Friday, August 09, 2013

Gun nuts to celebrate their insecurities by strapping on handguns and going out for coffee for a national “Starbucks Appreciation Day.” Highly caffeinated armed cowards crowded into a tiny coffee shop, what could possibly go wrong?

Courtesy of The Washington Times:

 Starbucks seems an unlikely dueling ground in the national debate over guns, but the ubiquitous coffee chain Friday will once again find itself squarely in the cross hairs in the battle between gun control and gun rights advocates. 

More than 2,000 gun rights activists plan to visit their local Starbucks with their sidearms for a national “Starbucks Appreciation Day.” 

The Seattle-based chain takes no formal position on guns but has a corporate policy of following applicable state gun laws — including “open carry” laws in more than 40 states that allow permit-holding patrons to bring their loaded weapons into the shop while they sip their lattes and caramel macchiatos. 

Gun owners began staging the appreciation days a few years ago when the company faced pressure from gun control advocates to ban firearms from his stores. 

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz resisted the move, saying in one interview, “I’m not a politician. I run a coffee company and we’re trying to abide by the laws in which we do business.” 

Seriously why don't these assholes just where t-shirts that declare "I am afraid of everything?" After all what else can it mean to walk around the streets of a city with a weapon strapped to your hip all of the time?

Then of course there is the blatant insensitivity to other people who might want to enjoy a coffee as well. 

Plans for a pro-gun display at the Newtown Starbucks has added another layer of tension to the day. 

“Our community is still healing and we find it reprehensible that they are picking Newtown to rally,” David Ackert, spokesman for the Newtown Action Alliance, said in a statement. “It is disturbing to think that tomorrow night you and your children may be sitting in Starbucks when people carrying guns walk through the door.” 

Personally I avoid Starbucks, as I make a fine cup of joe all by myself, but I have to say that if I did want an espresso and entered a store full of Rambo cos players I would walk out and never set foot in the place again.

But hey that's just me. You know, a sane person.

Gee I wonder if this guy will show up?

Seems like he would fit right in.


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Have mercy!

  2. Anonymous3:14 PM

    This reminds me of an older movie, "Armed and Dangerous" - John Candy/Larry Harkin?

    These proud armed advocates could all be shooting every which way but loose if some robber came in to hold up the server. I can imagine what kind of chaos would ensue. Innocents would be caught in the crossfire.

    They also remind me of the shark bounty hunters in Jaws, all aiming and shooting randomly at anything that moved in the water..........and getting a big zero.

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    GAhhh, it's FUPA tiny footed monkey man again! Please stop showing that photo! I really don't find any man attractive if you have to lift his "FUPA" to find his tiny penis. Okay, it's not just that, it's the hair, not just on his head but the fact that he has HAIR ALL OVER HIS BODY! This man could be a poster child for birth control for certain, and really, the guns are just secondary because this troglodyte is barely human. He also too looks like he smells.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      oh my god, i am laughing so hard at your comments..yeah this dud ....eer... dude is creepy

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM


  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Okay, Gryphen. Inquiring minds want to know. Where did you get the photos of this guy (same guy from yesterday, right?)? Is there some website devoted to gun/bondage cross fetishes or something?

    If you don't warn us up top about these sorts of photos being posted, I'm not sure I'll be willing to risk reading your blog ever again.

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Didn't go so well In Indy...

  6. If he was the last man on earth...I'd sooner have sex with a rock...a very jagged rock than that complete freak.
    Needless to say I won't be going to Starbucks that day to see the freak show.

  7. yikes! I have seen that guy's picture two days in a row, can I get some brain bleach, please? What an ego, he actually thinks this is sexy?

    I will be staying away from all establishments that allow nutjobs to walk in with guns. period. There is a time and place for guns, in public,no. They have carried this way to the extreme.

  8. Why do I think that guy is single...and a virgin?

  9. Anonymous5:01 PM

    How has that guy not shot his dick off yet? Is it too small or is he a poor shot or both? Ewww How much you want to bet that's his mom's basement and that's the chair where he spanks it to gun porn?
    You see what happens Larry?
    You see what happens Larry?
    You see what happens when you f*ck a stranger in the ass?

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Here's some great news: the insurance industry's official think tank, known as the Geneva Association has decided that there is a correlation between climate change and insurance losses. The association issued a study documenting "a significant upward trend in the insured losses caused by extreme weather events," and concluded that the industry should fight back against the conservative movement's attempts to downplay climate change fears, and that the industry should "play an active role in raising awareness of risk and climate change." The study also called for a "transition to a low-carbon economy" and "the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions" (hmmmm, just as President Obama has repeatedly called for) because those policy changes "will ultimately create a more resilient society." Can't wait 'til the industry translates that into refusing to support political candidates who refuse to adopt these views, can you? Why don't we start calling the various insurers and letting them know about this study?

    But wait, it gets better. The Des Moines Register has reported that the insurance company that insures most Kansas schools will now refuse renewed insurance "coverage for schools that permit teachers and custodians to carry concealed firearms on their campuses." Oooh, I hear a rumbling in Brownbackistan.

    Folks, these two decisions are monumental, and they are just plain old common sense. The righties, very soon, will have to start paying for their insane ideology out of their own wallets for a change, and I predict they will hate it and scream like a bunch of crazy banshees. Just wait 'til there is a lawsuit involving concealed and carry in a school, shopping mall, bar, church, store, or public building, and that location's insurer decides to deny future insurance coverage, making sure that from then on, the crazy politicians and business owners who made these decisions will now have to pay for their own messes. Yup, it's coming.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Good stuff, thanks for posting.

  11. Anonymous6:26 PM

    And I'd just gotten the red out of my eyes when dayem! My eyes! My eyes!
    M from MD

  12. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    Oh I just love courageous people who stand up for doing the right thing. (Not talking about the male model in the second photo)

    Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz resisted the move, saying in one interview, “I’m not a politician. I run a coffee company and we’re trying to abide by the laws in which we do business.”

    Afraid to lose some money? Say what you will about the homophobic asshat owners of Chic Fil A, they picked a side and stood for it. Howard lost an opportunity to make a statement, sue them for copyright infringement for using their business icon, and besides, Howard should know the gun fanatics can't afford to pay three bucks for coffee.

    Screw Starbucks, not that I buy their coffee often, now I won't buy there at all. Sad if you think about it.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Their coffee is actually shit tasting. I've tried it once and nearly puked. I couldn't get though a quarter of my cup. I guess for strong gross coffee lovers it works. But mostly any Starbucks around my area have very few patrons.

  13. Anonymous6:33 PM

    If you live in a state that has legal conceal carry permits, then I guarantee you that you are around guns All.The.Time!!!
    Some states are legal to bring one into schools. Funny how you don't hear of problems from those states!

    Here's a news flash: they made owning a gun LEGAL so that the state c;ouldn't take it away. It makes no difference whether that was yesterday, or 200 years ago! Just like freedom of speech. You are allowed to say/write anything you damn well please, regardless if it is newspaper, TV, or internet, and regardless of who is in charge. Fine, you want to limit what some on the right do or say...well the power will shift eventually, then how loud will you yell when left groups are targeted, and can't get tax exempt, or are prosecuted for stating opinion/fact unfavorable to the administration.

  14. GrannyMe6:48 PM

    Thanks, Gryph. Just what I wanted to see before I toddle off to sleep.

    Looks like a candidate for Stephanie Miller's Drunk Husband Stack.

  15. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Assholes! I actually can't believe that Seattle, so close to my home here just across the water, allows this kind of behaviour. I'm sure the rest of the normal paying patrons will not enter this starbucks joint. If Starbucks wants to accept this kind of behaviour on the west coast, they may pay the price by losing good business and good patrons. These ass's won't get to far with whatever they are protesting. I have good faith in reasonable people in Seattle.

  16. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Make this guy the IM mascot -- love the fish desktop picture!


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