Friday, May 17, 2013

Recognizing the strewn wreckage that is left of Sarah Palin's once promising political career.

Courtesy of The Voice:  

Claiming she did not want to be part of the “political blood sport” that is Alaska and pleading for the understanding of the constituents she was abandoning, she decided she liked the spotlight of the national stage and jumped ship. 

That moment was the quintessential branding of a candidate. She was already seen as a rank amateur in the scope of national politics, a walking hair-do posing as a serious candidate and an overall dim bulb who could not keep her own foot out of her own mouth. 

Add the fact she did not want to finish out her first term in high office under the cloud of being a “lame duck,” saying “that’s not how I am wired,” she added quitter to her already featherweight resume. 

Rebranding yourself in politics is a feat as attainable as climbing Mt. Everest with only a scarf and gloves to protect you from the elements. Changing a political image is possible but is a glacial process that most do not have the patience or the fortitude for simply based on their career of choice. 

Lay back, stay out of the headlines, pick your spots carefully, make a speech or two and work behind the scenes to change a tarnished image is just the START of what you need to do to change your brand in American politics. 

Sarah Palin was the antithesis of that. (Gee, ya think?)

She continued to put her foot in her mouth, go on ego driven, useless bus tours, string her supporters along about a Presidential run, all the while eagerly taking their money and jumped on every bandwagon that rolled in front of her. 

Palin joined the ranks of punditry at Fox News, fired up a reality show and never shut her mouth. 

She went from Tea Party darling to blabbering mouthpiece. She went from possible Republican stalwart to being a joke in her own party. She went from politician to pseudo-celebrity in the span of less than five years. 

Palin squandered her chance and breezed past her window of opportunity to even make a half-hearted showing in a primary or two in the 2012 election. Now the GOP will roll out a field in 2016 that she will get trampled by if she even thought of campaigning in New Hampshire. 

She has morphed into a caricature and a rock thrower with zero credibility outside of the few “mama bear” zealots who still think she is viable in the political arena. She is a sideshow of her own creation. 

Overlooking the “we’ve obviously got to stand with our North Korean allies” and “I can see Russia from my backyard” nuggets of insight from the former governor, a serious look at her tactics and actions over the past five years show an egotist and a pretender.

The author of this editorial, Matthew Fahr, goes on to state that Palin has one last chance for a political resurgence, and that would entail winning Begich's Senate seat in Alaska.

I am happy to inform Mr. Fahr that if THAT is her only hope, and I would agree that it undoubtedly is, then she has NO hope whatsoever, because Alaskans would rather rather shoot grizzly bear repellent directly into their eyes before EVER letting that crazed lunatic represent them ever again.

Living up here may indicate to some that we are suckers for punishment, but even WE are not that  masochistic!

Other than that I found myself in total agreement with every thing that he said.


  1. Our Lad4:38 PM

    As a kid she was once called "a looker"
    Although now it's "a beat up old hooker"
    And I wait for the day
    Some old flatfoot will say
    "Throw her ass in the jailhouse and book her!"

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      You are very talented.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      And take her pimp husband with her.

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I like this!

    4. Anonymous8:15 PM

      +1 & Nicely Done.

      Help me remember... Did Sarah make a stop on her bus tour in Nantucket ?

    5. Our Lad3:57 AM

      @ 8:15 Hardeeharhar!!! You win the Dirty Limerick Reference Award!

    6. Anonymous5:28 AM

      That's one for her library.

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Say what you want to say about Sarah Palin. Sarah will have the last laugh when she becomes president in 2016.

    1. Our Lad4:53 PM

      Blow me, you nitwit.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      She has a snowballs chance in hell if that were to happen. Dream away and be sure to send money to her PAC. She has so many "postage" expenses she can't afford on her own.

    3. And Michelle Bachman is VP. -:)

    4. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Oh now THAT'S funny! Good one!

    5. Anonymous5:08 PM

      President of the Sarah Palin Fan Club.

    6. No sane GOPer wants Sarah in any political position. While the republicans in the house are drooling over scandal scandal - Sarah manages to change the conversation to talking about - umbrellas. Now that is truly Presidential - hahahahahaha

      Go away fool & dream - tis all you will ever have.

    7. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Oh hey Krusty take another hit off the crack pipe will ya!
      Goddess you are just too flippin stupid.
      If she dared run for potus it would all come tumbling out

    8. Anonymous5:13 PM

      In 2016 she'll be living in a halfway house in Scottsdale.

    9. Anonymous4:40 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that you Baldy? You sho is crazy! Listen stupid, put down the METH pipe...go wash your stinkin ass...throw out that nasty fucking wig...and pay attention!



      IT'S OVER

      Everyone knows that your bellowing and blustering is so you can continue to pick the pockets of your crazy ass bots!

      If your bots are too stupid to realize that you have hoodwinked and bamboozled them out of their loose change and pop money don't come over here and post your stupid ass shit about being "president in 2016" okay dummy! We all know better! LOL!!!

    10. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I will bet you $10,000 that Sarah will not be President in 2016.

      Shut up or bet!

    11. Anonymous5:38 PM

      The Republicans didn't invite Sarah to their 2012 convention. Fox didn't renew her contract. I don't see see that as a strong path towards the presidency. Her fans seem to think that she will run on the Sarah Palin Party. Ask Ross Perot and Ralph Nader how that worked out. In each case, Ross helped Clinton win and Nader put Bush just that much more ahead. Harold Stassen, a former governor of Minneosta, was a candidate for president election after election. There was never was a President Stassen. Third parties in the US don't win. Sarah has no money, no organization and no rich people backing her. She is stupid and won't do any hard work. All that she is good for is "the visual," a Big Gulp, a tin of chewing tobacco, an umbrella, big boobs, a messed up wig, Sarah knows how to get attention, but there is nothing of substance after the laugh. Sarah will be the President of the SarahPAC, and nothing more. She is more interested in fame, attention and money than she is in working.

    12. Anonymous5:47 PM

      yeah what gina said you assclown!
      gina is actually your sister heather you skank so she knows exactly what she is saying!

      well, okay so maybe i made up the part about gina being your sister but you are still an assclown!!!!!!!!!!

      hey gina!

    13. Anonymous5:47 PM


      Hey right backatcha!'s not Heather Baldy needs to worry about!

      Hi Molly!


    14. Anonymous6:16 PM

      4:40 PM Just like Bristol and Willow will have Daddies for their kids in 2016. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    15. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Anon 5:13 Yuma. A few miles out of 'town' in fact. Maybe. If she's lucky and if she's smart enough to keep the bus. Lot's of good-eatin critters out there also too.

    16. Anonymous2:10 AM

      Funny thing about Sarah supporters. They don't allow any dissenting information to get through.

      For example, if C4P didn't immediately delete any post they found offensive and subsequently ban the poster, they would be overrun by posters who know what a fraud she is.

      They also all pile on to every and all internet polls they can find and then use the results to justify her as having a huge base of support when the poll may only have 250 responses (90% from C4P).

      The end result is they have a completely skewed view of her popularity.

      Here are the facts.

      She is never going to run for president, but will certainly tease her supporters up to the last minute to squeeze every last penny out of them. The sad (or funny) part is she will do this for the next few elections and THEY WILL NEVER CATCH ON.

    17. Anonymous2:42 AM

      $carah COULD be President - of the "Liars Club"

    18. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Spot ON, 2:10 AM. That is EXACTLY what they do. "You can't fix stupid."

    19. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Eat me, 4:40!!!

      Sarah Palin and family are the laughing stock of Alaska and the USA. She has very, very little credibility and will have less as time moves along and more and more of the facts about her and Todd are presented. i.e after investigations by the IRS and the FBI, the truth is disclosed that the last kid that lives in their home was NOT birthed by her, murders in Wasilla - one of which was the real father of Tracks (Curt Menard) and on and on.

  3. He did good.

    Rank amateur, Sarah, let that soak in; you’re a rank amateur. I would be also, but I have no fantasies about running the country.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Yes, the wonderful gift of knowing what we don't know saves us so many times... Palin apparently thrives on public humiliation.

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Recognizing the strewn wreckage that is what's left of Sarah Palin's once promising political career?

    Promising career? That trainwreck had to have a co-mayor and town manager when she was mayor in little Wasilla. Then she had to have a co-governor and a Lt governor for the smallest populated state in the union. Just imagine how worse it could of been if Todd wasn't there to hold her hand.

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Stop it stop it right now.

    Save some of this shit for next week

  6. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Good article and she'll always be remembered as the "Quitter from Wasilla."

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Another point of interest regarding the Palin klan is the fact they don't show their faces in Juneau, rarely in Anchorage and little in Wasilla. They are more than aware that people don't like or respect them - Todd is a proven 'pimp' ("Boys Will be Boys") - Bristol (a zero in personality and poorly educated) - and Sarah the proven liar and fraud!

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    4:40 what frack in year are you living in? This is 2013! Skank got her azz whooped in '08 and president Obama also won his second term and nothing-not one thing your idiot idol said influenced a thing!

    She is so over there needs to be another word for how over she is!

    Calling Gina m-get your groove on girl and take out this troll that is dirtying up the posts today!!!
    She/he/it is just beggin for it from you:)

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      HeHe...I left a little sumptim sumptim for the Baldy troll for ya'!

      Looks like BaldyPac has been paying for some more trolls...Gimp the Chimp is one and she picked up a partner along the way!

      They sure are stupid as shit though...but then what do you expect when your idol is a crackhead/crackho!

      I guess you should expect the caliber of trolls to be shitty too! Amirite RAM or amirite! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      O/T GINA BUT YOUR NEW AVATAR NAME SHOULD DEF BE AMIRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous5:06 PM

    If Sarah Palin doesn't run for president in 2016 do we get our SarahPac donations back?

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      No refunds

      If Sarah doesn't run in 2016 she will keep her SarahPac donations for her 2020 presidential run.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Yes just like Shailey Tripp got all her property back intact.

    3. Anonymous6:23 PM

      The older she gets, the more plastic surgery she will need,

    4. Anonymous2:15 AM

      No, but her supporters should keep sending her money.

      I'd rather them waste it on Sarah they send it to some republican who could use it to do some real damage to this country.

      Sarah just uses the money to maintain her lifestyle and pay people to write he FB.

    5. Anonymous5:51 AM

      By 2020 Sarah will probably be institutionalized and not eligible to run for President! She already appears quite unhinged and since she knows better than doctors, lawyers and media experts, she will probably continue her insane ranting and spewing of acid-tainted word salad. I do feel sorry for her younger children and grandchildren who will unfairly carry the burden of her evil ignorance and utter absurdity.

  9. Anonymous5:11 PM

    If a video of the Conservative mayor of Toronto smoking crack is worth $200,000, think how much the one of a certain half-term train wreck could command.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      "think how much the one of a certain half-term train wreck could command."

      She ain't worth dog shit! Nobody gives a fuck that Baldy is getting her smoke on! Everyone knows she's drugged out of her big ass skull...whoTF wants to see a picture of that?? LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Lest we forget, we've already SEEN the pictures of her on drugs. Time and time again.

  10. After his dismal showing in Washington & lack of support for the President and the sane people in America, Begich has little chance of staying in the Senate. If Palin ran against him - that would be his BEST chance to win.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Alaskans will reelected Mark Begich!!! I support him. The Republicans don't have anyone that can beat him.

  11. Anonymous5:16 PM

    That was the best damn thing I've read today. Wish someone had written it 5 years ago - in bold print, on the front page of every newspaper.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Topped by a picture of her on that infamous Hawaiian vacation with her wrinkles and sunken chest instead of the retouched glamour shots they use to sell her phony 'wares'. Let's just see how well the 'rill' Palin would go over with the one-handed typing crowd.

    2. Someone actually DID write something similar 3 years ago -- remember the Vanity Fair article by Michael J. Gross? He NAILED the essential Sarah Palin.

      And for his trouble, she mobilized RAM and all her Palinbots to character assassinate him, and personally insulted him by referring to his manhood.

      Sarah Jones of PoliticusUSA summarized the Palin hate machine back in 2010.

  12. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I'm still waiting for my Alaska Fund Trust quarterly report that Sarah Palin's Wasilla High School BFF and Alaska Fund Trust trustee Kristan Cole promised to send out.

    I hope this isn't the same gal who was involved with Dairygate?

    Not the same Wasilla High School BFF that Governor Sarah Palin put in charge of the Board of Agriculture?

    It is?

    That means for sure there's no record kept or report coming out.

    Damn it, more money I lost on Sarah.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      There is an ongoing Legislative Audit going on right now on the Division of Agriculture and the irregular activities of the Board of Ag. Illegal loans, etc.

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Michelle Bachmann receives Farm Subsidies.

  13. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I wonder how many Palinbots are left to attack that author.
    His article was great!!!

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Those nutbags haven't heard about this article yet...not until RAM gets the call from Baldy(which should be in a few minutes...since Gryphen just posted this a little bit ago) and then the Asylum will send the few remaining flying monkeys in the poor fella's direction!

      Until then...they are too busy going on and on and on and on about "umbrella's"...Ben Gazzara...and the IRS coming after their dogs and cats! Yeah...they crazy y'all!

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      ben gazzara!!!!!!!!!! bbbbaaawwwaaahhhh!!!

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      That 'Fridge in Scottsdale had better know how to duck. Sarah is on one tonight. Krusty is feverishly trying to defend the Mother of her Crush(Bristol). Krusty go on over to Malia Litman's Blog. I understand that there is a Subject close to home for you and Sarah.

  14. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Okay Alaska here's the deal. You don't want Sarah Palin as your Senator and neither do we.

    We'll flip a coin and the loser gets Sarah as their Senator.

    Heads - Alaska loses and gets Senator Sarah Palin
    Tails - Arizona loses and gets Senator Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Trust me - Alaskans do NOT plan to elect Sarah Palin to any position that represents our state! Not even dog catcher! She's an embarrassment to our state and the nation!

  15. Anonymous6:00 PM

    When the laughter dies down, and people ask themselves, "Do you think that Sarah Palin will really run for president?" The answer is a serious NO! Eventually she will be asked why she quit her political job, Governor of Alaska. She said, at the time, that it was to "progress Alaska," and that she didn't need a title to do that.

    Then, the next question is, "What did you do to progress Alaska after you left office?" and there is no answer. It will be a Katie Couric moment, any and all of them. Quitters do not make good presidents. Even GWB said that it was hard work, and he didn't do much. He took more vacations than any other president, and 15 minute briefing was his limit. And, Palin isn't that smart.

    Palin has no organization, no money and no ability. She will never be president of anything. She is good at doing one thing. Creating a persona that her fans think will run for president, so they give her money in hopes that she will run. If we donate, she will run. No, she won't. But, she will put on the dog-and-pony show, which generates money. The money pays for more speeches and more donations. Good scam.

    1. Anonymous2:37 AM

      It's officially called--grifting for gold in the name of God with guns (NRA).


    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      But a LARGE part of that persona was looks. Her ooks are gone - now what?

  16. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Saddest part of all this, sadder than this country electing the most unqualified hack with tiresome talking points in history, is that you and your dreges still stalk a woman you don't know.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Oh my DAMN! Krusty's restraining order has EXPIRED y'all!

      Whatcha talkin bout Krazy??

      It's that ammonia you smelling again huh? know you need to dump that bedpan at least once a day...that ammonia smell will kill ya if you don't! LOL!!!

      PS...go back to sleep Krusty...your shift don't start until later....Gimp the Wimp is suppose to be on duty now! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      What's a "drege"??? A drudge? A dreg? A drug? I'm totally confused here...please enlighten.

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      What are dreges? At least know how to spell a word before you try to apply it to a phrase. The most unqualified POLITICAL HACK in History is a woman we all know as Sarah Palin. Krusty, why aren't you over at Malia Litman's Blog Stalking today? Is it because the Topic is Todd Palin being a Pimp? Are you AFRAID to tackle that Topic with your TIRED Talking Points? Are you afraid to discuss PIMPGHAZI, or the Tax Evasion Tactics of Sarapac and the Prostitution Ring? Come On Krusty, don't be afraid, Sarah won't Fire you from your Daily Blog Stalking. Defend your Pimp Daddy Todd and his Madame Wife Sarah.

    4. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Sarah Palin has written 2 books about herself, appeared in her own "reality" TV show, given countless speeches, been interviewed on FOX, appeared in People Magazine and campaigned for vice president. Sarah Palin tweets and posts rants on facebook.

      We know a lot about her. To say we don't know her is not true. If you think we don't know her, you are delusional.

    5. Anita Winecooler8:48 PM

      Holy Cow! Krusty's running on fumes. The IM resident stalker calls us stalkers for practicing our right to free speech?
      Pull a Palin, Krusty, quit it and go back to sniffing subway seats, or whatever your "Day job" happens to be.
      Dreges? What you talking about, Krusty?

    6. DetroitSam9:40 PM

      Sorry Anonymous @7:58 pm, but Sarah Palin has NEVER written a SINGLE book.

      Do you know how to spell ghost writer?

      G. H.O. S. T. W. R. I. T. E. R?

    7. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Unfortunately, as the writer of the quoted article points out, we haven't been allowed the luxury of *not* knowing her. Look, stupid, she never quits jumping in front of every available camera and babbling like an methed up, mentally challenged twelve-year-old. You, apparently, don't know the nut job, or you wouldn't be here trying to defend her.

    8. PalinsHoax9:37 AM

      Anonymous6:16 PM
      "...a woman you don't know."
      - - -

      Please enlighten us. What is it that we don't know about Palin?
      1.) Didn't she stuff a pillow up her shirt and pretend that she was pregnant?
      2.) Didn't she claim that her water broke and yet she somehow (dubiously) managed to catch two consecutive air flights after that?
      3.) Didn't she claim to give birth to a high risk pregnancy at a hospital not equipped to even handle the normal birth of twins?
      4.) Didn't Palin have a "twobull that tied and sizzled her tubes" after Piper was born? (It is kind of suspicious how Palin could give birth after that procedure, you must admit.)
      5.) Doesn't she stuff somthing into her bra? (seeing how Palin was flat-as-a-pancake during McCain's presidential run, and now her girls are as big as her head.)

      So tell us, what is it that we don't know about Palin. Please enlighted us.

  17. Anonymous6:43 PM

    From the beginning of the article:

    It is hard to admit that one of the most cartoonish and self-aggrandizing figures in recent political memory actually could have been a contender at one time, but I am now willing to cede that point.

    Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin actually could have been, at the very least, a respected political figure over the course of the last decade, but she has squandered any capital or potential she may have had by being a rudderless buffoon.

    The only reason this comes to light again is because Palin is polling ahead of two other candidates for a potential open Senate seat in 2014.

    Mind you this was a sample of 379 Alaska Republicans taken during the first week of this month, but the prospect of Palin being a member of the Senate for six years is enough to make one consider a move to Nova Scotia.

    At one time Palin was a somewhat savvy, fairly competent Governor of Alaska. What made her stand out and got her on the political map was facing down oil and natural gas conglomerates in her home state and beating them.

    In Alaska, beating that corporate duo is one step short of taking control of a city back from the mob. Oil taxes supply almost 90 percent of the general revenue in the state, so you know oil companies have what can conservatively be called a passing interest in how government is run.

    The governor, who would soon become more famous for being geographically challenged and for her looks, somehow passed a tax increase on oil revenue and while other states floundered, Alaska built up a $12 billion surplus.

    But 18 months before the end of her first term and only nine months after she helped torpedo John McCain’s Presidential aspirations, Palin stood in her back yard and announced she was quitting her job as governor of our nation’s 49th state.

    1. Anonymous5:39 AM

      She was NEVER competent as governor in Alaska. Governor Hickel (Republican) strongly supported her in the beginning and helped actually get her elected. He found out pretty quickly how imcompetent she was and soon grew to dislike and not support her - which was made public!

      She quit - called herself a 'lame duck' which wasn't true - she could have run again for the position but knew she'd lose, so quit!

      The Alaska Legislature even voted her to be unethical although she denied it while on the campaign trail w/McCain when he ran for President. She also told everyone the pipeline was under construction in Alaska, while campaigning, which was false. It wasn't and still isn't all these years later!

      A liar, fraud and idiot - which has been proven time and time again for many years now!

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Yeah, there is so much wrong there I feel a little sick reading it.

      Palin is and was the MOST incompetent FOOL to EVER hold political office.

      The PERFECT STORM in Alaska that got her elected- the HATRED of Murkowski,

      and the bizarre ring of sycophantic Church of God schoolmates that kept her in her protected shell - including Todd! - throughout the Governorship -

      then McCain during the Presidential race.

      If Sarah Palin isn't using someone as a shield, she is home in bed having a nervous breakdown.

      There idea of her combatting the oil and gas commissioners is laughable at best.

  18. Anonymous6:46 PM

    A walking hair-do? Shoot, Sarah- you're not even THAT now.

  19. O/T but definitely Baldy related...anyone else get the feeling that Baldy is using her creepy...cradle robbing brother CreepyJr as her ghostwriter too? This retarded cradle snatcher posted this shit on his "Fecesbook" page yesterday....

    "Chuck Heath, Jr.
    21 hours ago
    My twelve-year old son asked me tonight, "Dad, what's up with Benghazi? Why do they keep talking about it on the news?"

    I told him, "After our Navy Seals took out Osama Bin Laden, the President said that we had the terrorists (Al Qaeda) on the run. A presidential election was coming up and "getting a handle on the terrorists" was a key to winning reelection.

    When our consulate in Benghazi was attacked and Washington leadership failed to go in and help, resulting in four American deaths, a scapegoat needed to be cooked up. This is why a bogus, anti-Muslim, Youtube video that no one had even seen was blamed as the reason for the attack. This all happened right before the election. If the public would have known this, especially the cover-up, the election results probably would have been different.

    Eight months later, the tangled web woven by the White House is coming undone."

    A few weeks ago, I was warned that my posts were being monitored and that I better watch my back. It bothered me enough to lay off my posts. Now I'm seeing that people, the press, and groups are definitely being targeted by the Government.

    Very scary stuff."

    Ahem....excuse me Creepy...and I know you're reading here...your tired ass post are not hardly being monitored...what is happening you silver head maggot is that BaldyPac is being monitored...scrutinized...audited...and the flash light is being pointed deep in her nasty asshole and some of that light is shining on your dumbass!

    It's obvious you're trying to let the bots know that some of that back splash of shit is about to hit YOU too!

    Good luck with that Creepy! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Creepy Jr. hasn't been married to his young wife for 12 years. Oh that's right, Creepy was committing Adultery on his wife and Mother of his 2 kids. How XTIAN of him. Creepy Jr. spends a lot of his School Teaching time on the internet, specifically on IM. It must be nice to receive pay for surfing the Internet. Explain that to your 12 year old son, Creepy Jr.

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Yes, it has her fingerprints all over it. Remember her rocket scientist daughters asking her political questions? Creepy Jr's 12-year-old will only give a shit about Benghazi when it's a video game.

    3. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

      Yeah, a Palin (any of 'em, all of 'em) have a twelve year old child with an iota of intellectual curiosity revolving around Benghazi.

      I'll believe it when I see it.

      Another Palin "Brainiac" (hint - Jay Leno Chin) has a post up bashing David Letterman (yeah, not over THAT yet) that links, curiously enough, to Nancy French's blog post calling Obama's legacy "betrayal"

      Thin Skinned? Vindictive? xtian?
      Ironically, they both "read" like they were written by the same person! Pathetic doesn't even come close!

    4. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Chuckie Boy, first of all, you are as stupid as your sister, second of all, you are a nobody and aren't even worth investigating.

      Sure, right, you figured out this "Benghazi" thing and now the Feds are breathing down you back, gotcha...

      You're a freakin' grade school teacher, and as frightening as that is, you're not a "playa" just a grade school teacher, and not even a very good one.

      Is your entire family delusional or just you and Sarah?

    5. Anonymous2:56 AM

      Chuckles Jr. is still upset that the book he supposedly wrote (!!) with his Daddy was a flop. The book tour was cancelled for lack of interest. The entire family jumped on the gravy train and now it is coming to a screeching halt. Too bad they will have to actually WORK now.

    6. Anonymous5:07 AM

      They may be monitored, but that would be by his ex- mistress bedbuddy/current serial wife who suspects some unsavory behavior on those "book tours."

    7. Anonymous10:52 AM

      The bots at the PeePond are really revving their scooters over this latest Heath nonsense. I think that eejit Chuckles can't think of another durn thing to proclaim from The Porch (btw he does not even have a porch of course) so he's claiming he has to stay off The Porch before the IRS black helicopters get him. It is astonishing that this profoundly stupid family has unearthed followers even stupider than they are that they can fleece at will.

  20. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

    Mr Fahr's opinion piece is spot on. Familiarity does breed contempt. The Public can be extremely forgiving, look at Bill Clinton, Mark Sanford, and now even Anthony Weiner is running for mayor of New York. They laid low, worked on their issues, let some time pass and came back stronger.
    Sarah blew her chance with her constant grabs for fame, money, and notoriety. She relentlessly and w recklessly pursued her need for attention, and her ill gotten gains can't reverse the damage she did to her career, the country, and her family.

    But look on the bright side, We got so many laughs at her expense! And look how much success, accolades and good fortune came to Julianne Moore, Katie Couric and Tina Fey. They would have gotten there anyway, but Sarah fast tracked the process.

    It's too late. Except for "the usual suspects", her true believers ranks are dwindling and desperate.

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Jimmy Carter is another president who left office with terrible ratings and low public opinion. In his role as former president, he has redeemed himself through his work for Habitat for Humanity. He also monitored foreign elections. He has been a selfless, tireless worker for others, not for himself.

      That's where Bill Clinton redeemed himself, too, in doing good charitable works for others through his Global Initiative. Other than raise funds for a couple of world disasters, we haven't seen much of Poppy Bush. GWB is wise to stick to his cheesy paintings and keep out of the public eye.

      When Sarah quit her job as governor, Karl Rove advised her to take some time off, study, write a serious book in order for people to take her seriously. Sarah didn't. Her two books read like the diaries of a high school girl. Her appearances at Fox became so bad that the Fox hosts talked over her and rushed her off the air. Rove said that having a TV reality show was not the path to the Oval Office. Sarah may think that it's cute to play the rogue, but it hasn't made her into a serious politician. Now, she's just a cheap trick in tight jeans with big boobs, tonguing the straw of a giant soft drink or threatening to chew tobacco.

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Ex-presidents are more popular....because they don't have to make decisions! I feel like Obama will be an awesome ex-president. I bet he starts an awesome non-profit, maybe something with gun violence?

  21. Olivia6:57 PM

    Another Sarah Palin funspot, for today, at least.

    1. Anonymous11:11 PM

      Thanks for sharing that link...Sharp guy.

  22. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Rachel Maddow Takes ABC News To Woodshed Over Benghazi Non-Emails

    On Thursday night’s The Rachel Maddow Show, host Rachel Maddow lit into ABC News like a spelunker with a halogen spotlight, demanding a correction from the network, and advising reporters who fell for the Republican leaks to burn their sources.

  23. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Anonymous6:00 PM said
    When the laughter dies down, and people ask themselves, "Do you think that Sarah Palin will really run for president?" The answer is a serious NO! Eventually she will be asked why she quit her political job, Governor of Alaska. She said, at the time, that it was to "progress Alaska," and that she didn't need a title to do that.


    Sarah Palin has been working feverishly promoting Arizona's people, weather, land, charity events as well as spending a lot of time there.

    Are you sure Sarah didn't say she quit "to progress Arizona"?

    They both start and end with "a" and easy to confuse.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:05 PM

      You have a valid point, there! She may have meant the country of Africa, for the same reason! Six years of college, and she flunked "A".

  24. Uh...she wasn't a lame duck governer 'til she quit. She shot herself in her own webbed foot.

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      "A lame duck is an elected official who is approaching the end of his or her tenure, especially one whose successor has already been elected."

      AK governorship has a two term limit. Just another example of $carah using words wrong.

      You are soooooooo Stoopid, $carah. (spelled it your way so you and your kids could understand.)

  25. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Sorry but I just can't quit laughing at that horrible wig! ha ha ha........
    All that money and she wears that?? ;/

    1. Anita Winecooler9:09 PM

      Me too! And the hands are saying "My boobs were THIS big last week!"

    2. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Now you know why Willow went to hair school.

  26. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Hey Sarah the I.R.S. is interested in the Financial records of (I)vy (R)ebecca and (S)arah. I am sure that there is nothing out of order with all of your ill gotten gains, Right? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA the Tax Man Cometh.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM know what sucks about this IRS scandal? They'll probably give Baldy a pass so as not to look as if they are picking on conservatives.

  27. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I badly want Sarah Palin to run for anything. Her 2008 campaign is still funny almost 5 years later... the awful interviews that exposed her krazy, the campaign leaks about her ignorance, the scandal about her designer wardrobe, silk boxers, oh my.

    I want more!

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      I want her to run so the folks will the real dirt will start to let it leak just enough to convince her to scurry back into her rat hole, and take her beady-eyed rattie family with her.
      Run baby, run!

  28. emrysa9:01 PM

    that really was a succinctly perfect write-up. what a joke of a person; anyone with any sense would be embarrassed at such an accurate description of themselves.

  29. emrysa9:03 PM

    Anonymous @ 4:56 PM sez:

    "Good article and she'll always be remembered as the "Quitter from Wasilla.""

    yep deserved a repeat.

  30. When did the insufferable clown step up to the big bad oil companies and got them to dole out checks to ak residents?

    What I've gathered, she hasn't done shit but put on skanky clothes, steal state funds and lie about her existence.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      And count how very many Heaths, Palins, etc. EACH received a check!


      Grifting from the very get go!

  31. Evelyn Waugh4:06 AM

    Why did Sarah consider herself a lame duck in 2009?

    Every politician must consider running again even after having just won an election. Or, most notably, U.S. Presidents are now limited by the Constitution to just two terms, and have been for more than 60 years. They're the true lame ducks, as defined by everyone who owns a dictionary.

    Dwight Eisenhower was a lame duck from 1956- 60. Richard Nixon became a lame duck the morning after the 1972 election, although the reason he left office early had nothing to do with his duckiness. Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Geo. W. all were lame ducks for their second terms. So is President Obama.

    None of these Presidents stopped doing the job they'd been elected to do, or quit before their terms were up because they were perceived as having less power than before. All of them had signature achievements or actions in their second Presidential term.

    Sarah was a lame duck only if she couldn't run again, like these Presidents -- or had already decided that she wouldn't.

    Clearly, it was her own view of herself that made her feel "what the heck," I might as well resign. There was no law prohibiting her from running again and again and again. She did't want to because she knew she'd lose.

    Hence: " I don't even want my first term, people of Alaska. I'm pre-empting you in throwing me to the curb at the next election. I'm leaving before you can show me the door."

    Instead, she decided to ungrammatically "progress Alaska" instead of serving as Governor. How's all that progressing working out for you, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      She used "lame duck" because she is a moron.

      She is also an asshole, but you asked why she was speaking incorrectly. It's almost too ridiculous a question to pose, don't you think?

      This *is* Sarah Palin, after all...

  32. Looks kinda like the coke mountain of scrap that is building up in Detroit as the waste by product of one of many pipelines that use Detroit as a dumping ground for garbage.. Kinda like everything Palin has turned into a garbage heap…

  33. Anonymous6:02 AM




    lame duck n.
    1.a. An elected officeholder or group continuing in office during the period between failure to win an election and the inauguration of a successor.

    1.b. An officeholder who has chosen not to run for reelection or is ineligible for reelection.

    2. An ineffective person; a weakling.








    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Sarah, quitters are not lame ducks.

  34. Randall6:17 AM

    Caption for that photo:

    "Sometimes I pretend my boobies are THIS BIG!"

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Men *actually* seem to listen to me when I put on my Belmonts - they're about *this* big!

      I think I have back issues now, but who cares! They love me!

  35. Anonymous6:27 AM

    What Governor Sarah Palin did to the citizens of Alaska who elected her to be governor was oil check them.

    Oil Check is an illegal wrestling move.

    The move is one where the wrestler jams his finger up the rear of the other wrestler. The intent is to actually pierce the clothing or singlet.  Not very sportsman like.

    Sarah Palin jammed her finger up the asses of Alaskan citizens so she could rape the Alaska Film Tax Credit and make more money. Sarah Palin knew that if she completed her first term as governor that her popularity would fade away because she was incompetent.

    Quitting was her only way to make more money.

    Plus Sarah Palin quickly found out that being governor was not fun. Not like being Miss Wasilla where you only had to smile, wink and lick your lips.

    Being governor meant you had to work and know how to manage which is something Sarah Palin was not qualified or prepared to do.

    Govenor Sarah Palin thought that she only had to wear her push up bra to get things done and have Todd as her co-governor.

    Governor Sarah Palin was and is a quitter and that's why she will not run for the Alaskan Senate. Sarah Palin knows Alaska doesn't want or like her anymore. Thats why she likes Arizona now.

    Sarah Palin is not comfortable walking or showing her face in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      I don't think she has the right to be called 'governor'. The Alaska Legislature doesn't even have her photo hanging w/all other past governors that served Alaska!

      She is not liked or respected by Alaskans and knows it. Todd is a proven 'pimp' ("Boys Will be Boys") and her poor uneducated kids have had nothing but troubles and problems.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Yeah, everything you said cuz I couldn't say it better.

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Sarah Palin not only HATES work,

      she HATES actually, ya know, GOVERNING!

  36. Anonymous6:32 AM




    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      The Anchorage Police Department may like pimps but the Alaska citizens don't.

  37. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Sarah Palin what do you have to say about this?

    LOL oh how the dweeble minded has fallen.

    What an ass!

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Can't believe SarahPac donors put up with Sarah paying Facebook ghostwriters with their donations to make their queen look like a simple minded little jealous school girl.

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Bwahahaha that Sarah

  38. Anonymous7:01 AM


    How do you know that Sarah Palin's time is up in Alaska?

    The great Sarah Palin of Wasilla High School who was an Alaska State basketball champion, ex Miss Wasilla, ex mayor of Wasilla, ex governor of Alaska and picked to be the vice president of the Republican Party can't even show her face to speak at her alma mater's graduation. Sarah has to go out of state to bust her commencement address cherry and to make it worse, it is not at a college. It is at a high school with only 27 seniors in it.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Sarah and Todd are toast.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Why didn't Wasilla High ask Sarah to speak?

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM

      7:40 Because the entire State of Alaska is embarrassed by the Palin/Heath c(k)lan!

      7:01 It should be noted that Sarah Palin was NEVER a basketball star!!! Plus, she is not the ex governor of Alaska, she is the 'quitter' governor (half term served and did a horrid job!)

      Alaska is not recognizing any of the Palins and she has low ratings which I'm sure drive her nuts!

    4. Anonymous9:28 AM

      She was a basketball "star" only in her deluded head. EVERYTHING about her awesomeness is in her head.

      She is petulant child that never progressed past junior high.

  39. Anonymous7:26 AM

    From mayor to governor to vp candidate to Teabagger leader to presidential want-a-be to FOX commentator to high priced spesker down to facebook reporter down to speaking at high school graduation of 27 students deep in the sticks somewhere next to a bowling alley.

    Seems a little odd.

    Appears that Sarah Palin is regressing?

  40. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Stand back please

    Clear the area

    3 2 1


    Alaska is happy to inform you that we will not miss your family. Please drive safely when exiting the state.

  41. Anonymous7:38 AM

    McCain you still proud of your lipstick wearing hawg?

  42. Anonymous7:39 AM

    What's that smell coming from the last frontier?
    Whif whif

    Smells like burnt bacon

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Burnt pig with the aroma of dirty ass.

  43. honeybabe9:25 AM

    she who has been relegated to the dusbin of history, who's only accomplishment is to fail at all she has attempted. she has made alaska look like tobacco road (and her AND her family too). isn't karma heaven!

  44. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Al Finch posted this on SP's facebook

    Al Finch > Sarah Palin · Hello Sarah, I am honored to have you visit me online. A very nice surprise. Will you make another run for the president? I think that you would make a good one. I'm sure that your husband agrees. You are probably a very busy lady. If you do have a free moment some time in the near future, I would certainly be happy to hear from you. One of your many admirers from the state of New Jersey,

    Al Finch

    Will you make another run for the president???

    Not quite sure what you meant Al. Can I call you Al?
    I'm confused Al, when you said make another run for president? To make another run means you had to have previously ran for president. Sarah Palin never in her life ran for the position of POTUS. You must of mistaken her SarahPac scam when they told her followers to send Sarah their best donations to convince her to run for president. Sarah Palin never ran and kept all those donations meant to convince her to run. That was a low down dirty move they did. Can't believe SarahPac kept all that money. As far as being busy? SarahPac pays a ghost writer to pretend she/he is Sarah on her facebook. We all know Sarah Palin's writing skills and level and what's on her facebook is far above Sarah's abilities.

    Don't believe me Al? The next time you post anything on her facebook, for fun ask Sarah had she previously ran for POTUS. Go ahead, it would be interesting to see what her answer would be.

  45. Anonymous1:08 PM

    David Dreher > Sarah Palin2  near West Side Hill, CT · Is that picture your back yard on your timeline

    Be careful Dave or the professional victim family will accuse you of stalking them and get a restraining order against you.

  46. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Raymond Gallant > Sarah Palin · You should come to Florida Sunny today mid 70s perfect beach day!

    Ray do I need to get another restraining order? Don't make me do it. Sorry Ray, I like saying "Don't make me do it". It makes it more dramatic.

    1. PalinsHoax5:09 PM

      Raymond must not have seen the unflattering Hawaii beach photos of the cottage-cheese-thighs, flat-chested $creech.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.