Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Geoffrey Dunn, author of "The Lies of Sarah Palin," points out that the lies have not stopped coming.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Palin's latest deception on Fox News--and it's a doozy of grand proportions, executed with an assist from her resident Fox sycophant Greta Van Susteren--is that she was "banned" from bringing up both Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright by the "elitists" and the "brainiacs in the GOP machine" running John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign. 

That's a whopper. But of course Van Susteren and the rest of the mainstream media who have reported on Palin's comments let her assertion go by unchallenged. 

In fact--as was widely reported during the first week in October of 2008--Palin made vicious remarks about Obama and his relationship with Ayers at a campaign event in Engelwood, Colorado. There, she uttered one of the signature slogans of her ill-fated candidacy when she charged Obama with "pallin' around with terrorists" and asserted that Obama wasn't "a man who sees America like you and I see America." 

It was a demagogic allegation of the worst sort, one that created sound bites played widely by news stations across the country. And, as I learned during research for my book, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power, the Ayers attack was in fact approved by McCain senior advisors trying to reverse Palin's descending trajectory with the American electorate in the aftermath of her disastrous and widely mocked interview with Katie Couric a few weeks earlier in the campaign. 

It was a media debacle so indelibly scorched into the American psyche that Palin has never recovered from it. Ever. Her popularity with the American electorate has been in a downward spiral ever since. 

Palin did rant during the campaign about Ayers and Obama. And she has continued to hurl venom and invective at Obama ever since, with a fervor that borders on the obsessive.

So she lies again. What a surprise.

And the interesting thing about this one is that neither John McCain nor his campaign staff is going to correct Palin about the Bill Ayers thing and take responsibility for sending her out with those talking points.

They were smart enough to realize how damaging they were, Palin is not. Even today.

In her weekend tirade on Fox, Palin asserted that McCain's advisors were "afraid that the media would eat us alive if we brought up these things." Afraid? She did bring them up--and the response, not only from the media, but from Americans across the country was universally condemnatory. It marked a critical juncture in the campaign. 

So while Palin goes around ranting that the McCain campaign "banned" her from talking about both he and Jeremiah Wright, they look reasonable, and she, well she looks crazy.


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    So is Sarah Palin saying she is a chicken shit?

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      All these years the mama grizzly was afraid to speak? Why is she speaking now?

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Donations must be way down, or else she saw that the RHONJ and her husband are facing charges on tax fraud, and $carah might be next. Slowly but surely, the wheels of justice turn until Taahhd and $carah are dragged into court. She has her knickers in a twist about something.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      No, she is just admitting that she is a dumb ass. To her, this is all one big game. This is how she gets her jollies in life. What else does she have? A pimp for a husband, (if indeed they are married), a felon for a son, a slut for a older daughter, a hood rat gangsta for a middle daughter, a brat for a younger daughter, a adopted grandson passing for a son, and parents that taught them all to be losers. So,let the silly rabbit have her fun, she has nothing else to show for her worthless life. Just look at her now, would you want to invite this creature over to dinner? POTUS handles her the best, he doesn't mind, because she doesn't matter.

    4. Anonymous1:16 PM

      @ 9:20 am -

      I fucking DESPISE Sarah Palin, but "HOOD RAT GANGSTA?" FUCK YOU ASSHOLE

    5. Anonymous2:50 PM

      "HOOD RAT GANGSTA" far too nice regard what Palin has earned. Facts are facts.

    6. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Sorry, but that's a fuckin' racial slur that's been used against Trayvon Martin and other black kids to justify murdering them. Not cool.

    7. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Hood rat is only a racial slur, if you think that it only applies to black people. Similarly, the word ghetto was popularized during World War II, in reference to the Polish citizens of Warsaw, that were occupied by the NAZIS. But when you hear the word ghetto, most Americans "only" think of black people. So you have been conditioned to think that only negative descriptions are applicable to people of color. So, get off your high horse, and examine your own value system. I said Willow was a Hood Rat Gangsta, based on her illegal actions, not her color. If you can't separate the two, then who is really the asshole?

  2. Anonymous6:14 AM

    After 5 years now we are supposed to believe her?

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Sarah Palin fired the first shot.

    The balls in McCain's staffers court.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      They are probably bigger than that. President Obama doesn't respond to her taunts either.

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Yes, and the silence is deafening. They're ignoring her because she's a nobody at this point. McCain just pretends he's never heard of her.

    3. Sally in MI9:50 AM

      But every time he is asked, the response is, "I respect Governor Palin and her lovely family." Such a coward. Shut her down, John.

    4. Anonymous12:30 PM

      They ignore her b/c they conspired to cover up a lot.

      Think of the money that would be paid out to any of the kids that would blow the lid on some of the crime. I guess they are satisfied with the status quo as it is now.

    5. Anonymous12:39 PM

      They both live in AZ. How many times have they invited each other over for dinner? Zero? Very telling.

    6. Anonymous4:54 PM

      @ 12:39:

      The McCains aren't trying to hang out with that TRASH lol

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    It is getting crowded under Sarah Palin's bus.

  5. She continues to be THE annoying hemorrhoid!

    She must like the smell and the attention her irritation causes; what a waste of oxygen...

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      I. will. not. click. on any story involving Sarah Palin on any major media website. Period. She lives for the clicks and the attention; they literally pay her rent. And I will. not. contribute. to that.

      This woman is a 24/7 hate machine of the lowest order. Her venom has penetrated into and poisoned the fabric of American society in a way that is probably irreparable. The sooner she is totally ignored by all Americans who were ever fooled by her, paid her any attention, or contributed to her upkeep, the better off this country will be.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      I agree about the clicks -- that's why I come to IM so I can keep up w/the $cams here and share the laughs and disgust.

      Media stories were written about how the political chatter took on a new tone of hate speech when $creech Paylin came on the scene.

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I want to see her "taken down" down to the level of her discourse, into the gutter. Looks like she had a brow lift, her brows are half way to her wig.

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      She looks like a very ugly dried up scarecrow-- frightening!

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Prov. 12:22 - "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
    But those who deal truthfully are His delight".

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Isn't that one of the ten commandments? Thou shalt not bear false witness?

  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Stop crying you anorexic narcissistic bitch.

  8. Anonymous6:33 AM

    In her little reptilian brain if she just keeps repeating her talking points from 2008 eventually she'll get a do-over and will win the "vice president campaign". She'll show everyone!

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      reptilian brain


    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Maybe Sarah should contact Romney and they can work on new ways to deny what exists on tape. Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

    3. Sally in MI9:48 AM

      Yes, if the Romney quote that he admitted to was 'taken out of context,' how come the soundbite from the Rev.'s speech was not shown as the same? Because Democrats don't whine and blame others. We move on. Move on, Sarah. How about Antarctica?

  9. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Palin's brain: If only I had been allowed to talk about these past scandals we wouldn't be dealing with Obama's scandals today.

    Sarah gets her full RANT on... she's a piece of work!!

    PALIN: Yes, well, it -- again, I think -- it is all coordinated. These aren't coincidences. And the terms that they're using and the distractions and diversions that they're kind of shoving down our throats right now, and you know, that's pretty sad.
    Greta, the bottom line is something's up, and what Obama is doing right now is trying to run out the clock for some reason, and they're orchestrating chaos. But as they're running out the clock, it's like the stall play in a basketball game. They're hogging the ball, and it's unproductive and it's cowardly and nothing good is going to come from this.
    And what happens during a stall play is the crowd, they get up and leave. Even hard-core fans are saying, Oh, you know, this is cowardly and it's unproductive, I'm out of here. The only fans that aren't going to bail on this stall play that we're all observing is still the media, the mainstream media. They're going to stick with this because they're part of the problem, and it's going to be to the detriment of the profession of journalism, and it will be to the detriment of a free America as we know it!
    And we saw what happened back in 2008 -- I believe that's when it started -- when the media decided to just go along to get along with Obama, ingratiating themselves with him and vice versa. What we saw was these attempts to destroy the whistle-blowers, those who were telling the truth even in the campaign, those who were bringing up the name Jeremiah Wright and the racist church that he leads that Obama was a member of for over 20 years.
    Though I was during the campaign running for VP, I was banned from talking about Jeremiah Wright and Obama's friend, Bill Ayers, who is the character that he befriended and kicked off his political campaign in the guy's living room.
    Couldn't talk about that. Couldn't talk about Obama's lack of knowledge and job experience and the things that he said, like America had 57 states, things like that.
    In the campaign -- Greta, this is important for Americans to understand -- I was not allowed to talk about things like that because those elitists, those who are the brainiacs in the GOP machine running John McCain's campaign at the time, said that the media would eat us alive if we brought up these things.
    So what did that get us, though? What that got us, this kind of complacency and self-censoring of a campaign where we weren't allowed to tell the truth about who this candidate was, Barack Obama. What it got us was a list of these scandals. This is kind of the redneck version of one of those elitist tactics of Karl Rove, how he uses his whiteboard. This is the redneck version of a whiteboard. And on this list, the scandals that are destroying America, Greta!


    1. Olivia7:32 AM

      Ok, Sarah, honey, that's your story for the first election. We all remember it a bit differently, though.
      What's your excuse for why you didn't beat him in the second election? McCain and his brainiacs weren't in charge of your campaign, were they? What held you back, honey? Hmmm, I wonder what could possibly have kept Sarah Palin from becoming president in 2012.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      During the presidential campaign, there were issues that were important to the voters (the economy, it's always the economy). And, there were issues that were a good way to poke fun at a candidate, but wouldn't change anyone's mind about how they were going to vote. Obama bowling was not a good picture. 57 states is one of those slips of the tongue. Neither of them rises to Sarah's defensive reaction to Katie Couric's question about what she read. Any and all of them. We get newspapers way up there in Alaska. It wasn't what Sarah read. It was how unprepared she was for a simple conversational question. (Hint for Sarah, you might try answering, "The Bible." That's always a safe answer).

      SNL made the famous joke about Sarah being able to see Russia from her front porch. Of course she didn't say that. But what she did try to say was that because Russia was so close to parts of Alaska, that gave her foreign policy experience. Sarah had absolutely no foreign policy experience. She couldn't tell North Korea (enemy) from South Korea (friend). Two disc jockeys from Canada easily fooled her into thinking that she was talking to President Sarkozy of France. These events were silly but they pointed to Sarah's lack of knowledge, foreign policy experience, ability to process information and talk in a reasonably mature way. When Couric asked for some examples of McCain's economic policy, something that Palin should have know about, Sarah offered to "find some and bring 'em to ya." No, that's not vice presidential. That's not even at the level of a governor. That's the kid who forgot her homework. (Cat ate it).

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM


    4. Sally in MI9:47 AM

      And don't forget her debate performance, where winks substituted for answers. And where her "I won't talk about that question because I want to tell you about Alaska and energy independence" translated into her being seen as 'acceptable.' Had Joe Biden not been a gentleman, she would have looked like the fool she is. But Joe let her 'proceed' even though we know he is more experienced, more intelligent, and far quicker with the barbs than Palin could hope to be in 40 more years.
      My mom is 82, and she is very sad that Sarah Palin will probably still be lying for the rest of my mom's life.

    5. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Obama's trying to "run out the clock"? What the fuck is this bitch talking about? She DOES know this isn't actually a game, right? God she's fucking stupid.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

      "What is it, exactly, that a VP does everyday?"

      That woman is a moron.

  10. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Damaging to her in the eyes of sane folks, but her words were fuel to those who wanted validation for their hatred of the African Muslim candidate/President. People whose racism would have otherwise only festered behind closed doors now feel justified to spew it out into the open.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      It must have been embarrassing for McCain, especially when he had to confront that woman who said that Obama was a Muslim. It took some courage for McCain to admit (on camera) that was not true. That is the kind of hatred that Sarah Palin inspired in people, nasty, racial, ethnic hatred. McCain was more honorable than that.

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Was he honorable? I don't think so. I think McCain is a stupid asshole.. He should shut her up now if he was or is so embarrassed. And he should spill the beans about Todd's little prostitution ring and Trig.
      I don't feel sorry for McCain and I don't think he is a man of honor.

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM


      McCain was not more honorable, in any way, his military history proves that. As soon as he caught on to Palin's ignorance and lack of qualifications he should have called a halt. She would have been dangerous to this country and he knew it.

      His quest for the presidency was stronger than his sense of honor. He only admitted the truth to that woman in the audience because he was on camera, he knew he couldn't lose the saner voters in a national election. I'd bet it galled him to have to tell the truth.

    4. Anonymous8:48 AM

      8:00 I agree. Remember McCain during the debate referred to President Obama as "That one". The President joked about it later, calling himself "That one" It was very disrespectful of McCain. Can not expect too much from a man who calls his wife a c*nt in front of a group of reporters. He is a slimy, despicable, phony, small man. Never have liked the little bastard. He knew all about Palin but thought she would bring in the female voters. WRONG again, Johnny.Some patriot, not caring that the VP could be a bird brained low life like $carah. His aides called Taahd "Jethro" They got his number immediately.

    5. Anonymous9:43 AM

      8:48 AM - and after that, the Obama campaign came out with "That One" tee shirts. I still have mine and wear it often!

      Take that, Johnny Boy!

    6. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Why would it take courage to say facts to the ridiculous propaganda that infected so many elderly and vulnerable people? Why would McCain be afraid to be honest in public about the Muslim nonsense? He would be far worse if he knowingly ignored that kind of crap.

      Palin is mentally gone. McCain still has some brain left. He knows he would not be worthy if he went along with that propaganda.

    7. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I don't hold McCain in very high regard, but it did take courage and a modicum of decency in a town hall meeting to say no, that's not correct. Name another politician other than President Obama who would take such a mature approach. I will always curse McCain for letting loose the harpy known as Sarah, but in this one moment in time he was a man.

    8. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Actually, anon. at 7:45 am, the woman in the crowd shouted out that Obama was "an Arab" and John McCain responded that he was "not an Arab." Now, he should have gone on and said that it was clear to anyone who knew Barack Obama that he was also not a Muslim and that he was a committed US senator, good family man and that he was born in Hawaii, and thus a natural born American citizen. The fact that John McCain offered so little in response to the woman in the crowd that day has always annoyed me. President Obama, were he in a similar situation, would have explained very clearly to the woman why talking about rumors and lies as if they were true is wrong and should not be part of the political dialogue. John McCain had to say something; it's just that he chose to say far too little and that left the door open for months of nasty rumor, innuendo and lies. And all of the ugliness of racism that reared its ugly head in 2008 thanks to the GOP candidates for the highest offices in the land.

    9. Our Lad5:05 PM

      John McCain is a sold out bum. He could put an end to the stench called Sarah Palin but it would mean admitting that he is a jack off who put his desire to be president in front of the best interests of the United States. Putting that insane woman on a presidential ticket shows no love of our country. Fuck that addled old cock knocker and the horse he rode in on.

  11. Well, Saree, there were no "elitists" and "brainiacs in the GOP machine" to "ban" you from saying anything you wanted to during the 2012 campaign (because they didn't give the tiniest bit of mouse shit about you).

    How did that work out for you?

    For that matter, you have brayed and spewed any bit of horseshit that flittered through the echoing canyons of your skull for the last five years.

    How has that worked out for you?

    And by the way, Quitsypoop, your idiot yammerings about the President's lack of experience were stupid and false when you said them then (especially in comparison with your pathetic resume).

    Apparently you have no idea how stupid it sounds to whine about the president's alleged lack of experience five years later when there are only two other living humans on this entire planet of 7 billion people who have as much experience in this job as President Obama does (Presidents Carter and Bush I only served one term each).

    Your whole rant translated: It's five years later and I am still pissed because *I* lost the presidential campaign and it wasn't my fault I lost it was everybody else's because I wanted to say all kinds of nasty things and I did but it is convenient now for me to claim that I was "banned" from doing so blah blah blah. Also, I'm a vengeful, vindictive, petty, whining grudge-holding loser who can't let anything go even years later."

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Well said Nefer.

      $arah and T0dd richly deserve everything that's going to shame them into silence when their crimes and scandals are exposed.

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      "Apparently you have no idea how stupid it sounds to whine about the president's alleged lack of experience five years later when there are only two other living humans on this entire planet of 7 billion people who have as much experience in this job as President Obama does (Presidents Carter and Bush I only served one term each)."

      EXACTLY, Nefer. I needed to repeat it, maybe it will sink into her skull,

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Absolutely NOTHING sinks into her skull, except conning her base for more money.
      And spreading more lies.

  12. I admit there’s a big chunk of the population that gets a kick out of shit-stirrers and bomb-throwers. A woman I worked with did just that, and it was considered cute, until she started having meltdowns all over the men who liked her; then the goodwill was withdrawn. I see a lot of “Stephanie” in Sarah.

  13. Leland6:58 AM

    Her lying like this is a surprise? Since when?

    Anyone who has not had their head in the sand (or somewhere even darker and smelly!) already knew she can't open her mouth without lying. I'm just biding my time waiting for the big explosion when they all get tired of listening to her swear at/about them and SLAM this bitch big time. Then I will look forward to watching her disappear behind bars.

    When THAT happens? I will be able to die happy.

  14. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Ummm...if she was banned from talking about this stuff, why did we hear about it over and over and over and over...?

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Sarah does have a way with words. "Banned" doesn't mean "forbidden from talking." "Banned" just meant that she couldn't mention Ayers and Wright as often as she wanted. For Sarah, "exonerated" meant that she was found guilty of abusing her office in the Branchflower report. Go ahead, Sarah, refudiate that.

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Bingo 6:59am

      One of the most memorable catch phrases of the McCain campaign was Mrs. Palin's "pallin' around with terrorists", in reference to Obama's relationship with Ayers.

      She wasn't muzzled, not one little bit. There is a vast video archive of both Palin and McCain talking about Wright and Ayers.

      She seems to have forgotten these occurrences.

      Mrs. Palin reminds me of Kelly Bundy in the episode of "Married with Children" where each time Kelly learned something new it caused her to lose something already in her brain. Mrs. Palin must to have been cramming info into her brain recently because she seems to have lost memories from 5 years ago.

    3. Sally in MI9:41 AM

      Exactly...we heard it over and over and over from her shrieking mouth. Banned, my foot. And I thought she was the Rogue Grizzleey Pit Bull mother of all things holy? Who refuses to STFU? And she wasn't with McCain every day..she could and did say whatever she wanted...she threatened people. She called for enough hate that people were shouting "kill him." Nice, Sarah. Glad the GOP is SO anxious to unify this nation.

    4. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Yes, "pallin' around with terrorists" was code for "secret Musilm" propaganda. It was a failure and it still is a failure. Now she is implying he is still a "secret Musilm" with fake birth certificate yada, yada. Projection much?

      We need a psyche expert profiler. Criminals sometimes confess. Others can't just come right out with a direct confession. I think Sarah is the latter. She is begging for someone to open up her secret life. It is complex because at the same time she will break her back to keep it secret. How long can she go on like that?

  15. Anonymous7:04 AM

    She hit that "pallin' around with terrorists" line as much as she could. It didn't get traction with the public then and it won't now.
    The Jeremiah Wright controversy took place in April, 2008. Candidate Obama addressed it with a landmark speech on race. If anyone were to make hay over it, it would have been Hillary Clinton. The public lost interest because they didn't think it was very important, even while Fox flogged the issue over and over again.

    Just because Sarah Palin believes that these associations still mean something five years later doesn't mean that they do. Americans are interested in the economy, in world peace, in getting out of unwinnable wars, with the pig-headedness of a do-nothing Republican House.

    Bill Ayers? If he's a terrorist, then what is the AIP, Sarah? Watch who you attack, because the same could come back at you, in spades.

    Jeremiah Wright? What about your Kenyan witch doctor?

    Since our President has been elected and re-elected by the majority of American voters, the subject of his once attending a gathering at the house of a fellow professor (Bill Ayers) has faded from the public eye. Bill Ayers and other Weathermen, if they aren't all having hip replacements right now, are not being invited to the White House.

    Jeremiah Wright is long gone. The Obamas worship at St. John's Episcopal Church, on Lafayette Park, the "Church of Presidents." In which church do you worship, Sarah?

    As another commenter noted, and one of the readers on your Facebook page said, if you really were a rogue and disagreed with the McCain people, you would have quit the campaign and taken these issues to the public as you thought they should have been. You allowed yourself to be muzzled, if you were muzzled, and it's now just hindsight that makes you say you were. Where was your courage to stand up for what you believed in?

    I thought so.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Well said. And "amen to all of that." Like this summer's fake "scandals," the Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayres were only important to stupid people like Sarah Palin. It always amazes me how freedom of speech only applies to conservatives in the brain of someone like Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      If Sarah had such serious issues, she could have run in 2012 and then she could have voiced all of them. The reason that the McCain campaign professionals didn't bother with Ayers and Wright is that they realized the ugly insults and Sarah's mean girl style of speaking was driving away independent voters. She may have energized their base, but she drove away the moderates and independents. The result of Palin's style is how badly they lost. The election was not close.

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Nicely stated!

    4. Sally in MI9:38 AM

      I always thought that the GOP slept throught the Dem nominating process, because Wright and Ayres were all over the newscasts for months. The GOP is so idiotic that they think they can flog a dead issue (kind of like Sarah's halibut beating) and bring it back to life. They will use Benghazi against Hillary while the public yawns.The GOP has gotten to be an expensive, dirty joke.

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    If the Bitch's mouth is open and moving, she is either lying, or sucking someones dick.

  17. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Job 11:3 - "Should they lies make men behold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? But oh that God would speak and open his lips against thee."

    How long does a a man/woman who says he/she represents Christ get away with the many lies? If he/she authors a book on the true Christ, a book on Christmas for instance, will he/she be aware that God will not allow His Bride to be falsely represented?

    James 3:14 - "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth".

    God does not lie. Jonah 2:8 - "They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy."

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      You're not assuming she is really a Christian, are you?

  18. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Sarah wanted to say .. "he is a uppity BLACK man!"

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      She HAS said, "Sambo."

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM


  19. Anonymous7:21 AM


  20. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Sarah is always talking about someone shoving something down our throats. It is impossible to shove anything down someone's throat if your mouth is shut. So, Sarah, STFU!

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Yes, she does seem to have an oral fixation. I haven't heard anyone use that expression as much as Sarah. Maybe it brings back fond memories?

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      She is REALLY obsessed with the notion of Obama shoving things down her throat...it's pretty gross.

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

      It's projection.

  21. A. J. Billings7:34 AM

    The Lunacy is strong in this one.

    Just look at that face, and you can see the narcissism and sociopath within

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Devil Incarnate.

  22. WakeUpAmerica7:40 AM

    "borders on the obsessive"
    Seriously? She is deep in obsessive territory.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      I agree! Why does he say " borders on" when he has written articles about how she is completely obsessed with the President. Her obsessiveness is sick and over the top. I think she is a seriously mentally disturbed woman and Roger Aisles has done her no favors by letting her show this pathology on the air.
      She has no insight into how insane and stupid she appears..
      Sarah is going to one day be found at a 75 lb weight, curled into a fetal position in a mental hospital or prison.
      Why doesn't her family try to help her??

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Anonymous 9:19 --- I think her "family" doesn't help her because we've seen in the last years that she has no ties to her parents, she uses her sisters, her brother cares about her only as a cash cow, her husband would wonder "what's in it for me?," and her children are incapable of independent thought and action.
      She has no family that cares about her or loves her enough to get help. They wouldn't know what "help" meant. If she's not producing for them, they'll have no use for her.
      Watch. It will happen sooner than you think. She'll shrivel up like a raisin down there in Arizona, and no one will visit, and no one will be the wiser. Social services eventually will come along and put her into a state institution. A fitting end.

    3. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Actually, you can't "help" someone who is an adult if they don't want help unless he/she is a danger to her/himself. Just not that easy. Picture the conversation with Sarah being told she needs help.

    4. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Sarah is very vindictive as we know, if her family tries to force her to get the help she needs, by hospitalizing her or putting her in rehab, she will make their lives a living hell after she gets out. There's a woman like this in my family and that is the reason nothing is done about her. Everyone walks on eggshells when she's around, afraid of setting her off. It's sad but I think this happens in a lot of families.

  23. Anonymous7:47 AM

    All of this proves that Sarah Palin has learned absolutely nothing since 2008. She is still complaining about the same exact things, using the same exact language. Her talking points are exactly the same (the one she was taught during the 2008 election). Sarah Palin is incapable of learning and is proud of it.

    Greta must have had a lobotomy along with all that plastic surgery. Now she's happy giving blowjobs to the likes of Sarah Palin and getting handjobs from lesser Scientologists. I hope the money is worth it. If I believed in such a thing as souls, I'd say that Greta sold her a long time ago.

  24. I read Wright's entire sermon, with the "God damn America" line that was taken out of context by vile people like Palin. It was not an anti-America speech, but a calling to accountability of America and the fact that yes, this country has wronged people and has not always lived up to its ideals of "a more perfect union."

    I disagree very strongly with the anti-Semetic views expressed by Wright and don't believe there is any excuse for them.

    That being said, he has contributed far more to his community and to this country and has accomplished far more than Palin ever has or ever will or ever could.

    From Wikipedia:
    From 1959 to 1961, Wright attended Virginia Union University,[2] in Richmond and is a member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Zeta chapter. In 1961 Wright left college and joined the United States Marine Corps and became part of the 2nd Marine Division attaining the rank of private first class. In 1963, after two years of service, Wright joined the United States Navy and entered the Corpsman School at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center.[11][12] Wright was then trained as a cardiopulmonary technician at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Wright was assigned as part of the medical team charged with care of President Lyndon B. Johnson (see photo of Wright caring for Johnson after his 1966 surgery). Before leaving the position in 1967, the White House Physician, Vice Admiral Burkley, personally wrote Wright a letter of thanks on behalf of the United States President.[13][14][15]
    In 1967 Wright enrolled at Howard University in Washington, D.C., where he earned a bachelor's degree in 1968 and a master's degree in English in 1969. He also earned a master's degree from the University of Chicago Divinity School.[11] Wright holds a Doctor of Ministry degree (1990) from the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, where he studied under Samuel DeWitt Proctor, a mentor to Martin Luther King, Jr.[16]

    Palin is nothing but a petty, whining gnat who has contributed nothing of worth to this country.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      So he's a vet with multiple degrees and Sarah is an idiot. No wonder she has so much hate for him. I wanted to see more play of her being blessed by the guy who killed women in Africa for being witches. He obviously missed one.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      He said the same thing that many white preachers have said, but he's scary and black and was much more frank in his language, so it's another reason to freak out for the hypocrites. Wasn't it Falwell who used to say "If God doesn't judge America he'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah?" SAME THING, only one was white, so I guess it's okay.

  25. Anonymous7:57 AM

    About that "57 states" remark of Obama's that you think is so significant, Sarah:

    First, do you think he doesn't know there are 50 states plus D.C.? Really?

    Second, right-wing bloggers then said there are 57 Muslim countries, and that's what he was referring to. However, there are more than 57. He wasn't thinking about Muslim countries!

    Third, if you read a transcript or see the footage of that gaffe, it was said at the end of a very long day of campaigning Oregon, in April, 2008. He said he'd been to "fifty -- pause, pause -- seven states so far" but then added that he had one more to go, and his campaign people didn't think it was necessary to go to Alaska (your domain) or Hawaii (state of his birth). So, clearly, he'd meant he'd been to 47 states so far.
    Later that evening, the number was corrected, along with another possible misstatement about the numbers of people hurt in an Asian flood.

    Compare these to the many gaffes that ANY candidate makes over the many months of intensive campaigning. The only mud you could throw is if our President truly believed and still believes there are 57 states in the Union.
    Of course he didn't, and doesn't.

    If you don't watch out, we'll be dredging up your many misstatements -- some gaffes, some because you were too stupid to know the truth, some because you were outright lying.

    If a misstatement, later corrected the same day, made by a candidate after months of campaigning more than five years ago, is the BEST you have to sling at the President, then more power to you.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      57 states and territories

    2. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

      "We've got them where we want them"

      Senator John McCain

  26. abbafan7:58 AM

    "And she has continued to hurl venom and invective at President Obama ever since, with a fervor that borders on the obsessive". Once again, Mr. Dunn hits the nail right smack on the head! Through these rage-fuelled rantings of hers, it is clearly visible she HAS some serious mental health issues. It is only a matter of time (soon, I hope) before those in the know have had enough of this yapping idiot, and the floodgates will open to shut this moron up once and for all!

  27. Anonymous8:00 AM

    OK, Sarah, that's a good idea to bring up Bill Ayes and the Reverend Wright again and again and again. Please do run for president in 2016, and you can use those insults then. Oh, no, if Sarah runs in 2016, she won't be running against Obama anymore. What will she be able to say about-- who is going to be her opponent any, Hillary? Hillary served as a senator, the Secretary of State and is smarter than Sarah, even if Sarah is taking the open book test. Hillary has been in rough-and-tumble politics since Bill was governor of Arkansas. Sarah always was a small town hick.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Oh, then it will be "Benghazi" for months. And the GOP will let Sarah rant on about it, thinking it will surely sway some voters who aren't brain dead. Hint: it won't. But let her rant. She comes off as crazy and unbalanced every time she appears any more.

  28. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Poll: Alaska Republicans Want Palin In 2014 Senate Race

    There are plenty who doubt that Sarah Palin will actually run for U.S. Senate in Alaska next year, but a survey from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling released Tuesday suggested that the Republican nomination may be hers if she wants it.

    Thirty-six percent of GOP primary voters in Alaska said they'd back the former half-term governor, with 26 percent saying they would support Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell (R). Dan Sullivan, the mayor of Anchorage, Alaska, garnered the support of 15 percent of primary voters, while Joe Miller, a tea party favorite who had the backing of Palin in the 2010 Senate race, picked up only 12 percent support.

    A Palin nomination could jeopardize the GOP's chances in a race identified as one of the party's best pick-up opportunities in 2014, the poll found. With 58 percent of Alaska voters saying they have an unfavorable opinion of her, Palin trailed incumbent Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) by 12 points in a hypothetical general election matchup.

    The poll indicated that Treadwell, who launched his campaign last month, would give the Republicans the best chance in a general election, with Begich holding only a 4-point edge over the Republican. Voters are split on Begich, according to the poll: 42 percent said they approve of the Democrat's job performance while 41 percent said they disapprove.

    Palin told conservative pundit Sean Hannity earlier this month that she's "considering" a run, setting off a war of words with Begich. But shortly after Palin floated the idea of a Senate bid, Peter Goldberg, the chairman of the Alaska Republican Party, made it clear that the 2008 vice presidential candidate hadn't consulted him on the idea.

    “I would think she would want to at least speak briefly to the new head of the Alaska Republican Party," Goldberg said. "But no, never met the lady. Never spoken to her. I have seen her once.”


    1. hedgewytch8:56 AM

      She can't run. She has lost her state citizenship - she's been living in AZ for most of the past 2 years.

      Also, that poll is pure BS. Even among the hard core Republicans I know here in AK, most of them wish they'd never heard the name of Sarah Palin. She has burnt her bridges too many times and now she's lost even her base support for the most part in Wasilla, except for those who are neck deep with her in their corruption and greed.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      At last it would come out that she was born in Canada.

      Remember Chuck #1 cheated his way through school. He was always a moocher, living at others expense. Sleeping for free in others rooms. Proud of it, too. He was not about to get medical care for a woman in the states and pay for it. For Pete's sake it was free in Canada. Sally, the good wife, was compliant.

      The Heath/Palins finagle everything, including documents. They prefer no traceable records however. Fat chance you will find a birth certificate that was doctored.

  29. Anonymous8:05 AM

    The poison she spews is showing in her eyes and face. She looks like Betty Davis in those horror movie portrayals.

  30. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Blessed are the Stupid, fore they will never get elected as the next Republican Senator of Alaska. That is an excerpt from the Bitch's bible.

  31. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Can't imagine how this woman is going to grow old. Who would look after her? She'll have to pay well to have any of her kids want anything to do with her. She'll be a miserable bitter dissatisfied old woman with nothing but hate and division and envy and bitterness associated with her name. The same as the Manson name associated with psychopathy and murder of the innocent.

    There is nothing 'good' that one can garner from anything she's done so far.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I think of that often myself. The possibility of her ending up in a wheelchair, or in diapers, or deaf, or blind, or incontinent, or with kidney issues, or diabetes, and/or completely senile is not remote. These things happen to many/most older people. I can not imagine the scene, let alone being a person who was responsible for caring for her at that stage of the game.

    2. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Perhaps she has bought long-term care insurance.

      Otherwise, her loving family will kick her to the curb, arrange her finances so she's got nursing home care through Medicaid, and she will grumble and mumble about 2008 to the other patients in the tv room. Her darling family, no longer seeing her as a cash-cow, will visit her only once in a while -- maybe so they can enjoy that jolly family Christmas she keeps promoting.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

      Some comfort for "Elderly Sarah", She'll get free pontoon rides, baths in the sink from Beefy, her wigs combed by Willow and Todd will carry her diaper bags.

  32. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Stupid bitch can't use the simplest words correctly. If the campaign "banned" her, the staff would not be interacting with her, she would no longer be part of the campaign. But the campaign was just telling her to shut the fuck up about Wright and Ayers, while continuing to interact with her sorry ass. The trail of slime Palin leaves behind her gets more putrid by the day.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I thought Sarah was a journalism major. And, as a journalism major, she would know all of the colorful words and phrases to use to say that the McCain campaign tried to shut her up. anon 8:18 said correctly that if Palin would have been banned, she would have been put off the campaign trail. She wouldn't have been part of the campaign.

      What should Sarah have said to provoke a reaction that she wasn't allow to say all the hateful things on her mind? They gagged her, muzzled her, they scripted her, they told her to button up or can it, they censored her speeches, they hushed her up, told her to clam up, or just plain old told her to shut up. But you know that Sarah doesn't like to be told to shut up or get back in the truck.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Actually, they didn't. They approved that hate speech she gave about Ayres. That's why they are so quiet. It looks better for McCain if she 'went rogue' in her rant. Remember when McCain gave up on MI, and pulled all the offices out, and Sarah insisted that she and Toad would come up here and save the day? That was her big contribution on her own. The speeches? You can bet she did not go off what they wrote for her very often. She doesn't think that well on her feet anyway. She hems and haws when she doesn't have the words in front of her. So everything she said on the trail had the McCain seal of approval. He only had 2nd thoughts when he started getting people calling Obama 'an evil Muslim who is not an American." Then even McCain had to calm things down before someone got shot (Sarah's only way to win anything is to kill the opponent.)

    3. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Which is why he can thank his lucky stars that he's alive. The Palin Mafia would have seen to a small "accident" for SURE.

  33. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sarah Palin Is The Top Republican Choice For Senate, But Alaskans Still Hate Her

    Sarah Palin put out the buzz that she might consider running for the Alaska Senate seat, so the polling companies jumped aboard because how are they to know that Sarah Palin would never run for office again, especially not in Alaska.

    And what did Public Polling Policy find? Alaskans still hate Sarah Palin! However, the far right still loves her, and 36% of GOP primary voters would pick her for their standard bearer, once again proving that they might actually love this country, because if they did that, the Democrat would win by a wide margin.

    Running against Palin, Democratic incumbent Mark Begich leads 52/40. With independents, he leads by 21 points at 56/35, and Begich even takes 20% of the Republican vote in a match up against Palin.


    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Perhaps she can qualify as a resident if she moves back to Alaska asap.

  34. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Palin only has a 39/58 favorability rating in Alaska, and that falls to 33/64 with independent voters.

    What are the problems? Well, only 47% of voters consider Palin to still be an Alaskan, and she did quit on them. But there’s also an aversion to a certain kind of tea stink, because Alaskans are also not keen on brownshirt, journalist-arresting 2010 candidate Joe Miller. Miller has a 26/53 favorability rating. Yes, you read that correctly.

    Twenty-six percent of GOP primary voters say they want Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell, 15% want Dan Sullivan, and only 12% want Joe Miller. Treadwell is still polling slightly behind Senator Begich, but the gap is narrowing at 44/40.

    A February Public Policy Polling poll showed definitively that Alaskans are done with their former Governor. They had a lower opinion of her than they do of Congress, and their approval of Congress was only 8%.

    Sarah Palin has always been good news for Democrats, and she remains good news for Democrats. If only Sarah Palin would run against the Democrat, Alaskans would have a great shot at keeping Begich around. Sadly, Palin only plays coy with the media in order to try to stay relevant and get some cash flowing into her PAC. Not only do Alaskans hate her, but Palin is a coward.

    Palin is too afraid to run for office again, because even though she blames her former running mate for losing the election, deep down inside she knows the truth. When you can’t name a paper you read and you don’t know what the Vice President does even though you are running for that office, and the only thing you have going for yourself is the same thing you’ve had going your entire political career (throwing culture bombs at your opponent and playing the mom card when things get ugly in return), it’s best to stay on the sidelines where the real cash is, and play Bitter Vicious on Fox News.


  35. Evelyn Waugh8:37 AM

    Finally, Sarah, what's so "redneck" about writing a list on the back of a manila envelope?
    Karl Rove used a white board, available for a few dollars at any Wal-Mart. What could be more "redneck"? Plus, it gives the user the ability to erase and change numbers as events develop. Crossing things out on an envelope doesn't work on tv.
    Tim Russert began this idea with a chalkboard, in 2000 or 2004. Again, for an election-night broadcast, it made sense to have something that could be written upon and then updated.

    Your "redneck" whiteboard doesn't serve the purpose, and isn't stiff enough to be held up on camera and then erased, when necessary. Your prop is a total and pointless FAIL.

    Somehow you think you're pitting yourself against the "elites" and "brainiacs" in the GOP by using your envelope, but any elite, brainiac sixth grader presenting a science project would know the difference between using a cheap and easily available whiteboard vs. a flimsy envelope.

    1. Interesting too, the way she pretty much says that rednecks are too stupid to figure out the useful simplicity of an inexpensive whiteboard to write things on.

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      She probably found the envelope in a trash bin in her hotel room. She never pays for anything.

    3. Anonymous10:16 AM

      EW- Great points !
      Palin admitted ( as if the world didn't already know ) that she's
      not a " brainiac ".
      Wasn't the whole theme of Going Rogue precisely that in 2008 Palin broke free of her handlers ?
      The results of Palin " going rogue " and off script were a disaster-the Couric interview is a perfect example.
      Palin's outburst against the McCain team on Greta the other night was a rehash of the same paranoid and angry
      grievances she aired in GR.
      Five years later and she's still seething at Steve Schmidt , only now she's transferred that rage to Karl Rove.
      She continues to fling puerile and ad hominem attacks against the cabal of secret Republican " enemies " -the unnamed brainiacs,
      mysterious elitists and
      a guy minding his own business , Karl Rove.
      No serious Republican speaks in public about Palin , she may be hearing voices , now.
      Democrats are savvy enough to quickly distance themselves from a weak link ( Anthony Weiner ) before that person stains the entire party.
      Republicans , on the other hand, elevate these
      small minorities and weak links ( Palin, Limbaugh, Tea Party )
      and then watch helplessly as they destroy the reputation of the entire party.
      If there actually were any Brainiacs in the Republican Party ,
      they would have kicked Palin and her kooky cohorts to the curb years ago.
      Palin has publicly besmirched ,ridiculed ,threatened and stained the Republican Party for years and
      instead of saying-Don't let the door hit you on the way out ,
      the RNC just stays silent.
      Democrats treat the Republican Party with more respect than Palin and her deranged allies.

  36. Grrrr !8:43 AM

    What makes Palin's 2008 attacks even MORE heinous ...?

    "The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs. Palin's attacks.

    "Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: 'Why would they try to make people hate us?'"

    The Telegraph, 11/08/08


  37. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Sarah Palin Poll Finds Her The Top Choice Of Alaska GOP, But Badly Trailing Mark Begich

    ...Palin was the choice of 36 percent of the Republican primary voters surveyed, but Begich would beat her in a hypothetical match-up, 52-40 percent. While Palin is well-liked among the GOP base, she is unpopular with voters overall, with 58 percent viewing her unfavorably and 39 percent viewing her favorably. Only 47 percent of voters still consider her to be an Alaskan, while 46 percent do not.

    Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, who has declared his candidacy, is the choice of 26 percent of Alaska Republicans. Treadwell also does the best of any Republican against Begich, earning the support of 40 percent of voters to Begich's 44 percent. Alaska Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan, who is a potential candidate, has the support of 15 percent of Republican primary voters, while Joe Miller, who was the tea party-backed Republican Senate nominee in 2010 and is running again in 2014, came in last with 12 percent.

    Palin has given little indication that she's planning on running, beyond telling Sean Hannity earlier this month that she's "considered" it.

    Begich's race is viewed as one of the most competitive of the 2014 cycle, as he faces reelection in a reliably Republican state. The PPP survey found that 42 percent of voters approve of his job performance, while 41 percent disapprove. President Barack Obama, meanwhile, has the support of 39 percent of Alaskans, while 57 percent disapprove of his performance, according to the poll. Begich has broken with Obama and Democrats nationally on several key issues, including the bipartisan bill strengthening background checks on gun sales, which he voted against.


    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      The best part of this - and what must make Sarah crazed - is that Alaskans view Obama favorably at the exact same percentage (39%) as they do her -in her own original state! And, 1% more Alaskans view Sarah (58%) unfavorably as compared to Obama (57%)......oh how far the grizzled (gristled) Alaskan has fallen amongst her "peeps".

      It makes ME crazed, though, that the culture in my state, Alaska, has shifted so much over my lifetime that even 39% of them approve of that harridan Palin....whatever happened go our respect for Statesmen (or women)?

  38. Anonymous8:48 AM

    'But in a manner than can only be described as devious, on the day after Palin's tirade about Obama "pallin' around with terrorists," an interview with her then-media paramour Bill Kristol (he actually called her "my heartthrob") appeared in The New York Times in which she declared about Wright:

    'To tell you the truth, Bill, I don't know why that association isn't discussed more, because those were appalling things that that pastor had said about our great country, and to have sat in the pews for 20 years and listened to that--with, I don't know, a sense of condoning it, I guess, because he didn't get up and leave--to me, that does say something about character. But, you know, I guess that would be a John McCain call on whether he wants to bring that up.'

    Palin got in her digs at Wright, and they also went widely reported. One of the flawed memes about Palin perpetrated by the mainstream media is that Palin "went rogue" on McCain's campaign staff during the 2008 election. It's a misleading and shallow analysis. The person on whom Palin went rogue was John McCain. She cynically questioned his judgment time and time again throughout the election, most notably about Wright, and always behind his back. It was a betrayal of Shakespearean proportions.

    In her largely "fictional" memoir Going Rogue, Palin admitted to going after Ayers and Wright, however duplicitous her manner. "I did not apologize for calling it like I saw it," she declared. She admits that she was told "not to discuss Obama's pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah 'God Damn America' Wright." And then she betrayed McCain again. "I will forever question the campaign," she wrote, without acknowledging that the directive came straight from the Senator himself, "for prohibiting discussion of such accusations."

    In her weekend tirade on Fox, Palin asserted that McCain's advisors were "afraid that the media would eat us alive if we brought up these things." Afraid? She did bring them up--and the response, not only from the media, but from Americans across the country was universally condemnatory. It marked a critical juncture in the campaign.

    Colin Powell specifically cited Palin's hyperbole as a reason for publicly supporting Obama. Georgia congressman John Lewis--a seminal figure in the U.S. Civil Rights movement and a longtime Congressional colleague of McCain's--accused Palin of "sowing the seeds of hatred and division" across the country. Douglas K. Daniel, an editor of the Associated Press's Washington Bureau, wrote a scathing indictment of Palin in which he asserted "portraying Obama as 'not like us' is another potential appeal to racism." Ad nauseam.

    It was hardly fear that motivated the McCain campaign's decisions; it was reality.

    Banned from attacking Ayers? Not at all. Palin's assault was scripted by the very "elitists" and the "brainiacs in the GOP machine" she continues to malign. And Wright? Not by the McCain advisors, but by the Senator himself--on moral and ethical grounds, terrain with which Sarah Palin has no truck.


  39. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Because HBO is showing Game Change again and she is still reliving the GREAT 2008 challenge of her lifetime where she was told to SIT DOWN and STFU and still managed to turn US politics into cage fighting.
    If anyone has damaged our politics, it is that bald bimbo Palin with her adderall and cocaine fueled mind.

  40. Anonymous8:57 AM

    HBO is running Game Change again, and that was what was in the script. She always re-babbles stuff she watches on TV. She doesn't know anything else. Otherwise her empty brain would have forgotten already. She is now regurgitating crap she tried to barf up in 2008 -FIVE years ago. It was McCain's campaign, NOT hers.That man has NO idea how lucky he is he lost. He would probably be dead by now.

  41. Anonymous9:33 AM

    John McCain how ya likin' Sarah Palin now?

  42. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Not surprising that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer
    He Launched his Senate campaign from Bill Ayers living room.
    Born in Kenya and raised as a Muslim in Indonesia

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Hardy, har, har.
      What has he done in the past five years to make you think these lies are real? Please be very specific.

    2. angela10:01 AM

      Hmmmm Anon 9:34
      Sarah married a member of the AIP-- a secessionist group who wanted to overthrow the U.S and its constitution and make Alaska its own country.

      Palin launched her political career under a man she eventually threw under a bus by getting anti-semites in Wasilla to believe he was Jewish.

      Sarah was born in Idaho (can you say Aryan Brotherhood) and raised in the meth capital of Alaska.

      Now which of these things are true about Sarah? Hint--All of them.
      Obama---none of them.

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Sarah, you have to stop. The election was over in 2008.

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      A.I.P is a Secessionist Group in Alaska with Todd Palin as a member. How Patriotic is that? Sarah Palin is a Drug Addicted Know Nothing Grifter Skank.

    5. Not surprising that you're a fan of Palin. You're clearly stupid and like lying.

    6. Anonymous11:12 AM

      I'm just sad that someone as intelligent as Barack Obama is got sucked into any religion. One of the things that I find fault with him is his christianity; smart people simply can't believe that crap! So muslim or christian, it's all a sign of weakness and I wish he would just forgo any faith.

    7. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Have they let Orly Taitz use computers again? That fake birth certificate didn't work, give it up already.

    8. Anonymous7:07 PM

      After reading and interpreting your post into English, I'm guessing you aren't one of the smart people. Pretty arrogant comments on your part.

  43. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Does anybody really think Sarah Palin would give up her career of doing nothing to work as a Senator for 6 years for Alaskwho?

    Shiiiiit, Sarah is just playing her followers for moolah.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      is sarah a resident of alaska?

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Most signs point to no, Mrs. Palin is no longer a resident of AK. She hasn't applied for the dividend for two years, so that means she's spent more time out of state than within. Some Mama Grizzly, huh? Turn tail and run and hide in Arizona instead of sticking it out through our Alaskan winters.

      Such a faker! She built her entire reputation on being a tough Alaska gal, and now she's not. Pretty funny. Must chap her supporter's asses to know that once she quit her job as Governor she quit on our State as well.

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Sad to say but in some ways being a Senator would be her dream job. It has a high public profile, but has no real executive responsibility. She can hire a staff and interns to read all the bills and whatnot and tell her to vote yep or nope. She'll miss all her committee meetings, but say it was too much of the same old, same old and she just had to go rogue.

    4. Anonymous2:12 PM

      She wants to live in DC? Or is it the health care plan she is after?

  44. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Alaska is just a pit stop to see her kids for Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Oh come on, she didn't even see her kids when she lived here, why bother now?

  45. Anonymous9:46 AM

    "Sarah Palin Is The Top Republican Choice For Senate, But Alaskans Still Hate Her"

    WHAT? We are willing to elect you as our Senator but we really hate you!

    You Alaskan fuckers are dumber than those dip shits that give to SarahPac.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Not so much, the Republican party in AK hasn't even heard from her. She's bluffing to make more dollars for her PAC, that's all. She can't and won't run for Senate. She'd either get tromped by Treadwell in the primary, and if she magically won the primary Alaskans have long memories and won't vote for the Half Term Quitter. She makes a lot more money by faking an interest in running than she would in actually running and winning. Mrs. Palin can't live off the Senatorial Salary, she seeks larger short term financial gains by pretending to be interested in a further political career. It's all about the Benjamins for her now, not public service, not that she is qualified for ANY public service, except to lecture us all on the dangers of late life anorexia and prescription drug abuse.

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      The Republican party in Alaska is in a mess and the last thing they'd do (to bring them back together) is allow someone as disruptive as Sarah Palin run for senator on their ticket.

      Plus, don't forget - she quit as their governor. The majority in Alaska don't like her!!!!

  46. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Say hello to Sen Palin from Alaska
    Donate to SarahPAC
    Let's make this happen
    Imagine her with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      say good bye to sarah

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA That's right vote for a PIMP'S Wife.

    3. Keep throwing your money away, moron. That's good for the people that actually do love this country, unlike you and Palin.

    4. Grrrr !2:30 PM

      Anonymous @ 10:20 am

      "the PIMP'S Wife" !?!?

      Brilliant !!!

      Please, can I use that as MY "pet name" for Palin ? Please ???

      The best I could come up with is "Moose Mama" and it sucks -- no sting -- and Gryphen has dibs on all the other good ones ...

    5. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Anyone else starting to think this troll is 12 years old, getting off on yanking chains?
      --math geek

  47. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Senator Sarah Palin of Alaska

    Too funny

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      too frightening

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Won't happen!!! She quit as their governor remember. And, she'd never make it through a primary race much less get the nod to run.

  48. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Everything about Palin is a lie from her looks to what she says. There's nothing real about her: not the wigs, the on-again, off-again Belmonts, the fake glasses and the constant lies on every subject from politics to religion to what she and her family do. It's all lies. Without lying, the badly aging Ms. Palin would have nothing to talk about. She's a bitter, mentally ill woman.

    I think Fox keeps giving her a platform so that all the other creeps on Fox can say "I may be bad but I'm not as big a fool as Sarah Palin".

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I say that all the time when I err....but I tell the truth.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      And when someone speaks like an idiot and makes a jackass of themselves, people are saying the fool is "Palinized" - meaning no brains, no intellect...just garbage in/garbage out. So she will be known for something....derogatory as it may be, she's the moron who keeps on doing it nationally to herself. Her best bet would be to go into hiding for a very long, long time. Her looks are gone - she's as phony as a two dollar bill with a husband who may be frogmarched for that (she called it) "prostitution ring" he was running in Alaska. The entire family of grifters has had it's run - now they just need to go away before they're all laughed out of this country.

  49. Anonymous10:41 AM

    As seen on HuffPo, h/t LeftLeanWing:

    Palin sings:
    I'm A Chicken Head and That's Okay...
    I Cluck all Night and I Peck All Day!

  50. Anonymous12:31 PM

    What does Sarah gain by bringing up all this old stuff? The people have moved on. Who cares whether Sarah was muzzled or not? The issues aren't important anymore.

    Does she just not have anything else to say?

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      No, she does not.

  51. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Some say she smells like cottage cheese and onions that has sat in the sun for 12 hours.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Some say you kill babies and eat their tiny penises

  52. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Hope all are paying attention. No one on national media (except FOX perhaps - but, I never watch them) is giving Sarah Palin one bit of notice or coverage. She's done and it's way past time. Husband Toad is assuredly not being seen or heard from anywhere! Could that have to do w/him being a pimp perhaps? Alaskans aren't seeing or hearing from them either. Yea!!!!

  53. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Michael R Sacchetti > Sarah Palin9 hours ago · God Bless You Sarah, Wish you were running for Pres..Noticed you are losing too much weight, doesn't look healthy, looks like what those hollywood girls try to do, anorexic, please put on some pounds, Bless You

    Michael nothing you say will help Sarah Palin since she is stubborn (Mavericky is her term). Hopefully one of her relatives will intervene and get her some medical help before it is too late.

  54. Anonymous1:10 PM

    What can Senator Sarah Palin do for Alaska when Sarah Palin could not do anything for her own kids? Sarah has three useless adult children who can't even enter college because they had no parental guidance growing up.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Is Sarah Palin still a resident of Alaska?

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Anonymous1:41 PM
      Is Sarah Palin still a resident of Alaska?

      Well that depends on who is asking?

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Anon 1:10 You're literally the most ignorant nasty human being on the planet. I suggest you stop projecting and go get a job, or second job. You're OBVIOUSLY bored and lonely.

    4. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Really 2:00? 1:10 is LITERALLY the most ignorant nasty human being? Nah that title is taken by skank and her followers but thanks for playing!

    5. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Truth stings, 1:10. There's no getting around the fact that Bitch has three useless adult children.

  55. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Preach it Sarah. Tell us how McCain's people did not prepare you for Katie Couric's hard questions like what do you read. Those sons of bitches made you look like a babbling unprepared buffoon.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      It's hard to pretend that you read anything when the only thing you were ever photographed "reading" was the John Birch Society newleter.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I can smell your ignorance from Illinois.

    3. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Sarah Palin reads. There are pictures of Sarah Palin reading the National Enquire at K-Marts in Alaska then she puts them back in the magazine rack without paying for them.

    4. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Funny thing is, everyone around her says she reads constantly and stays up on things. It was a bad question and I GUARANTEE you if Sarah would have answered Couric, she'd be attacked for whatever she said.

      smh at stupid liberal media

    5. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Smh she reads rag mags including national enquirer which has been proven by photos!
      Who are the "everyone around her" that you speak of? Todd? Bristol? Piper? Any of them? All of them?

      She was heavily protected when she was on the ticket with McCain. I guarantee you that she would not have been attacked if she said t wsj or nytimes or Alaskan dispatch or la times. And yes if someone is in a political position of power they should read about what is going on in the rest of the country so should have been reading the times from la or ny and dc newspapers!

      Of course you are at stupid liberal media!! Oh you aren't with them? My bad-you idiot!

    6. Anonymous2:53 PM

      1:59 PM
      Certainly, everyone around her lies for her. They would not be around her if they didn't.

  56. Anonymous1:51 PM

    RICHMOND -- GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin continued attacking Democratic nominee Barack Obama before a crowd of roughly 20,000 outside the Richmond International Raceway, while also promising that she and John McCain would help revive the U.S. economy.......

    Saying she planned to spend time focused on disabled children if elected this fall, Palin argued that all children deserved to be "in the circle of protection" even if they had disabilities.

    Oct 2008

    Okay Sarah Palin you were not elected in 2008 so did that mean you lost all interest in spending time focused on disabled children?

    What we seen is pictures (posted on your own Facebook) of yourself enjoying life at the Kentucky Derby, Indianapolis 500, NBA basketball games, car auction parties, sitting next to your Arizona mansion pool flexing your arm, shooting a pistol while sitting on a horse and things like that without disabled Trig.

    Sarah if you publicly announce at your rallies that you have an interest in helping disabled children then you should have kept your word regardless if you were elected or not.

    Sarah Palin you are a multimillionaire with the means to help disabled children. But before you help America's disabled children, how about starting with Trig?

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      The sea of pee would tell you that she gives free speechs to help the disabled.

  57. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Ironic considering he's told several himself. Though I will grant him a little leeway. He only had people to trust, and people he spoke to lied (and were privately called out)

  58. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Well in that interview, you know, Sarah Palin couldn't name a single newspaper she read ... which wouldn't be so bad, except her major was in - journalism. (Jay Leno)

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I I I read.... ummmm ahhhhh I I I read.... fuck it ..... can I phone a friend?

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I find some and bring 'em to ya.

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Didn't have the balls to say she reads People magazine.

  59. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Why did they ransack the web for Palin and her connection to religion in Wasilla? Was it only the Johnston's computer that McCain staff was after? The AIP connections? Remember Wikipedia was changing before our eyes. Many other things kept disappearing. The state of Alaska wasn't proud enough to keep photos up. Was all that only about the baby hoax?

  60. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Why shouldn't Sarah Palin be a Senator for any state?

    She quickly pivoted back to the military, saying she had been asked to speak "not as a politician" but as "something much more" -- the mother of a combat veteran.

    The crowd cheered.

    "Say what you want to say about me, but I raised a combat vet. You can't take that away from me," Palin said, referring to her son, Track, 20, who served a year-long deployment in Iraq.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Caint Get Right was a combat vet? I thought he was a chauffeur for some officers in the green safe zone? What did Caint Get Right actually do in Iran?

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Being the mother of a combat vet is not much of a qualification to be a senator. Sarah Palin cannot be a Senator from any state. States have residence requirements. And, excuse me for saying this, but Sarah Palin never does anything that involves hard work. She does not read and prepare even for a 5 minute appearance on Fox. She lasted for 2 years as governor of Alaska, so it is doubtful that she could represent her state for 6 years. Fish out of water, her by jingo big hair, heavy make up, tacky clothing and by jingo folksy appearance will last about 15 minutes in Washington DC. She is never going to run. She just wants the money.

    3. Anonymous2:53 PM

      He was NEVER in combat. Another lie.

    4. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Link? I want to see the images of Track with his buddies in Iraq. Like they did for him when he was alleged to leave for Afghanistan and had dinner with Gov Parnell. You know soldiers take lot's of pics with their bros. There would be one released if it existed.

    5. Anonymous5:14 PM

      2:47 PM

      The officer that put out the story about Track was a chauffeur had to take that back. Track Palin did not look after, drive for or protect officers as a chauffeur in Iraq. NOT. Another lie, one that they had to take back.

      It is doubtful he went to Iraq, if he did he was probably at a palace and living like a prince. You would see one snapshot of Track with his Army buddies in Iraq if he had been there.

  61. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    So the lady in the audience with John McCain who called Candidate Obama a "muslim" was a "plant" so John could say he "distanced himself" from the poo flinging wasilla banshee?

    Makes sense.

  62. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Again, thanks to Geoffrey Dunn. Each post, no matter how rare, is encouraging to the reasonably sane. Sarah Palin is absolutely obsessed with President Obama; she seems to feed off of the visceral act of spewing white-hot rhetoric about him at every opportunity that she can inveigle from the Rapture Ready Armageddon Now crowd and miscellaneous fauxified howling birthers, baggers, and, of course Ben Ghazi.


    The Palin brand turned out to be oh so generic and absolutely inferior. We shall continue to follow the money, who pays for that? And where is the fifth off-spring and his birth certificate?

    History and integrity matter. After all, we are Americans all and we the people deserve so much better than Mrs. Todd Palin, the divisive lipstuck pitbull grizzley sow.

  63. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I think Sarah is cold, hard and calculating when it comes to revenge..she knows she has little to no chance of a Senate election win in Alaska and they would never let her run for POTUS. She appears to have placed all of her chips on the table and will play around with her Breibart type media for at least the next 3 years where she can steal elder McCain's seat in Arizona in 2017 when he's 82 or maybe sooner if he croaks. Like Romney she knows the money is in Washington. That's what my crystal ball says.

  64. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Q: How do you when Sarah Palin is lying?

    A: Her lips are moving.

  65. Anonymous7:43 PM

    G. Dunn has taken a page out of Rand Paul's book by his constant stealing of others ideas and research. He's a real scumbag and a masterful self-promoter. It's disgusting that he has so many people in Santa Cruz fooled. What a jerk!


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