Friday, August 02, 2013

CNN takes over for Fox: "Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!"

So yesterday CNN's Jake Tapper posts this story, which essentially claims that he has sources within the CIA who sear that there were up to 35 people on the ground and that agents are being threatened into silence for fear they will give up sensitive information to Congress.

Here is a little of what he reports:

Since January, some CIA operatives involved in the agency's missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency's workings. 

The goal of the questioning, according to sources, is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or Congress. 

It is being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career. 

In exclusive communications obtained by CNN, one insider writes, "You don't jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well." 

Another says, "You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation."

Here is how the CIA responded to these allegations:  

CIA spokesman Dean Boyd asserted in a statement that the agency has been open with Congress. 

"The CIA has worked closely with its oversight committees to provide them with an extraordinary amount of information related to the attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi," the statement said. "CIA employees are always free to speak to Congress if they want," the statement continued. 

"The CIA enabled all officers involved in Benghazi the opportunity to meet with Congress. We are not aware of any CIA employee who has experienced retaliation, including any non-routine security procedures, or who has been prevented from sharing a concern with Congress about the Benghazi incident."

Okay well clearly SOMEBODY is not telling the truth here.

Now I have ALWAYS believed that whatever Ambassador Stevens was doing in that Benghazi outpost that night was NOT something that the CIA wanted the American people to know about. But then again I realize that there are a LOT of operations that the CIA does not want the American people to know about. But that is a separate issue.

As for the validity of this reporting, well I am taking it with a grain of salt right now.

For one thing it seems that Tapper may only have one or two sources providing him with this information, and there is no telling WHO they are, or what agenda that they may have for doing so.

The other thing is that I am a little confused as to HOW Tapper got a hold of these sources when Fox News and Darrell Issa have been offering everything shy of Hawaiian vacation packages and hot and cold running blowjobs for anybody that would talk to them.

I am also a little interested that this story suddenly takes place right after the President made reference to "phony scandals," which has pissed off the Republicans to no end.

So, and I am going to get a little conspiratorial here, it would seem a smart move for the NEXT "revelation" about Benghazi to come, not from Fox news, but from a more respected news source.

Of course we have been referring to CNN as Fox-lite for months now, so I am not sure that it helps all that much.

Now right now the Right Wing is jumping around like house cat on a three day catnip bender, but other news agencies are taking a wait and see attitude. And this is driving the Right Wing even more batshit crazy.

However it should be noted that not all so called "Lamestream media" types are ignoring this CNN report.

I don't know, there could be some "there there" but right now I am waiting to see how other, more respected, news outlets handle the story.

But while I am waiting I will continue to keep this in mind.

Who was it who said "I don't believe in coincidences?"


  1. Of course the CIA plays hard ball. Don’t piss them off, Silly Sarah; you’ve got too many skeletons in your closet. You think you can put a crosshair on President Obama, but the laser bead may end up on you.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Man, I really wish the media had looked into how the Iraq war was handled during the Bush administration in the same way they are turning over every rock in this Benghazi story. Bags of cash (millions of dollars!!!) handed over to Iraqi leaders and unaccounted for, rapes and murders committed by hired mercenaries, soldiers electrocuted in Halliburton showers and sent out on the battlefield with inadequate body armor, not to mention there ended up being no WMD to justify the entire war in the first place. But of course Benghazi is the biggest scandal since Watergate.

    There's a reason the reaction of most Americans to this faux outrage is a big, collective yawn. If the Obama administration demonstrated a fraction of the incompetence of the previous one, the media, conservatives and even his own party would've crucified him by now. Instead we have to endure "investigative reporters" hyperventilating about some IRS office in the midwest targeting the tea party, not mentioning they targeted progressive groups, and demanding to know why (gasp) the C freaking IA may not have been 100% forthcoming in the aftermath of an international incident where four people died. The fact that they broke the law and tortured people in the Bush administration? That's a non-issue. Shameful.

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Ah, yes. "Integrity and professionalism" two qualities $carah knows NOTHING about. Tapper must have insulted President Obsma, so she is going to praise him. Time to give "Babygate" and "SarahPac" the same scrutiny as Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. I just read a quote from someone's tweet about Bradley Manning, something to the effect that he stole documents and faces life in prison. The man who committed war crimes got a library!!

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Jake Tapper is a HUGE shill for the Republican Party, I wouldn't trust anything he says without digging deeper.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      CNN's Jake Tapper Helps the Right-Wing Sell Benghazi 2.0

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Exactly, why has he sat on this for almost a year? I call bull shit.

  5. imnofred10:00 AM

    This whole right-wing frenzy over Benghazi is pure bullshit. Many more people were killed and injured in embassy bombings when Bush was President and there were crickets coming from the wing-nut camp.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      The biggest yawn and groan to me is this: how could ANYONE suggest that while Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, and other African and Arab states are a hot bed of widespread civil unrest, war, regime changes, and (mostly imported) terrorism, the CIA would NOT be interested in having a base there??? And how could ANYONE suggest that the information that the CIA has about this should be made public and freely available (so that our enemies could have access to it)?? I find this rightwing arrogance just mind-boggling. These are, after all, the same people who, after 911, demanded that we all stop using the term "french fry". If I could accurately characterize their position, it would be: "we demand that you (the CIA) give us every single document that will help us torpedo Hillary's campaign, and we demand that you give it to us NOW!!!" I mean, after Snowden, they actually think the government should start forking over highly classified documents??? What the heck are they SMOKING, anyway???

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    She's repeating herself again.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      She's the laziest bottomfeeder in the swamp.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    ABC’s Jake Tapper Gets Busted Pushing Bogus Republican Libya Talking Points

    ...Jake Tapper shamelessly echoed the Republican talking point that the Obama administration is impotent in the Muslim world. When Ambassador Rice asked Tapper on what basis he made his judgment, he answered with another Republican talking point about how the United States is powerless.

    When Rice correctly pointed out that the people of Libya did not support the killing of Ambassador Stevens, Tapper moved the goalposts to Egypt. The attack that killed four Americans did not occur in Egypt. It happened in Libya, and the only reason why Tapper was so eager to change the subject away from Libya was because he had zero evidence to back up the basis for his questions.

    What Jake Tapper did was a prototypical Fox News style interview. He took partisan talking points and used them as the foundation for his questions. That’s how conservative media bias works. When Republican talking points are converted into facts, and the media asks loaded partisan questions, they are infecting the viewers with a built in partisan bias.

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Refreshing? I think Tapper's nothing more than a sleazy, typical Fox puppet - just like Sarah Palin. No wonder she'd say something positive about him because he's basically a slimeball underneath the exterior like her.

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Jake Tapper grovels for GOP approval accusing Obama of "playing the victim" of GOP obstruction.

    Jake Tapper interviewed President Obama for Nightline, Oct 18, and he was 'doing his bit' for his GOP masters saying President Obama has been playing the victim, in blaming the Republicans for obstruction:

    " seems as though sometimes your pitch, or the White House pitch, is you're almost a victim in this.".

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      That's because, according to Tapper, all GOP obstructionism is Obama's fault. Rove wasn't kidding when he said, "we will create a new reality." In GOP world, facts and truth are no longer reality: spin, distortion, biased accusation, and lies are reality.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    So, what is the name of that group that Clarence Thomas' wife is so involved in? I'm sure this renewed attention to Benghazi is one of their talking points for the GOP. Keep crying "wolf" and no one will believe them when they really have something.

  11. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Keep after Benghazi until the truth is known
    It will be the end of Shrillary and Hussein

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      *retard alert* *retard alert*

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      We'll all be waiting. Good luck with that.

    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      What is a "Shrillary and Hussein"?
      The delusional troll is in rare form today.
      Usually you can sort of interpret what gibberish they're spewing but not today. Sarah must be super high to write this comment.

    4. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Oh, I so agree with you. Benghazi will bring down Sarah Palin! Shillary is our name for Shilling $arah - "$hilling your $arahPac dollars from one white geezer at a time." We already got Saddam Hussein - you can credit "Bush II" for that one.

    5. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Anyone else find these little Hillbilly Haikus quite bemusing?

      (Note to Simple Sarah, 'bemusing' doesn't mean the same as 'amusing'!)

    6. I wonder why this moron can't figure out the dot on the keyboard.

      I notice lately it has been grifting for SarahPAC. Must be one of the even more illiterate than usual Palins.

      By all means, yokels, donate to Palin. Less money for actual candidates. Not that Palin gives a shit.

  12. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Food for thought:

    I have to say, this has been a week to ponder...Pope Francis, the Zeolot book discussion, the Frank Rich comments, and now this.

    A repudiation of her one and only schtick: hate speech.

  13. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Sarah Palin is an intestinal parasite.

  14. Anonymous11:48 AM

    She kills everything cause she latches onto. So let her screech about Bengaahwzi. It will probably hasten the scandal's demise.

  15. Anonymous11:54 AM

    'Now right now the Right Wing is jumping around like house cat on a three day catnip bender..'


  16. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Yawn. Never heard of it. Good luck with your witch hunt though Jack Taffer.

  17. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Lil' Jake is trying so hard to get a job at Fox. It's become so obvious now. I truly feel sorry for him. His desperation doesn't look good. Just another right wing teabagging scumbucket masquerading as a "journalist". Sad.

  18. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Seriously though, Jake Tapper? The same Jake Tapper who's going to appear on 'All My Children'? Maybe Silly Sarah can co-guest star too! Lord knows her life's quite the hick-ass soap opera.

  19. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi
    CIA nest of spooks

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      "I Do believe in spooks..."

  20. Beldar Benghazi Conehead4:00 PM

    Gryphen, you're so quick to hammer the TEAvalians' quest for truth because your judgment is clouded by your inexplicable affection for this so-called President Obama.

    (Besides health care reform, rescuing the economy from the brink and ending two reprehensible wars, among other things, seriously, what has he done in almost 5 years, besides play golf and go on multi-billion dollar overseas junkets??)

    But, what if you're wrong?

    What if Obama DID personally lead a group of bloodthirsty IRS meth-addict commandos, in swarthy arab camouflage, in a BLACK Ops raid in Libya to kill Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans? Wouldnt you want to know the truth?

    Can't you set aside your distaste for the execrable Screechy Wretch(tm) for FIVE minutes and just let her and Rep Darrell "Dimebag" Isaa question that Obama character using enhanced interrogation techniques including high voltage electrical genital shock and waterboarding?

    If they can extract the truth from Obama, leading to his impeachment, execution and imprisonment (not necessarily in that order) isn't the entire country - including traitorous progressives like you - better off for it?

    Like the slogan "REMEMBER THE ALAMO", "BENGHAZI!!!!" will be a rallying cry for addled RWNJs for generations to come, or at least until, in their heartfelt words, "there's no longer a n1@@*r in the White House"!!

    The sooner the Screechy/Issa Commission can complete its work, the sooner The Screechy Wretch(tm) can take her rightful place as Queen of Amercia For Life For Life!

  21. Anonymous7:02 PM

    "unnamed sources", "those close to", "with knowledge of", etc are all journospeak for "we know nothing but we have to come up with something to publish and as long as we all quote each other then the story will have legitimacy".

    The tactic works especially well if they never let a story go, because even if it's discounted they can still spin it out as a conspiracy. It's like the birther sickness, see the actual birth certificate and call it a fake.

    "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story."

  22. Did Sarah forget about Jake Tapper's snarky Ooooooh, Barracuda! article?

    1. I was just going to link to that article! No love there from Jack to Sarah back in October of 2008!

      Here's another one, where Tapper fact-checks Palin on climate change - and she fails, miserably. Scroll down for Tapper's snappy comeback where it begins

      "Show Me?

      OK, Gov. Palin"...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.