Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Michelle Obama tears up while speaking to Chicago audience about need for stricter gun laws.

Courtesy of Mediaite: 

First lady Michelle Obama became emotional on Wednesday as she addressed a Chicago audience and urged their support for stricter gun laws. She described the shooting death of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, who had sung at President Barack Obama’s second inauguration just days before her shooting death, and asked if the nation was doing enough for children like Pendleton. 

“I think my husband put it best when he spoke to the people of Newtown, Connecticut, back in December,” Michelle Obama began. “This is our first task – caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t’ get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged. And by that measure, can we truly say as a nation that we’re meeting our obligations?” 

“It was the question weighing on my heart when I met with Hadiya Pendleton’s classmates on the day of her funeral,” the first lady continued. 

She became emotional describing how Pendleton’s classmates remembered the slain teen at her funeral. “It is hard to know what to say to a room full of teenagers who are about to bury their best friend,” Mrs. Obama said. “I told them that there is a reason we are here on this earth. That each of us has a mission in this world, and I urged them to use their lives to give meaning to Hadiya’s life.”

Damn that got to me as well. Very emotional and clearly she was speaking quite honestly, and directly from her heart.

So stay tuned for the attacks from the Right Wing, because you KNOW they are coming!

Best First Lady ever!


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    President and Mrs. Obama are such extraordinary people. We are blessed to have them in the White House. If only more people would give them a chance but I know that within hours Sarah Palin and her ilk will be tweeting and facebooking away. But what can they say? What Michelle Obama said in that Chicago speech is the very best that can be said. We must do all that we can to make sure that the world we leave our children and grandchildren is better than today's world.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Yes, Palin and her ilk will be twisting every word of the First Lady's speech into something ugly and accusatory.

      It's why our country is in such an ugly phase.

  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Anonymous Demands Justice After Bullied and Alleged Gang Raped Teen Ends Her Life

    5.Anonymous has confirmed the identities of two of the four alleged rapists. We are currently confirming a third and it is only a matter of time before the fourth is identified as well.

    7.Our demands are simple: We want the N.S. RCMP to take immediate legal action against the individuals in question. We encourage you to act fast. If we were able to locate these boys within 2 hours, it will not be long before someone else finds them.

    9.We do not approve of vigilante justice as the media claims. That would mean we approve of violent actions against these rapists at the hands of an unruly mob. What we want is justice. And That’s your job. So do it.


    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Getting to know Rehtaeh Parsons through her mother’s eyes

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Gang raped then bullied relentlessly by students, a girl hung herself, Anonymous is tracking the perpetrators down

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Operation Justice For Rehtaeh ---- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:

      Anonymous engaged #OpJustice4Rataeh this morning in response to the suicide of Rehtaeh Parsons. Justice Minister Ross Landy says that it is important for Nova Scotians to have faith in their justice system. Mr. Landy, justice is in your hands.

      Anonymous has confirmed the identities of two of the four alleged rapists. We are currently confirming a third and it is only a matter of time before the fourth is identified as well.

      Our demands are simple: We want the N.S. RCMP to take immediate legal action against the individuals in question. We encourage you to act fast. If we were able to locate these boys within 2 hours, it will not be long before someone else finds them.

      We do not approve of vigilante justice as the media claims. That would mean we approve of violent actions against these rapists at the hands of an unruly mob. What we want is justice. And That's your job. So do it.

      The names of the rapists will be kept until it is apparent you have no intention of providing justice to Retaeh's family. Please be aware that there are other groups of Anons also attempting to uncover this information and they may not to wish to wait at all. Better act fast.

      Be aware that we will be organizing large demonstrations outside of your headquarters. The rapists will be held accountable for their actions. You will be held accountable for your failure to act.

      That is all

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I am always so proud of how our First Lady speaks and conducts herself. She has such grace and intelligence and such a warm, huge heart. She never tries to be anyone other than herself, never tries to steal someone else's mantle, speaks in elevated and inspiring tones and naturally conveys her deep commitment to what is right and good. I love our First Family so much and Michelle clearly sets the example for all of us to aspire to.

  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    “Hadiya Pendleton was me, and I was her. But I got to grow up and go to Princeton and Harvard Law School and have a career and family and the most blessed life I could ever imagine. And Hadiya? Oh, we know that story.”

  6. Anonymous7:15 PM

    She is so right. If we do not feed, shelter, educate and LOVE our children, what does that say about us as a society? The greed and hate and lies and violence have to stop. Now. With every one of us..and especially you, SArah Palin. If you indeed go to church, pray for a clean heart, pray for forgiveness for your divisive slogan-y nonsense meant to make people angry. Pray for the well-being and education of your children. Hate begets hate. Guns beget death. God condones neither. We will be judged by how we treated the least of us, the innocent, the vulnerable. Our scorecard is pretty pitiful right now.

  7. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

    Best First Lady, Ever!

    There isn't one word wasted, her ability to be so eloquent as she speaks from her heart shows how important this issue is to her and how this young lady's death has touched her soul.

    I'm so very appreciative to have President Obama and the First Family representing and leading our country.

  8. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I just read a New York Times headline that the Senate has voted to allow debate of gun legislation. It certainly is about time! What is wrong with our legislators in Washington? They know that the vast majority of Americans want tougher gun laws.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.