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"They let him out?" |
Five years have passed since a Tennessee college student attempted to hack into former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's e-mail.
U. T. Student David Kernell got a different kind of education: months in a federal prison camp, a halfway house, and supervised probation. All that has now ended. This comes to a close after his attorney filed a motion saying Kernell had paid enough for what the attorney described as a prank.
"I think he learned his lesson," stated Kernell. Kernell's father, Mike Kernell, has been in the Tennessee legislature for 38 years.
He described it as a "relief" that his son is now released from probation several months early and thanks the federal judge in Knoxville who made it possible.
Yeah that's bullshit! What this kid did was NOT hacking, he was outwitting Sarah Palin, an entertaining exercise that has been been undertaken numerous times by television commentators, comedians, Canadian radio hosts, me, and various others over the last five years.
What he did was a prank. It may have been an invasive one, and a poorly considered one, but it was still JUST a prank. NOT an incident of hacking.
The ONLY reason that this involved jail time for young Mr. Kernell is because he had dared to poke the Grizzled Mama and she felt the need to roar her terrible roar, gnash her terrible teeth, roll her terrible eyes, and show her terrible teeth. But in the end ALL it did was to temporarily imprison one young man and show the world what a vindictive bitch she is, and that he daughter will gladly lie on her behalf. ("Living in he middle of nowhere" my ass!)
Both of which, by the way, are things we had already figured out BEFORE this case went to trial.
So yes I think that David Kernell was a political prisoner, and I hope that now that he is out he can pursue the promising law career that was so rudely, and unnecessarily, interrupted, and someday sue the shit out of Sarah Palin and her family!
Though to be honest, by that time the whole tribe will probably be living in a van down by the river.
I have always felt that photo revealed the evil within like none other.
ReplyDeleteI agree about that photo - the psychotic look in her eyes displays a very vindictive and ill person. Unbelievable that she continues to be propped up by someone with a lot of power. There is no way she would stay in the limelight without a backer like the Koch brothers.
DeleteAgree. Anyone know the story of when it was taken?
DeleteDoes anyone know if Dar Miller ever worked for LifeMed? They are the Alaska critical care air transport service & do neonatal transports as well. In or out of Anchorage for example.....
ReplyDeleteWhy do you ask? I remain v interested in Dar's death.
DeleteMiller started out as a neo-natal nurse practitioner but wearied of watching babies die, coworkers said. Starting with the Mat-Su organization in 2001, Miller took on the role of mentor. She was one of four hospice nurses and worked as a case manager.
DeleteRead more here: http://www.adn.com/2009/01/13/653001/death-of-hospice-nurse-shocks.html#storylink=cpy
Since Trig was obviously born in Jan/Feb 2008 during Bristol's "mono" episode, Dar could have had a hand in getting him out of state to Washington state where there were proper facilities for a 23-25 week infant with Down Syndrome with all of the complications that come with that disorder.
DeleteI too find it too convenient that she died.
Bingo. I agree.
Delete5:34 . Thise werey furst thoughts- did she help get the baby to Seattle?
DeleteHuh. Just had a thought. Wonder if the baby and a baby nurse were on a flight from Seattle, same flight as security free Sarah and Toad. And then in Anchorage the whole group headed tp MatSu and birthed a fat Tri- G.
Justice for Dar Miller and the others.
DeleteWho paid to rebuild the church fire? It was so odd how she actually apologized for that. It was her weird twisted way of apology. Did they take a collection up and more suckers had to pay for that arson? Sure is strange there is no outrage to find the culprits. Arson is too frequent in that area.
How come David Kernell was imprisoned and Todd Palin walks free amongst our women and children free to recruit them for his personal business?
ReplyDeleteDidn't Bristol testify that she didn't have Secret Service protection and she was isolated in a deep dark place in the frontier? David Chaney was busy watching Sarah Palin, as he stated in his Facebook account. Who knows where Todd was and if the Secret Service would protect him. Todd is the shadow dude and as long as he hides no one knows what he does and no one can arrest him for hiding.
DeleteYes how come she wasn't arrested for Perjury?
DeleteI hope the father can start some shit to flow on the asshole payme family....
I hope his prank didn't give him a felony record, which might ruin his chances to be a lawyer.
ReplyDeleteThat's something the governor can issue a full pardon for if needed, and under these circumstances, it's highly likely he would grant it, even though our Gov is a Republican. Especially since his dad was in the state legislature for 38 years.
DeleteI am glad to see that you pointed out that he did not hack into her email.
ReplyDeleteGuessing the inexcusably simple, stupid, guessable, password of a complete moron is not hacking!
He should never have been arrested for anything.
Palin really showed her true perverted colors with this vendetta against Kernell. What I remember being particularly revolting was Palin using her vindictive abuse of Kernell and the legal system to strut around in miniskirts and FMN stiletto boots.
She is a sick, twisted, perverted, horrible person.
"...sick, twisted, perverted, horrible person."
Delete(Ahem) You forgot to mention *retarded*.
I absolutely agree with the statement that this young man did NOT hack her emails. people always throw around that term when it pertains to anything involving computers.
Deletehe GUESSED a very stupid password to a very stupid womens email.
that is not hacking...
You can smell the "pus", bile, and rot from here. Die Bitch, die.
ReplyDeleteDoncha know its gonna be a big fuckin' mess, wherever that skank finally drops. I'd cross the street to piss on her unless she was on fire, but I'd be holding my breath the whole time.
DeleteWhat Kernell revealed was that Palin was conducting State of Alaska business on her private account-- and copying Todd on government business, when he wasn't a member of the government. The trouble with the trial is that the fix already was in. They let Bristol testify that because a photo of her was hacked, she was threatened when she was all alone, out there in Wasilla with no land line. Never mind that she didn't get the cell phone message until 12 hours later, when the danger had passed. And, photos of the interior of the Palin's house show a wall phone in the kitchen. It was during the 2008 campaign when Bristol had Secret Service protection. Yet, her fake threat was never questioned.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's record of bringing law suits or threats involve a couple of kids who didn't have the resources for good legal representation, good enough to match hers. For all of the comments printed about the Palin's family life, out of the family life, and anything else, Palin has never brought a serious law suit. She threw a hissy fit over Joe McGinniss living next door to her, but there was no law suit, just a cheap, shoddy fence. Sarah only goes after those little guys who don't have the money to take her on.
He deserves hero status, although it was a stupid kid prank. He did stumble across her violations. Which was much more vital to expose and settle in a court of law. Her cheating on the Alaskan people that hired her just doesn't mean enough in the America of these times. Too bad there isn't some way for a class action suit when public servants and politicians screw up on the job.
DeleteI hope we get to hear the story about why she quit one day. The whole story.
I didn't register this story five years ago, but have read about it since then.
ReplyDeleteWhat a twisted, perverted system to allow the Palins to ruin a young man for being smart enough to GUESS the Gov's password.
I hope he has legal recourse. If not, I hope he can write a book about his experiences.
I hope he writes a boom too, and shows how he guessed the simple very unsecure oassword. What he found reveals state business on a unsecure account and cc to non elected officials. I will buy 10 copies of this book and share them all!!
DeleteSarah's hairstyle reminds me of Mrs. Danvers, the evil housekeeper in "Rebecca."
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin testified in federal court. She said she was concerned when a bunch of boys called, claiming they were at her front door and needed to be let in.
ReplyDelete"We live in the middle of nowhere in Alaska ... in the middle of the woods," Palin said.
Seriously, why didn't the Secret Service take care of the Palin children? Are they really that slack? There are so many worse problems with this matter then Kernell's guesswork.
Number One: they don't live in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere. They live 1/4 mile from one of the largest 4-lane highways in Alaska, the Parks Highway, Highway #3.
DeleteBristol lied her big chubby ass off regarding that statement, but what's new. Bristol says she's not Trig's mom, Bristol says that she works at a Dermatologists office, Bristol says that she is a good mother to the one son that she actually kept. Bristol says a lot of things but none of them are true.
Bristol, like her mother, is a pathological liar.
DeleteHow did a bunch of boys call if she had no phone? Um, never mind. They never think things through, do they?
DeleteBTW, the Palin's home phone has always been listed in the directory, hasn't it?
The Payme's had a LANDLINE that was in the 2009 Wasilly yellow pages same number they have had for ever!
DeleteLiars, Liars pants on fire.
Now is the time to arrest the whole clan including the pedo chuckles, and he is the ringleader in Troopergate and Christygate.
It was still against the law. You dimwits are totally unbelievable. He should have a record, he is a convicted felon.
ReplyDelete@4:26 PM Track, Willow , Sarah, and Todd should have records for their crimes.
DeleteNo one said that Kernell shouldn't have been charged with something and reprimanded. For Pete's sake he guessed the right password! Also the incident should not be blown up and made worse. Anyone who disrespects the legal system to the point of making up stuff for the purpose of making matters worse should also be called out and reprimanded. What Bristol did was not a prank but maliciously sinister. Her parents went along with Bristol's deception. Kernell did what he did whether or not Bristol was afraid. Bristol's parents neglected her and left her in danger according to her claims. The Secret Service failed also. They should all be held accountable and answer to why they would leave a 17 year old like Bristol without a phone. Sure all the ethernet and communications were minutes away at the Best Western, but that doesn't answer to the Palin's neglect. if it was your pregnant child, what would you do? Why was Bristol even called to testify? Since she was called, she should have been factual and told the truth. She only puts further disgrace on the Palin family and makes Wasilla look bad. In fact, she reflects on all Alaska. What a shame so few want the truth told.
DeleteThe charge and the punishment should fit the crime. And witnesses should not lie under oath (Bristol).
DeleteIf that was your pregnant underage child (17 year old with learning disability), and you were the one responsible for the well being of her and the unborn, you would leave them alone as Bristol said? Whether it was as Bristol claimed in the wilderness or, in fact, next to a fully equipped Best Western. You would leave and have no way to communicate? You would not inquire about the Secret Service? That is greatly negligent. Had Bristol tripped down the stairs and with no way to communicate the unborn was killed dead. That is murder of the worst kind to Christians like the Palins. Sarah and Todd would deserve prison in that situation. Why was the Secret Service not doing their job? The Palins are selfish liars as Bristol tells it.
DeleteOnly a cruel dimwit could be so callous.
To anonymous 4:26
DeleteHere, let me spell it out for you. It's carved in stone: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Lying to put someone in jail, or to increase the punishment the person gets, is, Biblically speaking, a capitol offense.
He is a whistle blowing hero! He showed that an elected official was conducting staye business on an unsecured account AND cc ing an unelected spouse on important state matters. That is a hero in my book .
DeleteThe punishment should fit the crime. He guessed a moron's password. His real crime and the reason for Palin's vendetta against him was that he was a young man who clearly didn't idolize her. Look at the record of how she treats any male that dares to criticize her or make her look less than perfect in any way. Out come the knives. Maybe he should have a record, but for, at most, a misdemeanor with probation.
DeleteYou say he should have a record because he's a convicted felon? He was only convicted of a felony because of Palin's vindictiveness. His conviction was a complete miscarriage of justice.
I agree with 4:46 AM and the others that see the facts. I hope the true story will get out and have more exposure. It is important. We need clarity about the past to secure a more wholesome productive future. Not only for us but future generations as well. This is a very vital story.
DeleteAnonymous4:26 PM
DeleteIt was still against the law. You dimwits are totally unbelievable. He should have a record, he is a convicted felon.
Hey duumbuck! Why isn't palin a convicted felon for Hacking Randy Ruedricks computer? She admitted it SEVERAL times?
Explain that dumbfuck bot?
Sarah Palin wrote in “Going Rogue” on page 232: “In Wasilla we have the Best Western Inn on Lake Lucille. We have used it for years, for everything from town hall meetings to the Wasilla Warriors high school prom. It has a gorgeous view of the lake backed by thick forested park lands and jagged peaks, and it’s only a few doors down from my home”
ReplyDeleteThe Best Western states: The entire property has wireless internet available with 20% of rooms wired for Ethernet connectivity. http://www.hotelplanner.com/Hotels/123352/Reservations-Best-Western-Lake-Lucille-Inn-Wasilla-1300-West-Lake-Lucille-Dr-99654
Why didn't it matter to at least impeach a false testimony? Was the Secret Service mentioned at all? Where were they? What was their job with the Palin family? I'd heard they built a temporary out building on the property and were in charge of keeping the family and property safe.
Sarah on Greta show about David Kernell trial
'This video is private' message on the 11:36 min. video
DeleteAh, the Palin legacy... Most folks have either forgotten her or don't give a damn about her and her tribe.
ReplyDeleteI did not make a note of the recent TV show nor date because I was laid low by the heat wave a few wks. ago.
There was a TV show having a short live contest during its 1/2 hour . One celebrity who was giving clues to a contestant/participant was trying to help them guess one answer, which was "Sarah Palin." Clues included "vice presidential candidate" and "dumb." Obviously there was no attempt to edit the word "dumb."
Glad to see David will make something positive out of this experience. Unlike Palin, Toad and their brood.
True that Sarah Palin is a forgotten has been now. She clings to old Greta for a lifeline to a pretend relevancy and works a traveling circus peek show sideline, for the most part she must hide her performances. The most obscure criminals are still criminals with karma in their future. All that can and will bring her back to the lime light. Meanwhile it cannot be swept under the rug by those that are aware.
DeleteDavid can do wonders with the rest of his life. He was never an uneducated bad kid like the Palins. He made a mistake and was swept up in a devil womans vicious attack. The people that call Trayvon a "thug" will call David a "hacker". One day they will eat their own excrement. I can't believe how they treat kids.
I really hope people learned that gaining access to another person's email isn't lauded and you will be punished.
ReplyDeleteThat isn't the issue. The issue is that it was not a serious crime, the young man had no prior criminal record and in fact had good grades and planned to go to law school, no damage was done, the prank apparently exposed proof of misdeeds by the Palins, and two of the Palins apparently lied under oath to not only convict the young man, but to make his punishment even worse. Please don't major in the minors, but try to see the entire picture.
DeleteNo one should use anyone elses toothbrush or guess another's password and prank an e-mail. Even if it is some criminal who is using the e-mail system for personal gain and not as a servant of the people they were paid to represent. Over charging in legal matters and lying to punish another is far worse than an e-mail prank. That karma is out there to be collected. Bristol won't know what happened when things catch up with her. The only thing she has going for her is that she is so stupid. Her fog is so thick, she won't know until karma/reap-sow hits her like a Mac truck on an icy road, I hope it is a direct hit on her and it doesn't take one of her children. They don't deserve that but innocent children do get the wrath from their skanky parents at times.
DeleteHe is a whistle blowinh HERO! And will go down in history as such in time.
DeleteI hope that Alaska realizes that if they are going to vote unethical, sleazy idiots into office they must have firm laws in place preventing the elected idiot from conducting state business with unauthorized persons on insecure email accounts. That is the real crime.
DeleteI also hope people realize that guessing a moron's inexcusably stupid email password should not result in a felony conviction and prison time.
Palin is an indescribably vicious and vindictive person.
Anonymous6:34 PM
DeleteI really hope people learned that gaining access to another person's email isn't lauded and you will be punished.
Trollie dumbfuck! What about palin hacking Randy Rudrich's computer?
What about Bristol comitting Perjury on the stand under oath?
Hmmm Trollie?
What do you say? Bot?
6:34 No what we learned was:
ReplyDelete1) Sarah Palin used personal email addresses to conduct Official State of Alaska business so that people couldn't track what she was doing and saying.
2) That Bristol lied under oath about being "out in the middle of nowhere".
3) That the defense attorney sucked for not asking Bristol why she felt so unsafe when there was a whole bunch of Secret Service people guarding her house.
Todd was copied on State of Alaska government emails, and he was not a member of the Alaska State government. (He WAS Sarah's enforcer in chief, but that was an unofficial title).
Delete3) That the defense attorney sucked for not asking Bristol why she felt so unsafe when there was a whole bunch of Secret Service people guarding her house.
Not to mention a landline at the house,
and a hotel right down the street.
Good for David Kernell, bad news for Sarah.
ReplyDeleteCarb up and turn on the facebook machine, RAM! THIS one has "Whah Whah Whah"'s name all over it. Let me guess, Obama's fingerprints are all over this one...
There is such thing as the discretion of the prosecutor. Kids in a store shop lift some stuff as a prank and they are caught. Yes, technically, they were stealing and that's a crime. The store usually gives them a sharp lecture, calls their parents, sometimes the cops are called to give them a lecture, too. Most of the time, the store figures that they taught the kids a lesson, and it isn't worth the court's time for the petty theft. If the kids are caught a couple more times, then things won't go so easy.
ReplyDeleteIt was Sarah who must have driven that case. Tennessee is a Republican state, and she must have demanded justice, the same way that she pounded that kid who was identified as her stalker. The contrast is another kid who broke into a vacant house and vandalized it, but she wasn't punished. School buses were vandalized, and he wasn't punished. Sarah committed some crimes for which she was not punished. Sarah abused her office as governor more than once, tying to get her former brother-in-law fired, charging the state for family travel on state business, charging the state a per diem to stay in her own house when she belonged in the governor's mansion in Juneau, collecting donations to pay for her legal expenses by using her office as governor to advertise the on-line appeal for donations. The higher up you go, it's just a slap on the wrist and pay back the money. There was perjury during the Branchflower investigation, but the legislature failed to ask for any penalty. Bristol lied under oath, but no one brought any charges against her.
Some big crimes are ignored, too. It took four days and some demonstrations organized by Reverend Al Sharpton before the Sanford Police were forced to charge George Zimmerman with a crime. They were going to over look something as big as Trayvon's death as an "accident." The trolls who have come here demanding a pound of flesh for a prank need to understand that prosecutors have the discretion. Some cases are big deals and others are petty. And, the Palins seem to have been on the lucky end of the deal so far.
Their time is coming, soon.
that is NOT hacking. it drives me nuts that the media, and most other uninformed people, throw around the word HACKING when someone does anything pertaining to computers.
he guessed a very easy password to a very stupid woman's email address.
Cretin is RIGHT!
DeleteI'm just glad it wasn't me. I guessed a few coworkers passwords about two decades ago, just to see if I could, never did anything with the information, and yes, the passwords were REALLY easy to guess. Still, I would never do it now, because I now know all the records kept by the IS dept, and that I could be fired for logging in as someone else. What David Kernel did was a mistake, but not, IMO, an egregious one, in that he did NOT hack anything---the onus is on the email owner to not pick something so easy that anyone can guess it. So in this case, I say Sarah Palin was at least 50% at fault, and I have zero sympathy for her.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Kernel is done with his overdone punishment.
Didn't Sarah Palin's Crony, Joe Miller, do the same things to his co-workers?
DeleteDid Sarah Palin do the same thing to Randy Ruderich and BRAG about it?
DeleteKernel paid his dues and then some. Bristol and the Palin's have not. They have their days of reckoning ahead of them.
ReplyDeleteSnowdon is a hero to the same people that want David Kernell to do life as the most treacherous hacker to date.
ReplyDeleteI don't thing Bristol is Trig's mother. Bristol was Ruffles' mother and may I suggest that it was Dar Miller who assisted in the relocation of that damaged infant and perhaps she was able to find a good-looking Downs Syndrome baby (compare the photographs of the baby in the Palin kitchen with the baby at the RNC) and that those transactions were removed in the church file cabinet fire. Fire seems to be the way to go, think of Mr Menard's demise...
ReplyDeleteU. T. Student David Kernell was a political prisoner of not only Quitter Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteU. T. Student David Kernell was a political prisoner of the failure of a daughter, Bristol Palin.