Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two Senators with "A" ratings from the NRA reach deal on background checks.

Courtesy of the Washington Times:  

With a Senate gun-control showdown looming, Sens. Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey have reached a deal on background checks for firearm purchases, NBC News reported Wednesday morning. 

Mr. Manchin, West Virginia Democrat, and Mr. Toomey, Pennsylvania Republican, both have “A” ratings from the National Rifle Association, potentially giving the the deal the kind of political weight needed to achieve a bipartisan vote capable of overcoming a filibuster. 

The details of the package aren’t yet clear and will be announced later on Wednesday, according to NBC. 

The agreement comes as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sets a Senate vote on gun-control measures for Thursday. It will be first such vote in either chamber of Congress since the December massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. 

There is talk that this might provide cover for other Senators to sign on as well and perhaps we could see the first steps taken to getting some control over who is allowed to purchase guns in this coutnry.

However of course we are not out of the woods yet, and there are still several Senators who are locked into their positions: 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) plans to join a Republican filibuster of legislation aimed at curbing gun violence should Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) bring it to the floor. 

The Kentucky senator joins 13 Senate Republicans who are threatening to filibuster the legislation because they believe the proposals would infringe on the Second Amendment.

Personally I am hoping that when this gets brought to the Senate floor that the America people pay very close attention to which of their senators are interested in protecting our children and which ones are more concerned with protecting the metallic penis extenders of the 2nd Amendment fetishists.


  1. Karen in SoCal1:32 PM

    You're right, but this isn't just about bringing gun safety legislation to a vote or the NRA. It's about denying President Obama. The Teapublicans are only about blocking anything that the President wants and no matter how reasonable the bill is, they will do anything to prevent this going to a vote. I personally think they're all a bunch of TRAITORS.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Maybe I'm just cynical (who wouldn't be after all this?) but one has to wonder with their A rating just what got them to change their mind. They don't do anything anymore unless there's something in it for them.

  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Best to remember that the Washington Times is a conservative mouthpiece, founded by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his followers and sold to a more church-oriented group of investors in 2010. It is a questionable source for anything factual but especially regarding conservative hot buttons.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The thought that any senator or representative thinks his/her NRA rating is more important than the welfare of the American people for whom the senator or representative works is very distressing to me. Why should any member of Congress place the welfare of the NRA above the welfare of the American people? And to think that Republican senators still want to keep gun legislation off the floor of the Senate should be considered seditious behavior. "We the people" want better gun laws. In the House the bills will be tied up in committee forever. If these senators and representatives do not want to protect us, they should resign and go work for the NRA and get salaries/benefits from the NRA membership not from the American people.

  5. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Report: Gunman Holding Firefighters Hostage Near Atlanta

    A gunman is holding give firefighters hostage in Suwanee, Ga., a suburb of Atlanta, NBC News reported Wednesday evening.

    The Gwinnett County Police Department SWAT team is outside of a residence where a barricaded gunman is holding five firefighters hostage in Suwanee, Ga., officials said in a statement.

    It appears that the fire department had responded to the residence for a medical emergency.

    Watch live coverage of the situation below:

  6. Anonymous1:59 PM

    OT I didn't realize that Sarah Palin's latest Facebook post was about gun control:
    Dear MSNBC, if our kids belong to you, do your kids belong to us too? If so, can we take them hunting after church in our big pickup truck?

    All of the people commenting are saying that they can't take their guns away, and that they want to go hunting with Sarah. They all write about hunting with guns. How about some real sport, hunting with bow and arrows? How about some real sport, a spear just like the cave men?

    I think that it's time to call Sarah's bluff. I can think of a bunch of kids from the inner city who would love to go hunting with Sarah. They might even bring their own weapons. A couple of years ago, Native People in Alaska were starving during the winter, having had a poor salmon harvest. Sarah brought them a plate of cookies. Yes, Sarah should take those kids hunting. Maybe they could put some moose stew away in their freezer, just like Chuck Heath does. I think that anyone on food stamps should go hunting with Sarah. They could use the food, too.

    It is very nice of Sarah to offer to take all of those people hunting with her. What an act of generosity-- well, they do have to go to church first, but that's how it is at the Salvation Army, too. You have to go to prayer meeting before getting in line for soup. Sarah is doing a wonderful thing, offering to take all of those poor kids hunting so they'll have something good to eat. Maybe she'll let them keep the guns, too.

  7. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Michelle Obama Holds Back Tears In Chicago Event On Gun Violence (VIDEO)

    First Lady Michelle Obama was on the verge of tears on Wednesday as she recalled speaking to the friends of Hadiya Pendleton, a teen who was slain by gunfire in Chicago a little after performing at President Obama's inauguration.

    "It is hard to know what to say to a roomful of teenagers about to bury their best friend," Obama said, emotion raw in her voice.

    "I urged them to use their lives to give meaning to ideas," she added. "I urged them to dream as big as she did. And work as hard as she did. And live a life that honors every last bit of her god-given promise."

    Obama was in Chicago on Wednesday discussing the need to eliminate gun violence during an event with community leaders.

  8. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Isn't the act of VOTING on a bill the main point of their job and the means for expressing whether or not you support that particular bill???

    Oh, sorry, I forgot that the GOP can't possibly take a chance on bills they know have a lot of legislative and public support coming to a vote because they just might get passed.

    Heaven forbid something should actually get accomplished in Congress because it just might make that Kenyan, Muzzlim, commie, soshalist, blah usurper in the White House look good!

    Can we PLEASE vote out all these idiots in 2014 and get some people in Congress who really WANT to do the jobs they're getting paid lots of money to do? Pretty please???

  9. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Michelle Obama: 'Hadiya Pendleton was me and I was her'

    First Lady Michelle Obama got emotional today in Chicago during a speech about gun violence. In front of a group of Chicago business and civic leaders the first lady’s voice cracked as she talked about meeting with the classmates of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, a Chicago teenager who was shot and killed earlier this year.

    “It is hard to know what to say to a roomful of teenagers that are about to bury their best friend. But I started by telling them that Hadiya was clearly on her way to doing something truly worthy with her life. I told them that there is a reason that we're here on this earth. That each of us has a mission in this world and I urged them to use their lives to give meaning to Hadiya's life." The first lady continued, her voice breaking, "I urged them to dream as big as she did and work as hard as she did and live a life that honors every last bit of her God-given promise."

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "The left dominates the public discourse," Nugent told the host. "And here we are, with the Chicago gangster, ACORN rip-off, scam artist-in-chief because we, who know better, were silent... But when I kick the door down to the enemy's camp, would you help me shoot somebody? Just help me clear the room."

    Sometimes 'free speech' makes me crazy. This guy needs to be shut up and shut down. FUCKER.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

      I think it's time for another visit by the FBI. Hope they remember to wear haz mat suits, the nudge is known for shitting himself and having the hygiene of a dung beetle.

      Seditious coward!

  11. There ought to be at least as much identification and verification for gun purchases as there is for voting in an all black neighborhood.

  12. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

    Pat Toomey is one from my state. He's for background checks but with a few caveats, like a family member transferring ownership of the family penis extender to another family member. Say Mrs Lamza wanted to "gift" her legally purchased gun to her son, Adam. Mr Toomey feels it's a great idea to do this without a background check that would take less than five minutes to complete.
    I do give him some credit for taking a step in the right direction, but I fail to see the logic of the loophole he's creating. A lot of family members are in serious denial about the extent of a family member's mental health, or lack thereof. He's got a problem with high capacity clip bans because it takes a "right" away from law abiding citizens who fear being "outgunned" by "criminals" while protecting their property and family.
    We need to hold those who filibuster and or hamper letting this be an up or down vote on the floor.


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