Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Right Wing has decided that since repealing Obamacare is not working it is time to sabotage it instead.

Courtesy of Bloomberg:

Opponents of President Barack Obama’s health-care law are gearing up for a new round of attacks, this time targeting the legislation’s insurance exchanges that would expand coverage to millions of Americans. 

Heritage Action for America, the advocacy arm of the Heritage Foundation, and the Tea Party-aligned group FreedomWorks will push Congress to cut off funding for the exchanges in the debate later this year over raising the debt ceiling, the Washington-based groups said. The chairman of the advocacy group Restore America’s Voice, Ken Hoagland, said he plans to warn people through advertising about the “dysfunctional” exchanges. 

While opposition to the health-care program is nothing new, the tactics are changing. Rather than focusing on repealing the law in Congress and the courts, two avenues that have failed so far, the groups are aiming to prevent the cornerstone of the legislation, the insurance exchanges, from succeeding. Their goal is to limit enrollments, drive up costs, and make it easier to roll back all or part of the law later. 

“If you’re committed to making sure Obamacare doesn’t go into effect, you have to focus on the expansion and on the exchanges,” said Dan Holler, a spokesman for Heritage Action. “Once you have people under a program, it’s really hard to change that system no matter how badly it needs change.” 

Democratic supporters of the health-care law said critics are afraid that the measure will be a success and therefore are out to prevent it.

I'm sorry, perhaps I'm a bit slow, but can somebody please tell em again what the difference is between the Right Wing in this country and the terrorists who try to frighten us into undermining our values? 

And yes the Right Wing is well aware that the Affordable Care Act will be a huge success and also realize that once it does they are fucked!


  1. Randall4:13 AM

    Republicans opposed Social Security...
    Republicans opposed Medicare...

    so what's new?

    If you're not among the top 10% of wage-earners in this country and you vote Republican then you are an idiot and deserve to be fleeced by the wealthiest of us.

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Why do the GOP and their puppeteers, the Koch Brothers and other billionaires, not want Americans to have adequate and affordable health care? I simply cannot see any reasonable explanation for this. Personally I think we should have a universal health care system like other civilized, industrialized countries have. Maybe the important word here is "civilized." Maybe the US simply has not reached the level of civilization required, certainly the GOP is nowhere near that. Pretty sorry situation, isn't it?

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      See the answer below. Someone with a family member of themselves with an illness or medical condition is desperate for insurance. They will work under crappy conditions for less than they should just to get/keep health insurance.

      Now do you get it?

    2. Beldar Enzo Conehead7:58 AM


      it's really very simple: a thing is special and desirable only if possession of that thing is limited.

      Case in point, the 1962 Ferrari 250 GT Spyder California. If you had millions of dollars of superfluous net worth you could afford this incredibly awesome automobile and its associated operating expenses like maintenance, insurance and miscellaneous costly fluids. You would be envied by everyone who saw you standing out in front of your 35,000sqft mansion, lovingly hand washing the car every morning (and again later in the evening) or tooling around the neighborhood on cloudless days.

      But imagine how awful you'd feel if EVERYONE had a 1963 Ferrari 250 GT Spyder California! You'd be devastated. Possibly suicidal. Thank the Gods, life doesnt work that way!!

      In conclusion, only rare things are precious and the only way wealthy, severely conservative people can appreciate access to health care is to see poor people suffering without it.


      ps, it goes without saying that your 1963 Ferrari 250 GT Spyder California better be painted vintage Ferrari Red or it ain't worth shit...

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      To Beaglemom, who said, "Why do the GOP and their puppeteers, the Koch Brothers and other billionaires, not want Americans to have adequate and affordable health care? I simply cannot see any reasonable explanation for this."

      Because poor, downtrodden, fearful, and sick people are far easier to control and manipulate. Think of the first settlers in this country who rose up against the British. Those settlers were far healthier and well-read (and thus more focused and determined) than the Americans of today. Americans today would not have the strength, focus, time, physical ability, knowledge, or energy to rise up against, and defeat, not only the British (if they were now our rulers), but the anti-union forces, the wage-depressing forces, the anti-health-care forces, and all the rest of corporate America in any way. THAT reality allows the 1 percenters to sleep better at night.

  3. angela4:26 AM

    There is no difference between the GOP and terrorist organizations.
    They even have the NRA as their arm of violent resistance. It is a sad fact when it has been proven that the ACA will save billions and increase the health care of of countless Americans---they just want it to fail because the black man is behind it. And the most hysterical part of it all is that ACA was the initial idea that came from the Heritage Foundation.

    They are all corporate, racist, fascists who don't give a damn about Americans who aren't rolling in money.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Their organizational and behavioral MO is reminiscent to that of the old PLO, which had both a political and military branch, with each practicing thuggery in their own spheres, but the latter serving as an enforcement arm for the former. In reality, the GOP is comprised of a combination of both fascists and anarchists – the latter working at the behest of, and for the benefit of, the former. In the GOP's case, both the anarchists and fascists are armed, with the fascists controlling the majority of world-wide weapons of war, and the anarchists owning the world's largest stockpile of (largely unregulated) firearms. Both ideologies are militant, dangerous, and destructive in the extreme and, if not removed from power, will literally destroy this nation.

  4. I hope he keeps succeeding, and then Hillary steps in for eight years of fine-tuning; she knows this stuff, after all. Barack can move on to the Supreme Court. I would feel very good about my country.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      I agree with you. So hope that Hillary runs because I would vote for her too this go around. She is far more experienced than ANY candidate the Republicans could or would put up.

      The Republicans will be horrible to her just as they have been to President Obama. They are such assholes!

  5. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I wish it were mandated that a network or radio station had to label sources such as The Heritage Foundation as right-wing think tanks. I wouldn't mind if they also announced which organization spokesmen were from liberal foundations or organizations, but it must be done.

    People hear "foundation" or similar titles and give the spokesmen more credit for scholarly, objective analysis than they deserve. We need truth and transparency in reporting, particularly with the far right organizations (because they seem more aggressive in seeking outlets for their messages) so people can be aware of their agenda and bias.

  6. These motherfuckers! I live in California and I was invited by "Covered California" to come and do a two hour feedback session on the website today! I have family members who have NO HEALTH INSURANCE but work...I'm doing this for them!

    Fuck those Republicans motherfuckers and the dead horses that they are laying under...fuck em ALL!

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Amen to THAT, GinaM!

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I hope that those bastards all go and rot!

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The program is already working for many and the Republicans continue their direction of demolishing it? They make me sick to my stomach and I detest them and their party!

    I sincerely hope that people are paying attention across the nation and that they vote these assholes out of office whenever possible. I know I'll not mark my ballot for even one of them!

    They are a horrid obstructionist bunch of them out of the U.S. Congress and those holding governor positions across the nation -

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Future Republicans are going to curse present day Republicans for renaming the Affordable Care Act as Obamacare. When it is a sucess, Obama's name will forever be linked to it. Republicans will have no means to falsely claim any responsibility for providing coverage for millions of American.


  9. Anonymous7:50 AM

    If the ACA succeeds, people will no longer be desperate to keep a job "just' for the insurance, and to work for less money, or under shitty conditions to do so.

  10. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I hate them! I've been waiting for this to go into effect for years. I have many serious health issues that have remained untreated due to the expense, necessary surgery put off, etc. If those bastards succeed in destroying the ACA, I will sue the living daylights out of them, surely a class action suit can be filed against these monstrous bastards. I hope they all get very sick and have no insurance.

  11. "Rep. Paul Ryan, the House GOP’s budgetary chieftain, gave a brief but remarkable interview to the Washington Examiner’s David Drucker in which he essentially conceded that Republicans will only negotiate with Democrats over the budget if they can hold the U.S. economy hostage to increase their leverage."

  12. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

    Today's GOP and Terrorists may share the same tactics, but they won't succeed. Let them die trying.

    Health Care is a basic human right, no one's fought more tirelessly than President Obama to defend and protect our rights.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.