Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More people in Louisiana blame President Obama for the poor response to Katrina than blame President Bush. Guess which one was actually President at the time.

Courtesy of TPM:

A significant chunk of Louisiana Republicans evidently believe that President Barack Obama is to blame for the poor response to the hurricane that ravaged their state more than three years before he took office. 

The latest survey from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling, provided exclusively to TPM, showed an eye-popping divide among Republicans in the Bayou State when it comes to accountability for the government's post-Katrina blunders. 

Twenty-eight percent said they think former President George W. Bush, who was in office at the time, was more responsible for the poor federal response while 29 percent said Obama, who was still a freshman U.S. Senator when the storm battered the Gulf Coast in 2005, was more responsible. Nearly half of Louisiana Republicans — 44 percent — said they aren't sure who to blame.

Look it's really quite simple. If you have to choose between two different Presidents to blame, one who was on the job during the disaster, and one that wasn't. You blame the black guy.  

Makes perfect sense.

In the South.


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    She went there:

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Go to hell, Sarah. Now, please.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Okay, maybe I'm a loon, because this is the second time that I'm doing this this week...but...


      Seriously, who tells the cops they killed someone because they were bored? No...nuh-uh...there is something fishy here...

      Don't forget, in the early 90's or so, people were saying that a couple of goth kids killed three kids as part of a satanic rite, and now we all know that was a total bullshit story and the real perpetrator was the stepfather of one of the victims...West Memphis Three...

      And in the 80's people coined the term "wilding" to describe the activities of five kids who raped and nearly murdered a woman when it turned out that they couldn't possibly have been there because they were --by their own admission -- committing other crimes, and in spite of the fact that the DNA on the raped woman didn't match any of the five! Quite a magical rape when your DNA doesn't match. Meanwhile, years later -- AFTER they had all served their sentences and the media pilloried them -- they have been exonerated!, I don't agree with Sarah, because I think it's obviously bullshit.

    3. Evelyn Waugh7:09 PM

      Her comment makes no sense at all: the "media" reported on a lot of news in the past few days. Wingnuts made a huge deal about the President's new dog --but it was run in newspapers simply as a human interest story.
      There are a lot of crimes committed every day. The "thrill killing," if that's what it was, has been and continues to be reported on in the press as it develops.
      Yet Palin alleges that it shows the media is biased and paid more attention to a dog (which she claims cost $1,000, but could well have been a gift, and, anyway, that's the going cost for a dog of that caliber) than to a murder.
      Oranges and rotten apples. Rather, sour grapes.
      Sarah, you're proving what Billy Kristol just said about you, and what the Fox folks have demonstrated by ignoring you, and what the rest of the world already knows: you're making a lot of noise and very, very few people are listening.
      It is quite an acrobatic feat, however -- breathtaking, really -- to see how you manage to contort everything into a hit on our President whenever you open your mouth.
      I wish President Roosevelt was here, to intone, as he so wonderfully did during the 1944 campaign: "And, not content with attacking me or my family, now they are attacking my little dog Fala."

    4. Anonymous8:25 PM

      She's getting tiresome...really, I don't think the media takes her seriously anymore.

    5. Anonymous12:09 AM

      Sure lots of negative comments on that twitter. Many are calling her for what she is.

    6. Anonymous1:22 AM

      Faux is her only hope. She will cling on as long as her bony fingers will hold out. why in the hell did Ailes put her back on?

      She contributes nothing.

    7. Anonymous2:31 AM

      Even Richard Nixon famously called "foul" when his dog was attacked:

      "A man down in Texas heard Pat on the radio mention the fact that our two youngsters would like to have a dog. And, believe it or not, the day before we left on this campaign trip we got a message from Union Station in Baltimore saying they had a package for us. We went down to get it. You know what it was?
      It was a little cocker spaniel dog in a crate that he'd sent all the way from Texas. Black and white spotted. And our little girl—Tricia, the 6-year-old—named it Checkers. And you know, the kids, like all kids, love the dog and I just want to say this right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we're gonna keep it."

      Sarah, I don't think you're going to win points by attacking a politician's dog. It's rilly un-Merukun to do so. And there are more dog lovers in this great, patriotic country here than there are Sarah lovers. Fact.

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    It just goes to show how deeply and willfully ignorant the Republican base is. They know nothing and dont care to learn anything. They cannot reason and must be told what to think. Actually, I suspect they don't think, they just parrot whatever is fed to them over and over. Shameful.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Evidently, Polly IS a cracker.

    2. They've been taught well.

      When given a choice, always blame the Democrat.

      If he's black, all the better.

  3. Isn't this sad? And the GOP plan is to dumb down the masses even more so when they get the pipeline in and it ruptures, ruining the aquifer forever with no responsibility to TransCanada, they will still 'blame the black guy.' The GOP is taking down this country...we were in a neighboring town and some wacko had this huge sign on his fence "WAKE UP AMERICA! YOUR FREEDOM IS GOING AWAY!IMPEACH OBAMA!"
    The lies from the right are getting worse, and more blatant, and more evil every day.

    1. Sometimes my head throbs, but then I tell myself I have to keep on fighting. It’s very hard to deal with irrational people, the natural instinct is to kill them, but of course you can’t do that (more’s the pity).

    2. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I hear ya! The mean-spirited stupidity that is entrenched in corners of this country is mind-boggling and a bit daunting.
      M from MD

  4. Anonymous5:05 PM

    It would be interesting to see the breakdown by ethnicity, education, geographic location and socioeconomic status. Especially for the 44% who can't decide.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      The 44 percent are probably Republicans who don't want to tell the truth, that Bush fucking screwed them.

    2. DetroitSam9:18 PM

      There is no need to break this down by ethnicity.

      I am from the South and can tell you that there are not too many, if any, black people in LA/South calling themselves republican.

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    If something can be both hilarious and frightening, this is it.

    Love the image!

    (Shhhh....personal message for Gryphen's daughter: Possible Xmas gift for your dad.....

  6. Anonymous6:54 PM

    and lest we forget:

    1. Anonymous1:25 AM

      Finally, even the uber right pundits are questioning her outrageous claims. Yes, fact check some more, please!

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The south sucks, obviously. So good for Gryphon for vilifying an entire population based on this survey and continuing to reinforce this stereotype. Southerners all suck. They all think like assholes. This survey proves it!! (Sarcasm.) Fuck you dickhead. (Not sarcasm.) Just remember... Florida blue, Alaska red. The entire south will be blue before you racist assholes in Alaska (own it already) ever evolve into thinking human beings.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Just to help you understand why Alaskans vilify southerners. Alaska was blue prior to the pipeline construction, which brought all sorts of red folks from the south, north, to Alaska, with all of their right wing ideas and religious bearing. We still bear a bit of a grudge towards these southern carpetbaggers that came up here and enough stayed to put a church on every block and bring enough republican votes to turn AK red, barely, but still red, when it counts.

      The pipeline made us rich, but it also made us rich in right wingers, which we could have done without.

    2. Anonymous1:29 AM

      9:50 Sadly true. But not the only place this change in demographics has occurred.

  8. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Fuck The Guardian

  9. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Currently, Netflix is showing a documentary, I Am.

    Watching this and reflecting on the pathological, vituperative, evil, negative, awful...just no good terrible spawn of Satan that is Ms Palin...

    She is indeed what she seemed from the start of her national campaigning: a tool of Evil.

    We can only stop her with Love.

    I still find myself challenged to find a way to open my heart and love her. I feel the need to stand my ground and fight her.


    1. Anonymous12:02 AM

      God forgive me, but there is no way I could forgive any of the Palins (well, except for the little ones)for their awful horrible lies.

    2. Anonymous1:17 AM

      I don't take her seriously. Actually I follow the Palins for my soap opera they are. It is amusing.

  10. Our Lad10:13 PM

    If this nutty family ever goes away it will depress me beyond measure. There is nothing that I don't find entertaining and wonderful about this incredible collection of crackpots. Just when one assumes it cannot become more surreal or inappropriate or downright vulgar and shameful,it does. If there is a divine spirit,he enjoys this as much as us and shows us his or her love through sharing this wonderful American dog and pony show. What a fucking world,eh?

  11. Beldar NOLO Conehead8:03 AM

    Sure, Gryphen, at face value this is a stunning revelation that does not auger well for the imminent healing of our fractured political and social fabric.

    But, in light of Louisiana's less than stellar commitment to public education (state motto: "We am ain't stoopid!") it's hardly surprising.

    I didn't actually read the details of the cited survey so forgive me, Louis-ers, if I speculate on what other results may be contained within:

    71% of Louisianians believe that man-made "Climate Change" is a hoax perpetrated by darkies and jooz to facilitate the confiscation of property and weapons from southern white folk.

    82% of Louisianians believe that President Obama is personally responsible for man-made "Climate Change".

    42% of Louisianians believe that President Obama knows more about the 9/11 WTC attacks than he admits and is very possibly the mysterious 26th radicalized Mooslim terror conspirator.

    18% of Louisianians believe President Obama invented the smallpox virus in collaboration with his terrorist pal William Ayers. And syphilis, also too.

    9% of Louisianians believe that President Obama secretly imposed draconian surrender provisions on the defeated Germans at the end of WWI, thus setting the stage for WWII, the 20th Century's most calamitous conflict.

    6% of Louisianians blame President Obama for that whole New Coke fiasco.

    56% of Louisianians pray every night to Jeebus that BLACK President Obama, his BLACK wife, his BLACK children, his BLACK mother-in-law AND his entire snarling pack of rabid BLACK dogs, walk out of the White House and keep walking until they all fall off the sharp edge of our blessed planet earth (at the center of the universe.) Hallelujah!

    28% of Louisianians would seriously consider moving to Canada someday if the U.S. socialist health care program known as Obamacare is ever passed into law in the future.

    Ok, that's enough.

    Seriously, how are we not screwed?

  12. They're Republicans. HELLO!!!!!!!!


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