Monday, July 29, 2013

This should give those who support Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald a moment of pause.

Look it does not NECESSARILY mean that just because Sarah Palin and Breitbart News are on your side that your side is wrong. But it certainly doesn't help.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Odd how Mrs Palin is now trying to use Glenn Greenwald to get publicity for herself. Can we just remind her that the NSA and Clapper business are weeks old?

    BTW Sarah, Glenn Greenwald wouldn't want to get into bed with you even if he wasn't gay. He doesn't like your politics- and may not appreciate your attempts to link your name with his.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      She is a nobody. I doubt he will notice she is using his name.

  2. Grrrr !4:16 PM

    Even a broken, lying, thieving, ignorant, narcissistic, sociopathic clock is right twice a day.

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      No. When she would be striking 4:00 it would actually be 8:30, and so on. She'd never be right.

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Other than she's an idiot, why has she started every word in her tweets with a capital letter? Is it to be emphatic without "SHOUTING"?

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      They're the Titles of Her Two New Songs.

      "You Made Trillions of Phone Calls, but Not One to Me." and

      "It's Amazing I Still Love You, Though You Should be Behind Bars."

    2. BabyRaptor8:03 PM

      If they titles to articles or blogposts or whatever, then technically she's correct in capitalizing the "major" words.

      She did something right for once, I guess?

    3. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Baby Raptor

      "It’s Amazing He Hasn’t Been Prosecuted and Still Has His Job"

      No titles to articles or blogposts. But at least she found the caps lock key... it's a start.

    4. BabyRaptor2:09 AM


      You might wish to reload the page. There are links to articles by those names in her Tweets.

    5. Anonymous5:44 AM

      Baby Raptor

      You're right, sorry. But I'll never forgive you for making me click the links!!! : )

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Palin is scared the NSA will leak Palin's calls about faking pregnancy.

    1. Good thought - lets ask Snowden what he knows about that episode

    2. If she stopped to think about it, she would have the sense to be scared, but all she thinks about is creating some kind of lame brained advantage. If she had any sense, she'd be shaking in her shoes. Her and Todd.

    3. If she had any sense, she'd be shaking in her shoes about what they have on her...and Todd, but she ain't got the sense God gave an earthworm.

  5. lostinmn4:41 PM

    Hey Sara, why don't you contact Gryphen and ask him to send you over a new photo of yourself for your twitter page? Keeping that one on is a little like Drew Barrymore using a screen shot of herself in ET

    1. Too brilliant for words. +1

    2. Anonymous11:34 PM

      Or, please send her a photo of ET to use. It would be more hot and delightful.

      Wild Tortoise

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    only trillions? 7 billion people. Avg 1 call a day for around 3 years, yep, that would be trillions.

    If the NSA only has trillions, they are being overpaid by the taxpayers.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Being overpaid? Mr. Clapper, didn't know you were a friend of IM. Welcome, sir.

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    This is the price "rill merikens" must pay for their freedumbs Sarah! So STFU and quit bitchin' about the NSA already!

  8. Anonymous4:52 PM

    You're just mad at him because he was living your dream - being able to listen to the Palin girls' late night phone calls - and gave it all up to do the world a solid.

  9. Anonymous5:26 PM

    The Palin curse--once she recognizes someone, its over. I think she made a deal with the devil only a sociopath could make. She gets to be famous but everyone and everything she touches gets hurt indefinitely.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      You're right, the Palin Toxic Scourge! Maybe Greenwald is ready for it, he seems to be ready for anything these days.

    2. Anonymous10:21 PM

      With PAC donations on the skids, Sarah must be reducing her overhead by cutting back on her *reading* materials like People Mag, which she gets secondhand from Sally & Chuck a month later. Don't even ask about bendy straws. No wonder she's so angry. Remember how much trouble she had getting the straw in her mouth with her Big Gulp?

  10. Anonymous5:28 PM

    It's amazing that YOU and TAWD haven't been prosecuted, bitch, and, with your track record, you mention keeping a job?

    Projection IS thy middle name, Esther. Eagerly awaiting your next public meltdown so you can be bitch slapped again. And you WILL.

  11. Anonymous5:30 PM

    She thinks she can con some of the Libertarian right into giving her money, but they for the most part think she's an idiot that does more harm than good. She should stick to what she knows best, shoving her fake boobs in the face of old, white establishment Republicans, and drooling racist Tea Baggers.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      "She thinks she can con some of the Libertarian right into giving her money,"

      That is exactly what she is doing. She is moving to greener pastures.

  12. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Palin always jumps in after all is said and done or just about to support anything. She has no idea how to think for herself.

    I noticed that she went on twitter to celebrate her mother and father's 52nd anniversary after her brother made a post. Pathetic that they have to use this also for a push for $25 to buy their book. How disgusting these people are.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      That's right, she sent them squat for their golden wedding anniversary two years ago - but they didn't have a book to flog then.

      After learning how Sr grifted his way through college is it any wonder the Heaths turned out to be the freeloading leeches they are?

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Why more people can't see this is beyond me. Pimp and his whore dressed wife. Not rocket science.

  13. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Sarah Palin smells like poop.

  14. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Do her comments have anything to do with CNN's "FBI crackdown on pimps report?

  15. Anita Winecooler9:04 PM

    She's just jealous she wasn't invited to a private lunch with the President.

    Don't fret, Baldy, Carlos Danger on line two...

  16. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Fisrt I thought, what the hell is she talking about? One should know what is being said without having to link to something else to find out.

    Then I thought, "speak for yourself, John Alden", but realized she wouldn't have a clue what I meant.


  17. Anonymous6:48 AM

    A couple from The Real Housewives of NJ is probably going to jail for tax evasion and fraud.

    The IRS doesn't fuck around, palins!!

  18. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Sarah Palin will need a Great Tax Attorney to clean up her Family's Undeclared Expenditures.It is difficult to completely Hide Todd's Sex Trafficking Income.


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