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"Wait! That's where babies come from? No stork involved? Well Gollee!" |
At 21 weeks, Zink’s doctors discovered that her fetus had no brain function. That type of fetal abnormality was impossible to detect earlier in her pregnancy. “If this bill had been passed before my pregnancy, I would have had to carry to term and give birth to a baby whom the doctors concurred had no chance of a life and would have experienced near-constant pain,” Zink explained.
“If he had survived the pregnancy — which was not certain — he might never have left the hospital. My daughter’s life, too, would have been irrevocably hurt by an almost always-absent parent.” In order to justify his support for H.R. 1797, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) suggested that Zink should have given birth to her son anyway, regardless of the pain that may have caused her family. The congressman told a story about a different couple who decided to give birth to a fetus with different types of disabilities — suggesting that Zink should have made the same choice for her son, instead of deciding to “rip him apart”:
GOHMERT: Ms. Zink, having my great sympathy and empathy both. I still come back wondering, shouldn’t we wait, like that couple did, and see if the child can survive before we decide to rip him apart? So. These are ethical issues, they’re moral issues, they’re difficult issues, and the parents should certainly be consulted. But it just seems like, it’s a more educated decision if the child is in front of you to make those decisions.
Yes by all means ladies. Carry a severely damaged child, with no hope of durvival, to full term. Pay the enormous medial bill that will surely accompany that birth. Watch the infant qrite with pain for days while you decide how long to let it suffer. And then, after your other child has met and bonded with the baby. decide to end its life so as to have the MAXIMUM negative effect possible on you and your family.
Personally I just think Louie Gohmert feels a certain kinship to yet another creature with no traceable brain function, and cannot stand to contemplate what would have occurred if HIS mother had been given the choices that Mrs. Zink was offered.
Do these politicians have to fail an IQ test before they are considered a worthy representative of the state or something? Because I gotta tell ya, that's what it looks like from here.
Gobbert is a sorry-ass combination of pathology, ignorance, and East Texass evangelism.
ReplyDeleteAnd worse, over on HP there are actually people writing in support of this asshat claiming they know a person who knows a person who knew someone who was told by a doctor she was going to have a brain dead and badly deformed child and she decided to not have an abortion and the baby was born completely perfect, praise the lord for the power of prayer. God, these people are just sick, then again they keep sending money to sara so why not?
ReplyDeletethe people who claim to know someone who.... blah blah blah. I think most of them are liars and just justifying their stance on the issue.
DeleteObviously Gohmert has neither sympathy for nor empathy of this woman and her tragic situation. MEN SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THIS CONVERSATION. My apologies for the capital letters but I do not think that male legislators should be allowed to determine the fate of women's health care issues. They simply do not have a clue. And, besides that, the male half of the equation is largely responsible, I'm willing to bet, for the decisions of most women to have abortions. Most men seem to be all too happy to engage in sex but not so happy to deal with the consequences. You know, all of those men "trapped" by women because of pregnancies, etc.
For the most part, GOP women are just as bad and are often used to present anti-women legislation, especially at state level, in hopes that makes it more palatable.
DeleteTrue. Look at Sarah Palin, who thinks counseling those looking to see birthing imperfect joys as a scary thing, to chose life, doesn't translate into policies by the far right.
DeleteMichele Bachmann not only wants her babies, she wanted a dozen others, adopting girls so that they could brainwash them into Christian servitude.
Altruism isn't a factor in Gohmert, Palin, Santorum, Bachmann, et al, at all. It's vanity with their superior and righteous sense of divinity with the Lord.
Louie should have spent more time in Biology class than Bible Thumping 101
ReplyDeleteI swear to god that something needs to be done w/these jerks! It's all Republicans talking like this - trying to control women - hope to hell he doesn't have a wife, daughters or granddaughters. Would feel very, very sorry for them.
ReplyDeleteGet his guy out of office when he comes up again. We must get as many Republicans out of office in Congressd as possible...they are obstructing and have done nothing but create trouble for the poor and middle class. They surely don't act like christians!!!
Oh, so you're the latest person to have been blessed with the sole knowledge of what is and isn't Christian?
DeleteSorry. You don't get to say these guys don't follow your religion simply because you dislike their actions. It doesn't work that way. If you want to claim to be a Christian, you have to own up to the fact that other people will too, whether you like their actions or not.
11:09 I wrote 3:43 and had to laugh when I reviewed your response. I'm not a christian!!! And, this asshole we are writing about is an idiot!! As I said before, if he is married and has any female members in his family, I truly feel very sorry for them. This isn't this first idiotic statement made by this guy. You need to do some research on him. I'd be shocked if you supported him in his thoughts and deeds.
DeleteEvery time Gohmert opens his mouth, another GOP voter (especially females) starts supporting progressives. We need a lot more democratic women in the Senate and House.
ReplyDeleteGohmert is a sickening, ignorant ass. You really said it all about him.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats need to help find a permanent solution for women instead of using these issues to get people to the polls.
We need to pass the ERA with a reproductive freedom clause. Meanwhile, there's an ongoing effort to pass the Bill for Reproductive Freedom. I don't know if it has any sponsors in the House or Senate. Pres. Obama hasn't endorsed yet either.
And a way to spread the word.
Well, his mother gave birth to a baby with no brain function so he can't see an issue with it. How will the teabaggers replenish their numbers if we don't encourage the birth of babies with no brain function?
ReplyDeleteHe can have any opinion he wants to, in his own home.
ReplyDeleteHe cannot have a say in what a woman or a married couple decide to do, for their own family, sanity, peace, health. To assert otherwise is to pierce the veil of privacy that we all need and expect. The difficult and tragic choice is between them and their deity or their consciences.
How dare he set up shop in their bedroom, or in their doctor's office?
Should we all have a say in whether he gets a prostate exam, and why doesn't he submit himself to painful prostate surgery if is PSA level is high, even if medical science now says that all men have enlarged prostates but most die of something else? Why not make the Rep. become incontinent and impotent, so we can be sure he won't die of prostate cancer? It's not his choice, it's ours.
Gomer, sit on a stick and spin. Fucking asshole.
ReplyDeletesorry to be cranky, but . . .
ReplyDeleteShouldn't the headline read, "Another teabagger demonstrates HIS lack of respect. . ?"
I know teabaggers are both males and females, but Gohmert is male.
Hope Louie finds himself with a brain tumor. Doc suggests operating as biopsy says it's 99.9999% malignant. Let's see how long Louie waits until it pops through his skull to see if the docs were right.
ReplyDeleteDon’t Mess With Women In Texas – 24 Anti-Choice Bills Defeated
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/05/25/dont-mess-with-women-in-texas-24-anti-choice-bills-defeated/#ixzz2UMGeEB2F
Oh, for the love of God, really? REALLY?!?!
ReplyDeleteThe Springboro, Ohio, school board is currently considering a proposal that would allow the district to teach creationism, despite objections from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and local parents.
Creationism, for those of you who have better things to do with your lives than staying current on Bible-humping passed off as science, is the “theory” — which is not a theory at all, but a religious belief — that God farted out the universe about 5,000 years ago and Adam and Eve were real and the Bible is literal and Jesus rode on dinosaurs and all of the scientists who are all, like, “Well, dude, actually, there’s all this evidence …” are a bunch of commie pinko fascist atheist socialist haters because the Bible says so, so there, shut up, heathens.
Yeah. That’s creationism. And now the brain trust school board in Springsboro, which already tried teaching creationism and it did not go so good, is flirting with the idea again because maybe it won’t be mind-numbingly stupid the second time around. (Spoiler alert: Yes too it will.)
Read more at http://wonkette.com/517615/ohio-school-board-considers-teaching-kids-creationism-to-be-even-more-dumber#UxH3FuhYQGF7ejd6.99
This is the film the Christian Right does not want you to see. There are many reasons, but among them is the idea that Christian Rightists like Lou Engle and Rick Warren do not speak for all Christians. There are, and always have been significant elements of Christianity that embrace a different set of values and a different religious vision. And Kapya Kaoma epitomizes the kind of Christian whose profound embrace of human rights is exactly what the Christian Right pretends is not really Christianity and would rather we not know about.
ReplyDeleteA reviewer for Christianity Today, the leading magazine of evangelical Christianity, recently sneered at the film,
The Film the Christian Right Does Not Want You to See
Virginia Republican Party Treasurer: ‘I’m Not A Big Fan Of Contraception, Frankly’
ReplyDeleteRepublican Party of Virginia Treasurer Bob FitzSimmonds, a former aide to and “very close friend” of gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli II (R), told Virginia blogger Ben Tribbett that he is “not a big fan of contraception, frankly.”
FitzSimmonds — who was Cuccinelli’s legislative director during his time in the Virginia Senate, as well as a multiple-time state senate candidate himself — is the former executive director of what is now the Care Net Pregnancy Help Center and the former chair of the Virginia Crisis Pregnancy Center Directors Association. Crisis Pregnancy Centers are faith-based operations that seek to discourage pregnant women from considering abortion. He created an abstinence-only curriculum for area schools called the “Keep It Simple Say NO abstinence program“.
At last weekend’s state party convention, Tribbett asked FitzSimmon whether he supported the distribution of emergency contraception on college campuses. “I’m not a big fan of contraception, frankly,” the Republican Party official explained. “I think there are some issues, we’re giving morning-after pills to 12-year-olds, and pretty soon I guess we’ll hand them out to babies, I don’t know.”
Watch the video:
I still say sending them used maxipads so we aren't accused of murder is a GRAND idea. That's how fed up I am. I apologize for rudeness.
ReplyDeleteThey don't call them assclowns for nothing! Wishing to torture women in particular and families in general for a decision to terminate a pregnancy for their own private reasons, then using the issue to advance one's own twisted beliefs is beneath contempt.
ReplyDeleteLet's make sure these idiots get voted out.
It used to be that you could identify a Republican by their mind-numbing level of stupidity.
ReplyDeleteThese days, you can identify them by their mind-numbing level of cruelty.
Do they actually find pleasure in being deliberately as vicious and hurtful to as many people as possible?
YES, because there's a Black man in a "White" House, first, and as long as they have theirs none of us matter. WHY people keep re-electing them to their own self-detriment boggles the mind.
DeleteI don't see these fine upstanding Xians proposing that the government pay the FULL cost of carrying these all but dead babies to term and after. Every penny from the time the condition is diagnosed until it dies in writhing agony of natural causes.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see some way for these women to give up these unborn fetuses for adoption prior to birth. Let them be wards of the state from that point on, paid for by the government. And when the body is born (hardly a person if it has no brain) hand it over and walk away. Let the government decide what to do.
Since the government I.E. these stupid misogynistic knuckle dragging mouth breathers who somehow got elected to political office have nothing better to do than stick their noses in women's uteruses (sorry for that mental image) then let them pay the price. MAKE THEM PAY. Every penny.
No, that will hardly make up for the months of pain, the suffering, the tragedy visited upon the family.
But at least they won't be driven into bankruptcy and foreclosure because of some bible thumping nincompoop.
Yeah then when the child is an adult they can have it give the commencement address to the Bared graduates.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I don't want some clown elected by all the dingbats from Dingbatistan deciding for me what my medical treatments will be. I want to make those decision with my doctors, after looking at the data, and considering all the consequences to myself and my family. He should have no part in that those decisions.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with these self satisfied motherfuckers is that they are MEN. If these slimy fucking peckerwoods had been born with a uterus there would be no discussion, none. Fuck them all in the heart with a rusty fork.
ReplyDelete(I've said it before...)
ReplyDeleteLouis Gohmert and ALL people who are against any and every abortion no matter what the circumstances should serve one year in the NICU.
Perhaps if Louis had to sit and hold some of those poor, sad babies that are only going to live a couple of weeks in screaming agony - he would develop a little bit more a mature approach - and adult take, if you will - on the subject of abortions.
It disappoints me to see that our pro-life/choice debate is somehow related to democraps and republican'ts. Apart from the partisan opinions, what Gohmert actually said was worth hearing. He didn't tell the young mother what she should have done. He asked gentle questions and offered thoughtful observation on the issue in a broader context. His questions deserve thoughtful answers, not partisan vilification. Unless your too shallow to consider all of the issue, of course.
ReplyDeleteSorry 5:57. I completely disagree. And I don't care WHAT his questions were or how gently they were asked.
ReplyDeleteIT IS NONE OF HIS BUSINESS! He is a POLITICIAN! He is NOT a DOCTOR! And even if he WERE, he is not HER doctor.
It is HIS group of assholes who have framed the argument this way, too. These shit heads CANNOT get it through heir thick skulls that this is a question that should be handled ONLY by the mother (and the father if they are still together and SHE has agreed) and their DOCTOR!
There ARE no other issues here. The baby had no brain. What's the issue you see?