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"Maybe if I suck hard I'll get more money." |
We already pointed out yesterday that the PAC took in less than it spent, which is a clear indication that Palin's star has not only fallen but that the crater it left behind is now becoming overgrown with weeds and new foliage.
Many of the expenditures are ones we have seen numerous times in the past:
Direct Mail: Approximately $43,000
Postage: Approximately $74,450
Consulting: Just a hair under $200,000 (Quite a lot of this was for RAM, a substantial chunk for Timothy Crawford, and the rest to Northstar Strategies and Pamela Pryor.)
Speech writing: $31,900. Boy did she get ripped off! (My favorite itemized cost in this section was $400 to a Dave Berg on May 9th. I have to wonder what kind of a contribution is only worth $400?)
Legal fees: Now this was an interesting one because Palin only paid Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness L, a fee of $1,275 one time in January and then no more. Which makes me wonder if Palin has decided that she no longer needs a law firm on retainer, or if she simply cannot afford one?
Part Time Clerical: $20,000 still to the same two women as always, Marilyn Lane and Carol Ryan, both of Wasilla.
You may remember Marilyn as the Palin friend who helped her go after Wooten:
In her letter, Palin said Adrian and Marilyn Lane, who are friends of Palin's family and who lived in the same subdivision as Wooten, had seen him drink a beer at their house and then drive off in a patrol car "waving with beer in hand."
In their interview with the investigator, Wall, the Lanes said they had seen Wooten come by their house and drink a beer before driving his patrol car during the summer of 2004.
Marilyn Lane said she had seen Wooten drive off in his patrol car with another beer in hand.
Wooten denied the Lanes' allegations, and Wall's investigation ruled that the claims made by the Lanes were unsubstantiated.
Oh yeah, Palin owes this woman from WAY back. (Perhaps this is one of the many payoffs that I have been told about?)
Air fare: Approximately $21,800. Damn does this woman pay for any of her travel?
I know, silly question.
Okay well here was an item that really caught my eye.
Refunds: One for $5,000 to Elizabeth Martin Wiskemann for a contribution she made in 2012, and one for $2,000 to a Dr Donald R Scifres, TTEE. Also a 2012 donation.
Hmm, interesting! It appears that there is a way for at least SOME of the people Palin scammed into thinking she was running in 2012 to get their money back.
I wonder what is stopping the rest from following suit?
There were also two other expenditures that stood out.
One was to Wal-Mart for $271, and earmarked as items for gift bags. And the other is for Todd the Pimp for $325.62, earmarked as "shipping and items for gift bags."
Now the Wal-Mart purchase is on May 14th, which was two days before this Facebook post:
One last blast of Alaska winter today, hopefully? This is what "Grad Blast" means in Alaska! We'll move our graduation b-b-q indoors and watch the mini-blizzard from 'round the fireplace. (Global warming my gluteus maximus.) Congratulations to this year's graduates all across America. Job well done. Now the real job begins.
And the other one to the Toad, is right before Snowdrift Snooki gave this high school speech. And also where she handed out "goodie bags" and taped one dollar to the bottom of every student's chair.
All 27 of them.
Yep that's Palin for you, too cheap to even pay 27 dollars of her own money to make a stupid point.
As I said before this, to me, is clearly the end of the line for Palin. And as somebody who has waited a long time to see it arrive, I have to admit it is a thing of beauty.
Of course Palin and her few remaining Palin-bots are in complete denial that this is in fact what we are seeing. Here is how treasurer Timothy Crawford explained the low numbers:
SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford said in an email to The Associated Press on Wednesday that the PAC, for the most part, gave donors a break and didn't fundraise aggressively during the latest reporting period.
"Very pleased with the results," he said. "It is an off year after a presidential election where every donor was bombarded with requests."
Oh yeah, and if you believe THAT I have a Bridge to Nowhere to sell you at the end of which you will find Palin's pathetic excuse for a future.
Nice try though.
Update: Oh I forgot to mention that SarahPAC only paid out $5000 to Missouri's Jason Smith as their single campaign donation for this filing period. Which essentially undermines ANY idea that this is a true political PAC.
And let's face it, she only did THAT because he was the only political candidate willing to do this:
As Todd says, "What's in it for us?"
Sarah Palin's PAC funds consultants but few candidates
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON — Sarah Palin's leadership PAC spent nearly $500,000 during the first six months of the year, and made just one donation to a political candidate, new campaign filings show.
Much of Sarah PAC's money went to operating expenses, including more than $217,000 paid to consultants and more than $124,000 on postage and mailings. More than $48,000 covered airfare and other travel expenses.
Palin, the GOP's 2008 vice presidential nominee and former Alaska governor, recently said she has "considered" mounting a Senate challenge next year to Alaska's Democratic Sen. Mark Begich, one of his party's most vulnerable incumbents.
Her PAC raised more than $460,000 this year and ended June with a hefty $1.1 million in the bank.
The political action committee made a single campaign contribution during the first six months of the 2013 — a slow period in the political calendar. It donated $5,000 to Republican Jason Smith, who won a special election in Missouri to fill former representative Jo Ann Emerson's House seat.
"The PAC has the resources ready to contribute to whomever the governor decides to support and endorse during the 2014 election cycle," its treasurer Tim Crawford said in an e-mail Wednesday.
Leadership political action committees, once the province of top congressional leaders, first emerged as a vehicle for established politicians to share campaign money with others in their party. They also have become de facto political operations, allowing current and former elected officials to hire key staff and underwrite expenses that help advance their future political careers.
Other Palin PAC expenses included more than $37,000 for speech-writing costs. The PAC also picked up the bill for SUV rentals from limousine companies in Alaska and Washington, D.C.
Has anyone counted her speeches this year. Funny, I only seem to remember CPAC, some BBQ somewhere, and the high school graduation. Her AgHag speech was in July so shouldn't be included in the June totals? So far that's 3 - $carah pays $10K for the inarticulate vitriol she spews? $carah is sooooo stooooooopid.
DeleteAnd it was the same old speech she has been recycling since 2008.
DeleteHer SChiavo speech was a rehash of her Tri-G chose life speech - I could almost mouth it along with her.
DeleteOf course they didn't say she spent more than she took in. They also didn't say the only reason she has 1.1 mil in the bank is one donor handed her 2 million dollars last year. She would be busted by now if this donor (Rupert-maybe) hadn't kicked in.
DeleteNRA, Terri Schaivo, some anti-abortion group in Southern Nevada. About the money that Palin receives for speaking-- does it go into her pocket as personal income? Or, since the PAC paid for the speech writing and travel, does her speaking fee go back into the PAC? If not, Sarah's PAC is used to generate income for her by way of writing her speeches and paying for the travel.
DeleteSo, she claims all that expense for "postage" yet nothing for printing fees? What is she mailing out? Maybe her old unsold books, Chuckles book? I would advise her to hold on to all her receipts, especially for airfare. The IRS will be interested in examining those.
Deletegee the weather changes fast there...snow one day and on May 14th clear as a bell?
DeleteScroll down to the car photo...
Anonymous6:46 PM
DeleteAnd her non-itemized Visa receipts. I think old timmy boi got dinged on that before...
There is a thread up at C4P where their righteous indignation is in full cry. A moderator replied to a critical tweet from a Jason B. Whitman and gets an answer describing Ms Palin's PAC activity as 'fiscal malfeasance!
And more from Jason B. Whitman's tweets:
DeleteJason B. Whitman @JasonBWhitman 18h
If you donate to SarahPAC, and I have, that report can't make you too happy
Delete• 4 minutes ago
Each and everyone of you could think of better ways to spend Sarah PAC dollars than lining the pocket books of consultants. It is where the majority of Sarah PAC dollars are spent. I'm sorry but true. Imagine the events she could hold, The ads she could take out, the worthy causes she could give to. She doesn't need the consultants or the speechwriters. The travel and hotels is fine when she doesn't get it reimbursed by the host when giving speeches but the rest of it is a waste, in my opinion. Sorry but I really dont agree with the way Sarah PAC dollars are spent.
Those pee'ers are also convinced they've seen raw video from the '08 Gibson and Couric interviews that show she didn't answer as she did but EDITED to look foolish. Some even think by jealous McCain handlers trying to undermine her at all turns.
DeleteYeah. RIGHT.
Anon 2:05PM--the delusion is strong in those ones. They just can't accept the reality that Sarah Palin isn't what they want her to be.
DeleteIn this article (which is enlightening as to the Palin mindset) they argue that Sarah gives to LOTS of candidates. Never mind that they are token sums. And especially token given how much she rakes in.
Delete"As her article pointed out, Governor Palin’s PAC in 2012 donated to more than 40 House candidates and to 10 Senate candidates.
In comparison, Marco Rubio’s Reclaim America PAC gave to four Senate races. That’s it."
Well she might need to pay her lawyer or find a new one. Teimessin might be in jail soon as well as the rest of them :)
Holy shit, 7:18!!!
DeleteThiessman goes hunting with SUPREME COURT JUSTICE JOHN ROBERTS? ????
THESE Palins have some friends with serious friends.
Yes THAT supreme court Justice!
DeleteNo coinkydink that.
Well its great the FBI is watching the page now :)
round up those corrupt fuckers....
I suspect that when your "husband" is a pimp, you can get lots of leverage on people who may be both powerful and stupid enough to put themselves in a compromising position. Todd thinks he is immune from prosecution because he has a little something on a widely scattered array of powerful Republicans. But when the worm turns, everyone he has blackmailed will want a piece of him.
DeleteCan't wait.
SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford said in an email to The Associated Press on Wednesday that the PAC, for the most part, gave donors a break and didn't fundraise aggressively during the latest reporting period.
ReplyDeleteDidn't fund raise aggressively? Then what the fuck was $124,000 in postage used for?
Child care for the Palin Baby Factory and Bordello.
DeleteThey used to spend that much on a monthly basis.
DeleteAnd Wonkette has so fun: http://wonkette.com/524371/christmas-comes-early-for-sarah-palins-grifty-thing
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame they don't have real jobs and live off hate. Where is my country?
DeleteIt isn't just your country idiot. What's hateful is stealing money from your fans like Sarah does. Get psychological help Willow and write a tell all book. Or get a ghost writer since you are barely literate.
DeleteThey do have real jobs and make waaaay more money than you do. Sarah Palin lives off other people's money trying to stir up hate every chance she gets. She is a grifter and does not have a job.
DeleteThis is your country and my country, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!
God, I love saying that!
DeleteMy job is infinitely more real than you sitting on your ass watching Faux News all day, living off your Social Security and boosting your ego with all your moral grandstanding.
Shut the Fuck up about the people who pay your bills.
Who is:
ReplyDeleteSarahPac FEC
Carol Ryan
PO Box 875593
Wasilla, Alaska 996875593
Someone who helps with the mail
DeleteTri-g's Real Mother.
DeleteTri-G's babysitter?
DeletePart of the cookie baking cabal that got votes for Bristol at dwts. Thank heavens or the world would have never had a horse named 'Dance to Bristol'.
DeleteIvy Frye's folks, Ryan are all old time best buddies with the Heaths.
Sally Heath's friend
DeleteSo if they weren't aggressively going after money then what did they spend all that postage money on?
ReplyDelete1:20 listinmn....Thanks for posting. That was my first question when I read the response from Crawford.
DeleteNow imagine how much they would have spent IF they HAD been trying to raise money!!!
They went after Bachman so maybe Palin will be next. I sure hope so.
ReplyDeleteOver at C4P, they are talking about a money bomb for her PAC for her and Toad's 25th wedding anniversary. Some people just never learn.
Are they still married?
DeleteShe doesn't wear a wedding ring and never refers to "my husband," but, when she must, to "Todd."
Would love to know what their legal status is. Do they have the effrontery to accept congratulations on their 25th anniversary, knowing that they aren't married and don't live together? Since they're shameless, of course.
Do you still support the disastrous obama presidency? Talk about not learning
DeleteNotice her donors are people will good jobs or who had good jobs.
Well, half of them are retired, so who knows what they used to work lat?
DeletePlease specify, troll, what is disastrous about the presidency of Barack Obama? Remember that a vast majority of voting citizens re-elected him last November -- thus, you're in the minority.
You'll still be in the minority when another Democrat is elected to the Presidency in 2016. Have a nice life.
2:05.... Hey Moran.... Learn to fucking spell you ignorant redneck dumb fuck. Talk about not learning!!
DeleteOh yah sure... Sarah's fans have or had the best jobs I'm the country! Bwhahahahaha !!!
2:05 Troll:
DeleteDid you mean PRESIDENT O(capital) bama?
DeleteWhat in the hell are you saying. You are exactly what I expect of a P-bot. Idiot. Thanks for proving what we are all saying.
Anonymous2:05 PM
DeleteWhatever your opinion of the President, at least he stepped up, ran and is serving his 2nd term instead of using other people's money(PAC$)to travel around and spew hate and lies from Twitter and Facebook. If she's supposed to save the country, why hasn't she stepped up? The woman couldn't even pay for the gift bags & T-shirts for the graduates with her own money. Pathetic, just like the way she strings her followers along.
Shut the fuck up Brisputa.
DeleteGet back to the booze and snacks paid for by SarahPac.
DeleteA PAC money bomb for their anniversary? Other than the obvious, how is their marriage a political need?
DeleteTo Anonymous @ 2:05~
DeleteHell, yeah, I support President Obama's "disastrous" policies which have caused a decrease in the number of unemployment claims filed, an increase in manufacturing jobs, better than expected economic growth, an improved housing market, and a booming stock market. This is all over the news today. Where have you been? I guess when one hates, no facts can be allowed to enter his/her mind. And, just to think that fact deniers like yourself claim to be Christians and violate the 9th Commandment on the regular. How un-Christlike is that?
Notice her donors are people will good jobs or who had good jobs.
And those of us who see thru her all all really smart, educated AND WELL COMPENSATED IN OUR JOBS. LOL!!
A Ho never marries her PIMP.
DeleteSarah needs our help now.
ReplyDeleteLet's double our donations to SarahPAC
The country needs her more than ever.
Nice fake post.
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHA, you have to be a Pimp's Wife's Troll.
DeleteI've got a gift for her, as soon as I scoop it out of my cat's litter box.
DeleteYeah let's.
And a hearty bwahaha.
Sarah PAC still has 1.1 million in the bank? With the little drips and dabs that continue to come in, she ought to be able to hang on for another couple of years.
ReplyDeleteI do see that the SarahPAC nosedive is showing up on various news sites emphasizing her strange payouts.
Those are only the PAYOFFS we know about.
DeleteThe most interesting is the money paid to RAM... that has to be payoff money. Will be interesting when she can no longer pay it from her PAC money and have to pay out of her pocket and doesn't.. there's an explosive book on the horizon and it's not from Palin!
ReplyDeleteRAM is a genius! She is Sarah's right hand man.
DeleteYep--takes a real genius to make your boss the laughing stock of the GOP and dash her "career" into the ground.
DeleteHer IQ dropped when she had to swallow crow about the daughter Bristol. Her brain may be eating away by now.
DeleteShe's a nasty piece of work who has screwed up more than once. In other words, she's perfect for Sarah Palin.
DeleteReally, Mr. Crapford? Over $10K per month in postage, and that's not aggressive?
ReplyDeleteRight!! With bulk rates, that is alot of snail mail going out ach month!
DeleteCan you imagine what the snail mail is about? I'd like to see it. May be someone will put some on e-bay now she is a has been.
DeleteHow much for Trig hush money.
ReplyDeleteCarol and Marilyn handle her mail. If she did it, she'd never leave the house. This isn't an oddity for someone who receives loads of fanmail.
ReplyDeleteSo,when we send letters with gotcha questions about TRi-G we should address them to Caroland Marilyn?
DeleteDo they also send fans an autographed photo of Sarah, just like a real movie star?
DeleteYes they do. 8x10s to the lucky donators at cfor p.
except for the guy with the itchy dick, on account of he can only afford to donate 3.00 a month.
DeleteToo bad for him SarahPac don't take foodstamps.
4:45 That's I- Don't- Believe- In- Socialism FOOD STAMP PETE!!!
DeleteAnd I thought they were her wardrobe, personal stylists, mani and pedi techs, makeup, hair, bellybutton lint pickers, image and whatnot conslutants - hey I just coined a new word !!!
DeleteIt ain't easy being cheesy, and Sarah makes it look so natural!
2:39 Her lucky "donators"?? You HAVE to be a Palin.!!
DeleteThat PAC travel cost barely covers the number of her PUBLIC appearances. And it doesn't even touch the times she travels privately for various things.
DeleteBullshit 2;02
Some of her events pay her travel. Little miss Sarah isn't losing ANY money on any of her gigs. Toad (what's in it for us) and she simply don't do them if they need to put out anything!
Seriously??? Palin does not spend one dime of her own money on anything.
DeleteBwhahahahaha !!!!
DeleteAnonymous2:02 PM
DeletePlease...laydown the pipe dude!
Remember how skank was at the cabin in Alaska on Mother's Day?
ReplyDeleteWell that would be difficult since she rented an SUV in dc the day before
Carey Int. Limos
4530 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC 200164627
suv rental 532.03
Good catch!
DeleteSneaking around with the Groundswell crowd?
DeletePallin' around with terrorists, sarah?
I can't believe anything in her speeches these past 6 months were worth $31,900? She rehashes everything and all she does is add the name of the town she's in, when she asks, (insert name here), do you love your freedoms?
ReplyDeleteThe idea that she has to pay someone, she, an experienced political contributor (gag) to write and do research for her is ridiculous. It's not like she ever offers expertise detailed solutions. All she ever does is complain about what others do, and can't engage in any normal conversations with pundits.
Who are her consultants that don't require her to read editorials and opinions, like Howard Dean's, which Hannity wished to discuss with her. Her ignorance on issues doesn't warrant all those consultant's fees.
The woman has not evolved one iota since 2008. She is like a broken record, and she accomplishes absolutely zero, but brands her "zero" and packages it as the most wonderful gem in the world. What did she really do with all that money?
DeleteI know. She wasted at least 10 of her 45 minutes in PHiladelphia (Schiavo) asking for the vets to stand up and be clapped at, then their spouses, then their mothers, then the clergy, then the doctors........lame! Amateur! Did I say lame?
DeleteIt's still good to see Gryphen manipulating a sad divorce story that NO ONE thinks about nowadays. TWO sides to EVERY story.
ReplyDeleteHe isn't manipulating anything. And if no one thinks about it, why do you care enough to comment?
DeleteFact. they aren't some happy loving couple.
Factt, they don't live together.
Fact, they don't copulate.
Fact, it's a business relationship and that's ALL.
Fact, their kids suffer as a result. No good role models. Sad.
Apparently you still think about it A LOT.
DeleteMINO = d-i-v-o-r-c-e
DeleteFact: Sarah never wore wedding ring since Ole McCain put her on TV.
DeleteYeah - you know if they were still a couple she's be looking to Bravo TV for the 25th wedding renew vows gig, with the big white wedding she never had as well as the big ass ring!!
DeleteAm i rite? (borrowing from Gina M)
Of course this doesn't mean she was in dc since they are international company but the question is then where did she need to rent an SUV? In Alaska to get to the cabin? Oh I thought she rides in a pickup truck?
ReplyDeleteLying scumbag was not at any cabin in Alaska for Mother's Day!
You just know these figures are fishy, and cry out "money laundering." Those checks to a credit card company -- what were the individual charges?
ReplyDeleteI think every IMer should sign up to get mailings from SarahPac. We can see just what that $124,000 went for.
She doesn't have that many donors, and she reaches out to her fans via the internet. I guess all those retired and unemployed donors need to get something in their mailboxes.
The whole thing is a sham. "Fiscal malfeasance" is right.
Who is Grey Strategies, Naples, FL? Their webpage consists of only a front page with company name and logo.
ReplyDeleteThey were paid as much as Northstar Strategies (Doug McMarlin and Jason Recher, longtime consultants, travel logistics, body guards.
Grey Strategies is Doug McMarlin. Jason Recher is Northstar. They both provide the same services though McMarlin may also provide some political consultation.
DeleteSo basically you are saying Sarah or one of her minions showed up at least twenty-one times in the last six months to political events? I'm giving her a thousand per ticket—figuring she'd want to go first class and she was living in Arizona -- making the tickets cheaper than being in Alaska. Where were these places? Who did she bring with her? I don't think the PAC should have been paying for her family traveling with her. But of course she did charge the state of Alaska for dragging her family with her and had to reimburse them.
ReplyDeleteAnd if she travels privately—she is supposed to pay her own way.
And what about all those CONSULTANTS she made fun of everyone else having. She sure is a hypocrite—huh?
Her consultants suck. Why wouldn't she just fire them? Todd and Track can do everything.
DeleteHer "speechwriter" is one Jessica Gavora who also has the unfortunate distinction of being married to Jonah Goldberg. EWWWWWWWWW
ReplyDeleteShe ghostsharted America by Heart.
DeleteWell.... Jessica is one terrible writer. Those hate filled rants can hardly be called speeches. They are awful.
DeleteWait! She PAYS people to write the shit she says?!
ReplyDeleteBut why would a maverick pit-bull that doesn't cotton to the elites need a speech writing team? Doesn't she speak the truth without the need for a media filter?
ReplyDeleteGrey Strategies in Naples, Florida is publishing her Fifty Shades of Grift.
ReplyDeleteA quick perusal of Secretary of State incorporation records finds no listing for North Star Strategies in Louisiana nor Grey Strategies in Florida. Clever girl!
ReplyDeleteNorth Star Strategies is Jason Rechter. When I checked out the address listed, its for his HOUSE. Which is on Fountainbleu Dr right around the corner from where I live. I drive past his house all the time. For a while, he had one of those stupid yellow "Don't tread on Me" flags hanging out front.
DeletePalin paid $35,000 to Grey Strategies, a Columbus firm that helped her with media, logistics and political consulting. It appears to now be a newly merged firm called Grey Shockley, run by lobbyists Doug McMarlin and Leslie Beyer. According to Hotline on Call, McMarlin also travels with Palin.
ReplyDeleteGrey Shockley was a newly merged firm in 2010 and the address listed for Grey strategies, 2117 Imperial Cir, Naples FL is Single-Family Home was SOLD on Mar 5, 2013. Yet sarahpac kept sending them checks.
DeleteIt appears Grey Strategies never had collier county business license.
Why does everything around Palin smell fishy?
Why does everything around Palin smell fishy?
DeleteI ain't touching that one.
"Why does everything around Palin smell fishy?"
Because only dead fish go with the flow?
If the IRS were to investigate her blatant fraud, of course, the GOP would erupt in rage at the "targeting" and hold hearings about "PalinGate" while the bitchcunt slutpig hobag Palin would set about trying to foment a putsch. I had the incredible experience of sitting front row wearing press credentials when she waved her Big Gulp at the CPAC nerdfest (Comicon for student council members, plus an assortment of genuinely batshit insane olds) and when she stopped her hatemongering long enough to make it very personal and specific, when she whine-screeched "and the Lame Stream Media will tell their lies," and literally pointed at me and the rest of the press sitting there, and the crowd of cretins roared in hate and anger, I was fucking afraid, and she smirked that smug fucking hateful cuntbag smirk of hers. I was a few feet away from Gingrich, Santorum, Rand Paul, a cavalcade of uglies,, at that thing, and she is the only one who actually gives off visible rays of evil. She is fucking evil, truly, its a presence of something diabolical you can feel. Evil fucking cunt.
ReplyDeleteWow.., so descriptive, thanks. It sounds like a horror show really!!!!
DeleteI know that creepy smirk of hers. Where her lips purse into a straight line? Ugh,, she is a nasty piece of work. How rid others in the press react?
DeleteMyself and many I know felt the same about her right from the first 3 mins of her 2008 RNC Speech. That is what sent me searching for information and finding Gryphen.
DeleteThank you for taking the time to make your report.
Me too, Anon at 2:59; but not before I found "Palin's Deception." I still wonder about Audrey... ~C
DeleteAnonymous2:59 PM Agreed!
DeleteAlso thank you Anonymous2:31 PM Great Rant/report and so true! Lets take this bitch down!
Oh please. Cry me a river.
DeleteYou have the power.
Throw your holy water ( the truth - in words) at her green pea soup spewing swiveling head and BREAK HER POWER FOREVER.
Th power of IM compels you. The power of IM compels you!
Anonymous2:59 PM
She gave me a visceral reaction - creepiness,fakeness, evil, the first time I saw her and it was in picture form. That day in late August , I google vetted her and knew she faked Tri-G. I couldn't believe why everyone else didnt see it!
This PAC seems to be used as a marketing/public image consulting to keep Sarah as a product that must sell. Gift bags? Sent to who? To bribe people? To offer a one-time offer of this wonderful product over and over again? Everything she does, she is advertising someone in her family, their books, her kids, her Todd, her brand.
ReplyDeleteOver $200,000 for consultants, and more for speechwriters, and $20,000 for clerical? What are these clerks doing? And the postage is out of bounds. Is this fiscal conservatism? How stupid these donors must be.
Consultants for what? The Bitch is just as Stupid now, as she ever has been. She and the Pimp really know how to work the system.
DeleteDavid Berg is on twitter as Iowahawk, a super RWNJ that posts funny knocks on Democrats. She probably paid him for an insult she used in one of her rants.
ReplyDeleteI always thought that Sarah's high cost of postage was meant to take care of her male, I mean that little guy who does require expensive care. Oh, was I supposed to spell it -mail- like Sarah does? That's so cute.
ReplyDeleteGrow up
Delete2:42 Bingo! That is so Palin-esque.
DeleteBristol at 3:39 I'll grow up if you get a job, deal?
DeleteOoh, I think you sho 'nuff struck a nerve!
DeleteThat's it!
male = mail = postage. As we all assumed!
She is wasting her money though. For that money,if spent on real RTC therapies (and not on a quiet crony babysitter), Tri-G should be eating solid food, speaking and toilet trained.
Today, Ariel Castro was sentenced for his crimes. One day soon, Sarah Palin will be sentenced for hers.
ReplyDeleteCreative visualization: Sarah Palin in chains and an orange jumpsuit.
Tick tock, tick tock.......
Sarah and RAM will be sharing a jail cell! Then all RAMs dreams will come true!!!
DeleteSarah will be popular with the other inmates. Orange is the new black.
I wonder if she's watching Orange is the New Black?
DeleteI just started watching last night on netflix.. It is good.
DeleteGryphen - I think you kinda look a little like officer Healy - Piper's counselor. Am I rite???
God I hope not!
DeleteNot nearly that out of shape.
not the body - the head shape, the nice eyes,
DeleteWhat I don't see on SarahPac's FEC report are payments for Trig's care when Sarah Palin travels with Todd and they leave Trig behind.
ReplyDeleteDon't say relatives watches him for free. Gov Sarah Palin is the same person who charged Alaska taxpayers per diem to live in her own Wasilla home. Gov Sarah Palin is the same person who lied that her children were requested to go on official state trips with her.
This same Sarah Palin is not going to have anybody, especially a relative watch Trig for free when she has her own SarahPac with a million dollars in reserve to pay for it.
Some relative with a consultant LLC name is getting paid.
It's in there are postage. See above
DeleteCarnac the Magnificent holds the envelope to his forehead and reads . . . Subpoena to appear before a federal grand jury for . . . T. Crawford?
ReplyDeleteGift bags from Walmart: isn't that what everyone wants from whatever kind of political event they attend?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin: Not An Alaskan, Bleeding Money, Reports Say
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin’s political aspirations seem to be in free-fall, according to new polls and financial disclosures out this week. The reports come as the unsuccessful Republican Vice-Presidential candidate is considering a 2014 Senate bid, so the new reports could influence whether or not we’ll actually see her run against Democratic candidate Mark Begich.
A key issue is that she’s widely regarded as a fake, with close to half of voters saying that she isn’t an Alaskan.
A Public Policy Polling survey on Tuesday exposed current voters’ confusion about just who Sarah Palin really is. A survey found that 47 percent of voters still thought she was an Alaskan. But 46 percent didn’t.
In fact, the confusion was so great that the PPP poll said 37 percent of voters thought she should run for the Senate to represent the great state of Arizona. Double ouch.But the Phoenix New Times noted that those confused folks aren’t entirely crazy, since they say that Palin has claimed to be a part-time Scottsdale, Arizona resident for the past couple years. “Overall, it was a good effort by Alaskans [to dump the controversial candidate], but no thanks — you can keep her,” joked reporter Matthew Hendley in his somewhat tongue-in-cheek report.
Nathan Francis for The Inquisitr has detailed the latest financial filing from Sarah Palin’s fund-raising political action committee (PAC) called SarahPAC.But the short version is that SarahPAC appears to be under collapse. It has raised a tad over $460,000 this year to date — a fraction of the sums raised by this time in 2011 or 2012. And, in fact, the inadequate funds have fallen so much that the money now must go to basic operating expenses for the PAC instead of supporting political campaigns.So will we see Sarah Palin running against Mark Begich for the Alaska Senate in 2014? Right now, the jury’s still out.
$120,000/180 = 666.666
ReplyDeleteHer 'postage' habit is up to $666 a day! That should give her evangelical donors pause.
under FOI can we request receipts from the post office?
DeleteI am not understanding how the NRA can "reimburse" SarahPAC for almost $12,000 for "travel expenses" but somehow that does not violate contribution limit of $5000?? I must be missing something or do not understand. Different contribution limits for non profit organizations? MicMac
ReplyDeleteMelanie Sloan at CREW is the one to ask, sure sounds fishy to me.
DeleteMost likely NRA/Kocksuckers asked her to do "Free" speaking and she told them she HAD to be reimbursed, for travel and uh, bendy straws and whatnot.
DeleteAnonymous2:02 PM said: That PAC travel cost barely covers the number of her PUBLIC appearances. And it doesn't even touch the times she travels privately for various things.
ReplyDeleteOh yeh Anom 2:02, that Sarah Palin is so trust worthy.
Remember the deception that Sarah Palin has been traveling cross country by bus for her book tour and instead was pictured getting off a Lear jet and getting on her shrink wrapped bus for her short trip to the book stores?
Sarah Palin and HarperCollins have consciously tried to give the impression that she is doing her book tour by bus when the evidence suggests she is not. At every stop, she's been filmed getting off Big Blue looking rested and radiant. She dazzles onlookers and interviewers with her seemingly bottomless reserves of energy. And no one suspects she may secretly be hopping on and off her main means of transport, UJT750, and resting up in hotels.
Sarah Palin is an honest Christian woman and wife.
ReplyDeleteRight Alaska?
I trust Sarah Palin as far as I can toss her.
DeleteIs this the same Sarah Palin who said she had a tubal ligation after Piper was born and then said she gave birth to Trig?
DeleteOr are you talking about a different honest Christian Sarah Palin?
Ask Brad Hansen about that.
DeleteAnon 3:47
From the quote of SP's Facebook post: (Global warming my gluteus maximus.)
ReplyDeleteMost people have two glutei maximi, one on either side. But not the half-assed half-term governor, according to her.
She only has one...HER head! Its so far up her azz doncha know! She can see Russia! (and Snowdon)
DeleteWhen is the IRS , SEC and the FBI to investigate, and drive a legal stake through this cheating evil Bitch's heart? What an obvious scam. Get a real paying job, you low life political welfare recipient.
ReplyDeletesend it to CREW. They also work with the IRS :)
DeleteI know they say "anyone" can have a pac. But you can't misuse them. IRS ought to be very interested.
Sarah Palin and her pacdonors are poster children for American's breathtaking stupidity.
ReplyDeleteSusan Wantz's Dance to Bristol extended her win streak to six with her July 29 victory.
Ummm who the fuck cares? I only care the poor horse is "Saddled" with bitchol's name!
DeleteThat's animal abuse right there!
Sarah's PAC is her own personal slush fund-- and so are the PAC's of a bunch of other politicians and wannabes. All of the money in our politics is corrupting some people who were pretty corrupt to start with. I think that we should be getting money out of our politics, not pouring it into politicians' pockets.
DeleteLove your post !
I think it was spite that Scarah listed this particular refund. Mrs. Wiskemann values her privacy. There's nothing like publishing that you gave money to a loser only to ask for it back for embarrassment to a recluse campaign donor.
ReplyDelete"Elizabeth S. Wiskemann is the widow of Martin Wiskemann, a Swiss businessman who made his fortune managing a precious metal fund. Elizabeth Wiskemann closely guards her privacy, and as a result is the only member of the Forbes 400 who is of unknown age. Wiskemann owns 6% of Franklin Resources."
I hope this comes back to bite Scarah in the ass.
All the consultant recipients of PAC funds must pay income tax and payroll tax on their payments. Contributions to political candidate PACs are not subject to any tax. Service providers would have some tax obligation on their fees minus the business expenses. Goods purchased by the PAC would be subject to sales tax, if the state in which the purchase occurred has a sales tax or is subject to sales tax.
DeleteIf she is grifting $$$ from the PAC it would be in using the PAC to pay for personal services, like child care. It could be hidden in the category of Visa bills for which there is not itemized detail or ...... if the devoted send cash......
Wonder if the Wasilla recipients of payments fulfill their tax obligations.
Yeah right... They are Not paying grifting tax.
DeleteReally! This woman has money and power. Sarah loves to burn bridges...one of these days the bridges will burn her!
DeleteGreat find. Thanks :)
How do you spend almost $120,000 on mailing while not "aggressively" fundraising? Hella stamps.
ReplyDeleteYour junk mail not being returned very often any more, Sarah? That's because people are getting to know the real unshackled you. The ignorant nasty you. Keep up the good work.
That was my thought!! Is that what they spent last quarter when they were "aggressively" fundraising?
DeleteWhat was she paying a travel agent $500 every month for? It's not for airline tickets, etc; that was accounted for separately.
ReplyDelete$500/month for a standby travel agent? For ho w many trips? Four? Plus entourage? And that doesn't even include the price of air faire?
DeleteI live close to Monument, CO, address of the recipient of those frequent $500 payments. Monument makes Colorado Springs look like a liberal paradise. I believe there was not one person who voted for President Obama in the Tri-lakes area, Palmer Lake, Monument & Woodmoor...Google Earth the address to determine if "she" lives in a palatial abode or a trailer...
DeleteSarah's Theme Song
ReplyDeleteLady Godiva was a freedom rider she didn't care if the whole world looked.
Joan of Arc with the Lord to guide her she was a sister who really cooked.
Isadora was the first bra burner and you're glad she showed up. (Oh yeah)
And when the country was falling apart Betsy Ross got it all sewed up.
And then there's Fraud.
And then there's that old compromisin', enterprisin', anything but tranquilizin',
Right on Fraud!
Lady Godiva couldn't ride and shoot blanks at balloons like Sarah. Of course, Darah couldn't get out of the backyard with the horsie because she needed someone to hold the reins and walk her horse while she "rode".
Delete"(My favorite itemized cost in this section was $400 to a Dave Berg on May 9th. I have to wonder what kind of a contribution is only worth $400?)"
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh at that. The late Dave Berg was the name of a cartoonist who drew for MAD magazine for 50 years, notably the "Lighter Side of..." feature. I'd have loved to have seen him take on Sarah. Alfred E. Palin?
Ah, I see in an online listing of MAD magazine contents, Sarah Palin not only made the "20 Dumbest People Events and Things of 2008" list, but the same list for 2009.
ReplyDeleteDid SarahPAC really pay for graduation presents in Wasilla? Who graduated?
ReplyDeleteNot HER KIDS!
DeleteI didn't know that you could spend nearly $1,700 for a two nights stay in Spokane, WA! From the Daily Beast:
ReplyDeleteFor example, on June 1 and June 2, 2013, SarahPAC spent $1,696.23 for hotel rooms at the Davenport Hotel, a luxury hotel in Spokane, Wash. The rooms were booked in conjunction with Palin giving the commencement speech in tiny town of Republic, Wash. Following requests from a social-media campaign, the former Alaska governor agreed to speak to Republic High’s graduating class of 26.
I just happened to notice how large Sarah's nostrils are. Now they are perfect portals for snorting- oh, whatever. Her looks have severely deteriorated to the extent that she has become truly horse-faced. This is what happens when you are consistently hateful, racist and negative, starve yourself and are the biggest hypocrite in the nation. Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteSo, Sarah gave giftbags to those lucky graduates, but didnt actually pay for them herself. She couldn't even manage to part with a few hundred dollars of her own money for graduation gifts. Congratulations donors! Your money went to giving crappy token presents to a handful of kids in some tiny town you never heard of.
ReplyDeleteThe PAC paid airfare? I thought it was customary for the organization hiring you to speak to pay your airfare, hotel, meals and the fee for the speech.
ReplyDeleteSo is she double dipping by claiming it as PAC expenses too?