Monday, July 29, 2013

Fox News contributor uses upcoming Hillary Clinton biopic as excuse to smear her by claiming she lied about Benghazi.

Courtesy of Media Matters: 

Fox & Friends covered the announcement that NBC's entertainment division is planning to air a new mini-series focused on Hillary Clinton's "life as a wife, mother, politician and cabinet member" sometime before 2015. Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich used the segment as an opportunity to smear Clinton, saying: 

PAVLICH: "Although Diane Lane is a fantastic actress, I doubt she can act as well as Hillary Clinton did when she lied about that YouTube video in front of flag-draped caskets of Americans as they came home from being killed in Benghazi. So it's going to be really hard for her to top that performance."

But in her remarks, Clinton mentioned the wave of protests at U.S. embassies in the region, which repeated news reports said were in response to an anti-Islam video that was posted on YouTube. From Clinton's remarks: 

"In the days since the attack, so many Libyans - including the Ambassador from Libya to the United States, who is with us today - have expressed their sorrow and solidarity. One young woman, her head covered and her eyes haunted with sadness, held up a handwritten sign that said "Thugs and killers don't represent Benghazi nor Islam." The President of the Palestinian Authority, who worked closely with Chris when he served in Jerusalem, sent me a letter remembering his energy and integrity, and deploring - and I quote - "an act of ugly terror." Many others from across the Middle East and North Africa have offered similar sentiments."

"This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We've seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable."

As we can see Clinton was mentioning the video as being an added problem in various areas within the Middle East, NOT blaming it for the attack in Benghazi.

We knew this was coming, and of course Fox can hardly WAIT to start trotting out the anti-Hillary ammunition that they were unable to use in 2008.

However having THIS blonde bimbo going after a woman of Hillary's stature is especially infuriating as it is obvious that she knows NOTHING about what she is talking about except what the producers pounded into her tiny skull right before she came out and sat in that chair.

If that bimbo were forced to confront Hillary herself, and make those allegations in person, she would be bathed in flop sweat and more than likely fighting the urge not to bolt out of the room or wet her pants.

However it was Steve Doocy who wins the award for unwitting irony after claiming that NBC is "one of the biggest and most biased networks."  Okay Doocy-bag do you even watch your cable "news" shows?

Well if these idiots want to take out Hillary they are going to have to do a much better job then throwing ignorant blonde bimbos at her. And that goes for the chick too.


  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    A Washington, D.C. Superior Court judge called gun rights activist Adam Kokesh “dangerous” during a Monday hearing and ordered him to remain in jail until trial, according to The Washington Post.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      That's good news. I hope the guy has to serve at least several months. People like him inspire others to shoot people - in schools, shopping malls, parking lots, theaters, etc. He is a real danger to us all.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Months? I hope he gets 10 years and can never own another gun legally.

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Shillary Clinton lies about everything
    But Benghazi is one of her biggest

    1. By saying this you are proven to be a stupid person and a liar. Why do you brag about it?

      Oh, wait. I forgot. You are too big a coward to ever respond. You never respond. Because you are 1) a coward and 2) stupid. Chickenshit coward republican. Too gutless and cowardly and stupid to respond.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Creepy Chuckie Junior,

      Don't you have some nieces or sisters you can grope instead of spewing out this nonsense as an anonymous asshole?

      Remember you were supposed to get back to me and let me know what Sarah's fake boob inserts felt like. I guess you forgot, but it's obvious they're not as securely attached as Molly's add-ons, because Sarah's end up under her arms or around her waistline all the time. She better keep her shirt tucked in, or those things will be rolling around at the next hog auction where she makes an appearance.

    3. Hit and Run3:43 PM

      You must be Granny Grifter. You're comments are always less than 140 characters, full of name calling and RWNJ lies and delusions. And of course you never stick around to support your statements. A typical hit and run troll.

      Sarah Palin 2016 -We dare her to run!

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    The whole point about this "biopic" is to smear Hillary Clinton well before primary campaigns for the 2016 election. I'd like to beam myself up between January 2015 and the day before election day 2016. Just the thought of the GOP clown car cruising across the country again makes me ill.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      You're not alone, Beaglemom, you are NOT alone.

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Which is what made the John Fugelsang rant so spot on in the post below. "Benghazi!!" It's all they HAVE on her so they'll beat it to death. Not surprising in the LEAST.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      ....and of COURSE they won't mention how many embassy attacks and subsequent deaths occurred on Dubya's and Reagan's watch. Oh HELL no!

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      "....and of COURSE they won't mention how many embassy attacks and subsequent deaths occurred on Dubya's and Reagan's watch. Oh HELL no!"

      All of which, according to the GOP, qualified Reagan and Bush to run for for a second term, lol!!!

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Vice President Cheney: There can be no doubt that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and that they intend to use them against the United States....rational for going into a senseless war in Iraq.

    Condoleezza Rice: The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly Saddam can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.

  6. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Doesn't matter Hillary will be the next president of the USA and Faux snooz won't be able to change that.

    Clinton/Warren for 2 terms
    Warren/Castro for 2 terms
    Castro/ Anyone for the next 2

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      You do know Liz is almost as old as Hillary, right? I don't think she'll be around DC for 16 more about Allan Grayson?

    2. Anonymous9:53 PM

      clinton will not be the next president.

      chances are she wont even run come 2015, but we'll see. and i'm not a hater do don't bother to go there

      warren? you must be joking?

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Many of the complete morons who haven't figured out that Fox channel is for "entertainment" (Newspeak word for PROPAGANDA) actually believe that Ms. Clinton murdered the embassy people, herself.

    (With Obama handing her the weapons).

    We may never see such people come back to any semblance of reality, in our lifetimes.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      And several of them are in my family, unfortunately. We don't speak. I have a sister who is sure that Obama sat in from of a computer screen and watched the 4 Americans killed, and gave that "stand Down!' order that never happened, and then went off on his merry way to Las Vegas at a cost of a billion dollars. "Cause she read it on Breitbart, so it's true!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.