Monday, May 06, 2013

Here is video of Palin being interviewed during her visit to the Kentucky Derby. (In case you can't pick her out she is the bag lady wearing the bathrobe.)

Here is the interview.

Click sneer to play video
 And the Huffington Post has a little more: 

On Sunday, Palin took part in a fundraiser, but not the kind the tea party celebrity has become known for. Attending a post-Derby brunch event for the Headley-Whitney Museum in Lexington, Ky. Palin said she was thrilled at the chance to take in some apolitical entertainment. 

"A weekend in Kentucky versus being entrenched in the political world, for a weekend, it's heavenly, it's wonderful," Palin said, according to WLEX.

I am not often for a loss of words when it comes to the crazy lady from the dead lake, but her appearance here is so startling that I really don't know what to say.

Feel free to cover for my lack of eloquence. 

Update: Somebody asked me to add this picture. Okay, why not?


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Ohio Tea Party is considering an "insurrection"...

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Is that Sally's coat and like 20 sizes too big? WTF is WRONG with her! And what about her handlers who let her GO OUT looking like that?
      Wow...pretty fucked up most likely they are waiting for her to die to get her inheritance. What else can it be? If they cared they would get help.
      I would say sad, but its sarah palin so I'll just say KARMA!!!

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Didn't Willow, with her whole year of schooling, say she wanted to give her mother a makeover? Maybe THIS is it?

    3. Really....even her silver trench coat was a better choice (she wore that number to twice-Governor Wally Hickel's funeral) because it fit better, tacky as it was in that setting.

      Maybe the coat belongs to Molly. Molly's probably 5 sizes larger than Sarah by now.

      Remember those too-big shoes Sarah wore to the MSNBC party 2 years ago? Her sister Molly was on hand, keeping an eye on Bristol at the WHCD. Molly probably tagged along on this speech-NRA convention-Kentucky Derby junket too.

    4. Anonymous11:31 AM

      The lady who invited Palin, philanthropist Marylou Whitney, is known for wearing pink. She's also larger than Palin. It looks like Palin is wearing Marylou Whitney's pink coat.

      Palin should be able to plan ahead to bring a jacket and dress herself. This is the same lady who invited Palin to Belmont. It looks like Whitney told Palin to dress better for the Derby. Palin didn't know what that meant, so she wore sequins to the race and a borrowed coat to the brunch.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Too much Botox and fillers!

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      My first thought.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Her top lip has been frozen for quite awhile.

      Check out these other fillers:

      I think this photo should be spread far and wide. It's proof positive that Palin stuffs things under her shirt to advance her agenda.

      The first time I posted a link to this pic, the first comment was from a die hard C4Peer, quote: "Trig truth much?" Where does this pic reference Trig or pregnancy? It doesn't, but the connection is obvious.

    3. WOW! That video...Holy Cow! She sounded and looked so frail! Which one is the 87 year old lady??? Baldy looks even more horrendous in the video than the still shots...what's up with that???

      Looks like her pimp has her on the "Ho Circuit"...hope he's getting his money's worth out of the old nag! LOL!!!

      And as far as that updated picture....check out the smitten look on the Toad's he crushing on old lady Whitney's man or what!! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous4:35 PM

      >>The first time I posted a link to this pic, the first comment was from a die hard C4Peer, quote: "Trig truth much?" Where does this pic reference Trig or pregnancy? It doesn't, but the connection is obvious.

      Somebody else made the connection:

  3. Anonymous2:37 PM

    OK, so is she a cancer patient, a meth addict, or an anorexic? Because wow.

  4. Two thoughts from here.

    She's "entrenched in the political world"? She wishes!

    The second...Todd looks fat.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      maybe he's preggers this time?

    2. ROFL ! ! ! That was great.

  5. That is Todd, isn't it?

  6. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Maybe this is Dinner with Schmucks , Kentucky Derby Edition. Ms. Whitney won first place. If you haven't seen the movie, use the google. There is no other explanation.
    Sarah can't even put her wig on straight.

    Virginia Voter

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Oops, sorry Dinner for Schmucks.

      Virginia Voter

  7. I have no intention of watching her interview, but what is up with the picture of her? Is she wearing a backpack under the coat? Is it just the moment in time? Does she look normal in other shots? My 80 year old grandmother had less of what appears to be a bizarrely, suddenly, pronounced dowager's hump.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      She put her "belmonts" on backwards?

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      She has had that hump for years. There are plenty of old pictures of it. It is getting worse, but not a new look for her. She isn't one to carry herself well.

    3. Anonymous4:26 PM

      It looks to me that Sarah Palin leaned forward to shake hands. Her shoulders came forward and her butt went out in the back, but the coat is too big to move with her body, so it's making Sarah look very oddly shaped.

    4. She's had that hump since 2009 and her massive round of plastic surgery. I suspect it started with bad posture but now it's getting serious because of malnutrition. She often pads her shoulders (as well as her breasts) to try to disguise both the hump and how pathologically frail her upper body is.

      I suspect she can't walk farther than across the room without help.

    5. Anonymous10:22 PM

      A diet of Red Bull and diet soda depletes calcium and increases the risk for osteoporosis. For real.

  8. Anonymous2:46 PM

    oh PLEASE. Entrenched in the political world? In her dreams. She posts rants on Twitter and Facebook and she calls that being entrenched in the political world. What a fucking delusional woman. She is doing little more than expressing her opinion, like any blogger, journalist, private citizen or student. She spits out some recycled words in a 10 minutes speech at the NRA shindig and that's entrenched in the political world? The myth that she keeps trying to perpetuate is wearing thinner and thinner..

    OK, now I'm gonna watch the video with my popcorn at the ready.

  9. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Kentucky Derby is ALL ABOUT the HATS!
    Bad wigs do NOT count as an appropriate hat.

  10. Anonymous2:50 PM

    She looks like the crazy relative who lives over your garage until you finally have to admit it's hopeless and you find permanent care.

    With a small fraction even of her non-PAC winnings she could have a personal shopper at Nordstrom's outfit her in, you know, adult clothes that fit. Did she sleep in the get-up she wore to this event? Sure looks like it,

  11. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "Entrenched in the political world"? You flatter yourself, Sarah, the political world kicked you out a long time ago - did you not notice?

    The reason she is wearing that pink coat is because not only was she poorly-dressed for the occasion (check those cargo pants one more time), she has no need to dress to conditions because she's so coddled. The weather was no last-minute surprise; clearly Sarah Palin isn't Kentucky Tough.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      yep, even though it was raining, it was in the 60s in Kentucky that day. I was dressed for spring/summer. I thought she was a tough grizzly mom who can run nekkid in sub-zero weather?

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      And that pink coat is a full-out winter wool coat, not like the light spring coats everyone else is wearing. She's so clueless, wherever she got it.

  12. Anonymous2:56 PM

    If someone didn't lend it to her, then she brought it and if she did, it would say 'body dysmorphia' - and the cloth belt is twisted up - it wasn't even untwisted before she tied it up in a knot in front.

    Fine if she is not a fashion maven, but at least make an effort to look neat. The back shoulders under the coat look like they've got stuffing under there.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      She does like to stuff herself, non food stuffing, cloth stuffing. With her mental illness it is possible stuffing her hump has meaning for her, gives her comfort. Her mind is twisted so don't expect it to make sense.

  13. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I bet if she was offered a mint julep, she asked for it to be Super-Sized and served with a straw...

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Most likely asked for something dark with a girth larger than a cucumber.

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      ...served with a BENDY straw...please, the woman has standards to maintain.

  14. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Palins packed for a down-home summer NASCAR event, Todd sans tie, Sarah in capris and Bristol's old cocktail dress. I can only imagine that the pink coat came from the back of Marylou Whitney's closet, when it was clear that Sarah would freeze without something more to wear. Mrs. Whitney also finagled Sarah into something that met the dress code for festive springtime wear.
    Nothing excuses a guest, really, for not finding out what events she'd be attending and what she should wear. If Palin really had watched the "iconic" Kentucky Derby on tv for so many years, as she claimed, she'd know that she should spend some of her hard-grifted cash on appropriate clothing.
    If she thinks it's all too fancy for her taste, then she should have declined the invitation.
    Otherwise, she's just a rube who thinks she's going rogue.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I was thinking the same thing about borrowing the coat from Ms. Whitney.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      The weather was 60 degrees. That is hardly freezing. She is frontier Alaskan grizzly or cougar or what it is this week.

      No way she could have been cold. They got the coat from Ms. Whitney to cover up that silly green ruffle outfit with the slept in wrinkly pants.

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I agree that the coat looks borrowed, but it looks to big to belong to Mrs. Whitney. Marylou Whitney was never very tall and has gotten shorter in old age.

    4. Anonymous6:04 PM

      They got it from Whitney's hired help or staff, something Ms. Whitney got someone for a gift or b/c it was too big.

    5. Anonymous6:09 PM

      There's no excuse for Palin not knowing what women regularly wore to the Kentucky Derby. Besides her being such an avid fan (LOL), every website and story about the Derby describes the outlandish hats. It's the same story at the famous British horse race, Ascot. (It was in "My Fair Lady.") You would have to be tone deaf and dumb not to get a basic all American cultural reference.

      The other important point here is that Palin pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for consultants. That's the consultant's job, reading about the place where Palin is going and informing her about the event. It means briefing Sarah about the name of the home town team, a special local holiday, custom or food, and what the appropriate dress for the event is. Sarah always knows best, and she doesn't take advice.

    6. I agree, Anon 4:51. the coat does look too big to belong to Marylou Whitney. Maybe Sarah borrowed it from RAM.

  15. Anonymous3:07 PM

    OMG - she looks so out of place. No one else has on a big coat except the 80 year old woman who invited her. She really looks awful and she looks dirty to me.

    1. Anne in Texas3:27 PM

      And the coat the older woman has on fits her well, is belted neatly and is stylish. WTF Sarah? How difficult is it to at least be neat even if you aren't stylish?

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Marylou Whitney is 87 years old. She married her current husband in 1997 when she was 72 and he was 32. (per wiki

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      I can see how Mrs. Whitney's diehard Republican heart might have a special place for Sarah Palin. Whitney came from meager beginnings as well, and she probably finds Sarah's politics and rabble-rousing rogueness a real hoot! Her husband is very much like a male version of Mrs. Palin.

      This article was written 15 years ago but gives a nice overview of the Whitney/Hendricksons:

    4. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Piss off, Krusty.

    5. Anonymous7:28 PM

      And Sarah just looks so thrilled to be among those people, as though it makes up for all of her ignorance and nastiness. Horrible woman and Whitney is foolish to have anything to do with her, or just plain clueless and/or delusional.
      M from MD

  16. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Last time we saw a hump, she was faking a pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      The last time a hump took place was it Bristol and Levi or Ben or Levi again or Gino or Junker or Gino again? Sorry lost count.

    2. lostinmn3:38 PM

      I was just thinking that myself. Wonder which one of the born again virgins it is this time? Good old abstinence. Never fails eh?

  17. WakeUpAmerica3:14 PM

    What's with the crazy eyes and the pugnaciously jutted jaw? I mean, WTF?

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Looks like a meth addict.

    2. I've noticed she does that jutted-jaw thing when she's really trying to BS whoever is asking her questions or interviewing her. And she's at her worst BS'ing when she hasn't a clue about what she's talking about. You can't get much more stupid mean girl than that.

  18. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Looks like she's carrying her giant new girls on her back. She must get backaches wearing them in the front for too long.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      She has a hump thing on her upper back already..poor posture - bones not doing well - diet and drugs. She's a mess inside and out!

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM


  19. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The word "embalmed" comes to mind. She just looks freaky.

    1. Ailsa4:45 PM

      That's the embalmed look of recent and copious facial fillers.

      Even her drooling fan M. Joseph Sheppard said she looks like her mother! It's pretty bad to have ripped the scales off his lascivious eyes.

  20. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Her hair looks fake. Whats going on with her?

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      3:17 You must not be aware that Sarah Palin wears wigs - her hair is very thin on top - drug use!!

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      When one doesn't eat a healthy diet one loses bone mass and also hair.

  21. Anonymous3:19 PM

    It is confirmed, Shailey Tripp is shopping a movie deal. It is also confirmed that no one can refute her story and accusations about Todd Palin and Sarah Palin. The Palins and Tiemessen have not responded. So will the avalanche begin? Shall I make us popcorn?

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      No, because you left out the part that Shailey doesn't have hope she will get a contract or that anything will come out about Todd.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      People are so ready to see that movie, it will be a hit. Who will play sarah? The hunchback of notre dame?

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      4:03 PM Nice try, she did not use those words. You have structured your own meaning.

    4. Anonymous5:09 PM

      I don't doubt the veracity of Ms. Tripp's tale in that she was Todd Palin's mistress. The rest of it, well, if she had proof she'd have published it by now, however, she hasn't. Even the National Enquirer didn't invite her back after the first interview.

      Plenty of men have mistresses. She was "convenient" especially since she worked at a spa where he received his massages. Pretty easy cover for him.

      FWIW, I don't think we'll ever see a movie. This thing is played out until she can produce some actual evidence that necessitates a response from the Palin camp. So far it's just hearsay.

    5. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Ummm . . . she did publish it. See Boys will be boys. Also, you don't understand what the word "hearsay" means in legal terms. It means something someone else said that you are repeating. Shailey's account is first-person, i.e. NOT hearsay.

    6. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Also, too, I think you're deliberately attempting to mislead readers here. Shailey was arrested and prosecuted for prostitution in Alaska. But it's nice to know what Todd's attempted defense will be.

    7. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Anonymous5:09 PM

      I don't doubt the veracity of Ms. Tripp's tale in that she was Todd Palin's mistress. The rest of it, well, if she had proof she'd have published it by now,
      Dipshit...! Malia littmen is waiting on FOIAS about this and they claim its being "investigated"... One head of Secret service has stepped down about 3 mos ago.
      What do you think fucktard?

    8. Anonymous6:12 PM

      More to the story than Shailey Tripp. Cover up, APD and so on. It was the cover up that troubled Nixon. The crimes can be just a tidbit in these situations. Not saying exploiting young women and children is a slight thing, that is a further matter and horrendous on it's own. But you can have a little crime that gets covered up and you get a monstrous expose and more than you would expect.

    9. Anonymous6:29 PM

      If people will go to see some porn actress dress like Sarah Palin and have graphic fake sex like they do, they'll go to see Shailey's movie too.

    10. Anonymous7:29 PM

      6:29 PM You betcha!! Trolls job is to minimize as if that can make things go away. Sad little squirts.

      IT IS GOING TO BE A BLOCKBUSTER!! So many are looking forward to the film and the rest of it. Courts, prison... the bad guys going down. The truth being told and improvements for women, children and men.

    11. Anonymous7:37 PM

      The same, 6:29, can be said about the fake storyline in Undefeated and the fake "adventures" in Sarah Palin's Alaska and the fake parenting in Life's a Tripp.

    12. Anonymous2:27 AM

      Am I wrong or is this the first time a troll has ever responded to any comments about The Pimp?

    13. Anonymous11:45 AM

      This thing is starting to stink to high heaven. Someone calling themselves "reporterlookingforinformation" has been posting on various blogs, masquerading as a local Anchorage Press reporter and using his email. The IP address of the commenter shows that the commenter is in Louisiana and the local reporter has stated that he is not now nor has ever been in Louisiana and someone else fraudulently signed up for a commenting account using his email. That alone is a crime.

      The person has commented on this blog, so please be aware, Gryphen and others that this is a bogus account using a stolen email address and this person is NOT in AK but is located in Louisiana.

  22. Anonymous3:20 PM

    WTF else did Sarah Palin borrow besides Bristol's old baggy dress and some old bag lady's jacket?

    Is she wearing Todd's crotchless silk panties?

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      OMG! What a comment! WHAT ELSE DID SARAH PALIN BORROW FROM BRISTOL? How about the words, "What else did Sarah Palin take from Bristol?" I'll give you a hint. It didn't come from Bristol's closet, and he's gotten bigger in the past 5 years.

  23. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Why is she wearing a coat that is about 10 sizes too big, with gigantic 80s-era shoulder pads? Why, to cover up for her anorexic frame. It's a common trick of anorexics and/or bulemics. (And what is with the hunched shoulders? Maybe she has lost too much bone density?)

    1. I think she’s mimicking the most important person in the room. Little kids do that, especially little girls. My daughter did that (when she was five!).

    2. Didn't she suddenly adopt similar hairstyles similar to people she was seen with? Interview with Oprah Winfrey?

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I just thought about that before you said it here, Darlene. lol

      She is doing her best to cater up to her audience again. You she wore a Star of David when in the presence of Hebrews..etc..etc..

    4. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Where'd she leave her walker? Or one of those 3-footed canes with the suction cups on the bottom. She looks dotty enough to need one.

  24. Anonymous3:21 PM

    She sure is cringe-worthy and a fish out of water! But this is true democracy where the landed gentry mingle with trailor trash. At least Tawd looks like HE showered.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      I'd hardly call Marylou Whitney "landed gentry". She married a wealthy man. He died and left her $100 million. She herself has no pedigree.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      @anon 5:11 Whitney didn't just marry any old wealthy man. She married Vanderbilt money. That's $100 million without blinking.

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      And before that it was a John Deere heir. can you say "gold digger?"

  25. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I definitely saw some fear and anxiety in her face. I grew up in Saratoga, and worked summers at its fabled racetrack. The people there, in the club house at least, are serious old-school money. Mrs. Whitney has a home there and is a member of that elite society. The Tundra Turd would be so completely out of her league, in every way, with those people. Given the look on her face, she clearly understood that. She should head to a NASCAR race with her kind. She would be much more at home with the knuckle-draggers there. Also, too...I have NO doubt she experienced some sneers and unkind words. Those people have no use for a redneck hick like her.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Marylou invited her, does she have no shame? Senile? Those coats were meant to cover up a multitude of sin and they only make it worse.

      Yes, Marylou's minder does better at wardrobe fitting.

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Mrs. Whitney has a soft spot for Sarah Palin. She and Sarah share the same political leanings and they've known each other for a very long time. Whitney used to be a fixture in Juneau and her now husband is a very right wing Republican from Alaska with prior political experience here. She has a few homes in Alaska.

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Sarah wore her big Belmont Girls to the Belmont Stakes a few years ago, and she was the guest of Mrs. Whitney there, too. In fact, there is a photo of them posing together-- Sarah wore a tight, white t-shirt, jeans and a trucker hat and Whitney wore her trademark pink with a big pink hat-- just like the Kentucky Derby. Sarah didn't realize how out of place she looked at Belmont, and she hasn't learned anything since. All one has to do is google "Kentucky Derby" and it's there on every website. The women wear Garden Party Gorgeous with a big matching hat. Sarah wore a skimpy cocktail dress that Bristol wore to a assclown nerd prom. Classy.

    4. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Marylou must have great pity for the poor thing making such a mess of a public appearance. Pity or Marylou is senile or Prozaced. She may have a fondness for hayseed hicks but she must have learned some decorum and in her right mind would feel pity for such a mess of a person.

    5. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Whitney's hubby looks GAY!

    6. Anonymous8:10 PM

      @Anonymous5:13 PM:
      Well THAT explains it!!

    7. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Anon 5:13...Just because Mrs. Whitney is batting her around like a cat torments a mouse (which the Tundra Turd clearly isn't aware of), doesn't mean that all the other wealthy people around them didn't give Sarah the shaft.

    8. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Love the picture of Todd gazing longingly at MaryLou's husband.

  26. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Entrenched in the political world? 

    What is Sarah Palin yapping about?

    Crying on her Facebook everyday how much she hates President Obama is not considered entrenched in the political world. 

    Dumb bitch

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      She assuredly has a grandeur attitude about herself in politics, doesn't she? She's not even in politics for crying out loud! She lost the VP slot in 2008!!! All she does is holler about President Obama - that is NOT being IN politics!

      She is nothing more than a horses ass or an 'assclown' as she likes to say!

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      But I thought she hated the political class...forgetting that her only paid jobs in her life were on the public dole as a politician. Such a rotten person she is...her looks are beginning to mirror what's inside.

    3. I think the idiot means "immersed in the political world". Such a Shakespearean.

  27. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sarah should give Tri-G back to Bristol. Sarah is too busy doing her me me photo ops.

    If Tri-G didn't have DS or a bad heart, he could of been adopted out to a nice family that would of wanted him. Damn shame.

  28. Anonymous3:29 PM


    please post this photo its hilarious, the old day is holding up Lego head.

    Todd coat is small, Palin coat is hilarious in this pic:

    WTF she is swearing cargo cotton pants to Derby party: Check her hooker shoes:

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I can't stop laughing. With them, of course.

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      It looks like they both had to borrow clothes to attend the event. Toad's jacket is indeed too small for him, The Fraud's coat is too big, and together they both look like a coupla assclowns.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM looks like she is thinking "OMG! Quick! Take my picture! I'm with REAL rich people!"

      What a Cash Groupie.

    4. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Holy fuck!
      Unflippin' believable!

    5. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Pssst, sarah...

      KMart still sells the Jaclyn Smith Collection. No reason for you to look like last year's clearance bin at Walmart.

      I'm beginning to wonder if they didn't blow the family's clothing budget on that one bedazzled white dress.

      "We gotta make this dress last, people! Todd, you wear it under your parka on your next Skidoo race! Piper, don't run off, because if we ever start attending church, it'll be your next Easter dress..."

    6. Suddenly looks like she lost her wig from the NRA speech, also too.

    7. Anonymous11:51 AM

      At Sea of Pee they say that she is wearing Bristol's dress again because she is FRUGAL and THRIFTY.

    8. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Poor dears, they really want to believe their donations aren't going toward the Palin family plastic surgery fund.

  29. jcinco3:35 PM

    holy shit the pan handlers at my local safeway dress better...

  30. PalinsHoax3:38 PM

    I agree with Anonymous @ 2:58 PM

    The Ol' $crawny put her falsies on her back instead of her puny chest.

  31. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Didn't Willow take some cosmetology lessons in hair school? If Sarah's face make up is a sample of Willow's work then Willow should take up working for her daddy. Heard the pay is great and she could make 3 figures. No certificate or diploma needed. Sarah always said her kids should do what they love while getting paid for it.

  32. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Gryphen please post this NEW photo its hilarious, the old day is holding up Lego head.

    Todd coat is small, Palin coat is hilarious in this pic:

    One more new photo, WTF she is swearing cargo cotton pants to Derby party: Check her hooker shoes:

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      She obviously doesn't look in the mirror in her motel room (note: I didn't say HOTEL room) Good grief t-shirt under a somewhat frilly citrus green (?) blouse, white faux cargos from Walmart and those TAN clunky shoes? WTF? I mean....WTflying F? And her hair (wig) is flat! hahahahaha. Got caught in the rain there Miss "can't dress myself"?

  33. I posted this yesterday, but in case you missed it, check out the horror show that lurked beneath the pink bathrobe...

    Where are the Fashion Police when you need them? Sarah should be arrested for crimes against fashion - she's a repeat offender.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Joan Rivers would have a field day covering sister Sarah's clothing - for all occasions. It would be a riot to watch what she'd say about her - Joan can be very tough and I have no doubt she would w/Palin, Todd, Bristol, etc. The family is a friggin' mess!!

    2. Holy crap! That woman needs a stylist in the WORST way!

  34. Anonymous3:43 PM

    How much did SarahPac pay Sarah's sister Heather to watch Trig for the past month? Does she charge kennel discount prices?

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Not Kennel discount prices. Well paid consultant.

  35. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I bet a million bucks the pink coat and green blazer are Mrs. Whitney's. Clearly, when she got a gander at the Tundra Turd's wardrobe choices, she took her into her own closet to try to rectify the hickish embarrassment she realized her guest was.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      I think the pearls are borrowed, too. So she was planning to wear cropped cargo pants and a black tank or t-shirt to the Derby party. What an idiot. (I'd also bet that Todd's ill-fitting jacket was also borrowed.)

  36. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Sarah was at the Kentucky Derby watching asses run around a track?

    The last time Sarah seen a lot asses in one day was in her sister's Alaska college dorm room during basketball tournament season.

  37. Has it snowed anytime recently up in Wasilly?

    "I mean we had left Alaska in a snow storm, so this is wonderful," says Palin."

    It hasnt snowed in Wasilly this month at all according to:

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      You must of misunderstood Sarah. Did she say,

      "We had left Alaska in a hurry because the Feds and IRS were coming down the street so we bailed out in a hurry and that's why I had to wear these cargo pants and borrow this pink bathrobe. I didn't have time to grab a jacket."

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      It snowed Friday and Saturday.

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Yeah, but she was already long gone by Friday. Such a liar. Where are her children? who wears white pants in the rain..and a white dress the day before to the race? She is jsut SO clueless. Can you imagine the horror had she gotten herself elected? We wouldn't have been able to send the woman anywhere. No wonder the GOP had to spend so much on her clothes and hair and makeup...she is a total klutz.

    4. Anonymous7:47 PM

      sjk, I believe the reason for the sequined cocktail frock being taken to the races is because it was among the slim pickings at the Arizona house. It's quite possible that the Palins left AK in a snowstorm but only God knows how long ago that snowstorm was. Equally, it's possible that Sarah and Todd Palin lie. A lot.

    5. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Tri-g came and sneezed on their coke lines - made a "snowstorm"

    6. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Scottsdale has the best shops, Louisville is high end. It takes a phone call and she could have any number of appropriate fashion delivered. There are no excuses for Palin's faux pas.

      She is stupid, tasteless and a mess of a drug fried brain.

      Cut the crap about she left in a blizzard and grabbed a bag for NASCAR races.

    7. Cracklin Charlie11:56 AM

      That's right, 9:21, there is great shopping in Louisville.

      She could have had two complete Derby outfits, shoes, hat, dress, and bag, delivered in an hour with one phone call.

  38. She said she left in a snow storm. It hasnt snowed in Wasilly this month, has it?

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Did they lose her luggage at this race , same as Belmont?

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      The Clampetts look like royalty compared to the Palins. Mr. Drysdale is rolling in his grave.

    3. G-Man, has it snowed recently??

    4. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I bet that Sarah was referring the the major snow storm that closed Phoenix for days, LOL.

    5. Anonymous6:54 PM

      . . .the kind of snow that goes up your nose.

  39. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Gryphen----every time I see her, I'm reminded of the "Countess" from Real Housewives of NYC. The "Countess" sang: "Money can't buy you class. Elegance is learned, my friend."

  40. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I'm sure Trig would have enjoyed watching the horses in Kentucky. Poor kid, hope Auntie Heather gave him a jar of baby food to look at while strapped in his high chair for a couple of days

  41. Anonymous4:18 PM

    What I find delightful is that the Peepee Pond gangs can't notice her dowager's hump is at critical mass now. They will do nothing to help her. She will just lose more bone mass and end up in a heap of splinters and flesh. They will keep saying how sexy she is and how she will win in 2016 in that condition. You gotta love their denial and how they ignore a very sick woman that could use some help to get off the drugs and into treatment.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Sarah just got finished mowing her lawn. What you think is a dowager's hump is actually Trigger strapped to her back.

    2. Anonymous6:02 AM

      In the snow, of course. You betcha!

  42. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The woman looks absolutely retarded! She's such an embarrassment to Alaska and the USA for women! Horrible! Look at her teeth, pudgy face in the one photo, hump on her back/shoulders, poorly dressed, wig looks awful, and on and on. And, at the Kentucky Derby! She has absolutely zero class and is an idiot!

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:53 AM

      If my hair looked that bad, I wouldn't have gotten out of the car. Also, too, the video of her walking into the event is really weird. It seriously looks like Sarah is being helped along by the lady in the big hat, instead of the other way around.

      Has anyone slowed that down, and taken a good look at it?

  43. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Can someone help me, what explains her constantly messy appearance? Is it plain old craziness or drugs? Why doesn't someone stop her leaving her hotel room looking like that? I just don't understand. Help! Also, under the green jacket you can see those incredibly comical falsies peaking out in profile.

  44. Anonymous4:52 PM

    OMG...that video is just plain sad. Her wig is off kilter and dirty. And that coat...lord! I continue to be amazed at how she can leave a house or hotel looking in such poor shape. Is her family too intimidated to say anything?


    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      A Pimp does not care what his Ho looks like, when he sends her out to make that money. Todd simply took the blanket off one of the horses in the stable, wrapped it around the BITCH, and sent her out to get the rent money. Good little Ho, make my money, I got some coke for you back at the room when you are done.

  45. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I doubt if shit for brains will be seen short sleeved after that shot of her right emaciated arm at the NRA dill.

  46. Anonymous5:29 PM

    What is wrong with this woman who is incapable of dressing appropriately?
    I hope the pink coat was borrowed.

    I suspected she and Todd showed up at the Belmont Stakes then lied the suitcases were lost. They are uncultured idiots.

  47. "A weekend in Kentucky versus being entrenched in the political world, for a weekend, it's heavenly, it's wonderful," Palin said...

    REALLY? "entrenched in the political world?"
    Hilarious and/or delusional.

    AND, that expression in the last picture? - just pitiful. Its like she's thinking "ah. so the little girlie crap I throw at the old white men works well with old ladies, also too."

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      He has morphed into an unlikable Dame Edna character.
      You just wait, they will reveal he has been doing an Andy Kaufman, Joaquin Phoenix spoof. All this time he has been trying out for a role. There can be no other explanation for this strange behavior.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Putin still rearin' his head, still a Kenyan in the White House, still pissed at KKKarl Rove, still thinkin' 'bout runnin' in 2016 and Carrs was sold out of the copper brillo pads the last two times dammit!!!

  48. Anonymous6:15 PM

    "A weekend in Kentucky versus being entrenched in the political world, for a weekend, it's heavenly, it's wonderful," Palin said, according to WLEX."

    But that's not true. Palin just came from addressing the NRA on Friday. Her speech was political, they can't be taking away our freedoms. She threw in a jab at Mayor Bloomberg with her cute chewing tobacco trick. Sarah WAS "entrenched" in politics on Friday, to the extent that she delivered a political speech and her trip was paid for by her PAC. She just happened to fly back to Arizona or Alaska by way of Louisville. It's a stop over from Houston.

    1. Ahh. Thank you. So, I think according to your translation, she mostly meant,
      "Im so glad the work part of this trip is over."

      Do you speak RMoney also too? :)

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      You mean crude tobacco chewing trick, of course.

  49. All one has to do is look at the picture of Sarah in the pink coat and the way it is tied. As someone mentioned, the belt is all twisted and she tied a knot in it without straightening it out. To me, that is an indication she is not alert or aware and I ask myself...why?

    Is there anyone else that can see a similarity between the relationship of Sarah and Todd -- to that of Anna Nicole Smith and Howard K Stern? The total manipulation of a man over a woman with the use of drugs? Men that stand in the background silently but are there to ... if necessary ... hold them up in public and support them. That is until they drop!

    Just a thought...

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Something like that. The Palins don't have the Whitney money but John would see to it that Marylou has groomers and stylists when need be. Todd has access to those who know how to do it. Why on earth can't he get the job done right? If Sarah drools you hire a droolist to be certain it never shows. If she can't dress or undoes when someone does dress her proper, you hire someone 24/7 to be involved with her public shows. There is no excuse for Todd's incompetency. You can see his pal, maybe more, John knows the ropes.

      Throughout history this situations have been part of life. It is ignorant of Todd not to learn from those that have gone before him and his close friend John.

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      OMG, I was just thinking Palin's heading into Anna Nicole territory. Great minds think alike :)

    3. Unfortunately, your thought may be perceptive. I mean, that would be the behavior of a PIMP.

    4. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Ginger's comment about the way Palin's coat is tied is interesting because she was dressed in a sloppy way when she spoke to the NRA. Her t-shirt was all twisted to one side-- also, as if someone else had dressed her.

      Photo: Her shirt is tucked into her pants in a strange way. The wig is funny looking, too.

    5. Anonymous5:53 AM

      I've said this before but I will say it again: I think Todd is slowly poisoning Sarah. When she dies, he gets all the money and FINALLY he will be able to carry his own purse.

    6. Anonymous6:07 AM

      There's a HUGE difference @ 7:44. Mary lulu climbed originally on her own. She KNEW how to dress herself. Palin NEVER has.

    7. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Yes, Marylou did her own climbing and she did have style and taste. She also prepared for her declining years with the second marriage to a minder. To what degree she could keep herself up on her own today is questionable. You know of others that were presented as 'alright' but it turned out they had dementia or other conditions that made them impaired. With good minders no one would ever know how far they've gone down hill.

      How Anna Nicole, Marylou Whitney or Sarah Palin got there is part of their whole story, each is different. What is the same is they reach a place where they need and can only function with a Howard Stern, John Hendrickson or Todd Palin.

      Todd is a newbie and a hick and he needs lessons. Why doesn't he take his job seriously and reach out to his friend John?

    8. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Oh, I think Todd is very much wanting to reach out to John. Just look at him gazing longingly at John behind Sarah's back.

  50. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

    Well, it's just so refreshing to see the fancy schmancy horse folks "allow" the mental patient with the crooked wig to step up to the mic and make a fool of herself.

    I wonder where she left her boobs?

    That last photo is a hoot!

  51. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Wow, Sarah, you and Sally look like twins. And it is not because Sally looks young. Sally could make appearances for you, who would know the difference?
    Drugs and lipo take a toll on a face and body, old woman.

  52. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Some might suggest that this whole Kentucky Derby thing was Toad shaking his moneymaker.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Absolutely. The power of grifting overwhelms those fish pickers out of water and humiliating themselves is a small inconvenience. Smoozing and sway is what matters.

    2. Cracklin Charlie11:47 AM

      Todd and Sarah might think they may need Mrs. Moneybags' help in the near future. Those big-time attorneys don't grow on trees, dontcha know?

  53. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I think after the white beaded derby dress whitney said "Dearie, why dont you wear this". At least it was pastel

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:57 AM

      I think you WIN!

      That's that old ladies coat...she is known for wearing pink. And only a rich old lady known for wearing pink would own a pink wool trench coat.

      She took one look at Sarah's, I guess, "outfit", and gave her the coat to wear over it. And she probably specified that she didn't need it back.

  54. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Another day spent away from God's precious gift to Sarah Palin known as Trig Palin.

    Next...she's got so much filler stuffed into her face she looks like an entirely different person. If it's not filler, she's got a big bloat going on. Cut back on the salt SP.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Since Sarah is wearing Bristol's clothes and wears super tight jeans, maybe Sarah's face is bloated because Sarah started her menstrual cycle again like a teenager?

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Is that face from too much Chick Fil A? Big GULPS? Todd, also, too?

      They look like they are retaining toxins.

  55. Anonymous9:20 PM

    She really doesn't realize how many people laugh at her and family behind their back's, does she?

  56. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Is she "hiding" another "pregnancy"?

  57. Anonymous3:43 AM

    How appropriate that the griftress is wearing clam digger$

  58. Anonymous3:57 AM

    She's wearing a big coat indoors she 8 months pregnant?

  59. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Sarah's Facebook page claims she is a politician. And here she claims she is entrenched in politics. Makes no sense until I saw this definition online fir politician

    "2. One who seeks personal or partisan gain, often by scheming and maneuvering

  60. Anonymous6:01 AM

    What's with those glasses she has on? Not even non-reflective lenses? Fake glasses like everything else about Sarah.

  61. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I've noticed that whenever Sarah poses for a picture, she sticks her face way out front of the rest of her body. Is this some modeling trick? Bristol has tried this look also too, especially when she got her new chin.

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Same thing with her chest. Wherever she maked a high profile appearance, Sarah Palin finds it necessary to stuff her bra. Why? Everybody knows she's flat chested so why do it? Dumb hick.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      As to sticking her face out - she has a round face and she probably thinks it makes her face look slimmer. She assuredly has lost her good looks during the past ten years...she's growing old way before her time. Looking more and more like her parents - the Heaths - physically.

    3. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Bristol couldn't help it. The Chin™ was out in front by at least a furlong.

  62. Anonymous6:11 AM

    It certainly becomes more evident every time she makes an appearance that, for all their bitching and moaning, "Game Change" was SPOT ON! Doesn't it?

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:41 AM

      I don't think it was even close. Just a weak attempt to preserve John McCain's reputation, if you ask me.

  63. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Obviously she's preggers and will give birth next week. Which one of the girls is in hiding this time?

  64. Anonymous6:52 AM

    The top picture shows Sarah Palin's big floppy ear. She must get free satellite reception?

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Did Sarah get those big ears from her Alaska college dorm room days?

      The way her ears are pulled back, can you see Sarah on all fours in her sister's dorm room and Glen Rice behind her pulling on those ears trying to ride and hold on?

      Looks like a lot of pulling in her lifetime.

  65. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Does anyone know of an article or blog with Sarah Palin's posture over the years? It seems pertinent to me the way that public figures carry themselves. She is certainly a study in poor posture. A poster child for the dowager's hump if there ever was one.

    I find it hard to believe this has not come up in the press since it is a health matter and effects many people. She could be getting treatment and doing PSA's one day for posture and the dowager's hump, the importance of appropriate and good grooming for success. She has managed to show the world her poor posture and managed to have no press or concern brought up in the MSM. I find that very odd.

    If anyone knows of a website or article that covers the subject I would appreciate a link. Thank you. Lisa

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      These aren't about posture, but are related since they deal with her "curious" changing appearance:

      and the changes in her face/plastic surgery:

  66. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Sarah Palin showed up at the NRA convention the other day, which was merely perfect. She belonged there as much as anybody in the hall just because from the start, from the time John McCain picked her out of the chorus, Palin has most appealed to mean, dumb, angry crowds exactly like the one she found in Houston.

    Palin should have worn a prom dress, but on this occasion wore a T-shirt that read “Women Hunt.” In her case, that means hunting for attention.

    She wants to be a populist and a patriot, the way the phonies cheering her on Friday think they’re patriots, and brave defenders of the Second Amendment. But all Palin did this time was turn herself out for the craziest and creepiest gun lovers on the planet. It is the same as turning yourself out for gun manufacturers.

    You know Palin was talking all over again about the elite media in Houston like she is some sort of expert, even though her spectacular lack of talent has made her virtually unemployable on television.

    “The same media is now the reliable poodle-skirted cheerleader for the President that writes the book on exploiting tragedy,” she said, making it sound as if the only real man in this conversation is her.

  67. Anonymous10:10 AM

    What kind of man would let his wife continue to appear in public
    like she just got out of a holding cell ?
    Oh wait....
    Courtney Love must be Palin's fashion inspiration.
    Hooker shoes and cargo pants
    to a society fundraiser ???
    With a bandana sticking out of the rear pocket ?
    An outdated sequined cocktail dress during the day ?
    A fluffy pink bathrobe " borrowed " from the Spa as a coat ?
    Maybe she's trying out the Vinny " The Chin " Gigante defense in anticipation of criminal charges.
    The New York City mobster was under federal indictment for racketeering and he tried the insanity defense by always appearing
    in public in bathrobes and shabby clothes.
    And talking gibberish.
    Kinda like Palin .

  68. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Sarah Palin is NOT healthy! She's known to not eat well (back in the McCain campaign it was reported "Game Change"), plus she use to drink (verified/had a particular reserved bar stool in Wasilla!) and there is, and have always been, reports that she is into drugs. Just look at her - she's aged horribly in appearance in the past ten years! She's been a horrid wife and mother in that she is known not to cook even for her kids! I'll wager she dies an early death and not many will miss her! Evil, ugly woman!

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      They should bury her in an unmarked grave so people won't piss on her.

  69. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Sarah's hygiene is very questionable. Did she take a shower or hose off before wearing that pink robe?

  70. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Anonymous10:51 AM said: As to sticking her face out - sheas a round face and she probably thinks it makes her face look slimmer. She assuredly has lost her good looks during the past ten years...she's growing old way before her time. Looking more and more like her parents - the Heaths - physically.

    " Looking more and more like her parents - the Heaths - physically."

    That's a polite way of saying that Sarah looks like she has one foot in a coffin.

  71. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Anonymous6:36 AM Since Sarah is wearing Bristol's clothes and wears super tight jeans, maybe Sarah's face is bloated because Sarah started her menstrual cycle again like a teenager?

    Tell Sarah to ease up on the embalming fluid. That should do it.

  72. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Yolks like her wig slipped down her back...

    I agree - she looks weak and frail in that short video.

    An ALASKAN being COLD in Kentucky like she seemed to be??? WTF??? Something is not right there... Maybe her meth and Aderall abuse is catching up with her.


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