Wednesday, May 08, 2013

48 out of the top 50 advertisers "exclude Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity" shows when purchasing advertising space. My friends the tide is turning.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

We reported yesterday, based on our own sources in the radio advertising world, that as a result of the backlash to Limbaugh’s 2011 “slut” comment about Sandra Fluke, “ the vast majority of national advertisers” refuse to air their commercials during The Rush Limbaugh Show. A report in Radio Ink Magazine suggests those advertising woes are even worse than previously thought. 

Sources close to Cumulus Media told Radio Ink: 48 of the top 50 network advertisers “exclude Rush and Hannity” orders; and “every major national ad agency has same dictate.” 

While its unclear how many advertised with the shows in the past, this revelation is significant because it is the first time Limbaugh’s #2 competitor Sean Hannity has been brought into this conversation about advertiser aversion; and because, if true, a 48 out of 50 (96%) rate of top advertisers wanting nothing to do with the shows represents a rather striking figure.

I also reported on Monday that I thought Limbaugh was scraping the bottom of the advertising barrel, and I cannot tell you happy I am that the same holds true for Hannity.

The Right Wing has already demonstrated that their careless internet ravings have caused some in the GOP to shun them, they are losing viewers at an alarming pace over at Fox News, and if they also lose talk radio they will be reduced to standing on street corners screaming about Obama conspiracies with the rest of the lunatic fringe.

Gee isn't that where they were originally?


  1. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Sadly, though, Gryphen, Rush is probably going to just end up making more $$$ on XM/sirius.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      But those cheap-ass conservative fans won't shell out the cash to subscribe to it!

  2. Even if they hide behind the “entertainer” label, mean-spirited jesters wear out their welcome. And they don’t provide the raw meat the militia crowd wants, because that would mean indicting people like Cheney.

  3. Anonymous6:05 AM

    These guys will be on the air as long as they serve their purpose. They aren't political candidates so who's to say where their paycheck comes from?

  4. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Love it!!! It's waaaay past time. Hopefully, we'll see less and less of these two guys - much like Glen Beck!

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Tnx, Mr Gryphen.

  6. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Unfortunately after digging im pissed off to find out this is not true.Its hack journalism at its best. the implication is that they will be off the radio waves because of these advertisers which is wholy untrue. the fact is both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are already setting record profits for the first quarter through advertising. I work as an intern at one of their affiliates based in New Jersey and unfortunately we are going to have to listen to these men for many years to come.

  7. Anita Winecooler12:17 PM

    Glad to hear it, especially Seanny Boy. I wonder if it's "the Curse", and I wonder who's next?

    Life is good!


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