Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Just in case anybody had ANY doubt that this Benghazi thing was all about taking down Hillary Clinton, I present to you the newest RNC ad.

Yeah nothing subtle about that!

(H/T to Daily Kos.)


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I was concerned that during her hearing, she awkwardly laughed A LOT and lied about many things. Why would she do that?

    Sure, there are going to be some people who want to see her leave politics. But in reality, most just want honesty for ONCE in this administration, the most deceptive of all. PROVEN.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Because they had NO CLUE, troll. The most deceptive of all? LIED? PROVEN? State facts.

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Balderdash and piffle! What a clown.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:20 PM

      Hey, I'd laugh awkwardly as well if I were in a room full of angry old white guys vying for a drama trophy.

    4. Anonymous8:53 PM

      What's been "PROVEN" is that the GOP is afraid of Hillary's chances in 2016 and this ad is "proves" it. And you @ 6:27 are a POS!

    5. Anonymous9:02 PM

      The most deceptive of all?

      I'll repeat what I wrote on Malia's blog in response to a similar outburst from you:

      Watergate/Nixon Tapes
      Iran Contra
      Iraq WMDs

      Now, shut the fuck up.

    6. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Oh, God, it's the "Proven!" troll again. Take a course in logic, and until then, shut up.

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Oh poor dear. Proven by whom? Fox Noise? the most unreliable channel on TV? What did she lie about? And what has Obama lied about? Come on, it would take mountains of lies to equal one month of Czar George and King Dick.

  3. Lawd 627 you are lying A Lot.

    Lawd you are delusional and dippy.

    Let me guess, you are: a bagger, creationist, hypocrite.

  4. Anonymous7:35 PM

    The Republicans are being the typical, obstructionist jerks and spreading crap as usual. Their crud is already being rejected today - things they brought out were done by Bush too as well as other presidents. (Nixon especially!) Hillary will run and win in 2016!

  5. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

    THIS is WHY there was a Bemghazipalooza by the rwnj's in the first place.
    Looks like the work of Fox News by the fire footage and ominous music.... oh Hillary must be shaking in her boots!

  6. Anonymous8:31 PM

    It is hilarious how frightened they are of Hillary. Has there ever been a potential candidate that freaked them out as much as this incredible, brilliant, articulate lady? She made an ass of them at the hearing and they are too stupid to realize it.

    Interesting how willing the rightwingnuts are to pay their reps to do nothing. Will the voters wake up and realize their tax dollars are being used to pay the salaries of would be legislators to accomplish nothing, zilch, nada?

    The idiots will have faded into the distance by 2015 as they use up all their fire power so early.

  7. Anonymous9:18 PM

    ABC Admits That They Never Read Benghazi Emails That They Smeared Obama With

    After Jake Tapper exposed ABC’s Benghazi email scoop as edited to make Obama look bad, ABC News admitted that they lied to America. They never actually read the original emails.

    In their May 10th exclusive, ABC News claimed that they had obtained the Benghazi emails, “ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.”

    Later in the same story, ABC’s Jonathan Karl wrote, “White House emails reviewed by ABC News suggest the edits were made with extensive input from the State Department.”

    After CNN’s Jake Tapper exposed ABC’s report was based on information that was edited in order to make the Obama administration look bad, ABC tried to explain away their lies by claiming that their inaccurate story, and the actual emails are the same thing, “Assuming the email cited by Jake Tapper is accurate, it is consistent with the summary quoted by Jon Karl.”

    In the process of trying to defend himself, Karl exposed his own lies, “This is how I reported the contents of that e-mail, quoting verbatim a source who reviewed the original documents and shared detailed notes.” (In his original story, Karl claimed that ABC News had obtained the emails. This obviously wasn’t true.)

    Karl also explained that he and ABC News never reviewed the emails, “The source was not permitted to make copies of the original e-mails. The White House has refused multiple requests – from journalists, including myself, and from Republican leaders in Congress – to release the full e-mail exchanges.”

    Jon Karl wrote that nobody could get copies the emails. If this was true, how did Jake Tapper get them?

    The truth is that Karl’s source was likely someone within the Republican House, because these emails were made available to the Republicans investigating Benghazi months ago. (Before Karl came to ABC he was a congressional correspondent at CNN, so connect the dots. Plus, it wasn’t a coincidence that this story broke days before House Republicans held another Benghazi hearing.)

    However, none of this explains why Karl and ABC News would claim to have obtained and reviewed emails that they never saw or had.

    ABC News and Karl lied in their original story. They made claims that were not true in order to hype their exclusive. It was not only misleading of ABC News to present the story in this way, but it was also irresponsible and wrong.

    What really happened here was that the so-called liberal media at ABC News lied, and furthered the conspiracy laced agenda of House Republicans.


  8. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Another GOP Obama Scandal Falls Apart as It Is Revealed the IRS also Targeted Liberals

    The latest Republican Obama scandal is starting to fall apart too. The IRS didn’t just target conservative groups. They also questioned the tax exempt status of liberal groups too.

    In 2012, The Chicago Tribune reported on the IRS denying tax exempt status to a liberal political group,

    The IRS announced in May and June that it took the actions against two groups defined as tax-exempt under the 501(c)(4) section of the tax code. The IRS on Thursday declined comment on its tax-exempt final rulings. Tax-exempt groups raising money for both major political parties ahead of the Nov. 6 election walk a fine line between promoting “social welfare” for tax-exempt purposes and purely political interests.

    A 501(c)(4) group denied tax-exempt status by the IRS would run afoul of Federal Election Commission rules and could be
    required to disclose its donors. Emerge America, a group which helps Democratic women seeking elected office, said it lost it tax-exempt status last October. The IRS invoked the “private benefit doctrine” barring 501(c)(4) status for any group promoting a candidate or political party. The IRS announced its final decision in May.

    In June the IRS said it denied 501(c)(4) tax-exemption for an unnamed political group also under the private benefit doctrine. The IRS is barred by law from disclosing the group’s name and the group has not publicly identified itself. The group had one objective: to serve the political goals of its founder, the IRS said. A 501(c)(4) group can spend some funds on political advocacy, but electioneering cannot be its sole reason for existence or comprise a majority of its spending.

    It looks like the IRS was not just targeting conservative groups, but was targeting political action groups who may have been violating the tax exemption guidelines. If the IRS wasn’t targeting conservatives, but trying to deal with the surge of dark money groups applying for tax exempt status, this story takes on an entirely different context.

    Reuters has obtained part of a yet to be released report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) that confirms that the IRS was targeting groups on the left and right who focused their activities on advocating for expanding or limiting of the size of the government. The report also states that the screening process was not influenced by the Obama administration, and that none of the groups screened were denied tax exempt status.

    Without the claims of a partisan witch hunt against conservative groups, this latest Republican fueled Obama scandal is set to lose all of its sizzle.

    The real reason why Republicans are desperately trying to drum up a scandal here is because they don’t want the IRS forcing their dark money groups to pay taxes. The IRS is threatening their Citizens United fueled political slush fund, and Republicans want it to stop. Republicans are trying to bully the IRS into backing off.

    It turns out that Obama isn’t Richard Nixon after all. He wasn’t using the IRS to attack his enemies. In their own bungling way, the IRS was trying to deal with the problems caused by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. First, Benghazi crashes and burns, and now the IRS scandal could be fading fast.

    Republicans will pull from their usual “Obama scandal” playbook and hold lots of hearings, but thing looks to be on the fast track to nowhere. Congressional Republicans will try their best, but the IRS “scandal” could backfire and end up making the case for why we need to get rid of Citizens United ASAP.


  9. Anonymous10:37 PM

    The IRS ‘Scandal’ Disintegrates into Wild and Unproven Republican Accusations

    ...Being “targeted” for political reasons is not the same thing as the IRS reacting awkwardly to a proportionally larger number of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status after Citizens United. One thing is clear: The IRS needs to clarify their rules regarding non-profits, as liberal groups who were “targeted” under the Bush administration requested. Their failure to do so is a long standing issue.

    There are three “Obama scandals” currently running — Benghazi, the IRS, and the AP, and only one of them is an established fact, and that is the DOJ going after the AP journalists’ phone records. (It should be noted that no one has been able to tie this to Obama, so technically it is not an Obama scandal, but rather looks to be a scandal between the CIA and DOJ regarding what the CIA sees as “leaks”.)

    Republicans need to stop their hysteria — calling for the chief to step down when he was their guy, and he has been out of office since November of 2012, and he presided over the alleged “targeting”. They need to stop calling for the acting chief to step down, as he was told about this after the fact, and before he was acting chief. Republicans claim that he did not tell Congress, but Miller claims that there was nothing to tell, so why is the press running with the notion that there was a cover up? Facts matter.

    Republicans need to stop making wild accusations until they get the facts. At some point, the press should weary of being used, but the truth is, nothing sells like a good scandal. Expect the press to ride the Republican narrative until it’s debunked, as “Benghazi!” is currently being. (Will they apologize for getting fooled again?) Conservatives are giddily calling Obama “Nixon”, which is in and of itself an absurd accusation that only demonstrates the agenda behind their accusations.


  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Oops, did I forget the link?



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