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Rush Limbaugh, helping to destroy the Republican party since 1984. |
Conservative talk show hosts and Fox News blame the “lamestream” national media’s “liberal bias” for the GOP’s poor showing since 1992. Yet the rise of the conservative-dominated media defines the era when the fortunes of GOP presidential hopefuls dropped to the worst levels since the party’s founding in 1856.
It was when most Americans got most of their information from network news programs, which took their lead from what conservatives labeled “liberal” newspapers, that the GOP held the White House. Yet the right regularly accused the mainstream news media of colluding to turn the public against conservative nominees.
Is it all a coincidence that Democrats’ fortunes reversed as Limbaugh and his imitators gained influence?
Despite Limbaugh’s ridicule, in 1992, Bill Clinton won more electoral votes than any Democratic challenger in 60 years. In the previous six presidential elections (1968-1988), the Republicans had won five times – all but one by an electoral landslide. Since conservative media began to flourish, only once (2004) has the GOP candidate captured more than 50 percent of the popular vote. And that candidate, President George W. Bush, had the lowest re-election results of any conservative chief executive in U.S. history.
On the other hand, between 1996 and 2008, with conservative media ascendant, four different Democratic standard-bearers in successive elections – Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama – combined for a majority of the popular vote. Democratic nominees had never enjoyed this level of serial success. In 2012, Obama won re-election in a second majority-vote victory – the first Democrat to do so since Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Coincidence again?
“Some things are just too coincidental to be a coincidence,” as Yogi Berra once said. The famed Yankee catcher offers insight into why the new media pitch contributes to the GOP striking out.
I have long recognized the truth of the above statements.
In fact in 2012, I and many others, counted on the Right Wing media affect to help choose a candidate that our President could beat without breaking a sweat. In reality they actually chose the candidate who SHOULD have been perfect for them, but because they were so agitated by propaganda they could not accept him.
It is almost like the Right Wing is a bunch of feral dogs feeding on raw meat thrown to them by talk radio, Right Wing websites, and Fox News.
Day in and day out they fight for these scraps and punish those not feral enough. And then every couple of years they are supposed to straighten up, put on a suit and tie, and dine in civilized manner on a more refined meal. A candidate who is more palatable to a larger constituency.
But they can't do it, because their palates have been dumbed down in such a way that they simply are unwilling to accept anything not oozing blood and served cold.
Personally this is one of the reasons that I like Right Wing talk radio, and hope that it continues to "support" the Republican party for many years to come.
Holy Shit the wrinkles/bags under Lego Hair arm
Sarah's weight loss has made her wrinkly skin and bones. There is no muscle tone. Adderall, Redbull, and Meth are a bad combination. Where was Toad, out Prostituting? Barstool is back to wearing her Daisy Dukes for Fat women.
DeleteWhy was Puke Palin hanging out with all those kids. I guess she feels like one of them...sickening!!!
DeleteShe's especially attractive in this photo. So lifelike!
Sarah is back! It's her first TV appearance! Should be entertaining....
DeleteSarah Palin and Gov Jan Brewer lead "strike out child abuse" walk in Phoenix. I asked them about immigration too and will Palin run in 2016? Hear what she says tonight at 9. #fox10
Why is her face so puffy?
DeleteThis was perfect, Gryph! Thank you for your thoughts. And a big Oh by the way-I have twice tried to contribute and it hasn't worked. Your thoughts?
ReplyDeletePalin's wearing her "Capitalism" t-shirt today -- she's not an Ayn Rand follower, clearly, since Rand believed that the poor, hungry, abused and other misfortunates should take care of themselves. She would scorn a "walk" to raise money against child abuse.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you're going to have to figure out what kind of capitalism it is that you support. Do you know the ins and outs of various forms of political economy?
Perhaps you're all for individuals pulling up their bootstraps and making it on their own? Then what about the trucks on the publicly built roads that bring the materials and merchandise to your business? What about the airplane rides you take that don't fall from the sky because of publicly paid air traffic controllers? What about your parents' pensions and Medicare? Why don't you take care of them yourself, instead of letting them take from the government? The list of interdependent parts of our economy is almost endless.
Capitalists thrive in a mixed economy. No one "does it on his own."
Although it wouldn't hurt, Sarah, if you combed your hair on your own. Just sayin'.
She wears those Tshirts hoping against hope that the media will pick it up and comment on her. They care nothing about her FB posts and twitter comments, so she has to rely on Chick-Fil-A and Capitalism shirts hoping to get noticed. Thank God, she is almost done!
DeleteCheck out that what she is wearing to walk. She has no sense at all.
From http://palin4president2016.blogspot.co.nz/2013/04/picturestweets-sarah-palin-in-arizona.html.........
DeleteUpdate: I note the "Immoral Minority " loonies who believe "Todd Palin murdered copies of Trig (Sarah keeps a number of such hidden in cupboards they say) and buried them under his airplane hangar" are showing up here. They scuttle back to their mad house and cackle whilst making catty comments on Palin's appearance without ever showing what they look like.
Anonymous4:32 PM
DeleteYIKES! Does it look like Baldy is hanging onto those two folks next to her to keep from falling down?
Oh shit....zoom in to the back of Baldy's giant noggin! Is that...
*GinaM squinting*
is that...the infamous bald spot that we've been hearing about?
*GinaM falling out of chair while ROFLHAO*
Anonymous4:34 PM
DeleteHehe....well MJ Shepple can check out my avatar if he wants to know what Baldy's number one Fan looks like and it ain't his ugly...decrepit...did I say ugly...old fossilized ass! LOL!!!
His lust for Baldy's nasty ass is truly pitiful...this is what the horny old goat wrote today about her stank butt...
"senator20526 • 38 minutes ago
MJ....keep up the good work...some people dont realize the effort you make in supporting the Governor...It takes time and talent...Much appreciated...
MJosephSheppard Mod senator20526 • 37 minutes ago −
You're very kind-comment appreciated. It's no burden as a labor of love."
As our resident troll (hey...where is old Krust?) loves to say..
I didn't see MJ Sheeple's comment, but if it's like his idiotic blog, it's riddled with enough spelling and grammatical errors to render it incomprehensible, so who cares?
DeleteHowever, what's even more hilarious is that someone actually took the time to launch a "Palin4President 2016" blog. LMAO! And what's up with the New Zealand domain? Blogspot has a US presence. Why send ad dollars to New Zealand? That sure doesn't sound very Patriotic to me. tsk tsk tsk...
OMG - look what Skank wore to Willow's graduation...
Oh goodness...why does Baldy look like an OLD...toothless grandma in this shot?
DeleteI almost couldn't find her...she looks elderly! LOL!! Oh and looks like they have Trig 7.8 with them...errr...poor fella doesn't look very happy though!
PS...check out what MJ Sheeple said over at the Asylum...
MJosephSheppard blueniner • 15 minutes ago −
I've just added a picture of the Palins relaxing at a Diamond backs game.
They've had a massive schedule today but look fine. Page views so far of the "15 minutes are up" Palin are 1200.
For my pains the maniacs at Immoral Minority have launched a hate fest about me-ain't I the lucky one."Ugly horny old goat' is my name there it appears.
LMAO! Awww...sorry MJ...but you ARE an "Ugly horny old goat"...if the hoof fits old man....where that shit out! LOL!!
Anon 4:32 - She's wearing wedges and the free tee shirt, but that photo is even more telling, notice she's being "led" (held up by the arms) by Todd and some random blonde lady. The wedge shoes are just an excuse. Mrs Tight Abs "Runner" should know to wear sensible footwear, amiright?
DeleteAnon 6:20
Is that a remake of "F Troop"? Or a music video for "Who let the dogs out"???
Oh c'mon. you don't think $carah walked more than a few token feet, do you? That walkin' shit is for the "little people."
DeleteAnonymous8:41 PM
DeleteLooks like Baldy did walk...and she had Trig 7.8 in a stroller and I think this Trig had on glasses...here's the video!
I hope Rushbo and his ilk continue for a long time. They really show what the Republican and Tea Party people are all about. Does wonders for the Dems!
ReplyDeleteWhen you have the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Hannity (FOX), Michelle Bachman, John MCcain and Mitch McConnell staring us in the face daily with their bullshit, no wonder the Republican party is going in the tank!!!
ReplyDeleteTime to vote in as many Dems as possible in the next election cycles for the seats in the U.S. Congress, state Legislatures, State Governors, as well as the local mayors and assembly members.
Kerry did not win the pop vote - its the only time since 92 that the Ds did not. (Clinton Clinton Gore (Bush) Obama Obama)
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Colbert Busch has her Congressional election (N.C.) against Mr. Hiking the Appalachian Trail in just over three weeks, so if you feel like supporting someone who would be excellent, go to Act Blue and donate to her campaign. It's getting down to the wire.
ReplyDeleteAnother one coming up, but not so soon, is Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz who is running for Governor of Pennsylvania in the next election.
WTF does skank wear sunglasses all the time? inside. outside. in dark and light?
ReplyDeletetrying to hide your eyes meth queen? watching a game in the vip box wearing sunglasses-no one else is.
hmmm..........something about your eyes you just don't want anyone to see scarah?
Your link doesn't work, can you do it over? Thanks in advance.
DeleteYour assessment is perfect! Fox News, Rushbo, the peebots, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Breitbart.com etc are the leeches sucking the lifeblood out of what's left of what used to be the GOP.
ReplyDeleteBaaawwaaaahhh Gina you will LOVE this!!! The "horny old goat" as you call him made this comment
ReplyDeleteMJosephSheppard blueniner • 18 minutes ago −
Thanks for your support-I note it and very much appreciate it.
In passing there is someone or something called "Gina" I can't tell if it is a man or woman but it says the avatar is them. It comes here regularly from Immoral Minority as it quotes my posts here especially the self-deprecatory ones (obvious it has no sense of humor or self-awareness).
Gina is, frankly and sadly, the most repulsive looking person I have ever seen-it if has ever had an intimate partner of any gender I would be amazed and would consider that to be the main reason why it attacks Sarah in the most childish and idiotic language. Pity rather than anger is the only response one can feel.
Anonymous9:17 PM
DeleteROFLMAOOOOOOOOOO! Thank you for this!
OMG...should we tell him you guys or should we let one of the patients let the old fool in on the joke?
Hey MJ...ya dumbshit...ask your buddies over at C4P who my avatar is and get ready to get your old...raggedy ugly face...
C R A C K E D!
Copying and saving his comment right now...because once the horny old goat finds out what he done said about Baldy's number one fan...."the most repulsive looking person I have ever seen"...that comment is going to disappear faster than Beefy's draws in a tent!
*GinaM* screaming in laughter*
*GinaM wiping away tears*
Okay...I'm okay...I think I can get this out...here's the latest at the Asylum on Mr MJ "horniest ugliest old goat" Sheeple y'all...
"wendystone168 MJosephSheppard • 2 hours ago −
I just want to inform you that Gina's avatar is a picture of Rebecca Mansour, so that future embarrassment for any and/or all can be avoided. :-(
MJosephSheppard wendystone168 • an hour ago −
Thank you Wendy. Since 'Gina" said it was her avatar can whomever that person is be had up for stealing someone's persona/misrepresentation etc? Wendy I meant to draw this person as I have commented before on the avatar with no response. Now there is absolute admission of misrepresentation
the ball would be in the court of anyone who wishes to pursue it."
First....damn you wendystone168 and second...to MJ Sheeple
*Price is Right fuckup music is playing*
You're a grade A dumbass...just like Baldy Louise Heath Palin!
Maybe he never read the LA times story on RAM. And since he's in another country...
DeleteThe idiot doesn't even recognize your avatar picture!!! Way to go mjoseph shepherd you just threw a mighty smack down at the RAM!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how your queen and her lover ram will feel about you now!!!!!
Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Coulter...
ReplyDeleteThey're in it for the money.
They don't give a single shit about the GOP or conservative values - they are in it for the money.
If YOU listen to any of them and then say "Yeah! That's what I think too!" ...then you're an idiot.
If any of them for a second thought they could make as much money by touting progressive values they would do so in a heartbeat.
If you don't believe that then you're a fool.