![]() |
"Give me your tired, your wretched masses yearning to be free, but keep the poor, they have no donations to give. So screw them" |
Over the first half of 2013, SarahPAC took in $460,000, but spent more than $495,000. Despite its stated purpose of supporting like-minded candidates, it donated to only one—giving $5,000 to Jason Smith, a conservative Republican backed by the NRA and pro-life groups who won a special election in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District in June by a margin of 67–27.
In contrast, the group spent almost $484,000 on fundraising, research, speechwriting, and high-end travel. This is a comedown from the 2012 cycle, when SarahPAC raised eyebrows for spending more than $4.8 million on consultants while doling out $298,500 to candidates.
The people funding Sarah Palin’s lifestyle and entourage were primarily small donors. Keep in mind that the Federal Election Commission requires only that campaigns and political groups report the names of those who give more than $200 in what are known as itemized donations. Small donors, of less than $200, are grouped together in un-itemized donations. Over 75 percent of SarahPAC’s donations—$341,556 out of a total of $446,880—were un-itemized. And the solicitations for small donors helped line the pockets of the consultants in charge of the effort. In fact, SarahPAC’s biggest operating expenditure was spending $87,148 on direct-mail firm HSP Direct, on fundraising.
The Daily Beast reached out to a number of SarahPAC contributors to ask how they felt about their hard-earned money being spent primarily on consultants. “I trust her judgment and her record,” said Ronald Shuster of Hatboro, Pennsylvania, who gave $2,013 to the group. Sandra Dyberg of Vacaville, California, who gave $201.60 to SarahPAC, said she felt confident in Palin’s hiring decisions. “The consultants that she uses are good consultants,” she said. “I’ve done research on them.” No doubt.
The consultants she uses are "good consultants?" Do they mean these consultants?
The biggest individual beneficiary of Palin’s largesse was SarahPAC’s treasurer, Timothy Crawford, who made $80,500 as consultant for fundraising and compliance. Others who profited off the group include Rebecca Mansour, the aspiring screenwriter behind the website Conservatives4Palin. Her firm, Aries Petra Consulting, made $38,000 for speechwriting. Andrew Davis, a longtime Republican operative and Palin adviser, netted nearly $35,000 for research. SarahPAC also paid Carol Ryan and Marilyn Lane, two women from Wasilla, Alaska, $2,500 a month apiece for “part-time clerical work.”
You know I don't personally HAVE a PAC, yet. But if I did I can assure you that the criteria for how "good" somebody's consulting was would partially determined by how often my remarks were ridiculed on late night comedy shows or fact checked by the dispshits on Fox and Friends.
From what I have seen the only thing "good" about these Palin consultants are that they have not already abandoned her sinking ship of a career fro greener and more lucrative pastures. But once they do, and trust me they will, what will the Palin-bots have to say about them then?
At this point the few remaining SarahPAC donors are akin to the same people who call into televangelist shows and pledge a portion of their paltry retirement benefits to hold a spot for them in heaven. However it is unclear to me as to what benefit, in this life or the next, that these people believe Sarah Palin can achieve on their behalf.
As far as I can tell the benefit is all one direction. They pay, and Palin plays.
However all is not lost for these wretched souls. At least two of them, Dr Donald R Scifres, TTEE and Elizabeth Martin Wiskemann, saw the light and broke away from this suicide cult and have taken back their money and are hopefully now spending it on something that will actually help others or somehow benefit themselves.
Perhaps they could pool their money to start a Palin-bot 12 step recovery program for disenfranchised donors and disappointed horny old goats.
Sarah has an IQ of 83. Imagine how dumb you'd have to be to donate to her in 2013. Imagine!
ReplyDeleteThat's why she rails against the "elites" and the "brainiacs."
DeleteThey're the kids at Wasilla high school who took college pre-prep courses, while Sarah was still in the "lets all read out-loud" class.
When she graduated with a 2.5 average, and no references from faculty, all she could do was to hop from one "college" to another, wearing out her welcome after a semester or two, and finally landing at the University of Idaho, where she probably claimed in-state tuition because some poor relative was still an Idaho resident.
She'd accumulated enough shoddy credits that they had to shovel her out into the real world, with a "degree," but not an education.
Since she never, ever, ever boasts about that college degree, however, nor has the University claimed her as one of its own, it's not beyond belief that she never even got to the degree stage --- she remains several credits short of even a "communications" diploma. Who's to call her on it?
Since she doesn't demonstrate any of the skills of a normal college graduate -- extensive reading, curiosity, knowledge of various aspects of the planet and world history, some rudiments of a foreign language, as well as a speciality in her major -- it's a good bet that Our Sarah hates the elites and brainiacs because she isn't, and never will be, one of them.
"College pre-prep?" What kind of middle school dropout are you? College preparatory courses are taken in high school (versus business track.) It it was college pre-prep - that translates to some middle school course - and doesn't exist.
Delete@4:23 - I went to a private prep school. Yes, by 8th grade, there was info about preparing for college.
DeleteProduce the degree, and the official transcript. You and others claimed that POTUS was not an American citizen, yet the State of Hawaii produced his birth certificate. However, no college has ever produced your college degree. Is it sealed up along with Trig's birth certificate?
DeleteI wonder if SP's good good Christian patriot donors know that her 2nd highest paid consultant and speechwriter is an Arab lesbian (not that there is anything wrong with that).
ReplyDeleteAnd one of the contributors at the Urinal (C4) Steve Flesher is a gay man in a committed relationship.. Roh roh!
DeleteShe is Christian and was born in the US
DeleteI wish someone would interview Dr Donald R Scifres, TTEE and Elizabeth Martin Wiskemann and ask them WHY they asked for a refund...that would make for interesting news I'm sure! :)
DeleteAnonymous3:47 PM
DeleteShe is Christian and was born in the US
She is Satan and was born in HELL.
There...all fixed for ya troll! LOL!!!
Anyone who donates to SarahPAC is a brainless sucker. Sarah thanks you for her cocain...err "postage".
ReplyDeleteWow what's wrong with her lips? Is Sarah okay?
ReplyDeleteIs Sarah OK? You want an answer to that?
ReplyDeleteI want to see his BC and I want to see it NOWWW.
Apparently, according to Mrs. Palin's latest Facebook screed (written by an Arab Lesbian, no less) Obama is trying to kill off all the retarded folks, including the Bristol's kid Trigger.
DeleteWho'd have thunk it? There are no details, just a general rant against President Obama saying he bowled like a "special olympics kid".
Face it Sarah, your grandson has special needs, and you grabbed him from your daughter and put him on a campaign trail as a pro life implement in 2008, and never, ever have we ever heard about any sort of therapy or special attention and schooling he's been given to give him the BEST chance to actually be a functional person in society.
You seem to have kept him "retarded" and "DS bound" instead of trying to help him function with the rest of us.
So sad, and so hypocritical to call out Obama for any sort of slight towards the mentally retarded.
Grasping at straws is your M.O. Mrs. Palin, and it is not a good stance to take as you are turning off more people than you are attracting.
Well if that is the case, then the entire Palin/Heath KLAN is in jeopardy of being killed off, if retardation is her criteria for elimination.
DeleteSarah needs to grow up and stop living hatefully. If only she could get a job and live vibrantly but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
ReplyDeleteI see what you did there! Hehehe.
DeleteIt's funny...
ReplyDeletethere is a rule that they only have to give name and address for contributions over $200. One woman quoted in the DB article was listed for giving $201.60...
get it? 2016???
That will be her next act, Televangelist. Mark my words, she will make that her new hustle when the PAC money runs out. She will establish a new ministry, "The Light of the Living Bitch".
ReplyDeleteI agree 12:54, I've often thought that televangelist will be her next gig. Look at the performances and lifestyles of some past and present (big-time and small-time)TV preachers. Sarah would make an easy transition. Big hair, gaudy jewelry and clothes, folksy manner. (Think she'll drop the racist, hate-filled rants?) Grift for donations every week, sell more ghost-written books, dismiss any scandals that are revealed...she's been forgiven, don't cha know.
Her Xmas book is just the beginning of her new life as a Jeebus money grubbing televangelist.
DeleteNo, the hate-filled rants will stay. Look at Robertson lately. He's damning everyone but his donors to a very hot future. Sarah will be the same. Cable grifting Queen.
DeleteWell ya, televangelist the only thing she CAN do!
DeleteBictchol burned her bridges in Hollywood taadaa with Joan and Melissa! Too be a fly on the wall when the PALIN name comes up!
I'm sure that she has been studying "under" Franklin Graham.
DeleteTimothy Crawford, who made $80,500
ReplyDeleteThat's just 6 months pay over the table. How much did he make under the table?
This SarahPac is nothing more than a pyramid scheme funded by the losers on the bottom tiers who give money like the loser below:
ReplyDeleteIam No IV > Sarah PalinYesterday at 8:18pm · I've donated some money to SarahPac.
A few years ago, I did promise that I will NOT abandon Gov. Palin on the battlefield. I am willing to sacrifice my life, fortune, and sacred honor to help preserve, protect,and defend the U.S. Constitution. A PROMISE is a PROMISE.
Forwarded Message -----
From: "sarah@sarahpacdonate.com"
To: qtdb10@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 12:47 AM
Subject: Thank you for your donation
Thank you Quang,Thank you for your generous contribution to SarahPAC.
This verifies that you donated to Sarah PAC in the amount of $100.00
Your transaction id is: 5426147125
How does that prove it is a pyramid scheme? I'm not connecting those two dots. I'm sure there is money laundering going on, but pyramid scheme?
DeleteWell Wakeup, the people on the top of the pyramid like Palin, Crawford and Ram never lose. They reap the fruits from the fools on the lower levels like Quang.
DeleteI don’t buy this for a second and believe that all of these so-called “consulting fees” are going to someone who is funneling it right back into the Palin’s bank account for personal use. This really needs investigation on a federal level because it doesn’t add up. She’s a do-nothing nobody and she’s learned zilch over the past years so why would she need any consultant? I this is a typical Palin grifting scam and needs to be uncovered.
ReplyDelete"What's in it for us?"
ReplyDelete-Todd Palin
Palins don't do anything for nothing.
I almost posted the exact same comment on the last SarahPac thread. Her donors really do not care how she spends their money. I read a Freeper post from a fanboy and he said: Sarah knows that God provides so whenever she needs money, we'll be there for her.
ReplyDeleteIf these people of hers can believe in a god then basically, they can believe in anything.
DeleteReligion is a mind based sickness that make the bearer of such weak and susceptible to all sorts of scams, frauds and malfeasance.
I really don't care if these lower middle class brainwashed pukes give all their money to the Grifter. They will never even find fault with her because once one goes over to the "faith" aspect of reasoning, there is very little chance of bringing them back.
"Religion is a mind based sickness that make the bearer of such weak and susceptible to all sorts of scams, frauds and malfeasance."
DeleteSorry, you don't have to be religious at all to be stupid, gullible, and greedy.
And being a non-believer doesn't mean you are automatically intelligent and discerning with critical thinking skills.
Was it Freud or max who pointed out that if one is willing to play make believe regarding a skybuddy (religion) then that gullibility/naivete/sloppy thinking habit was likely to invade other areas of one's life.
DeleteSo no, one doesn't HAVE to be religious to be so stupidly gullible that they would donate to $arahPac, but it is more likely to be the case. And yes, generally, those who are atheists or agnostics are indeed likeley to be more intelligent - they have exhibited their critical thinking prowess, which requires intelligence.
"...those who are atheists or agnostics are indeed likeley to be more intelligent - they have exhibited their critical thinking prowess, which requires intelligence."
DeleteThat is hardly an exhibit of critical thinking skills.
John McCain what do you think of SarahPac?
ReplyDeleteWho in hell is this?
Sarah's #1 squeeze, RAM.
DeleteIs that the Penguin from the Batman cartoons?
DeleteDANG RAM!!!
Delete$38,000 will buy a LOT of penguin FOOD! LOL!!!
The heart and soul of the Sarah Palin brand.
DeleteGood grief! That picture will give me nightmares. I sincerely hope not, but she's scary.
DeleteBristol's main squeeze or vice versa. SarahPac must be some love fest.
DeleteAnonymous6:22 PM
DeleteThat picture of RAM was payback from Baldy....RAM had told the TRUTH about Beefy's trampy ass and Baldy's evil ass had that "beautiful" photo of RAM released to the press...Amirite RAM or amirite! LOL!!!!
That picture has got to be fake. No one can be that fucked up. RAM baby, is that really you?
DeleteYou people need to stop complaining about Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is untouchable.
ReplyDeleteIs that you Todd? I wouldn't want to touch her either.
DeleteVery true. I wouldn't want to touch her either.
DeleteNot according to Glenn Rice.
DeleteGlenn did you tear that shit up in Sarah's sister's Alaska college dorm room and left her there like a horse rode hard and put away wet?
Do you repeat that to yourself at bedtime so you can sleep better... you know... like counting sheep? It is obvious Time and Gravity haven't been informed. As her looks go(and they are going quickly), her brand collapses(it is already happening). All that will be left is an empty noggin.
DeleteHa! LOL
DeleteYou sound like Beldar Conehead in disguise.
I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole.
DeleteI agree...no one would want to touch her!!!
DeleteSeriously, names please of her protectors and don't say God. Thank you.
Do you mean that Sarah is an untouchable, the lowest caste in India? I thought so.
DeleteAnonymous1:20 PM
Delete"Sarah Palin is untouchable."
No ONE is untouchable forever....eventually John McCornTeeth will die and Baldy's humpback ugly flat ass will get hers! Amirite RAM or amirite! LOL!!!
Says one of Sarah Palin's dissociative personalities!!
DeleteROFL !!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSarahPac FEC report:
If Sarah Palin is so popular in Alaska and thinking about running for senator, where are the Alaska donors?
I didn't see one Wasillian or Alaskan.
I did see one Arizonian that caught my eye. Not sure if there were any more.
ALWAYS love your captions.
ReplyDeleteThe grift that keeps on grifting.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why this SarahPac donor wanted his money back?
ReplyDeleteDr Donald R Scifres, TTEE
26700 Palo Hills Dr
Los Altos Hills, California 940221927
refund of 2012 contribution 2000.00
I don't know. Maybe he realized she's a liar and an idiot?
DeleteTTEE is an abbreviation for trustee" The trustee on a trust or on a other deposit account controls the assets in the trust or the funds in the account.
Deletehere is the good dr. who wanted a refund....
You can see from his contribution history that he gives a lot to right wing candidates and PACs like American Crossroads. I guess the good doc only wants to contribute to those actually involved in elections. That eliminates BaldyPAC.
DeleteThis would likely be why:
@Anon 4:17pm
DeleteLooks like the "EE" in his sig. stands for Electrical Engineering.
Want to see something interesting? Look at SarahPac's FEC filing
and look to see how many times this guy donated.
Quang Do
3504 Canyon Rd.
Grand Prairie, Texas 75052
Now look at the Sarah Palin post below and within it Sarahpacdonate.com thanks Quang for his donation. Is this the same crackpot who donates multiple times?
Sarah Palin facebook:
Iam No IV > Sarah PalinYesterday at 8:18pm · I've donated some money to SarahPac.
A few years ago, I did promise that I will NOT abandon Gov. Palin on the battlefield. I am willing to sacrifice my life, fortune, and sacred honor to help preserve, protect,and defend the U.S. Constitution. A PROMISE is a PROMISE.
Forwarded Message -----
From: "sarah@sarahpacdonate.com"
To: qtdb10@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 12:47 AM
Subject: Thank you for your donation
Thank you Quang,Thank you for your generous contribution to SarahPAC.
This verifies that you donated to Sarah PAC in the amount of $100.00
Your transaction id is: 5426147125
Yes. Also one of the most out of control crackpots at the See o Pee.
DeletePeople who give the grifter money are the type of people who would give their money to billionaires and eat scraps out of the garbage. Usually these types are in cults and evangelical prosperity gospel churches. Their leaders live like kings and queens and they see no reason they shouldn't. Sarah Palin could piss all over them and they would only ask for more of it. They are too into her and reality is harsh. She has found the low end idiots and she will squeeze every penny she can out of them. They would die if they knew what she really thought of them.
ReplyDeleteShe will soon be Aimee Semple McPherson--only not as well dressed.
or as smart or well-spoken.
DeleteSpend some time at sea of pee. They truly think she is their Savior.
DeleteI don't care how Sarah spends the PAC money
ReplyDeleteAlong with Ted Cruz and Rand Paul
She is the best
At pointing out the failures of the Kenyan Muslim Socialist
Right. Do you know where your heroes are this week? Talking to that brilliant Christianist in Iowa who is positive there is PROOF that this is and always has been a Christian nation (a Christian nation who starts wars, loves them their guns and the death penalty, cares nothing for the poor and sick, wants to tax the pensions of people who worked and paid taxes for 40 years, and take away SS and Medicare.) Yeah. WWJD indeed. But hey, keep sending them your cash...none of them will EVER be President. Oh, and that Muslin Socialist you're so afraid of? He's a Christian moderate who is bringing down the deficit, unemployment and your taxes. Sorry to burst your bubble.
DeleteYou are so obvious and not really very clever...
DeleteAnd we are the best at pointing out hers.
DeleteI don't know who this Kenyan Muslim Socialist you speak of is, but as far as being an expert on failures, Sarah is qualified. She finally was enabled into a position where she could pull off the long con, but she failed at everything she did before. She found out that as dumb as she is, there are folks dumber.
DeleteHeheh, 2:18, I don't think that you have been keeping up with current events. Kenya is not a socialist country. If you are referring to President Obama, he is an American. Sarah Palin's recent remarks probe that he is Christian because Palin wanted to talk about Obama sitting in Reverend Wright's church for twenty years.
DeleteHe's from Hawaii, part of the United States of America.
DeleteHe's Christian, and worships at St. John's Church on Lafayette Square, the "church of the presidents."
He's a moderate Democrat.
His father was from Kenya; that doesn't make him Kenyan.
He lived a few years in Indonesia as a young child; that doesn't make him a Muslim.
You need to read in-depth about socialism, communism and fascism. None of them exist in the USA, 2:18. The closest we may get to totalitarianism is the theocracy being promulgated at every turn by the "christian" far-right.
Bravo, Anon 3:46. Well said but the words will fall on deaf ears and a dead brain. The people who spout those words don't want the truth, just an excuse to spew their hatred.
Delete@anon at 2:18 pm you are a FUCKING IDIOT.
Delete$ARAH PAYLIN is a self serving , selfish sociopath, and anyone who can't see that is deceived and brain dead
Tammy Faye Baker and her husband Jim were way higher than Sarah and they lost everything, including jail time for Jim too. Sarah has to realize these investigations take a long time. Alaska may be afraid of her, but the IRS and FEDS are not.....
ReplyDeleteWhat is there to be afraid of, her smell?
DeleteSandra Dyberg of Vacaville, California, who gave $201.60 to SarahPAC, said she felt confident in Palin’s hiring decisions."
ReplyDelete$201.60? 2016? Ooh, so very clever. Not.
Sorry Sandra, that qualifies you as a brain dead dipshit. You stupid fool.
Most like a 4p. They do that cutesy crap all the time.
DeleteDipshit yes. If she were smart she would have sent $20.16. She'd be richer too
DeleteIt is. I bet that one is Peppers. She's from that area of NOR_CAL.
DeleteAnonymous5:18 PM
DeleteIt is. I bet that one is Peppers. She's from that area of NOR_CAL.
Yeppers...that's Peppers...poor thing was ran off by one of the nuts who tried to outnut her at the Asylum! LOL!!!
Gryphen said...
ReplyDelete"horny old goats"...
You wrong....but SO right! LOL!!!
Gina, please consider new glasses, a haircut and perhaps lose some weight? Why are lib females so ugly like you and conservatives ( like Sarah, Michelle M etc) such hot babes!
DeleteSame with the dudes.. You have Todd ( hot hot hot) vs Anthony Weiner ( not not hot).
Psssst, stupid @ 3:55 - you are comparing a politician to a former politician's spouse - so the appropriate comparison would be Toad to Huma - and she is gorgeous. Toad=not so much- paunch,beady eyes, squeaky voice and rather small. No ethics, no professionalism, no decorum - in other words a sniveling, little bastid.
DeletePsst--Troll at 3:55, you have fallen for the assumption that the avatar picture a person chooses is an actual photo of the person posting. If you are interested, the avatar pic that our Gina uses is an actual photo of Rebecca Mansour, one of Sarah's top "speechwriters."
DeleteSo, please, go on with your lame-ass generalization about how ugly "libs" are and how "hot" conservatives are. And discard any facts that don't serve your prejudices.
But IMO, Barack Obama is the hottest man on the planet.
uh idiot spill on aisle 3:55 gina.
Deletelet us know when you are ready to bat this rat around and reveal what we all know but the idiot beast at 3:55 doesn't.
we are all being so respectful of your fun so have at it so we can pile on with the applause.
omg what a bunch of idiot losers skank has worshiping her. really this is too rich for words!
Every damn time, GinaM, every damn time! My GOD, they're so STUPID!
Anonymous3:55 PM
DeleteWell....well...well....looks like one of Baldy's H.O.G.'s has made an appearance and shitted all over himself in the process!
Uh...RAM...hey RAM...you gonna let this old fart get away with this? You betta get to earning that 6000 thousand a month and tell this fool he better recognize whoTF you are!
PS...umm...RAM...ain't nuthing wrong with your specs...they just like Baldy's and the haircut...just get in touch with Wallow...she'll take care of you...and as far as that "lose some weight" thing....err....I think the Toad can hook you up with that part! WONK! LOL!!!!
When Sarah closes her eyes for the night, does she see the faces of those little people who donate a good chunk of their modest salaries, believing she is a good steward of their money? Does she say her prayers at night thanking God for the kind people who believe in her and who've invested their trust in her pledge to guide them to better days?
ReplyDeleteI hope her donors don't go through hard times, because if they ever do, Sarah will NEVER care, nor be around to help their cause. She'll support the guy who wants to take away food stamps, and affordable health care, and she'll step on the graves of those who died waiting.
"I hope her donors don't go through hard times, because if they ever do, Sarah will NEVER care, nor be around to help their cause."
DeleteI used to feel sorry for them, but I no longer do. She has been spewing viciousness, rage, anger, lies, racism, spite, contempt for our government, contempt for the Constitution, and contempt for Americans without pause for 5 years now.
Anyone still listening to her responds to that and it fits what they think and feel.
They may be poor, or elderly, or on Social Security, or Medicare, or disability. That doesn't automatically make them sweet, helpless, innocent, curly-haired grannies baking apple pies and dusting their Norman Rockwell pictures of the Four Freedoms.
It means they were nasty, angry, stupid, spiteful people in their younger days and they are just the same now.
I used to feel sorry as well, Nefer, but never again. There will always be people that simply won't pay attention to FACTS put under their nose; they will only see what they want to.
DeleteNefer you forgot to add racist along with nasty angry stupid and spiteful.
DeleteThey will end up like the people of Germany post World War II. Roaming the streets, eating out of garbage cans and begging, once their Fuhrer was exposed and defeated. History will repeat itself for the Bitch.
DeleteI think that some of the PAC's are a load of crap and people are using them to enrich themselves instead of supporting a political point of view.
ReplyDeleteI get telephone requests from both Gingrich and Santorum with pretty much the same message. They are collecting a million signatures on a petition in order to restore our nation. They don't say how my signature will do that-- plant trees to restore the land devastated after a forest fire? restore the lands devastated by hurricanes? or go back to the 1950's? What they are doing is collecting names to ask for donations to keep this whole vicious circle going. Sarah is doing the same thing, in her own way. While these people make a show of running for office, it's just a trick to justify the PAC. What a ripoff!
ReplyDelete.......Despite it being her home state, only 18 percent of Alaskans think Palin should make a bid for the White House in 2016, with 77 percent— including 72 percent of Republicans — saying she should stay out of the election.
Wow, those numbers are incredible. The peebots will say they only interviewed libs
DeleteWhat's funny is they are determined to give her more money. It's like the Nigerian prince emails. They say they were sent out as a test to appeal to the most easily duped.
ReplyDeleteHow much do you want to bet that Sarah uses a CLICK FARM for her Facebook page?
DeleteIsn't that the business that Joe Mansour is in? Rebecca's nephew? He advised, advises how to profit for internet, email, blogs... I forget the company and spiel. He went somewhere in Asia to set things up, train people. But that is his business. Why wouldn't he help his Auntie? Click farms are probably the least of it. He would rig them up with the best schemers.
Delete"Workers punching the keys might be on a three-shift system, and be paid as little as $120 a year." It made me think of Krusty and the robotic trolls. Palin/Crawford/RAM are just not willing to pay for quality help.
DeleteSandra (2016) Dyberg is a perfect example of how Sarah has attracted the brain dead zombies. These undead exist to be fleeced. C(retins) 4 Palin is aptly named.
ReplyDeletePray away and drain your bank accounts, cretins, it is NOT going to happen.
DeleteSarah is ranting about Obama again on her FB page. This time, he has hurt the mentally retarded. She is so obsessed with hi it's very very sick. I hope the secret service has been warned about her.
ReplyDelete"Pass me a baby, not the retarded one."
DeleteShe is mentally retarded and hurt. she would know.
Delete3:57 - you can always let SS know that you think she is dangerous.
DeleteThe Secret Service, and the FBI are coming for Todd, and his AIP terrorist friends first, then she will be next in line.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone else looked up Donald R. Scifres? WTF?
ReplyDeleteas for Elizabeth (s or M) Wiskemann:
as of 2006 #486 on Forbes
Is $carah cultivating relationships with very very rich old people to grift from? Who was her hostess again at the Kentucky Derby?
And looky, here:
I'll just bet "consultant fees" include those that jump on every site posting about her to sing her praises, especially those damn librul ones.
ReplyDeleteYou aren't fooling ANYONE, $arah, and you CAN'T run for anything again, WE all know that. You just crave the attention, good or bad, but that deep-seated anger you have? YOU brought on yourself.
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride! Todd still hiding from Malia?
Awww. What's a girl gotta do to manipulate the media? Poor little Sarah has put out two recent, hysterical anti-Obama rants** and the media doesn't seem too interested. Do they not realize she wants to drown out the press about her PAC FEC report and also her poor showing in the AK polls? I hope she'll keep trying and escalate her effort. This could get interesting.
1)She illogically compared North Slope employment to Keystone XL and misused the numbers so she could call the President a liar.
2)She's screaming something about Obama hurting DS kids (according to comments I've seen above).