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Sarah Palin's fake breast are very excited about her new book. |
Palin will explore the "over-commercialism" and "homogenization" of Christmas and argue for a reaffirmation of its religious importance.
The book is scheduled for publication in November.
In a statement, Palin said, "Amidst the fragility of this politically correct era, it is imperative that we stand up for our beliefs before the element of faith in a glorious and traditional holiday like Christmas is marginalized and ignored." She added, though, that the book will be "fun, festive [and] thought-provoking" and "will encourage all to see what is possible when we unite in defense of our faith and ignore the politically correct Scrooges who would rather take Christ out of Christmas." HarperCollins also noted that the book will feature "personal memories and traditions from [Palin's] own Christmases" as well.
OMGD! Who else can hardly wait to hear the mythologized version of Palin's own Christmases?
Personally I am looking forward to the one where she found the fact that the Religious Right was forcing the 20008 Republican nominee to put her on the ticket under her tree.
Or perhaps it will be the Christmas when Sarah concocted a plan to send Levi away to the remote cabin, so that he would not be home when Bristol gave birth to Tripp. (Can't imagine why THAT happened!)
Or perhaps it will be the one where God impregnated her mother, and she was delivered into the world as the second coming of Christ. (This is the one I think her dozen or so remaining followers are most looking forward to having read to them.)
Well any how, I am sure it will be a riveting boo...zzzzzzzz!
Here is my favorite part of this article:
The former governor is said to be weighing multiple offers in the wake of her departure from the cable channel but has not announced anything concrete.
Yeah, she is "weighing multiple offers."
Such as an offer to "go away and never come back."
An offer to "drop dead and die already."
And an offer to "please don't endorse our politicians anymore!"
By the way while we are on the subject of Snowdrift Snooki, it looks like Politic is preparing to draw the ire of the power scooter crowd with their new article entitled "Sarah Palin's next act: Candidate or Kardashian?"
Oh yeah, there are some poorly misspelled, all in capital letters, emails headed their way! Don'tcha know?
New nickname for her...
ReplyDeleteHey Nip !
This is obviously some kind of publicity photo that Baldy had in her "portfolio" for her...ahem...male clients! How else do you explain the tongue action peeping through the teeth and the crooked "breastess"!
DeleteHer toothless and blind clients love for their Republican women to sport that shoe leather chest with the bad tan and bony ass arms look!
We won't even talk about the giant head with the fucked up brown version of the Farrah Fawcett wig shall we? LOL!!!
does she have peas in her bra or is she just glad to see someone?
DeleteShe really got a bad boob job. You'd think with her money she could have found a decent plastic surgeon.
ReplyDeleteNah those are just cheap falsies, as evidenced by her flat chest at the "christian" school.
DeleteAs low as they are hanging on her chest I think they are probably her original "girls". Sing along now: "Do you boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro, can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow"?
DeleteI know, right? They look awfully low on her body, they're weird looking, just like the rest of her.
DeleteThat picture is from last year,she is wearing her fake go getters.
DeleteThose puppies get her whatever she wants.
Or USED to anyway,lol!
The pic is from the nbc party last year I think,so the hanging fruit is definitely faux..which makes it even funnier!
DeleteI don't think she's wearing a bra >_<
DeleteHow can she bitch about conformity at Xmas when she can't even make her own chest conform?
Photos of Donald Trump Delivering His Self-Aggrandizing CPAC Speech to a Half-Empty Ballroom
Donald Trump Just Gave A Nonsensical Speech, And Even Conservatives Were Dumbstruck
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-cpac-speech-obama-china-immigration-2013-3#ixzz2NduN7x4f
OMG that's so funny! Serves the bloviating asshole right!
DeleteUncle G,have you checked it out? Worth your while!
What a strange looking body that woman has. Totally out of proportion and not healthy at all. Her head is too big. Her eyes are wonky. Her fake boobs are way too low. It's a very manly figure she has. I guess that's what inbreeding will do to ya.
ReplyDeleteMust be some looney photoshopping done with that photo. She has absolutely no hips and a gigantic head. Like photos of Kris Kardashian.
No, no, no and NO! Cries the peepond,heads bobbing in unison..she's puuurrtyyy! Sooo biiiuutiful and KIND!
POTUS in our heart fascimiles!
You are just a Godless JELLUS liberal!
Harrumph, come here I hit you with my cane!
WOW, it's her mouth! It's huge!
DeleteShe'd be more appealing if she'd take those huge falsies out. The teeth, I mean. No way those navel oranges stay in place wine she starts talking shit and spewing her drivel.
DeleteSarah Palin's next act: Candidate or 'Kardashian'?
ReplyDeleteBut as a force within the party, Palin has gone from 60 to zero within the span of a single presidential cycle.
“There was a ton of potential there, and it’s conceivable that there could be a second act, but it’s a little hard to see it now,” said Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, who championed Sarah from Alaska as a potential VP pick in 2008 for Sen. John McCain.
“She didn’t run, obviously, in 2012, and she hasn’t really made herself a leader on any particular issue,” added Kristol, arguing that one either needs to hold office or make themselves relevant on an issues front. “Usually you have to do one of those things … otherwise you’re just another pundit.”
Whether her speech will be a call to arms or something more revealing about her own future remains to be seen. But several Republicans privately said they’d grown weary of the lather, rinse, repeat by which Palin makes an appearance, creates a mystique, then disappears.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/03/does-sarah-palin-have-a-second-act-88886.html#ixzz2NdxH323e
"a ton of potential"?? For WHAT?
She stumbled into negative headlines with a website featuring the crosshairs of a rifle to target members of Congress in 2010, a few months before the near-fatal shooting of then-Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. She decried the attacks against her as “blood libel,” and offended Jews in the process. (A Palin aide did not respond to an email about this story).
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, her political circle shrank — with key members of the McCain 2008 effort who had taken her side in an internal fight drifting away.
A bus tour launched in a few short days, and timed with Mitt Romney’s campaign announcement in early 2011, demonstrated the star power she still sustained. What it did not do was indicate a level of commitment to running herself — and it presaged her ultimate decision not to campaign for the presidency, an announcement that seemed almost like an afterthought when it finally came.
And the march of time has not helped her — tea party candidates elected to the House and Senate in the 2010 wave are now the faces of change for a Republican Party in the midst of another soul-searching session.
“Unlike a few years ago when she was the new, fresh face, we are seeing a crop of even newer, fresher faces in the party — from Rubio and Cruz to Martinez and Haley,” said Bachmann deputy campaign manager David Polyansky.
“It will take more work on her part to elbow back into that leadership space,” he said, although he added: “But since so many in the party have such strong sentiment toward her (in both directions), she is one of the unusual figures that can still find a seat at the head table whether that is in a kingmaker or more individualistic capacity.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/03/does-sarah-palin-have-a-second-act-88886_Page2.html#ixzz2NdxgH3GJ
OMG! We're going to be treated with another of her ghostwritten moose shit. Sarah Palin won't go away till someone exposes the truth about her faked pregnancy and Todd's former business venture as a PIMP.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, those are some weird looking breasts. Majority of people are just plain tired of the media whore.
When will a hero come out of Alaska and expose Sarah? Doesn't anybody in Alaska that knows the truth have courage and integrity like Scott Prouty?
DeleteNo one in Alaska gives a flying fart about anything to do with Sarah or the Palin's. Hell most don't even know anything about them except she was the Governor at one time. They don't know about her fake belly bump, or Todds pimp job or Track or Bristol or anything outside their own little world and they like it that way. Remember Alaska is a large state and most people only listen to their local news, as long as you leave them alone they like it just fine. As an former Alaskan I know exactly how Alaskans are!
DeleteHer new boobs and head waaaay too big for her body. Plus, she has aged horribly in the past four years - not the pretty little thing anymore. Way too evil!
ReplyDeleteWhat IS that thing at the top of the post, anyway? Is that the portrait that stopped the, uh, fitness book in its tracks, or a photo from the brochure "How to Recognize a Zombie"?
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that she is the 'worst' christian out there. She doesn't practice what supposedly was taught her - we know in Alaska that she lies, cheats, steals, misrepresents herself, her husband, her kids - has had affairs, has a husband who is a proven pimp - was proven to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature even though she denies it - and on and on.
ReplyDeleteShe is a fraud. Anyone that would purchase her 'christmas' book is nuts! Watch, she'll purchase the majority of them via her PAC to make it a best seller! Another method to her madness that she has used before!
I'm sure I'll doze off right after I puke.
ReplyDeleteSarah is such a pretender. Each time she raises that over-sized bobble-head over Alaska, more and more people come to realize what a con artist and screeching shill she is.
Sarah is all about Sarah, all the time, every time. Keep on Grifting, Quitter Queen.
Hello tits! What a scamp she is!!
ReplyDelete"Or perhaps it will be the Christmas when Sarah concocted a plan to send Levi away to the remote cabin, so that he would not be home when Bristol gave birth to Tripp. (Can't imagine why THAT happened!)"
ReplyDeleteWhy did Sarah do that? Wouldn't the mother-to-be want her baby's father present at the birth?
Did Bristol give birth to two boys, one Tripp and the other Trig? Levi didn't know? Bristol must have had prenatal exams. Did Sarah already know about Trig and concocted her lie about HER giving birth to Trig?
What a mess this family is. I am so confused.
Join the club!
DeleteOh yeah, God is opening those doors for Sarah. Don't let the door hit your skinny ass on your way out, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteCould you be more hateful? I mean, I've seen hate and ignorance in my day but you take it to new levels. You may want to examine your life and determine why you're so set in believing the lies you believe.
ReplyDeleteI know, isn't it awful? We should really get a life and stop being immature about people we've never met and hanging out at this defunct website, yes?
DeleteAnon 1:02 pm--who are you talking to? Yourself? Sarah? Please elaborate--or was this just a drive-by trolling?
Delete1:02 PM Are you on suicide watch? You are obsessed with all things Palin, except the Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Ring. Are you not allowed to respond to comments about Todd Palin's Pimping? You Palinbots run and hide when Pimping is mentioned on any of the Blogs. Afraid of the truth? BWAHAHAHA.
DeleteYou believe your lies, right? So what's the problem, Hypocrite?
DeleteCould you honestly blame us? That old hate bag is a riot! I mean really!
DeleteLong rant---'cause you're silly.
DeleteNow theres a question . . . Could Gryphen be more hateful? Sure he could but mostly he is just funny.
Now here is a question for you.
Why is Palin so very nasty? The effed up stuff she used to say about the president and his wife on FOX was pretty vitriolic and personal. Political punditry is one thing--but that wasn't what she was doing. Considering the only thing he ever said about her was that families should be out of the political crossfire (he was defending Bristol)--- what was she so pissed off about? She was like a spiteful stalker. That worked out well---huh?
That is what you don't get. Palin has said some of the nastiest shit about people. She called any man who didn't agree with her a pedophile (until someone obviously brought it to her attention that she had some kind of seriously messed up past to do that on a regular basis). Now she's reduced to Facebook and Twitter. Maybe if she had become a serious pundit and not just a mean ignoramus who wouldn't listen to sense and wasn't so self destructive she'd still have a fucking job. They'll cheer her nastiness at CPAC 'cause basically that is all she's got.
I'm sure someone will hire Her Heinous on the television again. There are ratings in freak shows. Get over yourself and get over Sarah. She probably is just not that into you.
I've met the Palin family and they are exactly as vacuous and one-dimensional as they are portrayed here, on this blog, and all of the other blogs that dare publicize their shortcomings. They are simply idiotic-low-information-poorly-educated-blue-collar-trash with money. But hey, 25% of our great country identifies with those traits that I listed above and find those traits to be favorable, rather than vastly abhorrent.
DeleteThe Palin family has found a niche market of low IQ adults with birth-control-allergic daughters that call themselves christian and will pony up half their welfare checks to purchase any book that a Palin "writes". Everyone has to have a hero, right? The movement could be called, "Dirtbags: We Stand with Sarah".
And what would the lies be,pray tell?
DeleteConfused the troll by mixing religion and lies apparently...(" the lies be pray" and the troll sees "liars be praying" and runs off to do so...)
DeleteWow! Her head is HUGE. (She looks like one of those little dogs people used to put in the back window of their car that bobbed up and down on wire). Of course the dogs had more in their head than she does. . . . .
ReplyDeleteI heard on Marten Bashir's show that the reporter at CPAC has heard no one mention Palin's name. "Lather, rinse, and repeat" That's the mantra of the Tea Party and the GOP dogs who are lapping up their swill.
ReplyDeleteAyotte called her "relatively young." That's gotta smart.
ReplyDeleteToday's immigration panel at CPAC was a wondrous journey into a parallel universe. In this fantastical land, “jobs go begging in the streets,” Hispanics plead to be used as helots, guest workers take a vow of celibacy once they cross the border, and the issue of immigration can avoid being “politicized.” It's fitting that the panel was preceded by an unedited rendition of “Little Lion Man” over the speakers, and the audience (and presumably CSPAN) was treated to Mumford & Sons crooning “I really f***ked it up this time, didn't I, my dear?”
Conservatism Inc.’s remarkable collapse of morale following President Obama's re-election is no surprise. It has profited for years by transmuting the grievances of the core American population into an illogical agenda that has nothing to do with defending that constituency’s interests. It drew on the style of Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis, while eliminating intellectual substance, and purging anyone who thought differently. The result is that “conservatism” has become a chaotic morass of irrational (but oddly Politically Correct) conspiracy theories, alarmist rhetoric about foreign policy threats, fanciful historical revisionism, and maudlin nostalgia for a simultaneously traditionalist and anti-racist America that never actually existed.
I bet that Mumford and Sons would be horrified to hear that Little Lion Man was being played at the CrapFest.
Deletelol at the lyrics. Conservatards NEVER understand the lyrics.
DeleteWhat opportunities? Another ghost-written book? A paid gig with Breightbart pontificating on hate politics? Showing up at fringe benefits to support fringe candidates? Certainly not the big bucks she is used to. Personally I think she chose the Kardashians as her roll model when she quit the governorship. She made a fortune and was in the news for four years. Not so much anymore.
ReplyDeleteIs that Peg Bundy from Married with Children?
ReplyDeleteNah. Peg Bundy had class and a high school diploma.
DeleteG, have you seen this?
I guess CPAC's lunatic organizers consider the event a ROARING success after this! And the icing on the cake will be Simp Palin speaking for them soon!
Sad, But Sarah Palin reminds me of Jodi Arias, both pathological liars, with one exception, Jodi is alot smarter than Sarah. Both used sex and religion to try and manipulate all around them. But both have lives built completely of lies and deceptions.
DeleteLooks like she cut the throw pillow she used as Tri-G in halfsies and made them into falsies. Wonder if she named them Tri-ck and Tri-D
ReplyDeletePerverse Sayrah just might have, doncha know.
DeleteShe needed a lift not breast implants. Sarah-do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier? Do your boobs hang low?
ReplyDeleteOMG, I just did the "boobs hang low" song before I saw your comment...I guess there is another Anon here that is on my same plane!
DeleteMe too!
DeleteRule of thumb, Sarah - boobs and elbows do not belong on the same latitude.
DeleteI remember the song on a Barney video. I still have flashbacks. You're not helping here. Need meds now to sleep.
Or was it 101 Dalmations?
DeleteAGAIN with the Wonder Woman bracelet???
ReplyDeleteI guess she thinks that patriotism goes with any outfit. No, honey, no... I'm sure there was something else in that Republican-purchased wardrobe that would be more classy than that VBS project.
good snark!
DeleteNot much left in her little life to exploit. She's used herself, Bristle's baby, life, and dancing, AK, Toad. Let's make a few bucks off Xmas! Then it's on to Piper.
DeleteBwahahaha!! Could her fake chest look any more obvious?
ReplyDeleteThe Queen of Morons has more than enough grifted moolah why oh why does she always look so tawdry?
Money can't buy you love or class eh.
The god awful fugly bracelet is what gets me! It is so trashy and ugly. Nothing says "hooker" like clunky shoes and flashy, fugly jewelry.
DeleteSarah must not mind someone using her name selling that Sarah Palin Bracelet on Etsy for ..get this..$850!!!Can you believe that junk jewelry for $850.
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah's book becomes a success, she will have earned money that she can put in her bank account, knowing that she sells a message that Christmas is something to be feared, rather than it being a celebratory day of the Lord's birth of which gospel invites people to search and find; the gospel doesn't force or demand entitled christians to insult others because they don't approve of the Name. She knows she uses the Lord Jesus as a name she can exploit for furthering her career. If she has no conscience about laying her treasures only here on earth and using God as a lucrative way to get rich, may the Lord have mercy on her.
I hope Sarah thinks about the families in true poverty overseas that celebrate in heart only. Her Christmas book earnings will no doubt buy more homes and her book might not offend rich Americans like herself, but those pages won't do a thing to include ALL those Jesus came for. Sarah, your witness is found wanting.
Sarah Palin 'the liar and fraud' doesn't have a friggin' christian bone in her ugly, evil body!
DeleteJesus, if he ever even existed, wasn't born in December. "Christmas" was put at the end of December to make converting the Pagans easier, since they already celebrated several holidays around that time anyway.
DeleteNo offense, but hearing people yell about putting the Christ back in Christmas, and evul bad guyz stealing the Lord's day always make me puke. The Christians stole it to begin with, and the only thing they manage to come up with as proof that Christ is being taken out of it is that some people prefer to say "Happy Holidays" instead.
Also, you might want to change your little selling speech there. LOTS of people have searched Christianity and found nothing, or found something so revolting it's the last thing they'd ever willingly practice. It's not all roses and sunshine.
And anyway, your god does absolutely nothing about all the people who use his name for evil, so he apparently doesn't care, if he really does exist. So why should you?
Has anyone anywhere seen a Paylin in a place of worship for years??
DeleteLast time she was seen in a church was via the picture of that Rev/Witch Doctor laying hands on the loser.
"(S)he that winketh the eye causes trouble; And a prating fool shall fall."
Proverbs 10:10
Seriously dude. You need to put a warning note on your blog when there's a half-body pic of Mama Grifter. I had to look away quickly to not throw up in my mouth.
ReplyDeleteI put kibble down for my cat while I checked out IM. The cat finished, jumped up next to me, and puked up the whole kitty meal.
DeleteCoincidence? I think not.
Or burst a side laughing.
DeleteOkay, Sarah, let's ignore the irony that you're trying to cash in on the birth of Christ, which you think is holy and sacred, by publishing a book in time for Christmas gift giving. No lowly stable for you, when you can buy yourself a new SUV with the royalties from your latest literary effort.
ReplyDeleteSecond, you are free, and welcome, to honor the birth of Jesus on December 25th, and even on Christmas Eve. You might even go to church to do so. This is the time that Christians reserve for the religious rituals surrounding the coming of Christ. No one is stopping you from worshipping as you please.
However, those of us who say "happy holidays" may be celebrating the winter solstice, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Day, or just passing along a friendly greeting to our acquaintances, during a time of year when it's cold and dark and dreary. We're taking nothing away from those who celebrate Christmas, and it's ridiculous to allege that we are.
In fact, maybe by saying "happy holidays" we're really saying "Peace on earth, good will to all men." I doubt that Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men, or the shepherd boys would reject such good-spirited thoughts. In fact, if you read your Bible, you'll see that that's what Christmas is all about.
She and her family are known NOT to attend church when in Wasilla. That is public knowledge. They are the least christian family in our midst - don't act it or live it!!!
DeleteWasted on the queen of idiots and xrtian fans though.
Nicely written! I belong to no organized religion because for me, they are just social clubs, and I am not social, especially when I am expected to embrace myths I do not believe. I do, however, love this time of year and I celebrate in the old pagan ways, bringing a tree into my home to decorate, giving gifts, partying with friends, lighting a fire, and anticipating the return of the sun's light and warmth.
DeleteI thought Jenna Jameson was blonde ???
ReplyDeleteThis statement from the publisher sounds as if Sarah wrote it herself:
ReplyDeleteAccording to the publisher, the book will advocate "reserving Jesus Christ in Christmas — whether in public displays, school concerts (or) pageants. Palin also "will share personal memories and traditions from her own Christmases and illustrate the reasons why the celebration of Jesus Christ's nativity is the centerpiece of her faith.
1. What does "reserving Jesus Christ in Christmas" mean? Can't Jesus be in Easter, too? Did someone reserve a place for Jesus in the manger? According to the original story, Mary and Joseph couldn't stay in the inn. I guess that they didn't have reservations, so they ended up in the stable. Christ is reserved for Christmas?? That sounds like Palin.
2. Christmas is the centerpiece of Sarah's faith. For most Christians, the most significant event was the resurrection. I don't hear people saying, "Jesus was born for my sins...." No, the cornerstone of Christens' faith is that Christ died for their sins. (And He was reborn. That is the miracle that is the cornerstone of most people's faith. Happy Christmas, Sarah).
3. Jesus belongs in your house and in your church. He does not belong in public school pageants and choirs. Please feel free to decorate your homes and your churches, inside and out, but please don't spend my tax money on public displays that favor one religion over another. It's impossible to include all religions and beliefs, so they belong in each person's home, church and heart.
There are enough bright lights, candy canes and Santas in the shopping centers and on the lamp posts in our commercial districts. You would think that priests, pastors and other religious people would be more concerned with the commercialization of Christmas. I guess that they are happy to see people in church, no matter what they do to the holiday to get there.
Easter/Pascha is the big deal and always has been on the Christian calender. This is an important thing to know if you are Christian. Does she know any Greek or Hebrew? What does Sarah Palin or her ghost writer know of her/their faith?
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to enhance, then make sure they are same size.
ReplyDeleteAnd far up from your tum also too.
Deletethose are those gel fake tits flat women buy to stuff their bra, hell you can see the outline
ReplyDeletewhat a loser...lol
Wow, she has man-hands!
ReplyDeleteShe never comes up with anything new, original, or relevant. Putting Christ back in Christmas has been discussed - sometimes vehemently - for everyone of my 68 Christmases. I always gave and got presents - it was a time to share love and gifts to people you care about. I see nothing wrong with that.
However, when our national holiday is Black Friday.... well, I got a problem with that. And the impetus for the intense commercialism of Christmas is from where? The retailers who hope to make a killing in the market.
I am sure Sarah will blame the LSM and libruls. And imo, this book is just another excuse to get out old pictures and polish up the image. I doubt it will be a best seller, unless the Palins buy up all the copies like they did her last books, Chuckies' book, Bristol's book....
I know I'd seen that smile before:
In the spirit of Bad Luck Brian, I give you Bad Luck Sarah:
You can make your own by clicking the "Add your own caption" button on the right. It's fun! Post 'em here!
Lol'ing so hard at "she's weighing multiple offers".
ReplyDeleteShe's not wearing her wedding ring AGAIN. Perhaps she doesn't even believe the sham of a marriage she has been putting on for years with her proven 'pimp' husband (read "Boys Will Be Boys").
ReplyDeleteBut she IS wearing that craptastic bracelet that must stink by now. Sweat, food drippings, bits of meth, old sunscreen, all incubating in there.
DeleteThat's probably her stash bracelet. Something like a poison ring.
DeleteIf you turn that insufferable bitch around her ass is flatter than her stomach 1 day before "giving birth" to trig.
Her last book was a dismal failure as was her daughter's. Their reality shows fared no better. Why would a publisher even consider throwing good money at these bad people? I'll bet she's already smoked up the advance.
ReplyDeleteA tax write off to show losses at the end of the year
DeleteYeah, when shopping for fake breasts, buy the lowest hanging ones you can find, just a few inches from your tummy would do just fine.
She looks like a 50 yr high school history teacher named Frank who spent his inheritance on a sex change.
DeleteOK, yeah, I follow you.
DeleteGood one. She looks about 53 to me.
DeleteTesting Testing This is a test of the emergency tranny grannie detection system. If you can look at the above image for more than a second without laughing or puking then this test has detected a problem...
DeleteShe could not be attractive if she tried. Period. Too much reflects from her truly evil innards.
ReplyDeleteShe has no pedigree, no grasp of propriety,and no marketable skill or knowledge.
She is reflective in her only skill as being a female whore. Thus,Todd. That's a chicken and egg question: Which one was the whore monger first?
Ha, ha, ha .... bitch. You just have to wonder when its coming!
I think Sarah has a disconnect in her thinking - well, we all know that - but with her "put Christ back in Christmas" meme next to her unabashed support for the "makers in capitalism" ... well, I just see a conflict, which apparently has not entered into her thinking.
ReplyDeleteMerchants always hope to make up their losses during Christmas. I don't think Sarah's wishes will change that.
Read "Boys Will Be Boys"......
ReplyDeleteDon't miss the reality of corruption in Alaska. And MN. And ND. And SD.
Sound familiar red state people?
ReplyDeleteThe comments on the above link speak volumes about Sarah Palin's popularity. There is one lone commenter over there on Fox, Barracuda43, and he or she is fighting the good fight, alone, for Queen Grifter Palin, amongst the other conservatives. Sarah is toast, and Barracuda43 is her only fan.
Is Barracuda43 RAM - typing with other hand, gnawing on a ham hock with other?
DeleteThat crazy ass "Barracuda43" is one of Baldy's Bots who went whining to the Asylum about the ass beating she was getting on Fox...and BEGGED some of those nuts to come and defend their Retarded Queen...the only ones who went with her was that other nutty bar...IDesign! LMAO!!
DeleteThe worst part is...what if they're real, like, actually the way she's built? Eeeeewww.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised that Stupid Palin would consider a book on the GOP's fake war on Christmas.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lie. Perfect for her.
She's writing a book to make money and hoping for another book tour so she can get some media attention that she is desperately craving.
DeleteDoes this mean that the fitness book has been shelved??
ReplyDeleteFrom the looks of her in this pic, she should scrap that whole idea
Those are bra inserts. If they were real they would be much further up nearer to her collarbone but you can see her bra outline and ascertain that those are silicone cutlets with nipples built in. Why would she do this? You can certainly get foundation assistance that is carried much higher on the body, but these just look like WalMart silicone "slices" that one puts in a bra. This photo was from an NBC party for Stars Earn Stripes and was taken at least a year ago in Beverly Hills so who knows what the boobs look like now.
ReplyDeleteEven her nipples are wonky.
DeleteAccording to the pictures of her in Hawaii she's flatter than Piper. Oh and those are called falsies. Fake & false through & through to go with her personality.
DeleteIsn't that the same dress she wore to toad's pre-show out in cali?
ReplyDeleteher head is too big, I notice more in this picture. The point on top of her wig doesn't make her taller, it makes her look like ziggy.
Her head is HUGE. Not that there's anything in there except marbles...
DeleteThat's so Palin! Playing dress up when you're almost 50 Stap on Tata's courtesy of Todd's closet, I doubt the GOP paid for the cheap models.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Dopey from the Seven Dwarfs meets Ru Paul's Drag Race. (no offense to the true Drag Artists)
I went over to faux and saw this message from one of their posters.
ReplyDelete"How did Rand Paul LOSE Votes ???? He was at 80% all day !!!"
I know I'm going to into some stupid here.
1:09 They'll have to photoshop them in before the book goes to print.
ReplyDeleteOr more Palin-esque...they'll just FAKE a Christmas scene.
I thought you were supposed to dim the high beams when encountering oncoming traffic. So much for driving courtesy.
ReplyDeleteRe the book, I hope Sarah will include some of her favorite recipes. You know, the ones that make you lose 15-20% of your body weight but it makes her flapping-in-the-wind ta-tas large, firm and perky. Not much fat content in the Sarah-tits. Made of steel with nips so hard they can be used to cut diamonds. Or cubic zirconia, at least.
Sarah weighing multiple offers? lol. Yeah, for a ménage a trois with Trump and Herb Cain in DC or to eat shit and die back in Wasilly World. Take your pick, Quitter Queen.
ReplyDeleteRumor mill in New Orleans is that Shailey Tripp is shopping a movie deal for her book. I wonder if it is true. If it is true, I wonder how this will impact the good ol Palin clan.
ReplyDeleteOh, and don't forget the one where she was so jealous that she declared war on Bo the First Dog for being on the presidential xmas card lol.
ReplyDeleteShe weighing overs alright - from Vivid, Brazzers, and Bangbros.
ReplyDeleteHeh, Paul F. Little may have something for her...I hear he's back at it again after his 'vacation'. She could give him a call...
Deletethat is a REALLY bad photo...what was she thinking??
ReplyDeleteOh.... So THAT is where Tawd hides his washcloths with the used condoms. Stuffed into $arreey's bra. Peeeuuuuwwwww !!!
ReplyDeleteI remember when her 2nd book was supposed to be full of poems, scripture and stories from her bestest favorite writers. It wasn't. Because the woman would have had to actually have read some poems for there to be favorites.
ReplyDeleteThis "funny warm" tome will either go the way of the family fitness manual (straight to the garage with the exercycles) or it will be a rant on how Christian she and her spawn are, and how awful the rest of us are for being inclusive of all beliefs. Either way, bargain bin city.
Palin may have some offers. I can't imagine her having a work ethic to commit to preparing for jobs in news nor talk show genres given her public performances and lack of prep to be a VP candidate. Word salad, faux folksy charm, prom do's with windbreakers will only go so far.
ReplyDeleteSarah will be doing EXACTLY what she is against in her "book" pimping Palin wares at Christmas. Guess she set up a daily booth down at the Costco, oh no, Costco is a LIBRUL haven of hippies and moochers. So I guess Sarah will have to go to WalMart to sell her book over at the stores where noone can actually afford to buy a book! LOLOLO