Thursday, August 08, 2013

Pat Robertson believes that killing characters in video games is a sin. Uh oh!

"If you're murdering somebody in cyberspace in a sense you're performing the act whether you like it or not. Here's the danger with this stuff. And it has to do with television, books, everything. You lose your sensitivity to God. And if you're keen for the Lord, you're in prayer, you're spirit is attuned to Him, you're seeing miracles in your life, you listen to the voice of God. That stuff will chop off your access. And you will grow dead in your heart. That's the danger of all of this."

Did Robertson just ask kids to choose between video games and God?

Because if he did, he may have just put a stake into the heart of Christianity for good.

He does realize that the images which appear to be people in these games are made up of pixels and polygons right? I mean they're not real, and every child sitting in front of their game console knows that.

But then again what can one expect from a man who thinks that hurricanes and tornadoes are called down by God to punish homosexuals and that clothes from Goodwill might be demonic?

Now if you will excuse me I will return to my game racing against Bowser. Koopa Troopa, and Yoshi. I hope I get one of those demonic turtle shells pretty soon.

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Well, then, how does he feel about gun ownership? How does he feel about war? How does he feel about the death penalty? I don't like video games that include killing but then I don't think that people should own guns, should have wars and I oppose the death penalty.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Good point!!

    2. Excellent points, Beaglemom. I say the same to my pro life can you not be opposed to the death penalty and war, then?

  2. Sally in MI4:07 AM

    While I don't agree that this is 'real murder,' I do agree with him that it decreases peoples' sensitivity to cruelty. There was a kid in my neighborhood who tortured cats, and had video games been around, he would have been the kid doing Grand Theft Auto 20 hours a day, or whatever other game requiring you to blow someone's head off is popular now. I don't understand the appeal of this stuff. I truly don't. I don't like loud violent movies, or games. I play the puzzle games, against myself, and Words With Friends with my family (well, not the crazy Fox sisters, but the rest.) So while I don't see Robertson convincing anyone that the majority of their day need be spent in consult with his God, I do share his concern about the violence our kids see..pixels or not. And no, the Road Runner getting beaned with a rock is NOT the same as virtual rape and murders.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I agree, and I think that was Robertson's point. Video games desensitize people to murder. If it were not so, the military would not use them for training. I think Gryphen is amiss on this post. Not everything that Robertson says is full-out, whacko crazy, and this is one of his sane comments. Many people on the left have said the same things about video games that Robertson is saying here, the only difference being that they did not phrase them in a spiritual context. However, the end result was the same: kids who play with violent video games can become very desensitized adults or adults who have very serious relationship problems, whether or not they go on to murder people or animals. That's not the kind of society/culture I would choose to live in, particularly if I were an old, helpless, senior citizen.

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      But then Robertson would have to be consistent, which he is not.
      Carnival games or any other type of target with people on them would also be "a sin." particularly identifiable people. Using crosshairs on political candidates or their districts would also be " a sin." C'mon Pat call out Scarah.

  3. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Not into video games but, under the same premise, because I laugh at old Bugs Bunny/Road Runner cartoons I'm destined for hell? WhatEVAH, Pat!

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Not that I agree with Pat, but watching roadrunner pull the trigger versus the interactivity of a video game.

  4. I certainly wouldn’t let old Pat tell me how to live my life, but he may be on to something here. If lusting in the heart is the same as actually fornicating, then killing in a video game COULD be compared to murder. It’s all bogus, of course.

    I think the lusting bit is the least sensible thing Jesus said, but he was strict in that way. He was leading a bunch of young men around. He wanted minds on God, not in the gutter.

    1. Remember, all these words of Jesus were recorded and copied decades after he died. Who knows what was really spoken? And King James added the parts about women being subservient and silent. So I take it all with a grain of salt, and none of it as infallible.

  5. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Uh oh, my kids are going to hell.

    Given the choice, they would choose Xbox in this life over eternal salvation after death, cause you know, they would be DEAD. Duh.

    If your kids don't have psychiatric issues and proper , active, parenting is involved, most of them know the difference between a video game AND REAL LIFE.

    Virginia Voter

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM

    But video games are still addictive(violent or not), change the hardwiring of the brain, etc. But so does television.

    1. Kids don't usually sit in front of the TV for hours. TV is not addictive the way games are.

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Huh? before video games, kids sure did. and in unsafe neighborhoods, still do - especially the preschool set.

  7. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Pat says it is ok to kill the video characters if they are gay.

    1. I think this goes without saying.

    2. Or black. Or female. Or Hispanic. Or LIBERAL.

  8. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Pat thinks of something other than sex? Well, I'll be.

    1. Ahh, but it's still all about sin.

  9. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Pat Robertson is a 'brand' who pretends he serves Christ. He once answered a caller's question whether she should stay with her philandering husband. Robertson's response was for her to try to stay and put up with it. He asked her if he was a good supporter, as if that would change the fact that her husband WAS a philanderer.

    That man on CBN. He's the self-appointed, western church world system-appointed, Wizard of Oz. God has nothing to do with this.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Because there is no God.

  10. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Well, I rather think it's more of a sin when one kid makes Luigi on purpose pick up and throw the other kid's Mario off a cliff just because the one kid wants to get the fire power. THAT is very rude behavior when they're supposed to be partners.

    And yes, it's been a looong summer, and Mom is very much looking forward to September!

  11. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

    Dear Pat,
    What's God's opinion about the rape, plunder, pillage and violence in "The Bible". While you have him on the phone, ask him about fairy tales where people mutilate three handicapped visually impaired rodents just for the fun of it?

    A concerned parent who's killed more than her share of space invaders and frogs during the Atari years.

  12. Anonymous1:56 PM

    OK, I'm damned :^(

    Every time I lost a game of "Missile Command" it caused several million people in the city I was supposed to be protecting from incoming missiles to be destroyed!

    >>> Tom, FL


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