Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mitch McConnell is doomed!

The above is a picture of the lovely Ashley Judd from last Monday night's premiere of her new movie "Olympus Has Fallen."

Now I know that this is not a beauty contest (Which wouldn't be fair considering the fact that McConnell isn't even the same species!), but still you have to admit that seeing Judd standing opposite this guy.... going to make it a little hard for voters NOT to add looks to the equation.

That plus the fact that McConnell is now the face of obstructionism in Washington is going to make Judd a very attractive alternative.

All I know is that I would certainly hate to be Mitch McConnell in this next election cycle.

Here is another picture of Ashley Judd so that McConnell's turtle-like visage will not be your takeaway from this blog post. That would be cruel of me.


  1. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Oh I HOPE so but Kentucky must enjoy his antics like Ohio must Boehner's. They just keep re-electing 'em.


  2. This is just irritating (to me) on so many levels.

    Whether or not there are dumbasses out there who will vote for national offices as though they are voting for a contestant on American Idol is irrelevant. Why promote that view?

    I can think of any number of aging politicians whose views I agree with who are not considered physically attractive. Their looks have nothing to do with what they have the power to do to this country. I know how I would feel about such an article aimed at them. This is the approximate level of way too much of media coverage of impoprtant issues. Shiny object! Ooh, she's hot!

    What really needs to be stated over and over again are McConnell's votes and views, and Judd's excellent qualifications for running. Many people still think she is nothing more than a "tiny, Hollywood starlet."

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      While she may be beautiful, accomplished as an actress, and very educated, she has no idea what's in store for her as a candidate and it's a lot. I'm not sure anyone could survive McConnell's onslauight, much less our dear girl. It's a bad idea all around; the Senate is hard and extremely structured. This doesn't seem like a good fit to me; outspoken and smart is a good candidate, but with so much Hollywood baggage perhaps not a winner. JMO

  3. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I agree with you, Nefer. Also thinking about this reminds me of another candidate who was considered so hot.

  4. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I like Ashley Judd because she is smart, well educated and well spoken. Attractive too, but that comes last in my estimation.

    I just want to see the obstructionist voted out of office in KY and Ashley to take his seat. The change would make me so happy.

    Hope the voters in KY are paying attention as to what McConnell HAS NOT DONE as their current elected official. It's way past time he be replaced and I plan on sending money to support Ashley Judd even though I'm not a resident of her state. (I'll have to check and make sure it is legal to do first though!)

  5. SHARON7:19 AM

    Ashley Judd has earned her right to enter this race....she has spent more time pursuing social issues than making movies. She is intelligent, educated and passionate about the moral injustices with this extremely articulate speaker, it just so happens she is a beauty. Ever wonder about Turtleman's wife? She is an Asian beauty, and young....what's up with that? McConnell, Boehner, Ryan...just another evil GOP trinity screwing this country as long as possible. It is a fact that McConnell has become a millionaire since entering the Senate...hmmmm, wonder how that works. Watching that other thief Boehner push hard for the XL Pipeline, what a surprise he has invested heavily years ago in various companies involved. Where is the loudmouth Darrell Issa when all this bullshit is going on, he is probably invested too. This country needs a hundred years of Democratic rule to fix all this corruption and greed. I watched the HBO doc on "Winter in America" last night, and it is soooo sad at what we all allowed to happen. 30 years ago starting with electing Saint Reagan...the takeover by the wealthy....and it marches on.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Ever wonder about Turtleman's wife? She is an Asian beauty, and young....what's up with that?

      You are uninformed. McConnell's wife is Elaine Chao, former Secretary of Labor, and while she is of Asian ancestry and looks attractive, she was born in 1953 and is only 11 years younger than McConnell.

      McConnell is a jerk, and Chao's policies echoed the Bush administration's approach toward labor and workers' rights. Still, to diminish her as a trophy wife is unfair. She is an accomplished professional, much as I disagree with her policies.

  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Gryphen, I truly hope you're right and Judd can defeat old turtlehead. But, I really doubt it.
    She has flashed the hooters too many times in the past and remember, you're dealing with Caintucky here. Those rednecks ain't gonna go along w/ that.

    1. Oh, pshaw. Wasn't Sarah Palin's sexuality sold to randy middle aged Republican voters 4+ years ago, and the "lamestream media" ate it up like hot fudge? It was OK then (but of course everything IOKIYAR).

      I say Ashley Judd should use her intelligence, her education, her love for her native state, AND her natural assets in a Senate campaign to defeat that ugly old man.

  7. WakeUpAmerica8:21 AM

    He reminds me of Mr. McGoo.
    She reminds me of a young Shirley Temple.

  8. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I really dislike the notion that a political race will be won on the basis of one of the candidate's sex appeal. As a woman, I find this offensive.

    You rightfully dump on Sarah Palin for using her sexuality, but then you take this approach? It's doubly offensive, because I seriously doubt that this is what Ms. Judd would campaign on herself.

    Why not talk more about Ashley Judd's ideas, Griffith?

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      8:26 I was about to write the same thing, then found your post. My thoughts exactly. I'm surprised by this post Gryph. Please take one's appearance out of the equation for electability.

    2. Your points are valid, and they are kind of the reason that I wrote this post.

      I had hopped it would spark a debate about the pros and cons of a candidate's attractiveness, and of course knew that it could not help but inspire some to bring up Sarah Palin.

      I also hoped that people would, and they of course did, bring up that fact that Sarah Palin had neither the looks nor the intellect of Ashley Judd.

      However I also must point out that attractiveness DOES play a part in how we choose our political leaders. It may not be the most important quality by any means, but it is one that sometimes provides shortcuts for, and inspires some to overlook other flaws in, a candidate.

      I predict that is what will happen with Judd. However it will also mean that others will try to trip her up to keep her from coasting through on her appearance. It is how she responds to THOSE questions that will dictate the outcome of this race.

      Does that make my point any clearer?

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Well said, Gryphen! Beauty will attract attention but the ability to articulate thoughts and views when voters are watching is how to win an election. I'm sure Ashley won't campaign on how much McConnell looks like a turtle; instead she will discuss how she could better represent her state in the Senate.

  9. Judd may not be the nominee. Bill Clinton and others are backing a Kentucky pol (young, female) to oppose McConnr

    1. Sorry, typo. McConnell.


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