Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In wake of Boston Marathon bombings, Fox News contributor "jokingly" suggests killing all Muslims.

Courtesy of Global Post: 

A tweet by Fox News contributor Erik Rush — that all Muslims should be killed in response to the Boston Marathon bombings — has set off a firestorm of debate on Twitter. 

The hashtag #muslims was trending as pro- and anti-Islamic voices weighed in. 

In what was widely described as a "joke," Rush tweeted:
When a responder tweeted, "Are you ALREADY BLAMING MUSLIMS??" 

Rush responded: "Yes, they're evil. Let's kill them all." 

He later tweeted that he was being sarcastic.

As of right now we have no idea just who was behind this terrible attack, but some evidence is indicating that it is more likely an act of domestic terrorism rather than a foreign entity.

However of COURSE many people in this country will automatically assume it involves Muslims, which makes what this asshole did completely despicable as it may result in acts of revenge focused on innocent Americans.

Why am I not surprised he works for Fox News?


  1. Olivia6:42 AM

    I firmly believe that this was a domestic terrorism incident, just like the Atlanta and the Oklahoma City incidents.
    However,I expect to see increasing speculation and accusations all the way up to hair on fire from the right that it was the second coming of 9/11 and the President is doing nothing to protect us.
    If it turns out to be domestic and the bomber is another Eric Rudolph or Timothy McVeigh, the silence from the right will be deafening, they will push to get it all swept under the rug as fast as possible and you won't see anything about it on Fox. The "liberal" media will quickly reduce coverage until you have to do a deep search to even find mention of the incident. I'll bet hardly any 20 year olds have even heard about Atlanta.
    Of course, there will always be the deniers who will insist that it is a government plot to take our freedom away(whatever the fuck that means).

    1. Olivia9:17 AM

      And heeeere we go!

      Patrick Dollard @PatDollard

      7:47 PM - 15 Apr 13

      Apparently Bush wasn't president when 9/11 happened.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      I suggest watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC...caught her right after the Boston tragedy (she was born and raised in Massachusetts).

      She listed all of the Boston like episodes that have taken place in the USA for the past years and there have been a number of them. Some of the media was indicating differently and incorrectly. Some of the prior ones have not been solved!!!

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    He later tweeted that he was being sarcastic.

    Right, because every reasonable person, after hearing of this terrible tragedy, has the first impulse to make a joke about killing other people.

    Seriously, what kind of sick fuck is this guy?

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Yes, that's the point. He WAS probably joking, but who the hell jokes about something like this, especially on the very day it's going on.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      He's the kind of sick fuck who works for Fox News. Enough said.

    3. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Where is the FCCat a time such as this? His "joke" could get people killed. I find that much more offensive than a nipple slip.

  3. Be safe everyone. Love and Support from Mumbai. We are all with Boston on this sad day

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Thank you for such a lovely sentiment.

    2. Leland1:43 PM

      Thank you Rahul. It is especially good to have sentiments such as yours considering the recent history there.

      To be able to feel sorrow for others in pain when one is also in pain is to truly understand compassion.

      Thank you.

  4. Dis Gusted6:49 AM

    it could have been anyone....

    it could even have been an inside job.

    There were multiple anti-hijacking drills that occurred on 9/11.

    There were anti-terror drills in London on 7/7.

    There was an active shooter drill in Connecticut the day of the Sandy Hook Massacre.

    And now it's admitted that there were bomb drills during the Boston Marathon where two bombs did indeed explode.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      What the fuck are you talking about? Go away, troll. No 9/11 "truthers" allowed here.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      What do you mean by "inside?"

      So, let's just be clear. You are saying:

      the American government set off two bombs at the Boston Marathon...

      the American Government shot and killed children and teachers in Newtown?

      the British Government blew people up in London?

      I want to make sure I'm understanding what you are saying, even if you're only saying "maybe." That way I can be sure to ignore all your comments from here on out.

      (If you're going to cut and past from other websites, you should cite your source...even if that source uses the phrase "false flag").

    3. A J billings8:27 AM

      Fuck off DisGusted. Head over to Twitchy, WeaselZip, or C4P and join your crazy Palin worshiper friends

    4. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Whoa. People settle down. It is a tactic to have these attacks on days of drills, to confuse snd confound responders. Why is it hard to believe that terrorists would NOT use these drills to their advantage. It is easy to look up the drills on a gov website- anyone can. I am not saying the GOV did any of the attacks, just that absolutely the drills are used.

    5. Anonymous9:26 AM

      7:54 "Inside" means 'inside the USA". Not the government. Someone that is an American citizen will probably be shown to have done this dastardly deed. Not the US government! Are you trying to start something by any chance?

    6. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Dis Gusted's comment was cut and pasted from a "false flag" website and and also suggested it might be an "inside" job.

      If Dis Gusted didn't mean to suggest that the Government had a hand in the attacks, he/she should have made that clearer. Otherwise, the original comment stands as the same old Alex Jones craziness.

    7. Anonymous10:03 AM

      If you're posting that something is an "inside" job and quoting from a "false flag" website, it's hardly surprising that people have taken your comment that way.

    8. Dis Gusted10:23 AM

      TY @ 8:54

      yes, that's exactly what I was saying

      the planned drills are used by the terrorists because they are less likely to be noticed at that time.

      Unfortunately, the drills are not kept secret.

      Still, nobody saw anyone planting the duffle bags that contained pressure cookers filled with shrapnel and bomb components.

    9. Dis Gusted10:24 AM

      I don't know who Alex Jones is, but the e-mail was sent to me yesterday.

    10. Anonymous11:42 AM

      That's why is a good idea to check the source of e-mails before quoting from them. What you posted is from a site that clearly suggests an "inside" job (meaning the Gubment did it!).

  5. I tend to remember people like this, and while I wouldn’t hurt them, I don’t ever support them.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      I want to hurt them with a good punch to their mouths! They are idiots and spread nothing but crud. You have to remember that some people actually believe their statements!

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I was telling a Canadian friend last night about the right wing's war against Islam and how they want nothing more than to start a holy war against them. She was shocked and really didn't believe me. I wonder what she's thinking today?

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    He should be an ex-Fox contributor.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      If he's actually NOT saying we should kill all Muslims, he should be an ex-Fox contributor. If he's being truthful about his feelings, he fits right in.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    If this turns out to be a "right wing" anti-government, gun nut .. will Erik Rush say we should kill all right wingers?

  9. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I don't know this guy at all, but I actually think I can see where he might have been sarcastic in both cases. Read it in a sarcastic tone, especially about the "ankle grab."

    However, it's in poor taste, not clear enough, and as a Fox guy, he should know his audience better (meaning the people who actually think all A-rabs are evil and are actually suggesting without irony or sarcasm what Rush is tweeting).

    Plus, he's commenting on National Security instead of the citizen who tackled the young man on sight because he was Middle Eastern.

    Of course, as I said, I don't know this guy, so I could be completely off base.

  10. imnofred7:07 AM

    Stay classy Fox News!!!

  11. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Even though they killed several and injured many, the Boston bombs were not very powerful.

    Almost think they were too small and too crude to be the work of any foreign terrorist.

  12. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Funny? Not even a little. Not a good time to make sarcastic tweets.

  13. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I don't believe for one second that this was the work of an international terrorist group.
    --They tend to "go big," and the bombs in Boston were small, crude devices, much like the one that they caught that crazy guy with at the MLK Parade last year.
    --It was tax day. Tea Party cray-cray in the house.
    --No one has claimed responsibility for it. That is some Eric Rudolph/Timothy McVeigh shit. Foreign terrorists brag about their attacks, domestic ones keep it quiet.

    Others' thoughts?

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    o/t but I want Jesse to know that Daniel Ruth of "Tampa Bay Times" won a Pulitzer Prize yesterday for an article concerning the removal of floridation in water.

    If he's that good on Floridation think what he could do with Palin. I'd like to suggest that Jesse contact him. Tampa Bay Times is former St. Pete Times and connected with the Poynter Institute for Media studies.

    1. Anonymous3:17 AM

      but but but flouride is safe..lol...even though it is a known neurotoxin!

      I think I will contact him. Thanks for the info!

  15. SHARON7:36 AM

    It is only going to get worse...those right wing morons will have plenty of speculation. My guess is home grown rednecks looking for blame to go to all Muslims, having the day itself adding to their screaming "I hate America". We all know what Faux will do when they find these assholes, as all the GOP loud mouths will do....just like this guy.

  16. Anonymous7:40 AM

    A guy so desperate for attention that he's pushing any button that gets a response. Pathetic.

  17. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Yeah, real funny. There is a real good chance this will turn out to be white supremacist gun nuts. For some reason(?) they have decided this is their year to take a stand against the rest of us. The bombs were small and the timing was off - yeah no one said they were Einsteins. I am curious what Rep. Ellison would have to say. Maybe this rush guy is too idiotic to make a comment.

  18. Dis Gusted7:57 AM

    Boston is reeling still. Armored cars all over the city....armed cops at every hospital. People are being asked to open their backpacks and purses.

    Sadly, even 40,000 armed guards could not stop this terrorist act. When are we going to learn that giving up our civil liberties is not going to save us from a terrorist attack?

    the terrorists have won.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Well, it only happened yesterday, so I'm not surprised Boston is "still reeling."

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      7:57 And, the terrorists are winning from within our country. I'll wager this was done by an American or Americans.

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM

      I'm just waiting for the blame to come out against President Obama for this occurrence in Boston. Just watch and be ready!

    4. Anonymous9:47 AM

      He's already being blamed.

  19. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I don't want to make light of this tragedy in any way shape or form, but I can't help but think it would have been much worse if it was the work of foreign terrorists.

    Disgustingly cowardly act either way.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I agree 8:00 - I'll bet it comes out that this was done by American terrorists. Our nation is a mess!

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Foreign terrorists are cowards, but have misguided bravery as well. They take their own lives as part of attacks and their organizations are quick to claim responsibility.

      American terrorists hide in the shadows and run.

  20. Anonymous8:15 AM

    How many of us would lose our employment for actions such as this? I know I would!

  21. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Interesting comment coming from someone of African extraction. I'm pretty sure a lot of Fox 'News' viewers think the same about people that look like him...

  22. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Who knows at this point but if it does turn out to be a domestic act, maybe it was the Tea Party protesting Tax Day with the whole Boston Tea Party angle, does that mean we should kill - or joke about killing - all Tea Baggers and Republicans too?

    The guy is a freaking moron. Why is it that everyone named Rush is a certifiable lunatic?

  23. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I am just appalled at some of the rhetoric that is out there today.

    I truly feel sorry for children being raised in the USA today! I don't know how their parents (when there are parents in the homes!) can shield them from all the crud that is, and has been, surrounding us for the past recent years. Most especially that coming from FOX and Republican controlled radio shows throughout the US!

  24. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Erik Rush, is not only a Fox News contributor.
    He's a columnist at WND.

    He basically negated his attempt to cover his ass, following his 'sarcasm' tweet with:

    Erik Rush @erikrush
    Hypothesis proven: Libs responding to "kill them all" sarcasm neglect fact that their precious Islamists say the same about us EVERY DAY.
    9:03 PM - 15 Apr 13

    You'd think most black conservatives would be embarrassed to have someone like Rush representing them on Fox News.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Oh, yeah, any chance that he was actually being sarcastic rather than telling an off-color joke is out the window with that tweet.

      Whew! My faith in the utter garbage of Fox contributors is restored.

  25. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Want to know who's responsible for yesterday's terrorist attack in Boston? Just ask the Southern Poverty Law Center for clues...

  26. Leland2:26 PM

    Every argument(s) I hear concerning Muslims being a hateful group of people upsets me and I do my best to debunk that. (Most Muslims are no better or worse than most Christians. Not that that is necessarily any positive argument.) It is actually fairly easy to counter the lies.

    I simply point out that Muslims revere Jesus. Oh, not as Christians do (or should, anyway), but he is revered nonetheless.

    Want some fascinating reading? Google "Islam and Jesus". That sort of knowledge can go a long way toward nipping religious warfare in the bud.

    As for the above jackass? He works for Fox. I just hope that I am around if Rupert Murdoch ever gets what is coming to him. I wish the US had the same laws about truthful reporting that Canada has!

    And, no, I am not Muslim or Christian. In fact, I despise ALL organized religion!

  27. Anonymous3:33 PM

    When one person tweeted, "Are you ALREADY BLAMING MUSLIMS??" Rush responded, "Yes, they're evil. Let's kill them all." He later tweeted that he was being sarcastic, writing:

    Hypothesis proven: Libs responding to "kill them all" sarcasm neglect fact that their precious Islamists say the same about us EVERY DAY.


    What a fucking tool this guy is.

  28. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Well, at least someone from Fox finally didn't blame Canada - as is usually the case. How can any responsible journalist jump to such totally fucked up conclusions before any reasonable evidence is out there? At least Canada doesn't have a Fox Network. Thank god.


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