Sunday, June 16, 2013

This is a picture that Palin chose to put on her Facebook page. No, seriously!

Okay so I will assume that hiding the fact that she is wearing a wig is no longer considered necessary? 

If she is going to be so lax at hiding her attempts to appear young or intelligent why not take off the glasses?

Because we know those are fake as well.

Here is the Facebook link.


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    It's easy to tell the glasses are fake: normally, due to the prescription, her cheek would look smaller through the lens. Here it is seamless before and through, so there is no prescription.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Only a mental midget would consider glasses a cosmetic feature.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      I don't know about that. Sometimes I wear them to "try" to hide my dark circles. I assure you, I am not a mental midget.

      That said, Palin IS a mental midget. Period.

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Exchange posted on C4P:

      HealthyLife2013 • an hour ago −
      It would be so awesome if Sarah just came clean about her possible hair loss/hair thinning. It is obvious she is either wearing a wig or a topper. I would know as I suffer from hair loss and wear these as well. She could be so inspiring to the millions of us that have the same problem. Bring it out into the mainstream! Please, Sarah?
      1 15 •Reply•Share ›

      kennjac HealthyLife2013 • 14 minutes ago
      Are you freaking kidding me? Go away!
      2 •Reply•Share ›

      SusanWo4p HealthyLife2013 • 28 minutes ago
      Thanks for the laugh, troll.
      4 •Reply•Share ›

      1776er HealthyLife2013 • 34 minutes ago
      This is a good sign. They are afraid. Very afraid.

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    We keep forgetting Sarah sees the world through the prism of a wonky eye. Wonky eyes can't see that hairline.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I guess that willow isn't doing her hair.

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Hi Gryphen,

      I think that you should post this photo: from the same photo shoot. I can't get over Todd sitting there, so comfy in his chair while two of Sarah's important guests are crammed into a chair together. Doesn't that swell room have anymore chairs? How about the photographer gets off the chair and gives it to Todd?

    3. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Gee, what a gentleman. Good grief Todd, get up off your ass and let the guests use the chairs. You can lean....(how incredibly rude)

    4. Anonymous12:56 PM

      11:38 I noticed two things (besides that you are Correct on all counts!).
      1) One of these is not like the other. Even Sarah managed to wear a dress for this "dress up" event and Todd looks like a slob.

      One could argue that he wasn't a speaker, but I bet the rest of the people, besides Sarah, were not speakers and that ALL the others who attended the event dressed up.

      2) If you read the little comment by the person who took/posted the photo, she (?) was also excited about meeting Herman Cain. Need we say more?

    5. Cracklin Charlie1:01 PM

      Sarah looks like an upright badger on meth.

    6. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Great picture. Todd is sitting where he definately can see the back of her hair and he still lets her go out in public with a rat's nest on her head. You can just feel the love.

    7. Todd is sitting in that chair so he can use his super mental powers to operate Sarah's mental gears and her hinged mouth. If he moves any farther away, she goes off the rails and screeches word salad.

      It's funny about Sarah's wig; over the years her bangs have always been fringey, but once upon a time they actually started at her hairline. (2008) Now they start about 2 inches back. I suppose that dark hair under the bleached bangs is her own hair pulled back into a wig net cap.

    8. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Hmmm.... that shirt is definitely not intended to be tied up like a teen would do, trying to make their tits bigger.

    9. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Speaking of Todd in that chair, I like to check out men's packages, and how they look in their jeans and whether they are sliding into the leg of their pants or even just filling out the zipper area. Suffice it to say, Todd looks like a woman with a camel toe; I see no evidence of any sort of package. I bet life was lots of fun for Mr. Palin in the showers and dressing rooms after gym class! (the quarterback of our football team was called "Thumbelina" and he was the brother of my best friend. I had to check it out for myself and sure enough, it was true, he was very physically retarded in the genital area and even he packed his jeans even a bit better than does Mr. Palin :-)

    10. Anonymous11:16 PM

      11:38 : can't see the picture - looks like the account has been taken offline?

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Those arms are scary thin. Thats not healthy, thats anorexia or a similar mental health issue.

    Sea of pee says that the bracelet is a warrior bracelet because Tracks military or something like that.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Track was no warrior.

    2. What do they know? It's probably a prayer warrior bracelet done by one of her evangelical worshippers.

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Wow, that pic really shows those fake lenses. My cheap CVS brand reading glasses (1.25) have stronger lenses than the clear glass in those frames.

    So what's the thing she's holding that says "Horton?" Not sure about the last letter.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Probably someone suggested a list of books she should read, among them "Horton Hears A Who". "The Dick and Jane series is probably too advanced for her. I saw her pageant walk onto the stage, let everyone look at her, then walked to the podium to begin her screech. She talked about how her and Todd had been talking yada, yada, yada. Then I left the video to go somewhere interesting.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      I also thought of "Horton Hears A Who" I doubt if she ever read it, or if she did, she didn't understand Horton's care about the "little people" in the world.

    3. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Her skirt is hiked up, as usual. Was that just for the benefit of the men in that room? I wonder why she didn't put a shot of her legs on her facebook page, since THAT is what draws the old geezers in.

    4. Anonymous1:33 PM

      If Horton is perceptive, he will also SMELL her Hoo-Hoo. Poor Horton.

    5. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Could be a napkin from Tim Horton Coffee.

    6. Anonymous1:51 PM

      She reminds me of the Fascist Kangaroo mama in the Jim Carey remake.

    7. Anonymous1:59 PM

      With Sarah it would be Horton hears a 'HO'.

  5. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Holiday Inn or Best Western?

  6. AuntieRuth11:30 AM

    The thing that is dumbest about the fake glasses is that she could get Rx lenses with a prism that would correct the wonky eye. But then she would have to pay for lenses. Prism lenses are quite expensive.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      And it is painful/uncomfortable to correct (had a friend's kid go that route). $carah couldn't hack it.

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    What an oddly composed picture. It looks like an ad for the couch with some woman sitting on it. Why would you take that pic in the first place, let alone post it. Random hotel room, random couch, random stuff on the wall, random has been with seriously frightening fingers in the foreground. Yawn.

  8. Leland11:34 AM

    She must be reading "Horton Hears a Who" and having a hard time sounding out the words since she had to clip the name out of the large print book!

  9. Anonymous11:36 AM

    'Horton'... Isn't that name associated with some kind of political scandal? Wasn't he some murderer who was let go and committed another murder soon after?

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:58 PM

      Willie Horton, used to bush-whack Michael Dukakis.

    2. Leland1:25 PM


    3. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Another blah dude that Sarah, queen of the Teabagger racist bigots, secretly fantasizes about: Glen, Wille & Barry

    4. Anonymous4:15 PM

      I think it's a name band from one of the soldiers who's wives were in the room with Palin.

  10. Anonymous11:39 AM

    It's impossible not to notice her skinny yet still flabby arms. My mother, who is 76, keeps in much better shape by walking and being active, including maintaining her rose garden and her tomato plants. Considering her age and means to access quality healthcare, Sarah exhibits an unhealthy profile. Some things can be faked easier than others, but she doesn't seem to be doing any of the things well that are related to her appearance. It seems to me that it was only the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the RNC spent on her that supposedly made her attractive for hot age. But we've seen the real Sarah over the past 4 or 5 years, and it's not a pretty sight (no pun intended). She can't even dress herself most of the time in a way that even her supporters can take her as a stable, mature person, even with her newfound millions of $ in earnings and a stable of "consultants".

  11. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I’m missing something here. Why does she wear a wig? It seems a lot of hassle.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      because her hair is so thin she might as well be bald -- from poor nutrition, and possible drug use too

    2. Cracklin Charlie12:56 PM

      I heard someone say that she doesn't bathe, because she thinks it makes her hair fall out.

    3. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Well, it could also just be from menopause. Does her mom have thin hair????

    4. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Bathing was thought to be dangerous in the Middle Ages too.

    5. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Hair loss due to anorexia is quite common.

  12. Anonymous11:41 AM

    No no you have it all wrong; according to c4p poster:

    "On this trip to Washington, a grieving wife sought solace by sharing with Palin her husband's name tag. How many politicians are so compassionate and so trusted that a grieving widow would entrust her with her beloved's name tag? The trust is well deserved. Hours later, the photographer (Shealah Craighead) captured a poignant picture of a pensive Palin in a rare quiet moment still clutching the soldier's name tag."

    See? You just make up whatever narrative you want and it's true. It's TRUE, I say!!!!

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      A poignant picture of a pensive Palin?? Oh, brother! Looks to me like she is keenly aware of the camera as she pretends not to be.

    2. Irishgirl12:48 PM

      She probably threw it in the bin when they were gone.

    3. Anonymous12:50 PM

      11:41 I thought I recognized that name. Shelah Craighead, the photographer, not yours "Anonymous". (Although, how could you forget a name like that!)

      She's Sarah's official personal photographer (or that's what a Google search shows).

      I don't want to comment on the poor widow or the dead soldier, but I bet $20 that that name tag thing doesn't make it back to Alaska or Arizona unless one of her "aides" grabs it out of the trash or where it was left on the table.

      Sarah, based on our previous experiences with her, could not care less about it--except as a prop.

    4. Cracklin Charlie12:54 PM

      Shealah Craighead is still documenting the Fake? After all the work she did on the Trig project?

      Keep pluckin' that chicken, Shealah.

    5. Anonymous1:22 PM

      A soldier's name tag? Let me guess This hate forum invited surviving war spouses in an attempt to keep military votes. No matter that they block all funds for these survivors, ad well as the returning troops. And that name tag was a piece of cardboard, not something 'precious. ' These people are delirious.

    6. Anonymous1:43 PM

      'rare quiet moment...'

      well, I'll buy that...but the rest is just phoney-baloney...if she were feeling pensive about the loss of life, would she not be looking at the name tag, rather than artfully displaying it while mooning over a piece of her own jewelry...

      gag me with a spoon...

    7. Anonymous2:44 PM

      To be clear, that was a pee fan that invented that whole scenario. In his/her own head.


    8. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Whatever it is, she can't seem to take her eyes off..

      ...her own stupid bracelet and manicure. I hope that isn't someone's "precious keepsake" she's holding. She'll ditch it faster than a baby with a dirty diaper.

    9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:37 AM

      IMO, it looks like she zoned out and that's when the photog snapped the pic. That tag looks like it's about to fall into a trash can.

      The members of the C4P Drivel & Drool Society love to make up cute little fan fictions to entertain each other. That's what 12-year-olds do! ;)

  13. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Okay is she contemplating her ringless fingers (as in - no wedding ring) or is she contemplating Horton Hears a Who? Does she think that the elephantish Horton is the symbol of the GOP? And her bewigged head looks substantially bigger than the rest of her. We know it's not that she has a lot of brain power; it must be the wig and her extreme weight loss.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      It looks as though she's trying to strike a "Pieta" pose.

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      BS, have you ever seen the Pieta? Legs are straight and wide to support the body - and fully draped. Micahelangelo wasn't into cheesecake - and certainly not limburgercheese-cake.

    3. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Dear 4:12 -- Michelangelo's Pieta is what you're referencing, but there are dozens and dozens of Pietas sculpted and painted in the late Middle Ages. The term refers to a grieving Mary, her dead son, and sometimes others as well.
      Palin's somber face makes it look as though she's grieving for Mr. (or Ms.?) Horton. I don't think she strikes these poses without knowing what she's doing, at least subconsciously.

  14. WakeUpAmerica11:46 AM

    Good grief, Sarah! A flag necklace, a flag Superwoman bracelet, and some totally different bracelet? Really? You should know that flag jewelry does not go with every outfit. You look cheap and gaudy.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Wearing a piece of flag jewelry means that you are an American patriotic person. Remember the flap over whether President Obama wore a flag pin in his lapel. (How can we tell if he's American without that pin?) Sarah always wears that red-white-and-blue 4th of July beaded bracelet, but I'm having a hard time finding a piece of jewelry in that photo, the kind of thing that represents a real commitment, like a wedding ring.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      If you've ever seen "House of Cards" (Netflix).. in the first episode, these 4 congressmen share a temp home in a DC townhouse. In the dining area, there's this big bowl holding dozens of flag pins. Before they leave for work, each grabs a flag pin.

      That scene reminded me so much of Palin and her assortment of patriotic and religious costume jewelry. It doesn't really mean anything to her, it's just something she puts on to appeal to her supporters.

      I still get ill when I see her wearing that huge "blingy" Star of David. That's so inappropriate.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Palin hated Mitt Romney for many reasons.
      But, specifically because he did not fawn over her ala Limbaugh , Hannity and Levin .
      Palin decided to " accidentally " crash his presidential announcement with her hilarious bus tour .
      Romney wisely did not extend an invitation for her
      to speak at the Republican convention.
      Palin's bizarre stand up routine yesterday was mercifully not carried on all stations like a convention speech would have been.
      The name tag Palin is dangling while she checks her watch
      belongs to
      a former Romney volunteer , Chris Horton.
      Spc Christopher Horton , was killed in Patika , Afghanistan
      in October 2011.
      Romney wrote the widow a handwritten letter
      after her husband was killed.
      " A few months later, Horton still touched by Romney's outreach and thinking about her husband's support of the candidate,
      decided to send the candidate his name tape -- the part of a soldier's uniform that displays his last name."

      So, it seems the widow reached out to Romney almost two years before Palin. That's gotta sting.
      Palin's pronounced clavicle and upper ribs are indicative of severe weight loss ala Karen Carpenter.
      On some level her groupies must realize how unhealthy she looks now because they only post 5 year old photos of Palin.

    4. Anonymous8:17 PM

      5:10 Thanks for sharing the link and bring the info forward.

      My heart goes out to the wife, family and friends of Mr. Horton. It's sad to see someone die young, especially so if they died fighting a war.

    5. Anonymous8:28 PM

      More on Karen Carpenter and anorexia nervosa.

      Though anorexia nervosa has a surprisingly high mortality rate, it still has serious consequences. As in the case of Karen Carpenter, it can lead to serious cardiac problems, which have proven to be fatal. Anorexia can cause a decrease in blood pressure and body temperature, hair loss, loss of menstrual cycle, and a decrease of protein in the blood. Bulimia can cause ulcers, hernias, a dependence on laxatives, and the loss of tooth enamel. When the body is deprived of food, it must look elsewhere for nutrients, and eventually begins feeding on muscle protein. The heart muscle weakens, and this leads to irregular heart rhythms and congestive heart failure. Additionally, anorexia causes an imbalance of electrolytes which causes cardiac abnormalities. In some cases, the bodies of anorexics have digested their own nervous systems. In the end, five to ten percent of the victims of anorexia die within 5 to 10 years of suicide or from depression caused by the illness, malnutrition, and heart problems.

  15. WakeUpAmerica11:47 AM

    She's waiting to be called to the podium for her assclown freakshow to begin.

  16. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Those long boney fingers freak me out. She looks like she has ET hands.

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:52 PM


      Or that weird creature on Lord of the Rings holding his precious.

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      She can't find her iPhone to phone home. First time I've seen her pictured without it in her hand unless she was speechifying, doing her screech thing.

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      You see ET, I see The Crypt Keeper.

  17. Anonymous11:56 AM

    She IS cheap and gaudy.

  18. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Ugh, this must be Sarah's lame attempt to look wistful yet sultry? I'm truly at a loss for more words. The wig, the tacky flag jewelry and assorted pieces of flair are just too much to bear. The woman has absolutely zero self awareness .

    Virginia Voter

  19. Anonymous12:21 PM

    where are big fake boobs??? Did Todd forget to pack them ? Or are they out getting filled to be even bigger that next time she straps them on ?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Todd can barely keep up his appearances how can he be expected to remember the boobs?

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Seriously, is the Wonder Woman bracelet permanently attached to her right wrist? Does she have a wardrobe of similar tacky bracelets that she picks from? Anybody know what the story is? It's pretty weird to see that tacky fugly thing on her wrist in every single photo. Even if it is Our Lady of Trailer Trash we're talking about.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Yeah, she usually circulates her Jesus-belt buckle and similarly blinged-out Star of David pendant.

    2. Anonymous10:00 PM

      I'm actually wondering if that bracelet isn't used to hide something, since she literally never takes it off. She's mentally unbalanced (at the very least she could easily be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder), so I wonder if she's ever self-harmed? While she seems overly self-confident to a near-narcissistic level.... she does still show signs of wanting to be perfect (a la Game Change and dieting to extremes). What is that bracelet hiding, Sarah? Take it off and be photographed just once. Prove that you don't have any scars.

    3. Anonymous4:45 AM

      I think it is attached to an iv that she can uae to get a hit as needed. A PCA of sorts.
      Or,the cheap metal it has permanently discolored her wrist and she doesn't bath enough to get it off.
      Or one of her personalities she tried to slit her wrists and the other personalities cover it up with this bracelet.
      Number three is my first choice.

    4. Number three is my choice, also, too. I once knew a young man who wore a watch on each wrist to cover scars.

      People who wear in-dwelling catheters for frequent IV drug administrations, known as broviacs, are almost invariably implanted on the upper back or chest. Wrists are too liable to be bumped around; long-term medications do better administered in the trunk area of the body rather than through an extremity.

  21. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Watch her disappear for a month to get another cosmetic lipo tune-up before she goes on the air with Fox.

    1. Word is that her first re-appearance on Fox is tomorrow, Monday.

      Wanna bet who gets to give her her talking points? I'd be surprised if Greta wants to feed her lines again.

  22. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I swear, shit like this fake posed picture convinces me that Palin is trying to build a base for her 2016 run. Keep in mind that her narcissistic obsessiveness still convinces her that she is destined to be president. The only reason that she pursued the prick tease in 2012 is that she knew the ultimate goal was hopeless at some point and she needed to make money. I really think she believes that, if she presses the right buttons, she will be elected this time.

    She wouldn't try this stupid photo op if she were just trying to be an influence player in 2014.

    This photo and her latest bizarre speeches and comments indicate that she is unbridled and RAM must be muzzled or out of the picture at the moment. Maybe not enough money in the SarahPAC coffers to pay her? Maybe another falling out?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Trust me, she CANNOT run and she knows it. All a smoke and mirrors prick tease.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Isn't it ordained by her God for her to be Prez? How can she ignore such authority?

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      "Our Lady of Perpetual Ignorance".

    4. Anonymous4:53 PM

      She's isn't building a base for a 2016 run, she's working on the same exact scam she performed in 2008. "Give me your retirement checks, and I'll pray about running for Prez."

      And her followers will enthusiastically give her every spare cent they have. Cat food must taste better with a "Palin 4 Prez" bumpersticker.

    5. Anonymous6:56 PM

      4:53..yep..same shit- different day.

    6. Anonymous7:15 PM

      If some God ordains Presidents then she ordained President Obama twice.

  23. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Sarah, hotter than ever
    Stop being so jealous oh her

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:49 PM


    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      fraud skank can choke on her snot

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM

      How old are you... twelve? Why would anyone be jealous of a self-promoting buffoon like Palin?

    4. Anonymous1:23 PM

      10 words 1 typo.

      That's not a good average.

      Palin relative or supporter?

    5. Anonymous1:29 PM

      That wig is pushed about 2 inches too far to the back.

      You'd think someone in her entourage would have pointed that out before the picture was taken.

      I'm really amazed at how completely unaware she is regarding her appearance.

    6. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Piper? You have missed too much school this year. Who could possibly be jealous of a Pimp's wife who has putrid body odor? We will all have a good laugh when the I.R.S. and SEC complete their investigations into Sarahpac and Todd's 'side' income.

    7. FJ Dandy1:54 PM

      What anon 12:37 PM meant is:

      "Sarah, hotter than ever
      Stop being so jealous...oh, her? HAHAHAHAHA

      Fixed it.

    8. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Must be those "hot flashes"....

    9. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Brisket is that you? Have you found a boyfriend that you don't have to pay yet?

    10. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Why would I be jealous of an anorexic dimwit? I am older and I have a better body and my husband loves me and doesn't go f#ck hookers.

  24. Beldar J Conehead12:38 PM

    Honestly, I have to say I think the pointless spectacles definitely make her look smarter.

    Smarter than what?, you inquire incredulously.

    Honestly, I have no earthly idea.

  25. Anonymous12:43 PM

    It's amazing how she has changed since 2008! Aging is harder on some than others!

  26. I see from the picture with her guests in the hotel room that her Bump-it fail is showing still. Wouldn't her purse carrier point that out to here before she left to go on stage? Looks like a scene from Intervention.

  27. Anonymous12:59 PM

    It is amazing that her fans still think she and Toad are
    even good parents. She was away on Mother's Day, and is still away 5 weeks later, and we're supposed to believe these two are loving, caring, dedicated parents. Bull.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Plus, she out twenty-seven bucks and Todd still can figure out what's in it for them. They're such great Mericun patriots.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Oh, come on, what part of raising two vandals, a single mom three times by 21 and a child that couldn't do simple math in 4th grade makes you question the Palin's ability to raise children?

    3. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

      They're such good parents, Brancy plum forgot a "Happie Fodder's day" to the bestsest Daddy in the hole whirrled!" post in honor of Todd.

      You know, Melissa Harris Perry is right, your kids aren't your kids. They belong to the world!

      Hey Bristol, drop the chin powder and honor your father!

  28. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Okay, first of all, IF that is a 'real' name tag given to her from a fallen soldiers widow. WTF is wrong with that poor soldiers wife that she would give it away to anyone, let alone a stranger. Second of all that photo is so staged. So either Scarah Paylin is exploiting a grieving widow who reached out to her or it's a fake name tag to go along with a fake story and a fake staged photo with her fake hair and fake glasses and fake face BUT where are the fake boobs?? This woman is so lazy she can't even fake it anymore.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Then again, maybe this really is the name tag of a heroic fallen soldier. Look at her admire her cheap bracelet while holding the name tag like someone else's used kleenex.....or face towel. A prop like poor sweet little Tri-g. Such a patriot you are you drifting fraudulent, neglectful mother and quitter in all you do. Including motherhood which is the most important job one can be blessed to have and you have blown it big time, Sarah. God bless Piper and Trig, they might still have a chance.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      A relative of mine was in the Air Force many years ago. When he got out he had a number of shirts with his name tag affixed. Not sure if he was supposed to have taken them or not. The tag in the photo does look like the one I remember seeing on my relative's shirt. So maybe the widow had more than one, and maybe she was cuckoo enough to have wanted Palin to have one. With leaves us at door #1: real name tag, totally staged & exploitative photograph.

    3. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Looks like a Vietnam utility shirt name tag.


    4. Anonymous3:03 PM

      It looks as though she'd found this name tag on the table and was just about to drop it in the wastebasket.

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Any woman that would allow her husband to enlist in these recent wars deserves to lose him. What a waste of human life, on both sides.

    6. Anonymous6:18 PM

      That is a horrible comment 4:30.

      It is not a matter of a woman "allowing" her husband to enlist in anything. To say that alone is insulting. And to say someone deserves to lose her husband because he fought in a war you disapprove is judgmental and insensitive.

      You know nothing about this dead soldier. You don't know when he enlisted or how long he served. You don't know his reasons for enlisting or anything about his death. And you obviously have no compassion for the loved ones he left behind.

      Your comment is insulting and inappropriate on so many levels. You could make the Westboro Baptist crowd feel downright cuddly in comparison.

    7. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Anon 4:30, that is a horrible thing to say on so many levels.

    8. Anita Winecooler6:48 PM

      The dude who changes my oil at Jiffy Lube has the same exact patch. (different name, of course). Someone got snookered big time!

    9. Anonymous10:11 PM

      I am a military wife. And may I say, with all due respect: FUCK. YOU. [oh, FYI, that all due respect crap was sarcasm].
      You have NO IDEA of all the different reasons people join the military. Many sign up as young as 17 on a wait list because they don't feel they have any other option. But according to YOU-- they DESERVE to die. SHAME ON YOU. I wish there were a stronger word for it.
      You are JUST as bad as Palin is for using such a blanket statement. It's not just insulting, but inappropriate and inhumane. Maybe the C4P would be a better place for your black and white thinking.

    10. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Why sre we flaming 4:30 so hard?
      She has a point. If more people said hell no, I won't go fight your contrived wats, hte better we would be in this country. People go because they feel they have no choice, no options, no hope. If they had options and hope other than going to get themselves blown up probably, this country would be a far better thing.
      I really feel the same way. There is no way in hell I want my kids to sign up - maybe, maybe the coast gaurd would be ok as we live near the shore and they love the shore. But, no. No military. No.Evertyone in our family wants our nephew, who has been thru rehab twice and keeps using, to go to the mikitary to get "straightened out". Seriously? Send an addict to warzones and give him a gun. The kid has problems that the best minds in the country can't help. What the fuck will the military do except get him maimed or killed???

  29. Anonymous1:12 PM

    She looks like shit as always and I bet she smells like shit too.

  30. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Do Boehner and her use the same tanning salon, Forever Orange, or is her outfit making her seem so weirdly colored.
    Menopause can really suck the juice out a person, especially if they are trying to keep a very low weight. You lose all the baby making fat in your face, neck, and lower arms. It all heads to the center to keep your inner body warm. You also lose a lot of hair and not only the stuff on your head... all over.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Ain't that the lose hair just about everywhere except inside your nose and above your lips. It truly sucks.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      She should be wearing hats and sunscreen when she's out. Her chest and arms look seriously damaged already. And I axe you...why does a woman with apparently huge breasts never have cleavage, or at least not normally-looking cleavage?

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      She doesn't. They are FAKE just like her pregnancy belly supposedly with Tri-G inside.

  31. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Is the Grifting Cadaver checking for a pulse? Do screeching zombies have a pulse? Is she aware that her wig tape has popped loose in the front, revealing about an inch of her real hair line under the fake poofy front of the wig?

    Where's the National Enquirer when I need answers to these important questions about the Savior of the PeePond nation? Help.

  32. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Sarah Palin shared a link. · OMG, goosebumps...I love our U.S. Military! I love patriots like these who respect our finest in uniform!

    I wonder if patriots in uniforms gets Sarah all excited like Glenn Rice did? Sarah better be careful or she will slip off her chair again.

  33. Anonymous1:30 PM

    She's trying to remember where she set down her phone, while advertising that she is available (no wedding band). She quit on her marriage, quit on raising her kids, quit on the people of AK, but you can bet your sweet lily white (or brown, red, pink, etc) ass that she will find that damn phone. And there will be no peace for anyone until she does.

  34. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Peter Howard > Sarah Palin near London, England · 
    Hi Sarah, I live in Britain and would like our country to become the 51st state of the USA instead of having to be part of the European Union. Will you be our Governor?

    Peter how much would you want Sarah to be your governor? No serious how much money can Britain collect and send to SarahPac to convince Sarah to run for governor of Britain? You know send SarahPac your best donations to convince Sarah Palin to run blah blah blah.

    There's a guarantee that Sarah Palin will not run for governor of Britain and there's a guarantee that Sarah Palin will not refund your best donations when she announces that she is not to running.

    You know the routine, "Same O Same O"

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Just shut up an keep your stupid thlights to yourself, Peter. And keep fapping to that 5-yr old issue of Time Magazine.

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      My family in the UK thinks $carah is an IDIOT!! She would NEVER make it over there, they can smell phonies a mile away. They hated W also, too.

    3. Anonymous5:48 PM

      First she has to find Britain on a map. And why stop at Governor in your masturbation fantasy, Peter? Why not Queen?

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Good luck. Sarah thought that the Queen ran the country. She thought that posing for a photo with Margaret Thatcher would...I don't know what it would prove. No wonder it never happened. Sarah doesn't know anything about Geography. She said that she would be in Bill Maher's neck of the woods. He broadcasts from LA and she as in Washington DC. Not even close.

    5. Anonymous10:15 PM

      LOL.... there is NO WAY Mr Peter Howard was serious, right???

  35. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The Erica Kane of politics.
    That is NOT a compliment.

    1. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Exactly! Except Susan Lucci is actually a smart, devoted famuly woman and smart investor.
      She has the whole bobble heaf thing going on, BUT she has always been teeeny tiny and not anorexic about it, nor is she addled by drugs.

  36. Anonymous1:46 PM

    That scrawny bobble-headed twit has man-hands. How's that super-woman flag bracelet working out for ya?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

      And Todd has those soft MANicured nails, you know, so they don't snag on the purses he carries.

  37. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Dave Martin > Sarah Palin · Did Chelsea Clinton just endorsed Sara Palin when she said: "We need women who are at the head of a boardroom, like at the head of the White House . . . "

    Why yes Dave you a f-in genius for reading between the lines.

    1. Fuck you, Sarah Palin. Seriously.4:31 AM

      Exactly, Dave.

      Chelsea Clinton was voicing her support for Sarah Palin,

      Not at ALL likely she meant her mom, ya know, FMR. Sec. Of State and FLOTUS,

      And most likely next POTUS,

      Hillary Clinton.

      Way to get to the TRUTH, Dave!

      Those libs are cracking out of fear of Sarah!


  38. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Speaking of fake tan, you can see the top of her 3-D "cleavage triangle" screen on her bust. But without the XXXL inserts, it just looks like sunburn just above her fake medium to small tittage inserts. Straight out of a can, Sarah. See, discriminating folks like us notice those things done by poseurs, especially those of us who've done personal caricatures and screening on t-shirts in tourist areas for years in the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area. Her feet and hands really tell the story abut how fake she is.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Tan lines to match the fake boobies, too funny

  39. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Just curious, looking at her picture, I don't see Sarah Palin's Alaska state flag pin she used to wear?

    What happened? No more love for Alaska since we cut her off from the Alaska Film Tax Credit?

    Well fuck you too Palins.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      She went to a religious conference and no Christian bling bling?

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM

      There may be no Christians. It's a circus, a show...

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      The Faith and Freedom are just talk. They all have the first amendment and freedom of speech to say whatever stuff they say. Sarah is free to spew all of that ugly hatred. So, freedom is not an issue. As for faith. many of the people at that conference are just like Sarah. They invoke religion and claim to be Christians, but they do not act as Christ would. Christ healed the sick and fed the hungry, the Biblical versions of medicare and food stamps. Christ said to treat others as you wish to be treated, and when insults or blows come your way, turn the other cheek. Today's Christians do not follow their namesake's example.

  40. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Wanna see something freaky?

    Zoom in on Sarah Palin's fingers. I bet you haven't seen long anorexic freakish claws like those before? I'm very serious, they are horrible.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      If her fingers' girth were larger and lubed maybe Todd would be interested in Sarah again?

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Sarah would be very popular with women if her penis is as long as her fingers.

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Good point.

      "Hey Sarah, on second thought, I'll pass on the make-good reach-around. We're cool. Your apology for being a bitch is good enough."

      --- Bill O'Reilly

    4. Anonymous2:54 PM

      She really has ugly hands! Amplify them on the picture - they are absolutely creepy looking! And, there is no wedding ring!

      Todd is a pimp (Boys Will be Boys). Do you think they were in cahoots in providing women for the government and military men that came to and from Alaska that they felt would benefit them? Would not surprise me one bit!

    5. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I wondered that also 2:45..and she didn't care as long as the $$$ was coming in..remember she had that partner on the side also too.

    6. Anonymous6:30 PM

      What's in it for them will certainly have the focus on money. Todd isn't hanging on to her for her charms. It is all business at this time of their lives.

      She only has so many angles to work and the soldiers that are maimed or dead for her freedom and their families are there for her and she knows how to work them. She probably does feel real me-me-me emotions that they did not leave her branding scheme.

    7. Cracklin Charlie7:03 PM

      Does it look like the bones of her fingers at the proximal phalanx (segment nearest the palm) are extraordinarily long and curved, rather than straight?

    8. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Cracklin Charlie: yes, her fingers look painfully distorted! They look curved-under somehow, and quite arthritic.

    9. Anonymous4:30 AM

      Charlie I saw that too. Yes, it that picture they look distorted.

  41. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Did Sarah take Trig and Piper to the conference in Washington DC? Why not? When Sarah Palin was governor of Alaska she would lie on her travel requests stating that the First Family was requested to attend and the state of Alaska paid for their trip.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Alaskans were idiots not to verify what the hell the woman was doing - she and the co-quitter gov - Todd, did nothing more than TAKE from the Alaskan taxpayer. She is and was an idiot. Even Governor Hickel realized it AFTER he supported her for 'quitter gov'! He did not speak well of her!

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Idiot is a strong term, 2:47 PM, we've all been drawn into something at one time or another in our lives and found out the truth after the fact. They did, and she might have never been re-elected to a second term.

      She was always SOOOOO concerned about her poll numbers. Had to know if the ultimate con was still working, and I guarantee you that she did not resign to progress ALASSSSKA and the common good.

    3. Cracklin Charlie6:52 PM

      I think the whole "game changed" for Sarah's governorship when Bristol began her serial pregnancies shortly before Sarah took office. Sarah's decision (imo - prompted by Chuck Heath) to hide the babies must have added a tremendous amount of stress to an already volatile situation. And then John McCain came sniffin' around, and she just didn't have the good sense to say no.

      And I don't think it's fair to blame Alaskans for the wrongdoing committed by Sarah and Todd Palin. You said yourself that Hickel voted for her. Do you think Sarah campaigned on a platform of graft and corruption? A lot of corrupt and incompetent governors got elected during the Bush state had one. Are we all idiots?

    4. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Alaksans seem real sensitive- like when we call you idiots forhaving elected Sarah. OK, I see your point. However, ya'll are idiots NOW because there is soooo much you can bring to the public eye about the Palins/Heaths that you won't. Some nurses at MatSu know Sarah didn't birth Tri-G. They need not fear HIPAA as you can't protect what never fucking happened. Also, too if fraud is involved, HIPAA is not an issue either. Also, many must know about the sex ring, the tax fraud, etc etc, Bristles multiple pregnancies, etcetc.
      You are idiots for continuing to let this crazy woman get away with everything. Alaskans hold the keys.

    5. Fuck you, Sarah Palin. Seriously.4:40 AM

      Being Republican and not being Frank Murkowski seemed to be enough reason for plenty of people to vote for the small town mayor - who needed to hire a town manager, who bankrupted the small town, and who already lost the run for Lt. Governor.

  42. Anonymous2:15 PM

    When Sarah goes to hell from skin cancer, where will her body be buried so we can piss on her grave?
    In Alaska or Arizona?

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      How about having that grifting cadaver grilled & charred to a crispy, crackly crunch?

      That way, we can do like John Wayne and piss on the fire before we go home.

  43. Zero lens distortion glasses? Check!

    Real hair showing at the brow line under wig that Wallow provided? Check!

    Scaly skin and freckles from too much tanning booth action? Check!

    Big ole wrist bangles that tweens wear? Check!

    Attempting to look contemplative? Check!

    Crossed legs and short skirt to tease the old guys? Check!

    Yup! I'm locked n loaded and ready to fleece the suckers. Oh wait, damnitall! I forgot my Star of David. Shit. Maybe there's one hiding in the secret decoder ring I got from my latest crunchwrap supreme.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Crunch wrap... That's what Sarah calls that poofer that is temporarily out of view when she remembers to cross her legs. Then, when she uncrosses them, well, that's your basic end stank that smells so bad, and I ain't talking bout nothin to do with Sharon Stone, other than the clear view inta the crouchal area. Sarah's is all crunchy and crumbly and shit.

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Only thing missing is some tongue action. . .

  44. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Is that her 'sexy' look?
    Showing a little leg to get her base fired up huh?

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Not a cup of coffee, thank goodness because I woulda burned myself here... But a bottle of Coke is stickier on the keyboard and screen. So please don't mention those sticks that connect Sarah's hoo-ha to her hooves down in those nasty, gritty elevator shoes.

  45. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I wonder what she has to say about military rape. Some of those rapes, of men and women, must have been perpetrated by patriotic warriors. What should we do with them, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      If the women haven't invited it subliminally, then ya know, the lady parts have a way of shutting that thing down (except for Bristol.)

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      She only wants perpetual warfare. The culture of rape in the the military is necessary with all the speed and hormonal trips. Like collateral damage. Sure she believes in strong women that shut things down. Bristol was just a kid and gets a pass. Plus the kid brings in the money.

    3. Fuck you, Sarah Palin. Seriously.4:44 AM

      Rape is only useful when Sarah can throw the word around for her OWN family's victimization...


  46. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Not to disparage those with physical deformities, but really, how strange would it be to go through life with your left eye always focused on the inside bridge of your nose?

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      It might cause a person to think about their nose with every word, resulting in a nasally, screechy voice that is irritating to most normal persons. And to do so by choice makes it even more strange.

  47. Anonymous5:07 PM

    For such skinny arms and boney fingers, she sure has chunky legs

    1. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Short stubby legs, like Willow.

  48. Anonymous5:15 PM

    She must have put her wig on herself. I can see her hairline.
    Not cool Sarah. With all your money, I'd think you'd show a little class.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      She can certainly afford to hire Willow.

    2. Anonymous10:29 PM

      yknow, i have extremely short hair that my husband wants me to grow out again. So i actually BOUGHT a wig to kind of remind myself what i was working toward. And I gotta say... after seeing myself in that thing (realistic as it was!), I now no longer have ANY DOUBTS that sarah palin wears one.
      [disclaimer--- i'm 25, Sarah. My hair is in much better shape than yours]

  49. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I meant to add that money doesn't buy class. Sarah when you snooze, you LOSE!

  50. Anonymous6:14 PM

    OT but it is so hot here in the Valley that we had to purchase an A/C! I never thought I'd see the day, but really we've lived thru some hot weather but this is just too crazy! How are you holding up Gryphen?

  51. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    That Sheilagh yahoo sure has a talent for "Capturing the moment". Here's a perfect example of Sarah's "contemplative" look. Note the greasy legs, the untied blouse, the shoepolished scalp, the wig obviously given a quick shake after the speech and slapped back on. What is she trying to convey in that photo and post?

    I clicked on her facebook page, and there's an even betterer photoshopped montage of old photos. Sarah on the left with her four fingers over her heart, juxtaposed to Chucky Sr in better days, with his hand over his heart, and the back of the Statue of Liberty looming in the background. "Happy Father's Day". Why the back of the Statue of Liberty?

    Even the Lady in the Harbor passes gas while turning her back to two frauds. Either that, or Sarah and Chucky were too short for this ride.

    1. Fuck you, Sarah Palin. Seriously.4:48 AM


      She's contemplating what the flag represents while simultaneously thinking of the soldiers who are fighting for: faith and freedom.

      Back of the statue of liberty because that is what her moronic Big Gulp picture is supposed to be. Pathetic. Like anyone tales pix of Lady Liberty's ass!

      Maybe Todd Palin?

  52. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Sarah must spend a lot of time making up her face. Her facial make up is lovely. While she is looking in the mirror, it's amazing that she doesn't see that her wig isn't sitting on her head the right way.Her hairline shows, and it should not be showing. The photo was taken by a professional photographer who has often photographed Palin. It's a posed photo, with Palin studying the bracelet, showing the solider's name, and lots of leg, the photographer must have spent some time arranging the photo, just so, because it so unnatural. And, she didn't notice that Palin's wig looks ridiculous?

  53. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Pamela Little > Sarah Palin · Thanks for fighting the good fight.....NEVER GIVE UP

    Pam are you telling Sarah Palin never to give up and thanking her for fighting a good fight?

    You must not be from these parts because in Alaska quitting is Sarah Palin's forte. As a matter of fact, Willow and Track has mastered quitting too. Willow quit high school and Track quit on his family.

    There's another quitter in Alaska and that's Shailey Tripp. She quit being Todd's prostitute but we salute her for breaking away from Todd's bondage and for trying to make a better life for her family. Not sure who is Trig's birth mother but if it happens to be Bristol then I'm afraid quitting runs in the family.

    In case Sarah Palin's idiots read this:

    FORTE: a person's strong suit, or most highly developed characteristic, talent, or skill; something that one excels in: I don't know what her forte is, but it's not music.

    1. Fuck you, Sarah Palin. Seriously.4:50 AM

      Note to Pam:

      Too. Late.


  54. Anonymous7:55 PM

    HBO is showing "Game Change" as I type. Five years hasn't changed a thing in who she is.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      She sure has aged terribly.

  55. Anonymous9:12 PM

    That photo is so so funny! How transparent! She's obviously trying to create something to pull at the heartstrings but is way too desperate about it. She's going for something poignant, like President Obama sitting in the Rosa Parks bus or President Obama comforting Newtown victims' families or President Obama hugging Gabby Giffords. Too bad for simple Sarah, our President is the real deal, and $arah just looks like a bony old bald lady checking her watch and trying too hard.

  56. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Bill Kosbruk > Sarah Palin · Hi Sarah Palin, my thoughts of you running for the senate is yes! But maybe you should set your goals higher like running for united states president? Thats just my thoughts not vice president but president? thank you, bill kosbruk

    Bill I hate to discourage Sarah Palin because I too would want to see Sarah run for president because it would be fun to watch but I will tell you Sarah Palin will never ever run for president of the USA.

    Too many skeletons in her and her family's closet.

    Sarah Palin will never disclose her finances or health records. Sarah can't afford to reveal the truth about Trig.

    Todd could be facing serious trouble if Shailey Tripp gets justice.

    Sarah Palin can't hide her stupidity from the GOP. They have her number and it is up as far as being elected president.

    Sarah comes across as narcissistic but I don't think she would want to drag her family's business through the mud again for their lack education and pregnancies. Then again we are talking about Sarah Palin, she may not care about her family's feelings.

    Sarah Palin's following is enough to keep donating to SarahPac and enough to make her head swell with compliments of being the Savior but not enough to win a national election.

    Sarah's job right now is to keep SarahPac in the black, to keep her followers guessing and wanting Sarah Palin to run for senator or president.

    1. Fuck you, Sarah Palin. Seriously.4:56 AM

      The answer is really SO. MUCH. SIMPLER! !

      Sarah is a LAZY, LAZY, LAZY person.

      She is manic.
      She is unstable.

      She would have to be coherent enough to make decisions.

      But mostly, She would have to care. Even a little bit.

      And Sarah Palin could not give two shits about politics.
      To Sarah, it would be Hell on Earth to have to deal with "actual" politics on a daily basis, not just regurgitate RAM'S talking points.

  57. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Is Todd the seed donor to those Palin delinquents? No one from Sarah Palin's family wished Todd a Happy Father's Day on Sarah Palin's Facebook. Not even Sarah herself. Sarah just made a generic comment and showed a picture of Creepy Chuckie.

  58. I'd give a hundred bucks to see the buzz cut under that flopping gopher pelt.... Hilarious...

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Not below her belt? That would be gross and stinky.

    2. Anonymous4:28 AM

      Toxic as in SARIN gas.

  59. Anonymous9:55 PM

    When a pimp elevates his game and gets more hoes in his stable he becomes a Mack.That also means the Mack has a Bottom Bitch overseeing his hoes…the Bottom Bitch keeps them in check.•   

    Todd who is your bottom bitch? Is it a relative?

    1. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Todd is no Mack! He's just a low life alto soprano (female) pimp feeding off of struggling Alaskan mothers.

    2. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Zoom in the area where Sarah Palin's elbow is. The wrinkly skin on everybody's elbow is at the elbow bone protrusion. Not Sarah Palin's for some weird reason.

    3. Anonymous4:19 AM

      You gotta figure she's had done loose skin nipped and fused all over her body with all of the crash dieting she's done in her pursuit of being an itty-bitty Hollywood starlet in the cancelled reality show segment of the teeVee universe. Even before she began this latest meth and Adderall-fueled crash diet, her whole body had already shifted quite a bit from all of the cosmetic plastic surgery. Even though her fake titties have just recently sprung up under her armpits, she's been talking pitcher ass for years.

    4. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Todd IS a bottom bitch. Which is why Sarah carries a strap-on wherever they go and rewards Todd for his loyal purse-carrying and his interview assistance by impaling him with an unusually large, thick, rigid phallic-shaped rod she calls get rice steamer.

      Anyone care to guess the fashion color that is Sarah's favorite?

  60. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Dan Beltran > Sarah Palin  · Hey there! Just wanted to let you know I still support you...especially after the "Let Allah sort it out remark.." Gosh, I wish more politicians thought like you....

    Dan more politicians can have thoughts like Sarah Palin. It is so easy. First you create a PAC, collect donations under the pretense that you will be giving it to other conservatives, then you take the donors' money and pay consultants to tell you what your thoughts should be.

    Piece of cake. Any idiot can look like a genius. The next trick is to stay away from talk shows that will ask you questions without giving you the answers ahead of time.

  61. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Oops.. something tells me whoever is in charge of the
    Facebook thingey is in for a long talk. Think this isn't going to be picked up on the national boards? Not.

  62. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I seriously do not get the attention that people are giving to thid photo.
    I do not see her gazing thoughtfully at the soldiers name - at all. It looks lie she is focused on straightening her jewelry and getting ready to drop that piece of paper into the wastebasket that is likely next to her.
    Anyone who seems anything else is insane!


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