Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Father arrested and charged with five counts of second-degree child endangerment after his 4 year old kills his six year old neighbor with a unsecured gun.

Courtesy of Slate:  

In April, a 4-year-old New Jersey boy accidentally shot and killed his 6-year-old neighbor with his father’s .22-caliber rifle. On Monday, the boy’s father, Anthony Senatore, was arrested and charged with five counts of second-degree child endangerment (for storing five unsecured firearms in places where they were accessible to his children), and one count of third-degree child endangerment (for storing one of those firearms in a place where it endangered the welfare of the 6-year-old who was killed). Each second-degree count could potentially bring 5 to 10 years in prison, which means that if Senatore is convicted, he could theoretically face up to 50 years in prison. (He won’t, of course, get 50 years in prison, but, if he is convicted, he will likely face some jail time—if you are convicted of a second-degree offense in New Jersey, it is presumed that you will face a prison term.)

This is the kind of gun laws that we need to enforce all over the country.

And in my opinion NOT just for parents who allow their guns to fall into the hands of children, but also gun owners who do not sufficiently lock their guns away in their homes to keep them out of the reach of burglars who may steal them and use them in crimes or sell them on the streets to other criminals.

In my opinion the purchasing of each and every gun by an American citizen should bring with it a whole slew of responsibilities, and potential problems, that would make the purchaser think long and hard about whether they needed that gun at all, and just how many guns they were willing to take responsibility for.

I can guarantee that if the laws surrounding gun ownership were tightened up we would RARELY see people with arsenals of weapons in their homes anymore.


  1. Anonymous4:28 AM

    This story demonstrates one of the outrageous SHAMES of America. This violent and hateful segment of our country will destroy us if Congress sits and does nothing.

  2. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Hmmmm. This made me think. What if, instead of fighting for protective gun laws, we focused our resources (or at least shared resources) on holding people accountable for poor handling of guns. PSAs on tort liability, stories of tragic accidents from unsecured guns, stories of where stolen guns have gone.

    1. I think that you may be on to something. Good idea.

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      And gun owners should have to pay whopping insurance premiums for the privilege of owning weapons that so easily kill or maim people.

    3. Anonymous9:04 AM

      What if everyone who things this is a half-way good idea called their House Rep and state senators (I just did). Takes about 5-10 minutes. Sometimes I actually feel like I am close to the powers that be in this nation.

    4. Anonymous9:07 AM

      I can't imagine even SP going on record opposing efforts to educate people to the need to use gun safety (just like we did with seatbelts about 40 years ago - and it was commonplace for many of us long before there were laws passed that everyone had to use them), or asking them to be responsible just like with a car (that is also considered a lethal weapon), or educating people to the dangers of drunk driving (and the culture had changed long before the laws were made stricter)

      Hmm. maybe there should be a law against drinking and shooting (I wonder what Cheney would think of that law?)

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Guns should = cars - licensing for the gun, operator licenses and training, and insurance.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Totally agree 5:06 a.m.! What is wrong w/the USA? It is so obvious that something needs to be done.

      These idiots harping that President Obama is going to take away their guns is pure nonsense and idiotic. People - don't join the NRA. I have a gun and never joined their organization.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Yes, only a fool would own a firearm without carrying higher liability coverage, especially if they are a homeowner. Same with swimming pool, etc. it makes sense to require people to have a supplemental liability policy or a specific rider for their firearms. The policy would not protect them if there were fraud, used in commission of a crime, or for their own negligence. But it would put teeth into tort laws, which are instead being capped in states all over the country, which devalues the worth of a life when it is lost due to someone else's negligence or direct actions. This is a travesty in itself, bought and paid for by the insurance industry and its lobby, ALEC and its "connected interests" throughout Big Business that wants to controll access to the courts, protecting itself against litigation in exchange for paying a paltry fine.

  4. Anonymous5:13 AM

    The daughter and s-i-l of a friend of mine recently had an unsecured gun stolen during a break-in. So there's another gun on the street in the hands of a bad guy. AND they have two young children who could have gotten the gun---it was in the drawer of a nightstand.

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    I've been shouting something similar forever - if you own a dog or a car YOU are responsible for what happens - you have to have a license, you have to keep the dog on a leash, you have to not drink and drive, etc. - you have to have car insurance and home owners insurance - and if something happens (your dog bites someone, or you are in a car accident) the insurance and you are sued (home owner's or car insurance depending on which one) and in some cases could face fines or jail.

    Forget gun control (that if for the fight) - to get a quicker change for the better - fight them in ways they can understand -- private insurance companies and making some rich dude even richer - by requiring insurance for every single gun (rates go up higher and higher for each additional gun you own), as well as holding the owner responsible for how the gun is stored (potential jail time - more money in the pocket of big business private jails and/or huge fines - which would go into the public funds and off set costs with the potential of lowering taxes but most likely being skinned off the top by some Republican politician - but either way it means $$$$) -- once some millionaire or two gets wind of this idea and figures out to make even more money - we won't need to fight for it -- they will be crawling all over themselves to sell it and get it passed into law -- and selling it to the sheeple followers as if it is nectar from the gods.

  6. Anonymous6:03 AM

    The problem is that owning a gun is not obvious to the outside world. How do you make someone buy insurance, etc., if you do not even know if they have a gun?
    It seems as if the only way to know is AFTER something goes wrong. Sue, lock them up, or whatever, but until something bad happens, gun ownership is just not something obvious.

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Gun ownership and gun storage and gun handling in the homes of our neighbors is just not something obvious. But restrictions on high capacity rapid fire weapons might reduce to the number of fatalities per incident.

      I'd rather be the neighbor's 6 year old had a .22 caliber rather than an assault weapon.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      If you do not carry insurance and something happens, you lose your house to the person who was hurt by your gun or their family if they died.
      See how easy that was?

  7. Anonymous6:19 AM

    It is ABOUT FUCKING TIME we start seeing articles like this.

  8. Anonymous6:34 AM

    What stops a 4-yr old with a gun?

    The 6-yr old should have been packin'. Obviously, the 6-yr old's parents weren't PATRIOTS. Probly sum libtard commie pussies that didn't appreciate their nabor's CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and vast arsenal.

    If Annie Oakley Palin were President, all kiddies would be required to lock, load and carry. After all, they might need to kill a moose on the way home from Kindergarten, so the family will have food for the Winter. Not to mention... you need to be prepared to protect yourself in case your classmate wants to steal your red crayon...

    Fuck the NRA and Fuck their imaginary 2nd Amendment "rights". How's that "well regulated militia" working out for you?

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Careful... the gun nut crowd understands neither sarcasm nor nuance.

  9. Sharon6:39 AM

    Tax the living hell out of the bullets....guns mean nothing without bullets!!!! Chris Rock does a bit that makes so much sense...maybe you would think twice if a bullet cost $1000. Forget gun the sale, make insurance mandatory, jail time for all these moron parents. Money is the only thing these asswipes understand...let them have all they want. It's no wonder why Sandy Hook doesn't mean anything to these people...the amount of children being killed by other children is staggering, now that they are in the news. Such good Christians, one and all.

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    An 11-year-old Florida boy has died after being shot by a four-year-old relative on Mother's Day at a Lake City apartment complex, according to a Department of Children and Families spokesperson.

    Jarvan Jackson died Tuesday at Shands Hospital in Gainesville.

    According to neighbors interviewed by Action News, there were six children and at least one adult in the apartment at the time of the shooting on Sunday.

    The victim's grandmother told First Coast News that the four-year-old and a two-year-old were playing with the gun and Jackson was trying to get it away from them when he was accidentally shot in the neck.

    "The children were covered in blood," the 911 caller told Action News. "I went inside the house because I heard all the kids screaming and the little boy was laying on his back, covered up."

  11. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Is that a photo of Tri-g or Tripp?

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      No, I think Grandma Grifter has them armed with the standard police-issue .38 revolvers. You know, for security and shit.

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Police said the Tullahoma man accused of shooting his 1-year-old daughter in the chest while field stripping two handguns was acting recklessly.

    Witnesses said Kevin Sayre, 26, was showing how parts of one gun were interchangeable with the other one when the gun discharged, according to Lt. Jason Ferrell.

    Sayre was charged with aggravated assault.

    “You’ve got to ask yourself if a reasonable person would consider those actions reckless,” Ferrell said.

    “It’s our contention that it was reckless that he was even performing those steps with the child present.”

    The child was initially taken to Harton Regional Medical Center by the parents and was then airlifted to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, police said.

    The child was listed in stable, but critical condition Tuesday, Ferrell said.

    Ferrell said police consulted the Coffee County district attorney and notified the Department of Children’s Services.

    The shooting occurred on Sunday at the East Gate Apartment Complex on Silver Street in Tullahoma.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Every time I turn on the teeVee, my stupid Tennefuckingseean neighbors are embarrassing themselves. Why can't these fucking people THINK?

  13. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Obama Phones OFA Staffer Gregory Jackson Jr., Who Was Shot While Caught In Crossfire

    ...On May 5, Jackson fielded a call from Obama himself.

    "He gave me a call just to let me know that he was thinking about me," Jackson recalled. "And he just stated that he's pretty sad I had to learn first hand how and why this fight is so important."

    Since the incident, Jackson has had five surgeries -- still has one more to go -- and after being released from the hospital, had to be sent right back when two blood clots formed in his leg.

    He has felt the residual health effects in pain and in time. "That happened on April 21st and here it is, it's Thursday, May 9. I'm in the hospital," said Jackson, who is staying with his parents until his next surgery is scheduled, adding that his time between surgeries has been "discouraging."

  14. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Yeah, I would imagine those guns were loaded as well. Wouldn't it be difficult for a four year old to do all the steps it takes to load a weapon?

    Since we can't rely on these gun fetishists to adequately secure their weapons and bullets, can someone invent and ID card like an ATM?
    Slide the card, enter you pin and the trigger would work just for you? Or some kind of fingerprint, face recognition, etc....? It would deter "accidents" like this from happening, and keep innocent kids and adults alive.


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