Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sarah Palin shoots down offer for new talk show? Or is this just another lame attempt to get people to talk about her again?

"I'm ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille."
Courtesy of News Max:  

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been offered a major syndicated TV talk show by reality show producer Mark Burnett but turned down the deal, Newsmax has learned. 

One of country’s sought after speakers on the political circuit, Palin, Burnett believed, could be turned into the next Oprah. He offered to produce a daytime TV talk show hosted by the conservative icon herself. 

But so far, Palin has said no — though the deal is not completely dead, say insiders. 

The sticking points have been over location and money, people familiar with the deal say. Burnett has insisted that Palin do the show from either New York or Los Angeles, which would require her to move for a significant portion of the year from her residence in Alaska where she lives with husband Todd. 

Palin has a distaste for cultural elites in the Big Apple and LA, one person familiar with the discussions said. 

Another top Hollywood studio executive tells Newsmax that Palin was ultimately willing to move to either city, but “she passed over money.” 

“I don’t think she closed the door,” he added. 

Asked to comment about the offer, Palin told Newsmax via email: 

"Todd and I have always loved working with Mark Burnett, and our family is always up for adventure, so never say never." Burnett’s office declined to comment on the matter. 

The idea of Sarah Palin interviewing people in  talk show format is fairly humorous since the last time she attempted something similar at Fox it was such an embarrassing failure that it resulted in the airing of only one show.

As for the excuse that Palin does not want to move to out of Alaska, that is total mooseshit, because as we know she has already effectively moved to Arizona.

If this is in fact a real thing, and there is at this moment not much reason to believe that it is (News max? Really?), then the obstacles to it going forward would be about money and how much work Plain would have to do on the show.

Remember this is a woman who has spent her whole life trying to get the most amount of money for the least amount of work. So if anything is stopping her from signing on to this deal, it is certainly that and NOT due to the location of the production.

The other thing to keep in mind is that there are persistent sightings of Bristol and Melissa Rivers that keep cropping up. So that makes me think that Palin may have other irons in the fire and that THIS might be a red herring that is being used as a bargaining chip for ANOTHER deal she is negotiating someplace else.

Remember with the Palins NOTHING is ever as it seems.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    The comment section is rife with rill Americans from the heartland and whatnot who are extolling the virtues of Sarah's quitting nature and smart plan to keep her options open in case she decides to press her servant's heart into service once again to make us that bright shining city on the hill or whatnot.

    1. Well done! :)

    2. Anonymous12:49 PM

      I call Mooseshit!
      She isn't turning anything down...she is trying to convince Burnett that her AZ house is the "EyeDill" place to interview people and he should build a studio there, you know like Fox did.

      And where IS that studio now?
      A porno flick studio for the toad?
      Has Fox ripped it out yet in Wasilly?

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Also, too.

    4. Anonymous4:26 PM


    5. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Benghazi !!!

    6. Anonymous7:32 PM

      I hope she does do an Oprah-esque talk show. I can't wait to see the books she selects for "Sarah's Fancy Book Learning Club". I'm guessing the first book will feature green breakfast foods.

      "Everyone! Look under your seats! It's a free copy of my ghostwritten book "Going Rogue"! Hey, where's everyone going? Don't leave! We've got Mark Levin coming up... with his 'bedroom eyes' and big ol' forehead... seriously, it's rilly HUGE! You won't want to miss that!"

    7. Anonymous5:24 AM

      The show can be like Jerry Springer and start with id baby daddies and mommies of the Palin clan. There is season one.

      Season two can have a book club.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Maybe if the show was set in Texas, or Floriduh, or Jokelahoma......

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Isn't that Texas-s?

  3. She has to turn this down because she can't do a show like this, she cannot interview others or think of smart questions or even show up on time every day....

    1. It sure would interfere with her meth ritual.

  4. She could not do any sort of show with guests. You have to at least be able to fake an interest in your guests, or their books, or their movies, or their concert schedules, etc.

    She can't do it. She just can't. At all. That was why her fox show failed. She could not bring herself to ask people about their lives and what made them special.

    You could see the bewilderment on her face. "Why isn't this person asking me about my fabulousness? Why do they keep talking about themselves? I don't understand why they still think their accomplishments are important even after talking to me? When do I get to sit and bask in the adoration of people who only want to talk to and about meeeeeeee?"

    She couldn't even fake it. Not only was she uninterested in her guests, she seemed actively irritated at having to try to pretend that they were interesting, and even more irritated at her guests for not making her the focus of the show.

    It was horribly strained and awkward, to the point of making my teeth hurt.

    Every show would be the same. "But enough about me. What do *you* think about what I think about Obama?"

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      You described it perfectly. Have to believe that the pros at some point would point out the obvious weakness in this plan: Sarah Palin's narcissism. That, and she doesn't play well with others.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      all her guesses would be her bots and teabaggers from braitfart!

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Mark Burnett is as big a hoe as she is. He'll do and say anything for $$.
    IF Falin had a tawk show she would never survive. She speaks in sound bytes filled with vitriol, hate, and rage only. The mouth breathers she speaks to luv her anti Obama skreed.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I just read this comment on Town Hall:

    Where has Sarah Palin turned her back on the Tea Party. How could she go into the crowd to shake hands when one of the most respected Conservatives in the cuntry was coming up to speak: Phyllis Shafly. She is NOT POTUS material? Then who is?

    i swear..this is how it was written...Cuntry?? i guess..

    1. fromthediagonal1:20 PM

      Anon @ 10:22... Seriously... Cuntry???
      Now, that is Funny!

      Phyllis Shlafly coming up to speak, maybe it was a double error? Cuntry or Cunty?

      Oh, don't get me going! That old blanketyblank has been a thorn in every thinking persons side for a long time as are her fellow travelers, needless to say!

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Holy Crap! Is Phyllis Schlafly STILL alive? She's been plaguing the planet since the 70s, and I thought she was old back then!

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    She is way too lazy and her highs and lows are way too high and low.

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Imagine that screechy voice on a talk show, it would be painful to say the least. Is Burnett married to the Irish actress Rhoma Downy who is very religious? Why would they even WANT to give this witch a show? Which guests do you suppose would be willing to be interviewed by $carah? I heard that Kris Jenner is having trouble getting guests to appear on her show, and she knows EVERYONE in Hollywood, so why would Burnett think Palin could succeed? Maybe Palin is waiting to see if she will be charged with tax evasion first, before she can sign on for anything.

  9. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Prolly it will be shot down as they will not be able to find anyone to translate and transcribe the gibberish spewing forth every time it opens its yap.

  10. "THIS might be a red herring that is being used as a bargaining chip for ANOTHER deal she is negotiating someplace else."

    As usual with all things Palin, you nailed it Unc Gryph!! It's an old desperate sales trick to move some white elephant out of inventory, pretend someone else is interested in the merchandise.

    Let her be on tv for all I care. My set has a channel selector AND an off button so I'm safe. A talk show format would enlighten many more to the failings and shortcomings of Todd's current wife.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Is this red herring a dig at Ailes?

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      They're divorced.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Benghazi Bombshell: Leaked Emails Were Edited to Make Obama Look Bad

    Turns out the press got played again by Republicans. Jake Tapper has the smoking gun of the original email from the Obama administration which differs significantly from the “leaked emails” ABC ran with.

    In an exclusive for CNN, Tapper reveals that CNN has the original email sent by a top Obama aide, regarding the administration’s reaction to the Benghazi attacks. Tapper reported, “The actual email differs from how sources characterized it to two different media organizations.”

    “The actual email from then-Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes appears to show that whomever leaked it did so in a way that made it appear that the White House primarily concerned with the State Department’s desire to remove references and warnings about specific terrorist groups so as to not bring criticism to the department,” Tapper concludes (my bold).

    The email was sent on Friday, September 14, 2012, at 9:34 p.m. and was obtained by CNN from a U.S. government source. Ironically, the email points out that there is a “ton of wrong information” coming from Congress and people who are not particularly informed (waving hello to Congressional Republicans and Mitt Romney):

    “Sorry to be late to this discussion. We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation.

    “There is a ton of wrong information getting out into the public domain from Congress and people who are not particularly informed. Insofar as we have firmed up assessments that don’t compromise intel or the investigation, we need to have the capability to correct the record, as there are significant policy and messaging ramifications that would flow from a hardened mis-impression.

    “We can take this up tomorrow morning at deputies.”

    Read the full email here.

    Tapper notes how ABC and the Weekly Standard covered the leaked emails, which were “paraphrased” “inaccurately” and “inventing the notion” that the White House tried to protect the State Department:

    Whoever provided those quotes and paraphrases did so inaccurately, seemingly inventing the notion that Rhodes wanted the concerns of the State Department specifically addressed. Nuland, particularly, had expressed a desire to remove mentions of specific terrorist groups and CIA warnings about the increasingly dangerous assignment. Rhodes put no emphasis at all in his email on the State Department’s concerns.

    Previous reporting also misquoted Rhodes as saying the group would work through the talking points at the deputies meeting on Saturday, September 15, when the talking points to Congress were finalized. While the previously written subject line of the email mentions talking points, Rhodes only addresses misinformation in a general sense.

    Tapper condemned the leaker as having the agenda to make the White House look like they were protecting the State Department.

    This is why we do not run with these stories when they first come out. Consistently over Obama’s first term, we found that when the facts come out later (as I pointed out in the new shiny ball IRS scandal story), it has turned out that the stories were being planted in the press. The information was wrong. There was an agenda afloat.

    What is even worse for Republicans is that the real email expresses dismay at the uninformed spreading bullcrap. The only people screaming bullcrap about Benghazi were Republicans who sought to use it to win an election.

    Another day, another conspiracy debunked. Now, when will the press stop falling for this crap? Note to the media, the next time a “Republican congressional aide” or unnamed source has a smoking gun OMG!!!! Nixon Bush scandal, you might want to find a back up source, and get the original documents before being Breitbarted by edited emails/videos/etc.


  12. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Jake Tapper blows a hole in Benghazi `scandal’

    CNN’s Jake Tapper scoops:

    CNN has obtained an email sent by a top aide of President Barack Obama, in which the aide discusses the Obama administration reaction to the attack on the U.S. posts in Benghazi, Libya. The actual email differs from how sources were inaccurately quoted and paraphrased in previous media accounts.

    The significance of the email seems to be that whomever leaked the inaccurate information earlier this month did so in a way that made it appear that the White House – specifically deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes – was more interested in the State Department’s desire to remove mentions of specific terrorist groups and warnings about these groups so as to not bring criticism to the State Department than Rhodes’ email actually stated.

    The actual email is right here. The key portion is this:


    1. Cracklin Charlie12:18 PM

      Jake Tapper???

      Didn't think he had it in him. Maybe he's ready to get back at ABC for sending him to CNN.

      Sounds good to me. Whatever works.

  13. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Sarah Palin will never do a talk show period.

    If her show is one hour long and she speaks for two minutes like she did on FOX, then what will she do for the last 58 minutes?

    Twirl her tongue?

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      She could show us how she can tie a knot in a cherry stem with her tongue.

    2. PalinsHoax3:15 PM

      Are you referring to The $creech's nasty, disgusting, gross tongue that is covered with some kind of vile, repulsive slimey white-coated toxicity?

  14. Anonymous11:15 AM

    My money is on Mark Burnett getting high school dropout hair school certificate girl an apprentice job in Hollywood for one of his shows. Hair stylists who has been working there longer will be upset at Willow but can't do anything about it because Burnett calls the shots.

    Any takers?

  15. WakeUpAmerica11:17 AM

    The next Oprah? Bwaahaahaahaa! Snicker...snort...giggle...oh what the hell, ROFLMAO!!! (wipes eyes)

  16. This is a woman who cannot competently handle an interview that is about her (and it wasn't "Gotcha Journalism" - Katie is a lightweight). How in the world is she going to be able to handle herself when she's running the interview? Being a show host (an effective one at least) is ALOT of work.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Yep, you have to be intellectually curious, both in general and in particular about the interviewee and their interests.
      $carah doesn't have an intellectually curious one in her boney body.

      You also have to be kind, in order to get interviewee's to open up.

      $carah the Bitch just doesn't have the skill set.

  17. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Article said "Palin has a distaste for cultural elites in the Big Apple and LA, one person familiar with the discussions said."

    What is Sarah's problem? Sarah doesn't like Mr and Mrs. Obama, Democrats, Native Alaskans, Asians, Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, New Yawkers, LA and Hollywood. Forgot to mention that Sarah has a distaste for assclowns and the media.

    I say the woman has a narcissistic personality disorder?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      But $he sure likes to socialize with the "elites" at the Kentucky Derby, the Alfalfa Club, etcetcetcetc ...

      She rags on successful, intelligent people because they don't invite $creech to many shindigs anymore.

  18. Anonymous11:27 AM

    If Sarah ever got a talk show she could never discuss sex trafficking or talk negative against sex predators. It would be too close to home.

    Palin can't publicly side with pimps saying it's just boys being boys.

  19. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Bristol palin and Melissa Rivers.Two talentless people who would be no where without riding on their mothers coattails. I bet they have alot to talk about as they have so much in common.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      I would not be surprised if Willow is gay - or bi.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Especially plastic surgery.

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Who would talk show Sarah Palin interview? Pee Wee Herman? Sarah would have to always interview guests dumber than her.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Paul Reubens is very intelligent and sharp, he'd eat her as an amuse-bouche before a rill spread.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM



    3. Anonymous1:53 PM

      But it's a 13 week season! She's a few short with that guest pool requirement.

    4. Amuse-bouche? Wow, you sure have classed up this blog! -:)

  21. Balzafiar11:30 AM

    "Palin has a distaste for cultural elites ..."

    Their distaste for her far exceeds anything she could possibly exhibit.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM


      "Cultural elites": people who read, think, debate. Who have put in the time and effort to educate themselves, either through higher education or through hard work and study.
      (Anderson Cooper or Oprah Winfrey. Either one is extremely driven, open to new ideas, able to connect to others. Often laugh, have senses of humor, curious about everything.)

      Sarah: dull as dishwater. Lazy as a lapdog.
      Uninterested in the rest of the world, and ignorant about most people, events, places, things. Instead, she's crass and vulgar.
      She fits the definition of a psychopath. No empathy, no sense of guilt or shame, lies without compunction whenever it will advance her personal situation.
      After the first week of her talk show, after she's gone through the usual suspects as guests, what would she ask to appear? What would her rejoinder be to a provocative comment? After the first commercial break, how would she pivot to a new perspective, a different line of questioning? No prep work by Willow on Wikipedia will save Sarah when she's out there on her own on the high wire, needing to think quickly and keep the pace of the show going for half an hour. Heck, she can't even stay around after her lame CPAC and other talks to chat without a script with her adoring admirers.

      And who would watch this? I see a TV buzzing away in the rec room of a retirement home, where half the "viewers" are asleep or ringing for the nurse. This demographic is small and shrinking, and not likely to please advertisers.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      $creech only talks with "admirers" if it is a pre-screened event with the event's staff, etc. Otherwise, the half term half wit sneaks out the back door in fear of the 'rill'people. $o courageous!

    3. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

      "The perky one with the microphone" has a successful talk show, maybe Mark will put her up against "Katie"?

  22. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Hey, Sarah, your Benghazi Tweets were in vain. You should have been Tweeting about Pimpghazi and your Pimp Husband Todd's client David Chaney. There is more to your Husband's Prostitution Ring than the hype about a Benghazi Cover Up. The Cover Up is about Todd's Pimpghazi Prostitution Ring and his BP Clients, Secret Service Clients, and Anchorage P.D.
    Officers Clients. The Truth is coming to light.

  23. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "Sarah Palin shoots down offer for new talk show"


    Why should I work when all I have to do is pay people with donor money to write facebook posts for me and just sit back and watch my followers send me money?


  24. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sarah Palin can't be a television host. She is too busy loving, caring, nuturing and raising Piper and Trig.

  25. Anonymous11:48 AM

    She'd fail as a guest host of QVC.

  26. Anonymous11:52 AM

    What on earth kind of test marketing did Mark Burnett do to convince him a Sarah Palin talk show was a viable idea? After all, it WOULD need a bigger audience than what's left of the teabaggers, and the few Republicans she still hasn't managed to piss off. He couldn't possibly think this show would really fly with enough people to be profitable... but OTOH, if Burnett/Palin are trying to fake out someone with this announcement, whoever they are trying to fake out would be able to see through it, too. So NOTHING about this makes sense. But then that is also par for the Palin course.

    1. Survivor ratings are down a few million this year. Looks like a few more than I staged a small 'boycott' because of his constant shilling of things Palin. I'm surprised he and his uber-evangelical wife Roma haven't noticed yet that she's not the least bit 'religious' and only believes in her bank book.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      I think the entire thing is bullshit. She's be terrible at it, is not people oriented, isn't use to holding a job and actually working, isn't christian (you would think Burnett would have figured that out by now!), wouldn't fit in well in NY and on and on. The show would fail big time!

  27. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I think Mark burnett should put the Palin Family on Survivors (he produces this idiocy I believe.) It would be very amusing to see which one of them they would cast off the island first. Who would be left? Fun to imagine./..

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      It would never happen if there isn't a Tacobell on the island.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      I say put either Toad, Sarah or Bristol on Survivors! Either of them would be disasters and would be voted off the show so quickly UNLESS Burnett made the people participating not do so until more the end of the show. Wouldn't put it past him in favoring the idiots!

  28. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Why would successful Alaska tv sportscaster Sarah Palin turn down an offer to have her own talk show where she can get her message out and get paid handsomely for it at the same time? Her own tv show versus Facebook? It's a no brainer! Unless of course Sarah is a fraud and all talk like the many years she prick teased her followers with I'm thinking about running for president, I can beat President Obama, I'm an energy expert, I'm this I'm that.

    Like someone said earlier, its time to shit or get off the pot!

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      11:56 TV Sportscaster? You need to do some research. She lasted a very short time in Anchorage w/that job - Channel 2 TV - she was fired!! Did a terrible job!

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      12:52 -- 11:56 was joking.

    3. To this day I can't understand how Palin even got that sportscaster gig when she never even laid down a foundation of education, experience or paying her dues. It's not exactly the easiest job to get into.

      But a Palin talk show would be an immense failure. She doesn't have a deep well of empathy or realness to relate to her guests or audience. She's too narcissistic, mean-spirited and polarizing to connect with a mainstream audience. She'd only connect with the teabagger types, who don't appeal to advertisers because most of them are too hold to fit into the 18-49 age group that advertisers like. Plus, her voice can peel paint.

    4. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Key words: LAID DOWN. That's how she got the job.

  29. Anonymous11:56 AM

    News Max? Pffft. Do you remember the good old days when TMZ, E!, and Hollywood Reporter would be fighting to get the scoop on Sarah's entertainment career?

  30. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Free clothes
    Free wigs
    Servants at her whim
    All the bendy straws she can suck on

    Why would Sarah Palin turn down a tv host job?

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      First class travel
      Nannies for Piper and Trig
      Assistants to buy her clothes and shoes
      Red carpets
      Security detail

      If Sarah doesn't jump on that deal I know Bristol would do it.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      12:21 I think you've got something there. Bristol would be a FAR BETTER talks show host than Sarah. She'd just sit there tongue tied and looking dopey (Pun wasn't intended, but caught it on the proofreading. Let's keep it as it applies) which would allow the guest to expand and expand on their "whatever" -- book, cause, opinion, latest film.

      It would be great for the guests! And oh so much better than listening to Sarah talk about herself.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Anonymous3:42 PM Hearing Bristol say the word AWESOME every 30 seconds gets old real fast.

  31. Smirninn12:03 PM

    "Screechy and Friends."

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Screecyy indeed. How could anyone listn to more than two minutes of her voice?

  32. Anonymous12:11 PM

    If its an entertainment show, executive producer Sarah Palin can hire veteran DWTS All Star and Finalist Bristol the dancing gorilla to choreograph dance routines as well as grace the floor with her ballroom skills.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      Snort! They'll never live that down!

  33. Anonymous12:17 PM

    What do you mean Sarah will be the next Oprah?

    Sarah will crush Oprah like she did Miss Alaska and President Obama.

    No black person puts Sarah in a corner and sticks it to her.

    What do you mean Glen Rice stuck it to her?

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      There's somebody who posts all these sexual jokes here over and over and really they aren't funny.. You are as bad as the bots and Sarah

  34. Anonymous12:30 PM

    What r friends for? Burnett/Palin. Of course it is all moose-puddle crap.

  35. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I don't believe a word of it. Her living in NYC and interviewing people? What a hoot! Plus, she doesn't like to work! Look at her record in Alaska folks. She's a fraud!!!

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      As a native New Yorker, I dare you to bring your stupid ass to my city. We would pimp out Todd, and dump you in the east river. Come on, we dare you.

  36. Can the Quitter still have a PAC if she becomes a Talk Show host?

  37. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Red herring. Fox may not want Sarah, but she could have been a star. It is her love of family and Alaska that keeps her from those elite-filled big cities. Sarah is going to give the high school graduation address in a town of 1,000 people. All that she is good for is locking the straw of a Big Gulp, shaking a tin of chewing tobacco and pumping up her bustling.

  38. Mark Burnett is a pretty savvy guy and he wouldn't be stupid enough to offer Palin a deal. It would be a business disaster. He knows better.

    1. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Mark Burnett also made that Bible show that showcased his wife and made President Obama look like the devil. He claims to be a good Christian.

  39. Anonymous1:02 PM



  40. Anonymous1:15 PM

    She has a distaste for the elitist - what a freakin joke that is. She has a distaste for them because she wants so badly to be one of them and doubt any of them would have her. Look no further then her dress or her actions if she happens to be around them. She is dripping with envy. Looks like she finds herself in a place where she has to practically beg for attention, Hey palin go back to alaska - stay there and you just might try some parenting although maybe you quit at that also.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Alaska does NOT want her back! She is the biggest embarrassment this state has ever produced. No one, least of all any politians in AK, want her name associated with them in any way. Notice the last election her spawn, Capt Zero, never mentioned her name, nor did he want to be seen with her. That tells ya sumpin.

  41. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I don't think so. Solo-Hosting a talk show is very very VERY tough. So many brilliant and funny people fail. She's better off just being a co-host on a panel like "The Talk". I don't think she can carry an entire show by herself day after day, month after month. You have to be brilliant.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      She wouldn't do well on a panel either because it is always about her. She doesn't share very well. She would try to grab all of the attention...

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      She grabs all the attention as soon as the gate is opened - her outrageous appearance steals the show.

    3. "The Talk?" More like "The Screech."

  42. Anonymous1:17 PM

    WHAT? A daytime comedy show? That's unheard of! Especially when the host would be the joke!

  43. Anonymous1:23 PM

    We'll probably find out this is old news and that she was originally offered the talk show back in 2009 but turned it down for the Fox News gig. The current offer doesn't exist, but she's trying to gin up interest in hopes she'll get a new offer now that Fox no longer wants her.

  44. Anonymous1:33 PM

    "Palin has a distaste for culture"

    There...fixed it.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      It's not his fault she doesn't like the taste. He told her not to swallow.

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Hahaha anon 4:18,,,, it's amazing Jesse lets through brilliant and classy comments like yours..

  45. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Didn't she also fail as a TV sports anchor back in Alaska? Has this Bitch ever finished anything?

    1. Balzafiar2:27 PM

      Glen Rice. Maybe twice.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Heard she finished Curt Menard Jr,

      Caint Get Right's pappy..

  46. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Doesn't she already have a show on that new wingnut internet channel starting in July? I think it's owned by the same family that owns Wealth TV - what a shock.

    The thing is - only her bots are interested.

    Remember her first TV show, Real American Stories? Canned after one episode! One look at Sarah's TV presenting skills and Roger Ailes could see he'd bought himself a lemon.

    Home Shopping Network can't be too far behind.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Speaking of being canned. What ever happened to Bristol's interview with that "famous" radio show? I suspect she did it twice at most.

      Anyone ever hear about it again? It was a farce intended to get her positive attention and she quit it, just like Mom quits stuff.

  47. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Too bad we'll not get to see how big her boobs and hair grows on each show ;)

  48. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Yeah, Sarah could be the next Oprah IF:

    1) She had a working brain.
    2) She had a modicum of good taste.
    3) She read extensively.
    4) She had a REAL life story to tell.
    5) She carefully selected guests from across the political and entertainment spectrum.

    OH WAIT, she's deadly afraid of anyone with a brain, good taste, is well-read, has had a real and truthful life, smart democrats, smart republicans, smart independents.

    So I guess Sarah will have to pass. She can, however, continue to cruise the aisles of Walmart, slam Barack Obama for every breath he draws, appear with or without her fake boobs at will, have really, really poorly done books ghostwritten (on what?) for her, pimp out her daughters- all of them... and on and on.

  49. physicsmom2:05 PM

    I agree with the general consensus above, that Palin is too work-averse and narcissistic to do a talk show. Coming to work every day, prepared and on time is outside her life experience. She turned it down (if the offer is real) because it would be too HARD. Mark Burnett is a puzzle; sometimes he is a savvy producer and sometimes he is an ideologue who uses his status to promote his agenda, even when it would be doomed to failure. All this is fun to watch, though.

  50. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I can just see it now......she'd start out by asking each of her guests;


  51. Anonymous2:39 PM

    OK Ladies, I challenge you!

    Go to a full-length mirror and duplicate Sarah's posture in the above photo. Stick you neck way out to make your face appear to float over your body. Then extend your left elbow as far back as you can... Farther. Farther. Now hold it....

    If she is not sticking out her assets, what would make her assume such an impossible and uncomfortable pose?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM


    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      also - shoulders raised, arms flexed, fists clenched\

      The answer to your question 'What?'


    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Are there any photos of Palin where she isn't carrying her phone in her hand? Get a purse! Who is so important that Palin can't miss their call? The President of France?

  52. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I think it would be a great comedy show to have her try to be like Oprah!!!!

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Hey, she curled her hair as best she could to BE black when Oprah interviewed her.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      @Anonymous 4:42 PM,
      That was so funny when Oprah asked her about her curly hair.

      I think we DO need to see Sarah on TV again, I miss the laughs.

  53. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Imagine this woman in a grey curly perm (as sported by so many of her conservative worshippers)...and trying to ask intelligent questions.

    Ah, need I ask more.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      With Sally Jessy Raphael glasses and her silicon butt pads?

  54. Anonymous3:40 PM

    "Todd and I".....HAHAHAHAHAHA

    When are you going to admit THAT is nothing more than a financial agreement and there IS no marriage? Huh, $srah??? HUH????

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      What about Glen and I
      Brad and I
      Curt and I
      Creepy Chuckie and I
      Levi and I

    2. Anonymous11:36 PM

      Sarah has been quoted as saying that marriage is an economic agreement. Sorry I can't give you the source, but I am pretty sure that I remember that from somewhere.

  55. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Generous Sarah Palin is a multimillionaire. I can hear her right now on her debut show.....

    AND YOU GET A CAR.....

  56. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Of course she turned it down. Work (ie governing, preparing for public/media appearances, etc.) just interferes with her crack smoking.

  57. Anonymous4:14 PM

    You're fucking kidding me.

    A Palin talk show? Hasn't this guy seen Sarah Palin's Alaska, Life's A Tripp, Stars Earn Stripes and Dancing With The Stars (twice)?

    Their track record is not that great 0 for 5.

  58. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Will this Sarah Show be similar to the Maury Show?

    Sarah will test her family's DNA and submit them to lie detector tests to see who fathered which kid, who birth which kid? Who cheated on who, who graduated high school? Who's a drug and sex addict, pimp, slut, Gay, bi-sexual, molested by family members? Who did they have to screw to get a reality show? Who screws prostitutes, is a peeping tom, launders money, has a college degree......

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Her family really is a never ending Maury Show, isn't it?

  59. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I hope this isn't one of those shows where they show long lost family sex tapes? Don't want to hear Bristol mooing every time she gets poked.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Hahaha, does anyone remember Levi saying she's awfully loud when having sex?

  60. Anonymous5:01 PM

    It would be hysterical to see Levi, Ben, Dylan, Track, Creepy Chuckle and Todd sitting on stage while host Sarah reads the results of the DNA test to see who fathered Trig. Sarah then opens the envelopes and announces that Levi, Ben and Dylan's tests shows negative to being Trig's father. Then another camera switches to Bristol as she runs off the stage balling her eyes out...... Now that's must see tv!

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      That's funny, but I think that they want a series, not a special.

  61. Anonymous5:07 PM

    "Next week tune in as we test to see who is borderline retarded, full blown retarded, has ass burger, is ADD/ADHD, who has sex/drug addictions and who can't get right"

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      What about the Narcissistic Personality Disorder Episode?

  62. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I guess the Palin Heath Newlywed Game is out of the question?

    Teen mother Bristol never got married.
    Divorced Track's ex daughter' age is older than the length of her parents marriage.
    Molly was married several times.
    Same with brother Chuckie.
    Sarah and Todd hasn't exactly been faithful.
    Willow called off her engagement after receiving good news.

    This show is make believe. Any similarities to any families or anyone living is just a coincidence.

  63. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I have no complaints for a new Palin show which would be financially great for our communities and tourism businesses within the state.

    Every week the Sarah Show can travel to new locations.

    Apache Junction

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      I currently reside - I wouldn't call it living - in Arizona. This state is so far gone, she can have it. If "Sarah does Arizona" reality tv it would probably get some viewers to visit these places and it would be good for the economy. I just don't care anymore.

    2. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Maricopa, to see what happened to Bristol's house?

  64. Anonymous5:44 PM

    A Sarah Show? We're still waiting for:

    The Palin Family Health Cook Book
    The Sarah Palin Christmas Book
    The Palin Family Fitness Book
    The Iron Puppy Snowmobile Reality Show
    Sarah Palin's Arizona
    Life's A Ruffles
    Where's Britta Book?
    Movie & soundtrack to He Aint Heavy He's Not My Birth Son

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Please include Willow's Wigs and Waves: Willow opens her own beauty shop and each week, we get to see the assorted customers getting perms, cuts, having their wigs styled, hilarity ensues.

      Also, too, Piper's School House, and Track's High Adventures (it's supposed to be about his life as a pilot, if he ever finishes pilot's training. There's no other meaning to the title).

      Trig & Tripp: Where are my glasses today/

  65. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I say have a Sarah reality show where it's like a Wasilla Homerun Derby.

    Sarah stands 60 feet 6 inches from her refrigerator door and pitches cans of cream corn at it. You stand in front of the door with a bat and if you can hit a can of cream corn into Dead Lake Lucille on the fly then you win a rape kit. If Sarah hits the door 3 times you're out.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Have Bristol stand on the dock wearing her DWTS gorilla costume. If she catches one of your batted cans in the air then you have to marry her.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      To make it more interesting. Sarah hires her former Alaskan airplane wolf hunters to fly overhead and if they shoot and hit your batted can of cream corn in the air like they do in skeet shooting then you're out game over. Good news, if the aerial hunters hit the can of cream corn in the air then Bristol can't catch the cans and you don't have to marry Bristol. Bristol loses.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      5:59 - I didn't want to laugh but can't stop snickering.

    4. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Ahaha, you guys are a hoot!

  66. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    I don't know, I still think she thinks ABC will call her to replace Barbara Walters.

    That photo is hideous! Her "true believers" see beauty, class, eloquence and intellectual activity.

    I just see a hot mess.

    That caption sums her up so well!

    "Look at ME! look at ME!!"

  67. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I hope her first guest is Bill Maher.

  68. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Still say that VEEP on HBO was modeled after her. What a HOOT watching it.

    MUAH, Queen Esther!

  69. Anonymous7:12 PM

    The way I look at it, the Palins has used facebook, published books, tv and radio interviews, magazines, reality shows, speeches, rallies, public appearances, personally taped videos and every other method to spread their words of hate, lies, defamation of character, to get even and to hurt others as well as for their financial benefit and gains. What does the common man and woman have to share their disgust and reveal the truths about the Palins? That's where Immoral Minority comes in. So if some people get a little crude to you then maybe IM is not for you. Sarah Palin can't complain either since she constantly attacked men's genitals with no remorse while claiming to be a Christian. Levi Johnston who is a blood relative to a child in that clan was maliciously attacked and publicly accused of being a rapist and called names like Ricky Hollywood at the same time the Palins went to Hollywood for DWTS, Life's A Tripp, Stars Earn Stripes, peddling snowmobile reality shows, Sarah Palin's Alaska and anything else they could attach the word Palin to. If Levi is Ricky Hollywood then what do you call the people who wear water bras, appears to have breast and chin implants, wears wigs and hair extensions, appears to have their neck loose skin tightened up? That's why everything the Palins do is laughed at and reported like the times they were referred to as the Wasilla Hillbillies attacking the Red Cross gift suite like locusts and their clothing shopping sprees? That's why America is disgusted with the Palins. Some day a little boy will go to school and his friends will tease him how his mother claimed his father raped her and he's the result of a rape. Very sad indeed.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      I'm disgusted how the Palins used SarahPac to pay for summer vacations for the Heaths and Palins while the every day family can't afford vacations and has to work for a living.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      7:12 Reading your comments - yep - that's right on the hypocrisy and grifting and just plain classless Palins. Only a soiciopath and extreme narcissist would be able to pull that off. How she has managed to deflect the intense media scrutiny her outrageous lies is just beyond my understanding.

    3. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Agreeing with 7:12. What do you call Palin? A fake, a fraud, all show and no substance. Sarah said at the NRA convention that she likes to use visuals, while shaking a tin of chewing tobacco at Mayor Bloomberg. "Don't make me do it." Please, Sarah, please take a chew of that tobacco. That dare was fake, too.

      It was more important for Palin to post photos of a fake Mothers Day bear hunt than to spend time with her father, who is recovering from surgery and her mother- who wasn't honored by Sarah on Mothers Day. Sarah was too busy selling her image as a mother while waving around a rifle with little kids in front of her. Not very smart.

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Nobody's gonna give Sarah a loaded gun. No waay!

  70. Anonymous7:55 PM

    OT I'm wondering why were haven't had any updates from Chuck Heath Jr. He shared news about his father's heart surgery, and reported that his father didn't want any visitors from Alaska because he didn't want them to see him lying in his hospital medicated and with tubes stuck in him. That was followed by Chuck Jr. posting a photo of his father lying in his hospital bed with tubes stuck in him. Chuck Jr. did the same thing when is mother had hip replacement surgery, too. After posting such a personal photo of his father on Saturday, it's surprising that Chuck Jr. isn't sharing more personal details.

    I'm wishing his family well and Chuck Sr. a good recovery, but sometimes that family doesn't know where to draw the line between what should be private for their family and what they need to share with their adoring public.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      "share with their adoring public"?

      Are you sure you are on the right web page?

    2. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Sarah is too busy going to Nevada, Arizona, memorial walls, bear hunting and sharing her Mother's Day on facebook, saving the Big Gulps and chewing tobacco. Why isn't she nursing her father and mother? How's Todd's parent doing? They're up in age too. Do they have enough food, water and heat? How's their health Sarah and Todd?

  71. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I am sure she was trying to push Bristol to be involved somehow so that may have stopped it as well.

  72. Anonymous8:36 PM

    If Sarah is not loved the way she wants to be loved by the media, then they are the lamestream media and they are her enemies.

    If Sarah is not invited, recognized or accepted as a politician or a leader then those other politicians, leaders and people who do not recognize Sarah as an equal are assclowns and they are her enemies.

    Slowly through her actions and charades, Sarah's little circle of followers are getting smaller. Over five million dollars of donor money is paid to so called SarahPac consultants and very little donor money is given to political candidates and her followers are slowly waking up to this fraud called SarahPac but its too late. Consultants and SarahPac employees are reaping the fruits of the donors money. No one really knows who these consultants are and who these LLCs belongs to because we can't follow the money trail. You would be surprised to find out how many Palins have LLCs and if they have several LLCs. Do the Heaths have LLCs as well? How many Heaths and friends are paid by SarahPac through consultants to their personal LLCs and who determines their wages? Sarah Palin preached transparency but what we've seen in the past is multiple and secret email accounts and multiple blogger names used for only God knows what for. Someday someone will list all the Palins and Heaths LLCs.

    It would be very interesting to see a tally of all the money taken in by SarahPac and where it all went from day one.

    If I'm wrong then someone please correct me.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Is Bernard Madoff free on bail?

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      I think that anon 8:36 is right, hit the nail right on the head. A few more details could be included, for example, Sarah Palin never had the qualifications to be the Vice President of the United States, and it was a huge mistake for her to have been chosen to run. I don't know how she managed to fool the people in Alaska when she was governor. No wonder, she quit when it all caught up with her. No doubt, she had been feathering her nest, then, too. She had to hire a city manager when she was mayor of a small town. Her ignorance is always on parade when she opens her mouth. How? In every way, I'll find some and bring 'em to ya, any and all of them, you betcha.

      Another problem that Palin has is that she immature and operates at the level of a girl in middle school. She holds grudges. She makes enemies over the most insignificant things, and she has such thin skin that she reacts immediately, without thinking. None of these are good qualities for someone in public office. These traits didn't help her at Fox, either. When Roger Ailes told Palin not to respond after the Arizona shootings, Palin couldn't keep quiet. She had used violent language for the November election, targeting candidates, reloading, cross hairs. Her Blood Libel video probably finished her political and TV career.

  73. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Sarah's first guests could be a group of young men claiming to be the Fathers of all of Sarah's Daughters' Babies. Next would be all of Todd's Prostitutes.

  74. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Another idea for a Series for Sarah: By now, the Palins have bought and sold, built and decorated how many houses? Bristol bought a place in remote Maricopa, furnished it, showed it off, and then sold it. Now, she has a big, deluxe place across the lake from her folks, and no reality series to film in there. I forgot Bristol's first place, a lovely condo in Anchorage when she was the manager of a doctor's office. Most kids graduating from high school, unmarried with a baby do not walk into a plush job and a condo.

    Sarah's house looks like the sports center, and when she quit her job as governor to cash in, they added another big house next door. Then there is Sarah's large, sterile place in Arizona surrounded by dirt. The theme of Sarah's Series should involve buying and/or building another house, furnishing it, giving the house tour and then flipping that house, buying another and so it goes. The underlying message is that all that stuff doesn't buy happiness. The only way to pep up the show, and sometimes real life, is to get dolled up in a goth outfit, scraggly hair, monster sandals and go shopping for toilet paper. I can see 13 episodes easily, maybe a second season. After all, Track must live somewhere. There's Willow's beauty salon.

  75. Anonymous10:26 PM

    TV reality show idea for Sarah-
    Just be you! Let it all hang out, let America see the real Palins. The REAL story of the Trigs and all the babies, the pimping, the grifting, the wigs, all of it, NOTHING FAKED. That's a show I would watch and it just may be a hit for everyone but the bots, LOL.

  76. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Wasilla if you don't want to permanently lose Sarah as your neighbor then you need to start your facebook comment writing campaign to show Sarah you love her and value her presence in Wasilla. Look what Andrew Patten of Arizona posted on Sarah's facebook. Arizona is trying to steal your former mayor, governor and vp candidate.

    Andrew Patten > Sarah PalinYesterday at 11:46am near Phoenix, AZ · I keep hearing that you and your family have a house here in Arizona. We the citizens of Arizona invite you and your family to be permanent residents of the state. We desperately need a true conservative to replace McCain as our elected Senator. He is not acting in the best interests of the people who placed their trust in him! Thank you for being one of the great advocates of conservative principles. It is sorely needed at this point in time.

  77. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Thomas Stalnaker does your family and relatives know you have strong feelings for Sarah?

    Sarah Palin's Facebook
    Thomas Stalnaker > Sarah PalinYesterday at 8:38am · you are so very beautiful

  78. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Michael Ogden > Sarah Palin Monday at 7:33pm · May I ask why you turned down the TV show? It would of provided good exposure!

    Well Michael Ogden, I think Sarah gets more exposure on her facebook than having a national tv show. Besides who would want to work everyday? Sarah doesn't need the income since she has SarahPac. Thanks for writing on Sarah's fb.

  79. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Bert Robinson shared a link.Monday at 7:25pm · If true? EXCELLENT! Sarah is NOT an entertainer! I firmly believe that God has a more important mission for Mrs. Palin. I can see her as President, once Willow is perhaps a Junior or Senior in H.S. or maybe a Frosh in college, leaving Todd with his bestest buddy Trig as his full time "partner in crime"; you know, staying up late watching "Twilight Zone", eating to much ice cream, skinning squirrels in the Rose Garden;) And Sarah? Assuming command of a nearly destroyed Country and righting this wreck back into the Providentially inspired Nation under God! IMO, Lord willing and the creek don't rise;)http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/palin-burnett-talk-show/2013/05/13/id/504287

    Bert Robinson I hate to burst your bubble but Willow dropped out of high school when she was a Sophomore and has no intentions of going back to get her high school diploma. Sad to say she settled on her GED. As far as college goes for Willow, multimillionaire Sarah says that trade school is the smart way to go for Willow because now she doesn't have any college debt. Those multimillionaire are always thinking of ways not to spend their own money so why pay for six years at five colleges when Willow can be debt free after only one year of hair school?

    Thanks for writing on Sarah's facebook.

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      leaving Todd with his bestest buddy Trig as his full time "partner in crime"

      More sad news for Bert. I believe Todd temporarily got out of that business after Shailey Tripp exposed their interstate sex trafficking business in her book Boys Will Be Boys which describes how Todd got her involved in prostitution. Todd's partner in crime Trig will just have to find another way to occupy his time until the heat goes away and Todd can resume providing Alaskan single struggling mothers with full time and profitable employment.

  80. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Mohammed Bilal > Sarah Palin Monday at 6:27pm · I send messages once I say I like to greet that who I like and where ever he steped by

    This guy Mohamammed Bilal is fluent in Sarah Palin's native language, word salad. Thank you for sharing her native language on her fb.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      He was Home-Schooled just like Bristol, Willow, and Piper.

  81. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Rocky Kisner > Sarah Palin Monday at 6:05pm · Beautiful dark hair, beautiful dark eyes and can handle a gun. You are the perfect woman !

    "Hey Rocky" you must get that a lot. Have you seen Sarah Palin's Hawaii vacation pictures after the 2008 Palin/McCain campaign? Didn't think so.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Can handle a gun? 5 shots to hit a tethered moose and no hits? "Does it kick, Dad? Can you
      load it for me"? BWAHAHAHA, you Palinbots are Silly.

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      What's worse, there was a whole herd of them laying around and the first 4 shots missed every single one of them and not one was spooked.

      It was like shooting whales in a barrel with a shotgun. Should have been a sure thing for a beginner hunter.

      Fortunately for Sarah, one of the cariibous walked into a bullet.

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Watch out Todd, since you and Sarah don't share the same House, she might mistake you for a Burglar and shoot someone else in the House. Sarah's gun handling is very suspect, ask Levi.

  82. Anonymous6:52 AM

    6 colleges in 5 years in 3 countries (Alaska, United States and Hawaii) with only one degree to show for all that hard work?

    No wonder those Palin kids are discouraged about college.

    Wasilla High School degree

    1. University of Hawaii at Hilo 1982

    2. Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu

    3. North Idaho College, a community college in Coeur d'Alene

    4. University of Idaho in Moscow

    5. Matanuska-Susitna College in Alas

    6. Returned to the University of Idaho and received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism in May 1987

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Most Accredited Colleges and Universities do not accept the credits from all colleges. Something smells.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Where did Tawd get his degree in human sex trafficking and management from?

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Damn! No wonder Sarah says college is expensive. How many planes did she fly on to get one degree?

    4. Anonymous8:48 AM

      You forgot one college. Sarah attended the university in Alaska with Glen Rice even though it was only for 20 minutes.

    5. Anonymous9:10 AM

      7:53 why do you question if Sarah has a degree in journalism? How else could she get that job on Facebook?

  83. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I have been waiting for you to bring up the Palins and the Rivers family and am surprised you didn't know this already. It's for a version of Celebrity Wife Swap. Bristol and Willow are swapping with Melissa and Joan - or they were, until Willow bowed out like a baby.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Others have posted about the wife swap show. How do you know that Willow bowed out?

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      "Burnett’s office declined to comment on the matter."

      Why? Was there never an offer but he doesn't want to contradict Palin?

    3. Anonymous11:19 AM

      9:10 AM And you know this how?

    4. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Why would 2 young unwed Mothers be considered for a Wife Swap show? Neither has ever been Married nor lived with a Man. Having Babies as a Teen does not make one a Wife. What a Scam to try to present to the Public. The entire Heath/ Palin Family are Grifters.

    5. Anonymous9:14 AM

      I'm getting this info from someone I know. I'm not about to name names and put their situation of blabbing to me in jeopardy.

      I have no idea how this comes even close to fitting in with the "Wife Swap" idea. I just figured they were really stretching that POS show as far as they could. Having said that, I see that Griff has updated on the issue, so there you go.

  84. Anonymous9:14 AM

    According to “people familiar with the deal,” the “sticking points have been over location and money.”

    ....naw it's more likly Burnett was laughed out of every tv station he walked into....
    what she going to do..wink and lick her lips and every few minutes scream drill baby drill..you betcha..and look into the camera with her wonky eye to ask rill amearkins to send her money just like jim baker and tammy-fay...to damm funny

  85. jcinco10:38 AM

    she looks so dirty in that picture you can practically smell her.

  86. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sarah Palin is one Evil Looking Dirty Bitch.


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