Thursday, August 08, 2013

California: Gun violence, what gun violence?

Courtesy of Business Insider: 

California, the state with the strictest gun laws in the country, has seen a 56% drop in its gun death rate in the past 20 years, according to a study that the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence released last week. 

The study points out that 5,500 Californians were killed by gunfire in 1993, but that number dropped to 2,935 by 2010. The number of people per 100,000 who were killed by guns also dropped dramatically from 1990 to 2010 (see chart at right, and note that the numbers on the Y axis seem to be spaced unevenly). 

While violent crime (including gun deaths) dropped everywhere in the U.S. during the 1990s, gun deaths declined even more in the Golden State. The nonprofit Law Center argues that there's a correlation between the state's strict gun laws and the dramatic drop in the number of deaths from guns. 

This theory is bolstered by other studies done elsewhere — a Center for American Progress study found that states with the weakest gun laws have the highest rates of gun violence, and a study released by Boston Children's Hospital in March found that states with more gun laws have fewer gun-related deaths. 

Gun restrictions similar to California's have failed in some other states. 

Here is the simple truth. Fewer guns, mean fewer bullets. Fewer bullets, mean fewer bullet wounds. Fewer bullet wounds, mean fewer gun deaths.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Look if responsible people want to own a gun responsibly, that's fine. They have that right.

But there is NO reason to have an arsenal in your house, and there is NO reason to link gun ownership to safety or manliness.

Unless of course THIS is your idea of manliness.


  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

    You need to warn a person! Now my stomach is churning and tat image is burned in my eyelids. eyelids. The look on his face says it does the very tiny blacked out area (thank you for that!)

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      good thing the gun is pointed at his dick. Hope he blows it off! RW birthcontrol. We don't need any of his kind running around!

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I'm with you there 2:47.
      Gryph, my eyes are bleeding now because of that picture.
      6:53, it's a small one(his dick) anyway. No great loss, except to him of course.

  2. Anonymous3:06 AM

    When hair ball runs out of ammo in a shoot out with the Man, he can make a final charge with one of his guitars and do like The Who's Pete Townshenf and if that fails, he still has his blue *floatie noodle* (left side of pic) to help himself stay buoyant. You know, safety first and whatnot.

  3. Anonymous3:36 AM

    EWWWW! OMG, Gryphen, please add a warning when you post photos like that! I haven't had my coffee yet and that picture made my stomach churn.

    Brain bleach, please!!

    Ewwww. They should show this picture to young girls as a form of birth control! It would work!

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Most girls "as a form of BC".
      Not Bitchol, that pic will make her want a winecooler!

  4. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I'll bet he can't afford clothes because, after buying ammo, he sent all the rest of his money to SarahPAC.

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Gryphen, you know as well as anyone that some things can't be unseen...warn a girl, would ya?

    1. I'm trying to beat the record for coffee spews this morning.

      I think I am up to about two dozen already.

  6. W T F!

    GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY! need to warn a person before they scroll down and see....that....that....that.....awww shit....


    It's just too damn EARLY for this type of shit! Are you trying to spoil my morning cup of joe with that dead stare....mullet wearing...hairy monster looking teabagger with black underwear (those are black underwear...right....RIGHT??) and what's that pink discoloration on his...

    Oh wait...I can't look any more....I'm about to vomit!

    Gotta go folks!


  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    OMG!!! My poor eyes were not ready for such a vicious attack! You really should have warned us about that before exposing such a gross pic.

  8. Donal6:41 AM

    Jeez... that guy...! And his picture will be out on the internetz forever. Hope he's cringing, big time.
    As well, I just want to ask this guy the significance of the pool noodle in his grand scheme of things. Creepy.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Cringing? Anyone who would pose for a picture like that thinks he's just HAWT and a manly man (did you SEE all those manly-man guns and other accessories???).

      I, however, think this photo could be the new secret to weight loss. One glance at that mess and anyone would lose their appetite!

  9. Anonymous6:42 AM

    MAAAAAN.... Uncle Gryphen, at least put up a warning before you post some 'sexy' stuff like that!!! I almost spewed my coffee, and now I need some brain bleach! UGHHHHH!!!! What kind of a hairy monster is that, and just what does he think he shows, besides some well-friction ed groin area and some small guns with one of them pointing to his tiny... black area?!

    That said... The lowered gun violence in California is heartwarming. However, then you have a state like Michigan, and their gun deaths are sky-high, especially in Detroit. (I believe they have quite strict gun laws)

  10. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Let me add another "aggggh" to your list. Even grosser is he is posing on a child's bed. Note the bright blue metal head and footrails reminiscent of one of a set of bunkbeds. Ick, ick, triple ick.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      So right, it's not a pool noodle, but the foot rail of a kiddie bed. If there is a god, please don't let there be a child in this man-child's life.

  11. Anonymous11:31 AM

    My eyes! My eyes!!!!!!

    No amount of washing can clean that out! Argh!

    M from MD

  12. Anonymous5:22 AM

    why does his inner thigh have a yellow/brown tinge to it? i don't drink coffee, so no coffee-spewing for me, but the stomach is definitely churning... yowch!

  13. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Ok. The picture was GROSS!!!

    I don't know how you categorize "Arsenal", but I have to say that it is none of your business! I like to shoot. My husband likes to hunt. He has more than one hunting rifle, and more than one hunting shotgun, depending on the situation, and if he takes a son or grandson with him--they're all of age!

    I enjoy a good shoot, and enjoy cowboy action competition. For the competition, each shooter should have 2 revolvers, a rifle and a shotgun. My husband and I both like to shoot, so that is a set, mentioned above, for each of us. I have 4 kids, and 3 are getting to the age that they can join us. If they enjoy it, then we'll save up, and get them each their own set, too.

    Similar to rendezvous, and reenactments, we enjoy remembering the history of this nation.

    Now, since it is legal for the citizens to have and own guns, for any purpose we choose (the 2nd amendment doesn't specify that we have a RIGHT to own guns for hunting only, or for defense--ONLY if there seems to be a need ahead of time, but that we have a right to have them, and use them), I also have a few for self defense.

    Now, Gryphen, I don't have a problem if you don't want guns in your house, and I don't have a problem if you don't want your kids to play with my kids at my house. That is your right. But to blanketly state that no one needs an arsenal... well, there are reasons that we might, and it is NOT because we feel that things will or will not go south, or because we are "survivalists", or whatever the assumption is!

    I truly believe that even the "Survivalists" CAN have their arsenal, because it is their right to protect their family as they feel necessary for the future. Folks used to can fruits and veggies for the upcoming winter. I don't see an issue if they want to prepare however they want. They don't make me store an excessive amount of food, and I won't make you store weaponry. Look. Everyone's happy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.