Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rand Paul upset that people are prioritizing receiving help after the devastating Hurricane Sandy, over buying bullets to kill more people overseas. Yeah, what's WITH those people?

Courtesy of Slate:  

Over the weekend I tried to ask and answer a few questions about the debate Chris Christie started with libertarians. By attacking that "strain" in the GOP, and by challenging anyone who disagrees with current American foreign policy to come and meet a 9/11 widow. After I wrote it, Sen. Rand Paul punched back with proud disdain for Christie. 

"The people who want to criticize me and call me names, they are precisely the same people who are unwilling to cut the spending. They are "Gimme, gimme, gimme all my Sandy money now." Those are the people who are bankrupting the government and not allowing enough money be left over for national defense."

Seriously this guy, THIS guy is going to "save" the Republican party?

Yeah well he just lost the vote of EVERY citizen who watched Sandy destroy New Jersey and the tornadoes devastate Oklahoma on television.

This is exactly the kind of opponent that the Democrats want the Republicans to send up against Hillary in 2016.

What an asshole!


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Asshole is too kind.

  2. angela10:54 AM

    So when did the bastard son of Ayn Rand suddenly become a warmonger?
    I suppose Kentucky is too far from the ocean and not on a active fault line
    so Rand cannot possibly understand how the people of his state might use
    funds to rebuild. He is so not ready for prime time.

    1. Sally in MI1:58 PM

      OK, so the next coal mine disaster is on Paul's shoulders. He cut safety regulations and lowered expectations on the mining companies, so when it happens, and it will, the US taxpayers will say NO to gimme gimme gimme Paul. He does recall that federal money is OURS, right, and not Congress' to play war games with?

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Hey FU r Rand. Those of us lucky enough to afford a second home st the shore got diddly squat - other than what insurance deemed they would pay. We got 3500 towards a roof that cost us 10k. Total repair is over 100 k for our house. We got 70 from insurance. Rest is on us. I sure would have appreciated some help rather than taking an equity lone on my main houae. Thats OK . Fucking wars are sooo much more omportant.
    Forgive typis on a phone.

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I guess if "national defense" means drone bombing innocent people in the Middle East then yeah, we should keep that up, NOT!

    The problem with America, right now, is we're spending too much of our money blowing up the middle east and engaging kids who had no other choice but to enlist in the armed services in endless and warrantless war. Hobbled kids in their 20's, sporting prosthetic limbs are the new American heroes. Kids sent to war zones because America puts education on the back burner and leaves these children no choice but to enlist.

    We've created a generation that was unable to succeed educationally and we send them off the be bombed and maimed and then give them the barest minimum of VA care.

    Also, there is the "collateral damage" of the children and families destroyed in these countries that we are strafing with explosives.

    America, Fuck Yeah (not so much, actually-we're broken)

  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I have a good friend who lost everything except the basic structure of her house when 5 feet of water flooded her house on Long Island. All these months later she is STILL filling out forms for insurance and FEMA.

    I'm sure she was just thrilled to lose everything just a week after the death of her husband. After all, she could get lots and lots of money from the government and all those hardworking taxpayers, right?

    Never mind the fact that she had just buried her husband and now lost everything else she had. Never mind that she had to move in with a family member for months while her house was being rebuilt. Woo hooo...free money from the gubmint!

    What an *arrogant, unfeeling, heartless* asshole!
    There, fixed it for you, Gryphen!

  6. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I would be happy to get my 85 year old blind mother who lost her home,and did not receive enough insurance to cover building anew ,to be in a commercial against him. Yes she did have "enough" insurance.Its just that the insurers did not pay for flood damage unless you had flood damage insurance,and she was in one of those areas not included as needing flood insurance,because it was not supposed to flood there.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Just because it wasn't in a "High risk" flood zone does not mean that she couldn't have gotten it. Her agent is a Sheister, since every agency I know offers flood insurance since there was a big stink with Katrina. It would have been next to free, also, if she was in a low risk area. I feel awful for her to be in that position, but it was the responsibility of her and her agent to discuss it.

  7. Headlines on every site that reports Paul's pompous, self-righteous bullshit should also run an endless loop of Paul's and McConnell's whiny letter in 2012 begging the president for disaster relief following tornadoes.

    A lying, weasely, smarmy, two-faced rabid-wigged hypocrite.

  8. AKinPA1:33 PM

    If the US, the wealthiest country in the world, can't/won't help its citizens who have lost everything in natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, what the hell is there worth defending?

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Paul is a typical far right winger ala Palin and Limbaugh.
    He is unable to answer a serious question by Christie about his foreign policy positions.
    Predictably , Paul launches a personal attack against Christie-basically calling him a fatty Porkie Pig.
    Rand Paul is an MD- an Opthamologist .
    For him , as a physician , to ridicule a person's weight is ignorant and unbecoming.
    Paul is also living in the venomous Tea Party bunker.
    He is unaware that Christie , like many overweight people,
    underwent a surgical procedure to help him lose weight.
    Christie has lost quite a bit.
    Christie is a brave Republican who doesn't despise Democrats and who works with everyone .
    He is willing to stand up to the Treacherous Party by
    trying to wrest the Republican Party back from the hate filled Palin/ Limbaugh/ Rand/ Cruz/ Tea Party nuts.
    Kudos to him.

  10. Anonymous7:43 PM

    The thought of beautiful Alaska falling under the evil spell of Rand/Ron Paul scares and saddens me nearly as much as the Palin regime did.


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