Saturday, May 18, 2013

George Takei responds to those who protested outside of the Supreme Court during the hearings concerning the repeal of DOMA.

A Buzzfeed reporter had asked the protestors back in March to write their feelings on pad of paper.

Recently the amazing George Takei agreed to respond kind.

Here are a few more for your entertainment.

Ahh, a battle of the wits with the witless. Gotta love Sulu!

You can see more of his responses by heading on over to Buzzfeed.


  1. BabyRaptor2:59 AM

    "I can't imagine myself doing what you want to do and I think its gross, so I'm totally okay with denying you your rights to do it."

    Typical Christers. The only thing that matters is themselves.

  2. Anonymous3:18 AM

    To the last girl: you might "believe of him" and want to follow god, and no one's stopping you! Get married to a guy -- heck, over your lifetime you can married to several guys, (but only sequentially).

    The whole point it, last girl, that just as we allow you to marry only a man, you must allow us to marry whomever we want to.

    That's keeping the government out of politics, as the First Amendment states. No establishing of religion, or forcing one group's religious beliefs on another, which is what DOMA does.

    Freedom is what we're asking for, and the recognition that all god's chillun' got wings.

  3. Leland3:18 AM

    Ah, closed minds. Gotta love 'em. They are so easy to confuse and confound.

    Would love to be present when (IF) they finally realize that religion is a creation of Man!

    Or that Adam and Eve had only two children (in the most common version) so where did those two (oops! ONE!) get wives?

    Or that since everyone was wiped out in the great flood, Noah's family had to procreate with FAMILY.


    Ah, closed minds....

  4. Chella3:27 AM

    I adore George takei.

  5. Anonymous3:43 AM

    If you're on Facebook, you must 'Like' his page; he will have you rolling on the floor with his posts!

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      you are correct he has very entertaining posts!

    2. I just "liked" his page. I was never a "Star Trek" fan, but in the past few years I've become a big fan of Mr. Takei. He's a hoot. And I love his signs to counter all the dumb asses.

    3. I just "liked" his page. I was never a "Star Trek" fan, but in the past few years I've become a big fan of Mr. Takei. He's a hoot. And I love his signs to counter all the dumb asses.

  6. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Having a hard time reading the originals George is responding to - those homophobes have really shitting handwriting - mus be that RELIGIOUS homeschoolin'.

  7. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I love George's funny responses, but it is so
    sad to see such hate and ignorance in young people.

    1. Leland5:57 AM

      FORTUNATELY for us, statistically they are destroying themselves since so many young are leaving their religions because of all the hate being preached and pressed and inculcated.

      UNFORTUNATELY for these poor slobs, there is very little hope since they have already fallen for this shit and will find it extremely hard to break the brainwashing.

  8. Adam and Yves! Touché, Takei!

  9. Oh, myyy. Takei is just as cute as a button.

    Those poor, young, ignorant, not too logical dweebs, not so much.

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Love George~!

    How many times do Christians have to be told this---Our constitution guarantees freedom of religion and freedom from religion.
    You don't have to many or date someone of the same sex, but you don't get to tell the rest of us what to do based on your religious beliefs! Quit worrying about what other consenting adults are doing in their bedroom.....our country has real problems, focus

    1. Leland8:42 AM


      And anything other thing that signifies agreement.

  11. Gryphen, thanks so much for posting this! I just love George Takei. The rest of his responses are hilarious as well. "Where did you find this Vulcan?"

    (BTW saw the new Star Trek Thursday night. Fan-fucking-tastic.)

  12. Anonymous12:31 PM

    ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Sen. Campfield Rages Against ‘Far Left’ University Of Tennessee

    Republican Stacey Campfield hauled the president of the publicly-funded University of Tennessee (UT) into a state senate hearing on Thursday to testify and defend what Senator Campfield sees as the “far left” leaning University. The Princeton Review has named UT the 16th most LGBT-unfriendly in the nation.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

    George Takei always makes me smile. His support for a young fan who came out in his graduation speech, his role in "Straight Reparative Therapy" on funny or die, and now this brilliant piece!
    Humor is the best response to bigotry, homophobia and hate.

  14. A mind, like a parachute, only functions when open. Thank you Mr. Takei.


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