Saturday, August 24, 2013

Alex Jones has been the victim of racial attacks probably more than just about any white guy on the planet. I mean come on, would he lie about that?

Courtesy of Mediaite:

Alex Jones claimed on his radio show that he has been racially attacked dozens of times, but was “smart enough not to become a racist over it,” unlike many who used racial violence as excuse for the further “balkanization” of society. 

“I’ve been racially attacked by black people, probably—let’s not exaggerate—thirty-five times?” Jones said. “I’ve been racially attacked by Hispanics, let’s not exaggerate, five times. Let me tell you, that’s when you really get hurt bad. Compound fractures, you name it.” 

“I am sick of it,” Jones said. “I am sick of the fact that I have been racially attacked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. And the politically correct thing to do is just offer your kids up to have their noses broken and their eyes blackened and their bones broken, because the one thing you don’t do is ever go stand up against it. That’s what political correctness is in this country.” 

Jones blamed racial violence on “tribalism,” arguing that white cops will always beat up black men and vice versa. 

“I’m smart enough to not become a racist over this. I’m smart enough to understand the manipulation. I’m smart enough to understand the geopolitical ramifications, and to actually try to bring people together to have a gang—because everybody’s tribal, that’s what it is, we’re designed like that—based on private property and the family and liberty and freedom and being honorable.

You know the only thing that might drive his point home better, and make it more believable, is if he said "and over" a few more times. Don't you think?

I like how he says "let's not exaggerate" right before he spews bullshit all over his microphone. And then says "I'm smart enough" right before exhibiting an almost debilitating lack of intelligence.

You know you add a pair of a fake glasses, a road kill fright wig, and some plastic boobs and he could BE Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Alex is full of shit, and he knows that you know he's full of shit if you have half a brain. Not everybody has half a brain, so those are the ones he's talking to that believe all the bullshit that he coats around the grain of truth in his "reports" or "stories". He's entertaining on occasion, just as a childhood friend we had that used to tell tall tales, and each one started out the same, "Y'all, this is no lie..."

    Alex might be as dumb as Sarah Palin, but he's smart enough that he's not headed to prison, and she is.

    Advantage, Alex Jones.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    ...and in private, Alex tells intimates that he has also been anally probed by Martians, oh, at least a thousand times.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I heard similar, but it was that he was often probed anally by Marsha, his ex-wife and her like-minded friends, whom he always referred to as Marshans.

      It was over drinks, so it's possible I "mis-remember" a detail here or there.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Over and under and over and over and over and over and..

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I don't understand what he's talking about. Was he "racially" attacked physically or verbally? How come, then, can so many of the rest of us say that such things have never happened to us? I grew up in a suburb or Philadelphia with African Americans as neighbors and friends; none of them was ever unkind to me. I worked in Detroit for over 13 years and never came into personal contact with a mean or abusive African American. Did this guy do something to egg people on? Was he attacking African Americans or Hispanics first? What kind of "gang" is he talking about? Is it inclusive of people who do not look just like him? It seems to me that there are too many people wasting the airways.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      You'd never know by listening to his BS that Alex broadcasts from one of the few communities in Texas where Tea-Tards don't run the show locally there--- in Austin, a great college town and cultural center. There ARE a lot of wrong-headed wingnuts in the state legislature and of course, Rick Perry is the head of state government and astrology/mythology. But Alex is without a doubt the village-idiot-in-residence.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Sounds to me like he said he was forced to let black people beat the crap out of his children so he wouldn't be chastised for being politically correct by trying to protect them...yeah it's pretty retarded.

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      I suspect that if he got attacked by other ethnicities, it is because he opened his big mouth and said something that wasn't appreciated.
      M from MD

    4. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Sorry Beaglemom - but I don't believe you. That stereotype is as offensive as the smilin' Sambo. I to have lived in integrated communities. Among all the various races and ethnicities, I've met smart and dumb people, morose and happy, nasty and kind. And certainly all of them had otherwise nice folks who were just having a bad day. And I'm sure they'd say I had a few of those, too.

    5. Anonymous7:01 PM

      And they told him it wasn't and he thinks that constitutes "racially attacked."

    6. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Anon at 7:00 pm. I wasn't talking about "smilin' Sambo"; I've never come into contact with anyone like that. That's not a concept that I ever had or was encouraged to have. I worked with African American colleagues and I lived in integrated neighborhoods. People have always been people to me; none of us is perfect but that isn't what matters. But for someone to whine that he's been "attacked racially" over 30 times and ethnically (by Hispanics) over 5 times, I just don't understand what he's talking about. And, unfortunately, I think that if anyone is getting beaten up physically in this country, historically it's more likely to have been a black or Hispanic or recent immigrant from wherever or gay person by a bunch of white hooligans. That's the history of it whether we like it or not.

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    OT.....this is pretty awesone. I finally found respect for a fox news anchor.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      She'll keep showing up for that paycheck though...

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      I, too, am impressed with Megyn Kelly is this instance! I've always known that she is intelligent and smart, I've just never seen the true measure before. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Fox News suddenly decided to be a REAL news program? Oh, sorry, forgot what I was discussing :) But in this instance, kudos to Ms. Kelly.

    3. 4:44 PM. You need to watch it first and then comment. I dont mean to be rude, but Megyn earned her damn paycheck by not playing footsie with those dickheads. Instead, she rightfully kicked the shit out of Erick Erickson (dipshit name) and Lou Dobbs. She was nice at first while giving Erick a chance to think and back off his statement, but he's an idiot and decided to just be himself and she kicked his tiny balls up into his Adam's apple where they'll be until she decides to let him put them back in his tightie whities. He's a fat fucking misogynist and Lou Dobbs shot his wad trying to back up Erickson by changing the subject, which didn't fly and he ended up soiling his Depends and embarrassing himself, too.

      Yeah, it's nine minutes which is a long video, but it's worth it because those two dumb fucks never understood they were talking shit to a woman smarter than both of them combined, and tried to BS their way out of a tight spot, and she wasn't having it. Kudos, Megyn. Our politics aren't aligned most of the time, but I admire that you have a backbone and a brain. Much Respeck to ya.

  5. Anyone who listened to John Lewis today - knows about racial attacks - and this guy hasn't seen anything like it - at all - ever.

    “I got arrested 40 times during the ’60s, beaten and left bloodied and unconscious,” he said.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      John Lewis is a statesman and a warrior. Alex Jones is as bad an actor as Sarah. He is a buffoon, and a grifter of sorts like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, just working a different angle in the land of the idiots. Fuck all three of them.

      None of those three would've had the courage to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on Highway 80 that day with MLK, where they were met during their peaceful protest march by the police force and Alabama troopers who beat down all the marchers they could get to with night sticks and batons, pistol shipping others and clubbing them in the backs of the heads as they tried to retreat.

      If anyone has not seen the video of that confrontation and the pics of the brave victims who had enough courage and principles to *really* "speak truth to power", including Lewis, who was beaten and bloodied, then you owe it to yourself to seek them out and learn a little history about what a hero Lewis really should be for all Americans.

      If I'm a little chippy about it, so be it, but I just had a slight altercation elsewhere with a mindless paintchip eater who said WTF does John Lewis think he is? I'm white, and this idjet is black. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal. I'm an independent who leans conservative on economic issues and moderate on social issues. But I know a little history, and if a person is a citizen in this country today and doesn't know John Lewis from fat fucking cowardly idiots like Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones, then I don't have much respect for their self-imposed ignorance, regardless for their skin pigmentation. Period.

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      John Lewis (in the foreground) being beaten by state troopers, March 7, 1965

    3. Anonymous7:41 PM

      “Two Minute Warning,” photograph by Spider Martin, March 7, 1965

  6. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Really? Really, Alex?

    Excuse me for not knowing who this blowhard is. I should count myself lucky.

    I can say that, as a white woman who lived in New York City for 20 years, I was never, ever attacked, by anyone, white or black. You'd have to stroll through a scary part of town at 3 a.m. yelling racial slurs and getting into people's faces with your aggression, in order to get attacked. And you'd have to do that over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. I think he's been watching too many episodes of "Law and Order." And preys upon the racial fears of his pale, ignorant listeners, who think the one black person walking on the other side of the street is about to run over and attack them. Over and over and over again.

    What a lunatic. I note that Rush Limbaugh and his ilk practice the same type of speech -- repeating themselves, telling their tales from lots of different angles, to fill up air time. If you boil down what they're saying, it's not much, but it takes them a long time to say it.

  7. Anonymous4:16 PM

    o/t -- while shopping for fabric today to make a bathrobe for my daughter, I came upon flannel in patterns that aren't like the bunnies and rainbows that decorated your childhood flannel clothing.
    Instead, a loving parent can buy fabric that says, in pastels, "Jesus loves you," so the message gets into the head of a three-month-old before he's old enough to wonder who this Jesus might be.
    .Also, you can get flannel camo designs, in baby blue or baby pink.
    Oh, the humanity!

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Or, like Kim Kardashian, you can dress your newborn infant in black with grey socks and a grey blanket. Weird.

  8. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Freakfest to entertain the most base of the crazy fringe right wingers. Red meat for the 5%. As someone said earlier, he's most likely been probed by "grays" as well because this retard would believe just about anything!

    This guy is entertaining such a small amount of people that really, the rational populace need not be exposed to such nonsense. There are always people like him running around, especially since Reagan opened the doors of all the mental institutions back in the 1980's.

  9. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I've always liked Alex Jones, he was one of the first to suspect something was fishy about the 911 attacks. Jet fuel is kerosene and does not melt structural steel. Then they free fall ...... not possible. Also the mysterious building #7 that free fell w/o any damage. Too well organized for the government to attempt......they'd mess up a wet dream. Anyway Alex has gone a little too far with this one ....even for me.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Come ON, this dude thinks the government is responsible for killer tornadoes! Everything is a conspiracy when you will believe anything and don't know the facts or care about them.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Alex Jones is a nutjob

  10. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Ummm....private property is a tribal thing? I'm not so sure about that, Alex, but who am I to argue with a renowned expert on human history such as yourself. LOL

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Right - private property - see Adam Smith, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. You know the Enlightenment/Philosophy tribe.

      What a maroon

  11. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I happen to know Alex Jones, though I don't consider hima friend. But I will tell you this, Alex says what Alex says for one reason MONEY. He found out there was no money to be had being a progressive(which he was) and he could make more money spewing hate and conspiracy theories.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

    Where Alex is from, "pumpkin" is a verb.

  13. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Well I can GUARANTEE it didn't happen to him at home. He lives in Austin, Texas where every dig bite and fender bender makes the 6:00 and 10:00 news. We would have heard about it.


  14. Anonymous5:25 AM

    When Alex says he was racially attacked what he really means is that someone called him out on his racism. For a wingnut when someone correctly calls you a racist that is the real racism.

  15. I know white folks attacked him a million times. Dont have enough room to type "over" that many times

    Froggy mf

  16. majii2:28 PM

    Alex Jones may have been verbally attacked many times for his ugly comments, but he's never been denied his civil rights. After the so-called attacks, he was still able to do whatever he wanted to do, even as a child and young man. If I were a betting person, I'd wager $1,000,000 that Jones would not switch places with me, go back in time and live as a black person in the South under segregation the way I had to.


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