Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Conservative website invites you to slap Hillary Clinton. Really?

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:

A Republican Super PAC prominently features a game on their website that allows users to slap former secretary of state and possible 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton across the face. The game is being hosted on the website for The Hillary Project, an anti-Clinton Super PAC that lists its address in Nashua, New Hampshire, according to FEC filings, and has Christopher M. Marston, a Republican campaign finance consultant and former member of the Bush administration, as its treasurer. 

The website states that the game was “Created and produced by The SlapHillary Team,” and began spamming reporters to its existence Monday with the tweet, “Have you slapped Hillary today?” 

According to the website RichardPoe.com, the game is in fact old “and was created Marie Poe, an award-winning filmmaker and animation producer of numerous hit shows, including MTV’s Beavis and Butthead.” The website also states the game was created in 2000.

You know that tearing sound you hear are women all over the country ripping up the cards they carry identifying them as being members of the Republican party.

This is such a bad idea that at first I thought it MUST be a parody. After all what kind of idiot posts something like this while their party is being accused of engaging in a War on Women? (Gee I wonder where they ever got THAT idea?)

Because I have to tell you that the idea that there is a game where participants are encouraged to bitchslap a woman, especially a woman as well respected as Hillary Clinton, is going to backfire like these people cannot believe.

Once again I have to ask the eternal question of WHY there are females voting with for the politicians in the Republican party. 


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    O/T, but more of the same-same:

    How did we get here? thanks you, Gryphen, I have been wondering more about the causes instead of just be-moaning the current sad state of affairs.

    It sometimes is just exhausting to think that all the work we did, collectively, in the 60's and early 70's was for naught. I have often said, to the amusement of my children, that the Tea Partiers are the Squares of the 60's...

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    There is no question in my mind that children mimic the bad behavior of their parents, just as those with lesser power imitate the bad behavior of those with greater power. Those who are younger and less powerful than the evil clowns perpetuating this kind of behavior will imitate it – on playgrounds, in high schools, in cars while on dates, on college campuses, in homes, in churches, in the workforce, and at all political levels nationwide. Those in leadership influence, for good or for evil (for evil in the case of the GOP) those who are younger and less powerful. They are sowing the wind, and they will reap the whirlwind. In the case of badly-behaved republican men (and I use that term loosely), my ongoing question is always: what are these 'men' like at home, when not seen, around children, in the work force, and on line?? I am convinced that the answer to my question is very disgusting.

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    OMG, Gryphen, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So much for that hit piece on CNN...and Erin Burnett On CNN’s ‘Truth About Benghazi’ Special

    First criminal charges filed in Benghazi attack probe

    Federal agents and prosecutors investigating the attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi have filed charges against Ahmed Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia that officials believe was involved in the assault, people briefed on the investigation said. The charges under seal are the first criminal counts to emerge from the probe.

    The investigation of the attack last September 11 that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others continues, these people said, as investigators try to build their case against Khattalah and others who authorities believe were involved.

    Attorney General Eric Holder had earlier this year promised congressional lawmakers the Justice Department would soon make public what actions it would take.

    With the anniversary of the attack looming, the Justice Department has come under criticism for the lack of public progress in the case.

    People close to the case say the investigation has moved significantly in recent months. The initial charges are filed in a complaint in New York, according to the people briefed on the matter.

    The Justice Department and the FBI declined to comment on the charges. The agencies prohibit commenting on matters that are under seal. It couldn't be learned when the U.S. plans to announce the charges and whether there are any plans to try to detain Khattalah.

    None of the sources would discuss the precise charges against Khattalah in the sealed complaint.

    Benghazi has become a political flashpoint in a long-running battle between the Obama administration and Republicans, who accuse it of not bolstering security before the attack, of botching the response to it and of misleading the public for political gain less than two months before the November election.

    The probe is led by agents from the FBI in New York, and has included some members from the agency's Washington field office who have traveled to Libya to interview hundreds of witnesses, those briefed on the investigation said.

    The Benghazi attack involved scores of militants using rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons. They quickly overwhelmed a lightly guarded compound where Stevens had turned in for the night. The attack resumed later that night after American survivors evacuated to the nearby CIA compound,

    Khattalah has kept a public presence, including granting interviews to CNN.

    U.S. law enforcement officials said it's not unusual for the FBI not to seek to interview defendants in a case while they collect other evidence.


  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    O/T And the children shall lead...

    OMG, Gryphen, the interviewer is such a total jerk. What a fucking asshole. He's trying to corner her and she is holding her own, in fact she is smacking him right down for his guilt tripping and stays right on target.

    This is a MUST SEE!


    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      My goodness I enjoyed that video, so much! That young lady is so impressive how she holds her own and knows her stuff. And that guy, yep, a real dick.

  5. Anonymous12:49 PM

    The Republican party is so damned vile! I can hardly wait to see the outcome of the next election process because they are going to eat crow AGAIN!!

    Why any woman would belong to their party is beyond me. Only idiots would be a part of them. They are horribly ANTI women.

    Hillary Clinton please run for POTUS. There will be nothing nicer than having a Dem in the White House for another eight years!!!

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Anon 12:49 PM

      "Why any woman would belong to their party is beyond me. Only idiots would be a part of them..."

      What other party is a self-loathing loser going to feel at home belonging to? The only good thing in the Republican Party is that most of them think Sarah Palin is a booger-eating dumb-shit like all of the other TeaBaggers.

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Those people who are amused by things like this have serious issues. It's not clever, funny, amusing or even interesting to anyone with an IQ over 70. Never mind, just keep doing your thing, Repugs. Please proceed to another ass-whipping.

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Hillary must be really chuckling at all the attention she's getting and she hasn't even announced, IF she is going to announce.

    They are coming unglued at the POSSIBILITY of her campaign. Can you imagine how insane it will get once she's on the trail. Insane, and ugly. The misogynists will have a free-for-all, and it will totally backfire, since every woman will feel the attacks. Every hit on Hillary is a hit on a powerful woman and women stand up and take notice of that kind of thing. Even women on the conservative, right side of life.

    That she can stir all this and be just living quietly, privately, in her life right now, is truly hysterical who much hysteria it is producing from the GOP.

    And living out some cockamamie fantasy of slapping Hillary is lame beyond belief. But then, that's our right wingers for ya, lame beyond belief.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      They forget the strength of Hillary Clinton. She's one strong, experienced smart lady that is a Dem!!!! Yea!

      Plus, she is smart as can be and they have absolutely no one on the 'red' side that can measure up to her as far as experience goes and they know it.

      Plus, she has a former POTUS as her husband who has a wonderful reputation these days. They will be an outstanding 'team' in the White House!

      I can hardly wait for her to declare, outdo them in debates and kick their fat asses! Just think folks - another eight years of Dems!

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I love this one response:

    oOo about 17 hours ago:
    "Now I want Hillary to run just to they all have to suck it. First a black man and now a woman, and two Dems in a row. And I hope the one after that is super duper gay. A gay black Islamic Mexican woman. I want them to feel like they’ve got scorching poison ivy all the time. Suck it, jerks!"

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Now I want Hillary to run just to they all have to suck it. First a black man and now a woman, and two Dems in a row. And I hope the one after that is super duper gay. A gay black Islamic Mexican woman. I want them to feel like they’ve got scorching poison ivy all the time. Suck it, jerks!

  9. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Well the first clue would be that on Buzzfeed, the consensus is that the idea if FAIL and TRASHY.

  10. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The ugly undercurrent of violence is becoming more and more real. As the internet and Fox allow this type of discourse, we become hardened to brutality and sadism.
    The subtext of violence has always been at the heart of totalitarian regimes -- from Hitler to Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot. Now, pretending they are "christian," these thugs repeat and repeat their barbarianism. The war on women is a huge and obvious example.

    Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan coined the term "defining deviancy down." Our culture is awash in brutishness and savagery, so it winds up not seeming as outrageous and illegal as it is.

    Since this site specializes in Sarah Palin, we can give her credit for helping to foster the kind of bullying cruelty that led to the Tucson shootings, and the acceptance of gun violence that now permeates our society.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      and her hate speech...shocking in the autumn of 2008...now, sadly, the norm.

  11. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Most all of the comments on their website have been one of outrage. This one was worth sharing however..."Why don't you show that you are fair minded, bipartisan abusers of women. Maybe you could start an equally hilarious "sister" site, say, "Sodomize Sarah?"

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Well, in fairness, the same website that promotes the Slap Hilary "game" could easily include something like "Poke Palin," since they do want to have sex with Sarah. It's all part of their sexism. On the other hand, nobody here wants to have sex with Sarah or do anything else with her...at all.

  12. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Sarah Palin is probably the worst lay in the land! Her vajaja has to be one loose female thingy that no male would enjoy using except for a fat, white, old (Viagra using!)guy that is a nasty, evil Republican!. I wish them good tidings when using her as they have been doing since prior to 2008! Even McCain wasn't successful with the likes of her!

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      And that is why Glen Rice didn't call her the next day.

  13. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Visited site and got a few slaps in
    Great idea

    1. Well that is probably as close as you will ever get to touching an actual woman.

  14. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Stockholm Syndrome?

  15. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Media Matters head David Brock today came out to support Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus‘ demand that CNN and NBC drop the Hillary Clinton projects they’re working on. Brock agrees with Priebus that both networks will be subject to charges of favoritism by releasing, respectively, a documentary and a miniseries on the former First Lady/U.S. Senator/Secretary of State and potentially future president.

    Brock sent letters to both networks urging them to reconsider, or at the very least explain themselves. He asks NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt and CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker if they’re willing to “tarnish” the reputations of their news divisions with the Clinton projects. Brock also expresses concerns about the integrity of NBC News & CNN’s reporting on the presidential campaign after working on films that would basically promote one of the candidates over all the others.

    But where Brock’s criticism differs from the RNC’s is his concern that the projects might go too far in appeasing the anti-Hillary crowd. Here’s what he writes in his letter to CNN:

    “Fox News has already done segments suggesting the documentary will be ‘airbrushed’ or ‘revisionist history’ if it doesn’t include phony scandals like ‘Travelgate,’ ‘Filegate,’ and ‘Whitewater.’ Your network issued a statement asking the RNC to ‘reserve judgment’ until they know more about the documentary. This suggests that they might, in fact, be pleased with it which is reason enough to suspend the project.”



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