Brother Canadian! We stand on guard for truth, Bro. Jim.

  15. Anonymous8:55 AM

    >>losing viewers so fast that ratings statisticians are getting friction burns while calculating the loss.

    GREAT LINE, Mr. Jesse!

  16. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Concern trolls always say that since Carrey is a Canadian citizen, we shouldn't pay attention or we should deport him. He has dual citizenship receiving US citizenship in October of 2004. I am not a Carrey movie fan, but the video is funny and it must strike some nerves or the outrage wouldn't be so violent.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Concern trolls are uninformed. Allergic to facts.

  17. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Are you a hypocrite & afraid to publish this?

    I'm not a die hard conservative or a card carrying member of the NRA. But I do have enough common sense to recognize biased stupidity when I read it. FOX news couldn't lose enough viewers to bring MSNBC up above "public access television" ratings. Jim carrey should spend less time on Twitter & more time trying to be funny. He needs to take his dwindling career, retreat back to Canada, & bitch about their laws. Let Americas deal with their own laws.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      TV rots your brain, period. Any of it, all of it.

    2. LOL!

      We need all the common sense critics we can get when our country or a group of is citizens is acting stupidly. After all, we are part of a global community and our actions have far-reaching effects.

      This includes Jim Carrey, who through his humor is advancing intelligent public discourse on the critical issue of gun control.

      And this, sadly, excludes you.

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      FOX news couldn't lose enough viewers to bring MSNBC up above "public access television" ratings.

      It's already happening. Pay attention!

      With the 25-54s (and others), Rachel rocks!

    4. Anonymous2:15 PM

      This is his country as much as it was my great grandparents' country when they earned their citizenship. It is his country as much as it is/was the country your grandparents, great grandparents or whoever in your family first came here from somewhere else and earned American citizenship.

    5. Anonymous3:17 PM

      9:17: dwindling career? based on what? this man, jim carrey is richer than you will ever be...he makes more money in an hour than you do in a year...dwindling career?
      and he lives in the USA legally, by the way...please...dude...go back to selling seeds over the internet out of your granny's basement...and leave the adult conversation alone.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

      "Are you a hypocrite & afraid to publish this?"
      Bwaaaahaaaa! Good One, Eh?

  18. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I'm proud of Jim Carrey standing up to FOX!!! He's smart as can be too!
    As to the commentary above regarding McCain and Palin - Palin is nothing but comedian chatter anymore and followed by a 'few' of the Teabaggers. McCain is a jerk and should retire...he flips back and forth so much that I cannot keep up w/his stand on things. What a joke!!!

  19. What have you got against Kangaroos and Koalas? Stop insulting the marsupials!

    1. Hah! I knew you were out there!

      No matter what animal, mineral, or historical figure I use to compare to somebody in negative manner there is ALWAYS a person who takes that personally.

      I swear I am going to compare the next guy to a dung beetle just to see if we have any dung beetles defenders out there on the internet.

    2. fromthediagonal11:06 AM

      Yeah, Steve @ 9:35 and Gryphen @ 10:05...:)

      I would like to add the denigration of the Grinch, who was so lovingly portrayed by Mr. Carrey! Just don't do it!

      And speaking of scarabs aka dung beetles, have you not read the latest research on them? They navigate by the stars! Talk about advanced knowledge of astrophysics in order to get away with your stash before competitors catch up with you!

      Seriously! Look it up! It is quite amazing!

      (but then again, I am off-subject... oh well.

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      If it weren't for dung beetles we'd be wallowing in all sorts of animal feces!


  20. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Gryphen, Please check out the photo of Trig on Malia's latest post. Rather clear shot of Trig's left ear, do you think you see something of interest?

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      The picture of one of the Trigs, where he has his nose a few inches from a book. He is wearing glasses (blue frames) down his nose and looking over the glasses frame (not using the lens). WTF? Are those children's glasses? It looks like some smart ass adult posed him in their dime store reading glasses. Is this another failure of a ghost writer or staff member? I don't see how this speaks well for his legal guardian if they allow him to be cared for by such weirdos. Who is the double chinned pay-no-attention to the kid nanny that is reading, maybe, or just looking at pictures? Does Trig spend any time with any of his family?

      I do not get why whoever runs the Palin scam machine would allow that photo to be published on-line or anywhere. Who are the people that think this is showing the way Trig is treated in a good light?

      With all the money going for consultations, what a waste. One good public relations person that knows their job could save her PAC money and make her look better. The good thing is this does reveal how little care or respect the Palins have for Trig. He is not getting his needs met.

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      There are several photos of Trig on Sarah's Facebook. She also posted some old photos which show the little boy without his glasses, and which show his eyes turning in. People criticized her for not having Trig wear his glasses. Maybe glasses might help that problem.

      Sarah is very reactive. She has very thin skin. She cannot take any criticism at all. So, when people criticized her when Trig was photographed without his glasses, she reacted emotionally. (She always reacts emotionally. She never thinks about the consequences of her actions).

      There are several photos of Trig wearing glasses that clearly don't fit him. When he is looking at the book, the glasses are at the tip of his nose. He has to look over the glasses to see the book-- which he is holding much to close to his face. That means that he cannot see normally. In the photo of Trig on the slide, it's the same thing. He has to look over the top of the glasses to see.

      There are only a few photos of Trig wearing glasses: and they are always the same pair, which are too big for him. They do not fit him properly. Yes, Sarah got them at the dime store.

      Let's get down to the basic problem here. In order for Trig to see an eye doctor, or get qualified, medically ordered therapy, they probably have to show Trig's birth certificate along with some other documents. This is a kid who needs to see an eye doctor. There was a time when someone thought that Trig needed glasses. What happened?

    3. Anonymous12:34 PM

      When was that picture on Malia's blog taken? It looks like a Trig is in Az. Is that where he is enrolled in pre-school? If the charlatans weren't just making that up to bilk some more greenbacks out of a few more suckers.

    4. Anonymous12:53 PM

      There was a time when someone thought that Trig needed glasses. What happened?

      If fascists are in charge at p4America they can tell their comment people not to express certain concerns. Or they can delete the comments that show care and concern for Trig.

      If weak people want to play in that sandbox they will not stand up to a fascist styled group, not even for the well being of an innocent child.

      Now that the word is out about the depth of fraud and manipulation a con like Palin will engage in there may one day be someone in the group that does the right thing for Trig.

      It isn't rocket science to notice the horrible neglect and abuse he is having to endure.

      I don't know the rules or laws in Az or Ak but Az does have a movie business. Perhaps there are laws that look after children as happened when Hollywood children were cheated and misused.

      Trig may not be in that category but even poor people are to care for their children's medical needs to some degree.

      This looks so blatant. In California you would see the CPS people making a visit. In Texas the Warren Jeff kids got checked on. I wish someone could explain why and how the Palins can be so obvious and yet no call from any agency. Especially where children are concerned.

      Parents have gone to jail over children taking a bath (naked) photos that were not sexual at all.

      Of course, Az has that pink sheriff guy and the senile senator..

    5. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Unless you want to involve child protective services then why bother reporting whether Trig is getting proper care? The Palins took him in and they are raising him in the same haphazard manner they raised the rest of their brood. They do what they do and really, who cares if Trig is wearing his glasses or not?

    6. Anonymous3:26 PM

      2:20 PM,

      Sit down this may come as a gigantic shock to you.

      There are people who do care about Trig and other children whose caretakers give them a rotten go at life and cheat the defenseless little ones out good health and benefits.

      You can call CPS or not. Either way you don't have control over how various states do or don't do right by children.

      When Cindy McCain was stealing drugs from children at her charity she was not prosecuted, why? She had someone who got her out of her problems with the DEA and law. The man that stood up for the children was attacked.

      That is how scum works. They do not care for children or what is right for the community. They cover their butts and children suffer. That doesn't mean everyone is like that, there are people who do care and there are watch dogs and there are times child abuse/neglect people do get what they have coming.

      Never give up. Anything you can do to bring attention to the abuse/neglect of a child is a step in the right direction.

    7. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I think those Arizon pics with Trig were taken last summer Like the swing pics a couple weeks ago..he looks kinda small like a toddler..remember he's almost 5 yrs old now. That double chin lady is Sarah..that must be her real (ratty) hair.

    8. Anonymous4:40 PM

      I don't get all the hand wringing over the welfare of Palin's alleged youngest child.

    9. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Children, there should be an island somewhere, without cameras, where they can exist until age 21. The ones that can learn to fit in can return to the mainland. I don't get why the hand wringing over any of them. snort snort

      Reasons Why Kids Are Actually The Worst

    10. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Photo op, NOTHING more. I feel SO sorry for Trig. The name alone shows how insensitive that family is.

  21. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Wow, the $arahnistas are angry today! What, you didn't like hearing how much you've been duped by her yesterday?

    Can't stand a little humor about how utterly ridiculous your assault weapon "rights" argument is?

    Sucks to be YOU!

  22. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Google "Cable News Ratings". These are the first three links that come up.
    FOX news has a HUGE lead on all other networks. A lead that has microscopically declined over the last few years. You should try looking at rating systems that aren't run by MSNBC.

    FOX has nothing to worry about. And the Five
    has a triple digit lead over ALL other shows in their time slot. A lead that has had a double digit increase since January.

    Of course I cant agree with all opinions expressed on FOX, and the country does needs more gun control. But if you agree with everything your network says, that makes you a sheep. MSNBC is the most biased delusional gut-wrenching form of media this country has. And their ratings show that they can barely keep up with community access TV. FOX has nothing to worry about.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      You are totally delusional.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Just want to chime in as a person that watches NONE of the cable news channels. They all seem to be "cults of personality" rather than networks reporting hard news. Used to be that the nightly news from any of the major networks simply gave the news with no spin; that doesn't happen any longer; the 4th Estate is broken beyond repair.

      Right, Left, whatever, I personally am not a TV watcher and get my news from various web feeds, both left and right.

  23. while you might think blogger etiquette calls for you to provide a link,

    there's no breach of etiquette if the link 'happens' to be broken.

    Next time, Gryph

  24. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Carrey will love this pretty little lady fap.

    Seriously, the coward for going after the late Charleston Heston has to be a joke. Since when are dead people off limits? Joan Rivers made jokes about her husband right after his death. You don't have to like it but no need to have a stroke over it.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      BTW... Dana Perino's claim to fame was that she was a mouthpiece for the Go-to-war-lies and the worst criminals in modern times. Those responsible for multitudes of collateral damage victims and all the death, maiming, pain, anguish and neglect they caused our soldiers and their families. A gang that takes no responsibility and continues to destroy what makes American great.

  25. Anonymous1:35 PM

    The Carrey critics are desperate, make that DESPERATE. They prove Carrey is right about the 'Media Colostomy Bag That Has Begun To Burst At The Seams'.

    They are enraged to have a well loved talent do his job and take on that old NRA spokesperson, actor and their 'gun' nuttery. He is doing it with smarts and humor, oh how could he? All they have is trite and dumb arugements that don't hold up. Why don't they just say they feel like scared losers?

    This burst reflects poorly on them.

    They want to turn it in to the same old propaganda about 'guns'. Carrey has made it clear his stand is against large magazines and assault rifles. Not guns like Palin Con Artist Republicans want all to believe, they are coming to get your guns yadda yadda.

    Let them burst their bags just stay clear of the stench and enjoy the show cause they are going with Sarah, taking themselves down.

  26. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Awards for Jim Carrey

  27. Anonymous3:25 PM

    They're STILL in a tiff about Jim...he sure does have alot of power over them, doesn't he?

    Dana Perino Lashes Out At ‘Asshole’ Jim Carrey Over Guns, Shocks Red Eye Panelists

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Her colostomy bag runneth over.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Almighty Jim has the power!

  28. Anonymous3:28 PM

    What's the deal? Are these people saying a talented artist born in another country can't do material on a dead person or an actor? What kind of country do you live in?

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Not when they mock Amurikas second religion the church of guns aka nra.

  29. Anonymous3:45 PM

    This is funny and relatable to OP. Peeps and most of all the famous are going to be discussed or topics of theatric productions.
    Hairdresser to former First Ladies on what they were REALLY like behind the scenes

    The dear dead and the near dead. I thought the rules were to wait until the body is in the ground. Hairdressers have special privilege status or Nancy was just too much to take and he'd like her to know it, I guess.

    Charlston Heston has been dead for years, he was not Moses. What makes him so to gun nuts special? The "cold dead hands" line?

  30. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I can't count how many times Jim Carrey has had me in stitches with laughter. I truly believe Norman Cousins was right on. Watching comedy and finding humor in life is better than other medicines anyday. I will call Jim Carrey, Dr. Jim, because he has done more for my health than most M.D.'s. So many want to give you pills, yuk!

    I don't remember a time when those other TV guys made me laugh. Now they sound like lunkheads, unfunny lunkheads.

    I love Dr. Jim more than ever.

  31. Anonymous6:13 PM


  32. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

    Good for Jim, I hope hope he keeps doing more funny or die videos. I think he'd make a great impression of Rush Limbaugh (With the help of a fat suit).

    Heads are exploding all over Fox News because Jim "dared" "mock" Saint Charleton Heston (two days before Easter, has he no shame?!) LMAO

    He was a paid NRA shill washed up "B" actor who played fictional characters in movies about fictional books. Kind of like Regan but without a monkey fall guy.

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      I had no idea there were so many people that believe Charlton really is Moses. I think he did get an Oscar but it was the techni-color that saved the film. It is a step up from the Burnett/Romney cast of bad actors and that is saying nothing good. These same people totally buy into Hollywood acts and then they turn around and say how awful Hollywood is.

  33. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I love Jim Carrey!


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