Sunday, June 02, 2013

I think that this should be the guideline for ANY conversation involving religion or science.

By the way the most recent discoveries about the universe indicate that it may very well not be the ONLY one.


  1. Balzafiar5:33 PM

    "By the way for the most recent discoveries about the universe indicate that it may very well not be the ONLY one."

    I didn't need any discovery to tell me that; I've known it for ages. We came here from another place.

    Yes, really.

  2. Olivia5:45 PM

    The idiots who believe their faith is equivalent to scientific fact don't know what any of those words mean. I mean really, cogent, non-fallacious argumentation??? Isn't that just a fancy term for a blow-job someone knows they are reluctant to give?

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    The article that you link to is about 3 years old, Gryph, but just in the past two weeks, has been verified by the latest findings from the Planck satellite.

    We live in fascinating times! :)

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      Yep, too bad we are killing the only planet we will ever live on.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM


      I wouldn't worry about the planet, seems she's doing a pretty good job getting rid of US. The planet will be fine, mankind, not so much.

  4. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Even science doesn't go far enough. I'm not saying it never will, but nothing about it answers the deepest realms of questions.

    1. Chella1:43 AM

      But maybe that's the point. I don't think we will ever know if we will find the answer to life, the universe, and everything (other that 42 that is) because we just are not smart enough. But religion will ever give us the real answers to our deepest questions.

      We share about 99% of our DNA with chimps, and even tho they use tools, and we have taught gorillas how to communicate with us thru sign language, not ONCE has a gorilla asked us a question. The same level of self awareness is not there.

      And thats just 1% of our DNA that makes us smarter.

      But what If we go in the opposite direction? What if some other species not of this planet shares 99% of our DNA, but that one percent places them leaps and bounds ahead of us in terms of intelligence?

      It's real amazing stuff to think about.

    2. hedgewytch6:48 AM

      Not true! Coco did indeed ask questions! Like "where is my kitty?" and "Coco have banana?"

  5. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Off topic

    Not. The. Onion.

    "Congressmen Use Seagal To Find Boston Attack Clues in Russia "

    How about some Pussy Riot hate?

    " Rohrabacher and King were full of praise for Russian Orthodox Christian traditions after attending a service at Moscow’s main cathedral on Sunday morning. The cathedral became a rallying point for Putin supporters and the opposition alike last year when punk group Pussy Riot staged an impromptu protest against Putin’s merging of church and state, earning them worldwide notoriety and a two-year prison sentence for “hooliganism.”

    “It’s hard to find sympathy for people who would do that to people’s faith,” King said.

    The United States and European Union have condemned the jailing of the Pussy Riot members"

    1. Steven Seagal really needs to stop using that cheap hair dye. Get a stylist, man. You can afford it.

  6. Can this rule be stretched to include deaths by handguns and assault weapons with high capacity magazines versus the 2nd amendment whackjob justification excuses?

    "Just because" not being an acceptable excuse.

  7. Leland2:28 AM

    I must point out that one of the required "equal, compelling and reasoned evidence" will be claimed as already in existence by some of these fools.

    "Peer Reviewed documentation" to them will only mean the bible, which means they can claim it is the be-all and end-all.

    Too many big words. Anything more than 4 letters in a word and they seem to get rather glassy-eyed. Five letters in a word and they look confused. Six letters?

    Their entire system shuts down.

    Hell, even "prepared" would destroy them since they probably would think it meant the FOOD was pared beforehand!!!!!!! (You know, like mommy does to their sammiches? Pares off the crust?)

  8. hedgewytch6:46 AM

    Most Christian Fundies I've met couldn't understand most of the words on that sign much less pronounce them.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.