Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"If you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in manmade global warming.” Rush Limbaugh finally says out loud what Climate science deniers have been thinking all along.

Courtesy of The Contributor: 

“What about God’s creation called a fetus?” Rush Limbaugh asked on his radio show Monday. “See, in my humble opinion, folks, if you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in manmade global warming.” 

“You must be either agnostic or atheistic to believe that man controls something that he can’t create,” he continued. “The vanity! These people — on the one hand, ‘We’re no different than a mouse or a rat.’ If you listen to the animal rights activists, we are the pollutants of this planet. If it weren’t for humanity — the military environmentalist wackos — the Earth would be pristine and wonderful and beautiful, and nobody would see it. According to them we are not as entitled to life on this planet as other creatures because we destroy it. But how can we destroy it when we’re no different from the lowest life forms?” 

“And then on the other end, ‘We are so powerful. And we are so impotent — omnipotent that we can destroy — we can’t even stop a rain shower, but we can destroy the climate.’ And how? With barbecue pits and automobiles, particularly SUVs. It’s absurd.” 

And that my friends has been what has been stoking the anti-science fundamentalists for years.

If God made it for us, how could he allow us to break it?

Apparently multiple extinctions, eye watering smog, and acid rain have not been big enough hints to help these idiots recognize the ignorance of their argument.

Sadly when people begin to starve to death because of man made droughts, or get skin cancer due to the loss of the ozone layer, those are not simply the believer who suffer for their faith based ignorance, it is all of us.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Playing along with Rush Limpballs: so did it ever occur to you that God is teaching all those SUV drivers a lesson? After all we know this is a God who doesn't give a shit about collateral damage - parents sins visited on kids in the form of everything from original sin to childhood cancers to "teach the parent a lesson," right?.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Rush is just a troll for hire. Sarah is worse because she doesn't even speak in sentences. Always check your sources before you take anything to heart, because those two are not the only shills out there. But they *are* two of the worst.

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    If, like Rush, you believe you ARE God, well then I guess you can't believe in manmade global warming either.

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Actually, Griff, on one point -

    The Ozone Layer is healing.

    Due to the laws passed in many countries to reduce CFCs in industry, the atmospheric levels of these damaging chemicals have dropped.

    The the hole is getting smaller and the Ozone Layer is on track to be healed by 2050 at the present rate.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Unless republicans come into power and enact policies to reverse the environmental changes we have made to date. Not such a stretch of the imagination, either. They, financially armed by the Koch brothers, are chomping at the bit to do just that.

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Excuse me, but the article cited is form 2012. Here is one that is more recent: While the hole in the ozone layer is shrinking, it is not a record low as reported other places. That "record low" stuff was an error. Shrinking, yes, healed? Not yet.

  4. angela7:00 AM

    Limbaugh has only to look in the mirror to realize that many things put on this earth can become wrecked and desolate.

  5. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I can't imagine why anyone, christian or not, would listen to anything that a fat, hateful pig like Rush Limbaugh has to say.

  6. Boscoe7:18 AM

    Apparently Rush thinks God created him to be a freeloader. Perhaps if he actually read that book he pretends to believe in, he'd understand that humanity is supposed to be good stewards of the Earth. It wasn't created to be exploited and plundered and raped with the expectation that God will fix it for us.

    Remember, this is the Guy who supposedly brought down an Earth-wide flood and murdered nearly EVERYTHING just because He decided He didn't like us anymore.

    But I'm willing to bet cash money that Rush is deeply offended and disgusted when he sees litter and graphitti.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Only if the graffiti is not an attack on Obama or liberals..then he just adds to it. And frankly, I can't see Rush as a guy who bends over and picks up his gum wrappers, can you?

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Yeah, Rush, if we mess up the Earth, air, and sea, God will fix it-- and he will make you slim and handsome, too, at the same time.

  8. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Limbaugh's world is blissfully ignorant of the concept of sin. Wouldn't God want his followers to take care of that which he created?

  9. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Both intellectually and morally, if you believe in God, then you must be willing to act to preserve the beautiful planet we have been allowed to inhabit. As usual, Rush Limbaugh and his ilk have it all wrong. We, as human beings, entrusted with the care of this planet whether by God or by fate, have a duty to help it and to heal it if not for ourselves then for the generations that will follow us.

    I have never been able to understand politicians who can so blithely deny the reality of climate change and then go home to their children and grandchildren whom they have just abandoned for the sake of ???? Political points? Donations from the oil industries? Preferment by the Koch Brothers? Raves from Fox News? When will they learn that what matters is the physical world and what is happening to it?

    If modern man is 1/16, 1/8 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or 4/4 responsible for the problems then modern man must act now to stop the offenses against the planet. If God is up there then he would not want us to do otherwise. God cannot be pleased that more and more forms of life are becoming extinct and that deserts grow and ice caps melt and that fresh water is quickly depleting everywhere.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      And that is precisely why the Bible says, in Revelation 11:18, that God will destroy those who destroy His creation. Biblically speaking, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. It does not belong to the Koch brothers or the republican party to do with it whatever they choose. Taking good care of the environment is clearly an essential element of loving your neighbor as yourself: it is ensuring that the environment will be here for the benefit of your neighbor's grandchildren, not just for your own grandchildren.

      Rush is obviously a spokesperson for selfishness, which is the very antithesis of true Christianity.

  10. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I can't excited about anything Rush SAys. He's all show. I doubt he believes half of what he says. I think he believes he will make headlines. I suspect he enjoys playing with peole. I suspect he tries to see outlandish he can be before someone will close him down.

  11. ...and not that I want to step into this belief system, but what about FREE WILL??? The fat man's assertion that earth was created for humans so God would not let them ruin it??...FREE WILL. Even I know that.

    Now, stepping out of the mass delusion back to reality...

  12. Anonymous7:50 AM

    So Rush L is a spiritual authority now? Wow.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      He's looking for a new platform, and the megachurches seem to shower millions on their 'prophets' like Osteen, Warren, Graham...heck, Rush can hire Palin as his warmup shill.

    2. hedgewytch11:39 AM

      yep, his advertising supporters are drying up. He's trying to milk the Creationist - Denyier's now.

  13. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I am counting the days until this guy is no longer a part of our world. Can't occur fast enough. Why anyone would listen to him on the radio is beyond me!

  14. Anonymous7:51 AM

    We are so impotant -- err, I meant, omnipent....blah, blah.

    Really, if thse bozos can't speak intelligently in GOD'S own tongue, which he gave especially to you Rush, and you Sarah, and you Tammy Faye -- then God has cut you from his JV team, and wants to bring out his real posse -- the ones who are smart and articulate, and know enough not to take every single word that's written as my final gospel. Did any of you ever hear of simile, metaphor, and then fable? The Bible is a GUIDELINE, not MY final word!

    I nominate the heads of the Episcopal Church in the U.S., likewise the National (not Southern) Prsybyterian and Baptist Churches, same with Lutherans, Quakers, Methoditsm, Congregrationalists, Universalist, and other such creeds, to join with me in a love of GOD and a love of HUMANITY.
    Also, worshipers of the Old Testament and the Qu'uan.

    To others -- haters, excluders, yahoos who think they came up with the answer to life and death without my help -- you've got another 100,000 years in purgatory, to talk to each other and see if, at the end of that time,
    you can accept God's word and not your own. If not, 200,000 more years in purgatory until you learn you lesson -- do not take the Lord's name in vain! Moses tired to teach you, but you didn't listen, so I'm giving you more time to learn the lesson.

    Hint: Witches don't exist, and you're wasting your time pretending to exorcise them. Better to plant a garden or spread the good word, the real world, of Christianity, to those who'll listen. No forcing anyone.

    "If they shall see your good works, they'll glorify your Father, who is in heaven"
    That's all you need: walk slowly, confidently, with humility and dignity, and those who can see what good works you do may wish to emulate them.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Actually, witches do exist. And they practice their faith. But, they don't look anything like the way they are portrayed. Instead, they look just like you and me. Oh, and there's no need for exorcism because witches don't inhabit others - only make a free-will choice to follow their own path of faith.

    2. hedgewytch11:41 AM

      Hi! Here I am! I'm a Good Witch, I swear!

  15. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Obviously, Rush is not familiar with Genesis 2:15, which says

    "And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

    Or perhaps he just doesn't understand what the words "tend" and "keep" mean.

    Rush opens his mouth and stupid falls out.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      I doubt Rush has opened a Bible in decades.

  16. Religion aside for a minute. Does this make any sense?

    Someone you love makes you a gift. It takes them hours and hours, days even to make this special gift for you.

    Upon receiving it you throw it on the floor, step on it, drag it around, making it filthy, battered, and worn.

    When you finally ruin it completely you say, "Now I'll be rewarded! He'll make me a bigger, better, more beautiful one to replace it "

    Never understood that logic.

  17. “You must be either agnostic or atheistic to believe that man controls something that he can’t create,” he continued."
    People who dwell in reality and facts understand that man does not control the weather. And also understand that indeed, man's actions have an impact
    on the planet's climate.

  18. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I really detest when the claim of being a "Christian" is draped over bigotry and racism, and sociopathic greed, as if that justifies such evil behaviour.

    Being a Christian means following the words of Jesus...knowing that, yet to act otherwise is no doubt the worst sin in God's eyes.

    Be it God's wrath or simple karma, Rush Limbaugh is really asking for it.

    It will take everything good inside me, to feel the slightest bit of pity, when the result falls on him, like a cosmic wrecking ball.

  19. Anonymous8:36 AM

    The "funny" thing is that Rush doesn't believe any of the shit that comes out of his mouth. He's playing to his audience and raking in their cash.

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      You are correct .
      Although Limbaugh is clearly not very bright .
      Limbaugh barely graduated from high school and that's the extent of his formal education.
      In addition , he's a senior citizen and his long term opiate addiction may have affected his cognitive functions.
      Limbaugh's audience has shrunk to the point that it's
      pretty much Tea Party Palinites,
      so he has to preach nonsense that choir.
      His crusade against science and logic and common sense makes him look like
      a complete idiot , but, that's
      what his audience and sponsors
      apparently crave.
      Man can obviously change his environment.
      A stream full of old mattresses and bottles and chemicals has obviously been changed by man-
      unless you are a Limbaugh / Palinite.
      Maybe they think God is doing the polluting ?
      A couple of months ago , Talker Magazine analyzed proprietary Arbitron ratings
      and Limbaugh has lost 30 % of his audience.
      He allegedly -this was never actually documented - had an audience of 20 million.
      It's now 14 million-just
      barely above Sean Hannity.
      We are a country of almost 350 million , his audience is 4% of Americans and many of them are
      just monitoring his jabberwocky.
      Using Limbaugh's bizarre logic , cancer is created by God ,
      therefore we should not try and control it.
      The same with deafness. Oh wait..

  20. Anonymous8:44 AM

    OT, but I haven't seen this anywhere in MSM.

  21. Well, I say that God gave man the intellect to save the planet from man. Yes, we broke it and, yes, we have the intellectual ability to fix it, courtesy of God. There, Rush, fixed it for you.

  22. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Con "Pundents" have an oral fixation don't they? What is it with Palin and now Greta talking about shoving things down throats?

    Fox News host Greta Van Susteren tore into President Obama on Tuesday night for allowing the press a rare chance to take a picture of him on the golf course in Martha's Vineyard.

    "What was he thinking?" Van Susteren said on her show. "Why would the president do this for the cameras. It's one thing to take a vacation, but this pose is shoving it down the throats of the American people. Many are out of work. They can't afford to spend the day working on their golf game in one of the most expensive places to vacation."

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Most of the people that donate to SarahPac cannot afford to take a vacation like the Palins. Or do they have enough money to spend it on tanning, toenails, working out, and plastic surgery that will prevent them from looking like they have had an old sock stuffed down their throats.

      Got to go....the limbaugh rant made me sick to my stomach. Ignorance of that nature really scares the crap out of me.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  23. Frankly, I don't see how belief in God is incompatible with understanding a human role in global warming. Can someone explain it?

  24. Anonymous10:50 AM

    How many children has Limbaugh sired? Where are they?

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      you are assuming a lot

  25. Randall12:15 PM

    "If you believe in God, then intellectually..."

    contradiction in terms

  26. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Rush feeds his devout listeners(the bigoted ignorati) slop. They love it and he gets richer.

  27. Anonymous2:08 PM

    That reminds me of a joke. A guy goes into his doctor and pulls down his pants to reveal a giant anal cyst. The doctor says, "OMG that thing is huge! That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!" The cyst replies, "I know, it started out as a little pimple on my ass."

  28. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    Following Rush's "logic", he should rip off his cochlear implants. It's God's will that he became deaf from blowing out his eardrums with massive doses of Oxycontin.


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