Monday, August 05, 2013

Sarah Palin decides to instruct journalists on how to do their job, using creepy, sexually suggestive language of course.

Courtesy of Nellie Blah's Facebook page:

 "Rubbing the Back of Obama"... 

Media: Your rubbing shoulders with, er, rubbing the back of, Barack Obama may get you access to ask hard-hitting questions like the status of steroids in pro ball (you know that's coming next, while the rest of America notes the real State of the Union and we offer this reply to politicians' take on recent baseball "scandals": Who cares?!), but you still squander opportunities to do a respectable job asking the President what needs to be asked. You continue to embarrass yourself.

I'm sorry "Rubbing the Back of Obama?" Does EVERYTHING have to relate to Palin's abusive childhood?

There is a reason that psychiatrists exist in this world, and it is to help damaged people whose emotional and mental development was stunted by an unfortunate occurrence which keeps them trapped in a depressed or angry state of mind, forever lashing out at others in order to assuage their guilt and pain.

The crazy lady who lives by the dead lake might want to give one of them a call sometime.

The first thing they might address is this delusion that Palin has that she knows ANYTHING about journalism, and should therefore give advise to professional reporters.

I mean let's face it, somebody with a curiosity about, or knowledge of, journalism would have had little trouble answering Katie Couric's famous question.

Palin includes at the end of her snotty post an article written by a Teabagger in the Colorado State Senate, which mocks the media for not asking the questions that HE wants them to ask.

Not that anybody gives two shits what his opinion of the media might be.

You know, besides the Wasilla Wendigo that is.

I kind of found it interesting which illustration he included at the top of his little rant.

I thought damn, now why does that look so familiar to me?

And then I remembered.

Toad, Sarah, John P. Coale (Greta's husband). and Greta.
You know somehow I think the second one is more connected to reality. Well at least it was once upon a time.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    She's gross. Stupid and gross.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM


    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Yes, you are correct. Sarah Palin is the queen of projection. She would love to rub the Prsident's back.

    3. Anonymous5:29 PM


  2. The woman has a seriously warped fantasy life about her perceived nemesis (a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent), the President. It is creepy.

    (I had to look up nemesis after I used it here.)

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      You know she just wanted to say "backside" but someone on her writing team reminded her that her numerous overt sexual innuendos were exposing her own hinky lifestyle and background. Too bad we noticed anyway and are well aware of what body parts most of her bots are rubbing.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      $carah was glad the media did not ask the questions (about Trig, ethics violations, the free house) when she ran. That is a big fault with the media, They should ask ALL the qustions, not just the ones the candidates hand out for them to ask.Is she too dense
      to understand that people STILL want to know WHY no serious questions were asked to her and about her?

    3. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Every time I read these comments by Sarah I can't help wondering: did she work for/does she work for Todd? That would explain everything (how she views (and describes the world much as a street whore would view and describe the world).

    4. Anonymous5:30 PM

      It's creepy that people like you have a false sense of the world.

    5. Let me fix that for you.

      It's Creepy and Creepy Jr that have made that woman the way she is.

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I think she may have a meltdown in 2016 when she doesn't have President Obama to obsess about anymore.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Nah, she'll just switch to Hillary hating and insist that Pres H Clinton is just a puppet of Obama allowing her to use 'twofers' trying to nail both of them.

      Her only fear would be the election of a GOPer cause those folks would shut her down once and for all and the Kochs wouldn't need her ankle biting services any longer. If I didn't love my country and most of the decent people in it, I'd almost pray for a GOP prez just to sideline Palin and her merry band of crazy talkers.

    2. I agree - she is besotted with attacking the blah guy - there is nothing else in her world. What a sad and stupid way to exist.

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      There will always be a liar in office in DC.

    4. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Sarah's lost her teeth. She's not an ankle biter nipping at the president's heels anymore. Now she's reduced herself to being an ankle humper, humping on anyone that will give her a shout-out. Greta and Sean are the only ones who can actually talk to her without busting out laughing. And Roger uses her as a hackey-sack.

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM

      5:30 "There will always be a liar in office in DC."

      How many times do we have to tell you, dumbass?? Sarah will never be in office in DC or anywhere else. Only thing she is capable of running is her fat mouth, and the whole world knows it except for you paint-chip eating freaks that think she is Jesus or something. You're all dumb as a bag of hair and also too, you're fucking BORING. Go away.

  4. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I wish Sarah would grow up and stop being so immature. She should try living vibrantly like we do here at IM. Enough with the childish ranting Sarah. It's time for you to grow a pair or sit down and shut up. Your panties are obviously in a wad over the media so why don't you become a journalist? Sure it will be hard starting from an (alleged) high school diploma with an 83 IQ, but maybe those few credits you earned before you dropped out of the 5th college will be transferable? You will feel much better about yourself and not so full of hate if you become a productive citizen. Try it. Get a job. See what it's like to work. You might like it!

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Hows that fiction writing working for you Anon 12:15?

      Why don't you go live?

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Well you're a better person than I am Anon 12:15. I just want the bitch to die.

    3. Anonymous6:00 PM

      "Live" as in rhymes with Jive? You're a turkey, Krusty.

    4. Anonymous6:10 PM

      5:31 You go first!!

    5. Anonymous6:56 PM

      When will King Roger allow her back on teh Teevee? I can't wait. So does she have to play journalism 101 until her master beckons? What a shame, he makes her look weak an ineffective when he won't allow her all that freedom of screech that Track fought for.

      Praise the Lord she still has John McCain, he just loves her great maverick rouge.




    6. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Hehehehehehe! Stupid ass Krusty got her face cracked at the Asylum today by "VirginiaHe'sNoGentleman"....remember this "convo" today Krust....

      "Rosie Guest • 2 hours ago −
      Whatever. It shows the kind of person THEY are. What others think of us is not OUR business.

      You can't make people be civil and mature. You CAN continue being happy and smile at them when you meet angry people face to face.

      virginiagentleman1 Rosie • 2 hours ago −
      Whatever indeed!

      You hide your history under the veil of 'privacy', and then take our long time contributors to task for being open?

      You speak ONLY for yourself and NOT for JRD1 or anyone else here.
      We exchange opinion and ideas. We tease each other as well and when we tease each other we do so as friends, not as superiors, unlike what YOU have done Rosie. Before you nay-say another comment, why not attempt getting to know us first. Condescending attitudes are unwelcome. Hard core debate IS welcome.

      Rosie virginiagentleman1 • an hour ago −
      Apologies to people who took my words as rude or disrespectful. The 'whatever' was for attackers at yahoo. I am the last person who would be deemed condescending. I just know from experience that fighting with unkempt fools (aka liberals on the internet under anonymity) is pointless. I wasn't actually telling anyone to avoid something, not at all. I was just stating what I'VE learned.
      I respect people here BECAUSE you are all welcoming and mature. It is a strength here.

      virginiagentleman1 Rosie • an hour ago −
      Then welcome aboard Rosie.
      I noticed that you edited your comment to JRD, so I just removed my down arrow from your reply."

      Poor Krusty...she was using the name "Katydid" over there and sprouting the same inane shit until one of the regulars kept asking her over and over...why was her Disqus profile "private"....she never answered the fool...instead just came up with a new name....Amirite Krusty or amirite! LOL!!!

    7. Anonymous9:30 PM

      I put this down thread, but I will repeat it here because I think you will get a kick out of this. Look what comes up when you search Krusty. It's a twitter account that belongs to her sister.

      Mindy ‏@Mindybellagrazi 30 Jul
      I have not tweeted since last March. Oy ....My sister uses my twitter account.

    8. Anonymous9:32 PM

      That was awesome!

    9. Anonymous1:23 AM

      6:10 PM

      Umm, I have friends that aren't imaginary, and I don't waste time hanging out all day on a blog where no one can stand me, throwing little stink bombs and running away. But thanks for proving my point that you don't have the brain power to debate anyone. "You first?" Wow you really schooled me! You're the dumbass who keeps telling everyone here to grow up and stop being immature, right? How do you not implode from your own massive hypocrisy and stupidity? Too fucking stupid to realize you're stupid, just like Sarah. That's no way to go through life you fucking loser.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    lol sarah was molested by creepy chuck lol

    1. jcinco1:49 PM

      yep, all the signs indicate that. maybe chuckie can rub her double d strap-on breathing apparatus for awhile and baby will feel better. does she let her daughters around the old perv unattended?

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Libel, though I expect nothing less from here.

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      12:15pm. And she learned to like it. It was the only hobby she ever had that she was any good at.

    4. Anonymous6:12 PM

      5:31 I would STOP coming here, it bothers you so much. Aren't there ANY guys left in Wasilla who want to go for a joy ride in the pontoon? Word must have spread about your desperation for the next "trial husband"

    5. Anonymous7:04 PM

      It is true that if people knew the factual truth about Sarah Palin they would feel sorrow and there would be given a different take on what has transpired. No one wants to give her a break and get the full story out. She has to bite the bullet and take one for who she protects. It may be when someone dies, she can at long last open up. It is even possible she will be forgiven if that can happen for her.

      Tragically, her family, and she has no true friends, but the ones called friends use her for their ATM and they must go on and on with the status quo of lies. Tell lies long enough and they may believe them by now. The smart ones kept records more meticulously than Todd Palin with his business.

    6. Anonymous9:27 PM

      If true, it is tragic and not appropriate to say "LOL" while you type it gleefully. Being molested isn't funny no matter to whom it happens.

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Stop with the slander sarah and try spending time with your family. Sure they may hate your guts and want you dead, but they're your family. You should spend more than a few minutes with them instead of being cooped up in your room bingeing on meth and coke. Piper wishes she had a real mom. Willow wishes she had a real mom. Bristol wishes she had a real mom. The only way they know how to get your attention is to get knocked up and birth a DS baby.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Grow up

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Change your sheets, Krusty. Or ask your mother to do it for you. She has a 50-yr old shut-in for a daughter. The only way your mother will get rid of you is to stop paying the cable bill and have the Internet shut down in your room. Pitiful human being, you are.

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      It is best she not spend time with family, they are only blood relations. Trig? He needs a good forever family who will show that he has therapy and all his needs met. As loving parents or adoptive parents with millions would do. As it should be for Trig one day. She will do it when the law tells her to no longer neglect or abuse the boy.

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Well done, Gryphen!

    I wonder if Palin was emboldened by John McCain's recent words of support and his echo of her delusions: "And then I watched the shredding and destruction to destroy a good and decent person by the liberal media, beginning with Katie Couric."

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      John McCain is deaf, dumb and blind yet he and his legacy holders must be reminded 24/7 until he is 60 feet under what a liar azz he is.


      That will never end. The more crap he spews the lower his legacy goes. Don't forget it all started long ago. Before Keatings 5 and all his destruction of military aircraft at taxpayer expense. We also paid for all those lies to get him off.

      It will be his stupid sex perversion that takes him down for good. He used poor wittle sex attention Sarah to make him a contender. Now he shows us how desperate and pitiful he is to attempt to carry on the farce.

  8. Anonymous12:22 PM

    She belongs in a padded cell. Sarah is mentally ill and desperately needs help but her family ignores her. Maybe they want to keep her sick?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Dude, go to, look up libel.

      Now stop committing it.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Change your big fat drawers, Krusty. I see where you got the nickname. I guess somebody called you that and it kind of *stuck*, huh? Retard.

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      The whole family is trapped and sick. Don't bother feeding the trolls.

    4. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Yeah!! It has taken several years, but our Shit For Brains troll finally used the correct term of libel instead of spewing slander in her ridiulous "dude" post. I guess even morons can be trained eventually.

    5. Anonymous10:04 PM

      I think that is Sarah or Bristol. It took them so long to learn. But a good thing to know they can learn after years of repetition.

  9. Pat in MA12:22 PM

    Sarah, squandering opportunities to do a respectable job = the House of Representatives. She is disgusting. As Steve Schmidt said 'no interest in substantive policy issues or actual governance' All she's ever done since McCain picked her has consisted of name calling and twisted innuendo, coupled with her cutesy bumper sticker freedom/real America BULLSHIT.

  10. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Sister Sarah is nothin' more than delusional! But, Alaskans and more and more Americans across the nation know it, so she isn't fooling anyone!

    Did anyone see the short segment on 'celebrity' long-lasting marriages last night on TV? Sarah and Todd were named as being so and Sarah was interviewed about her 'wonderful' marriage. She noted what a good Dad, Toddie is!

    Again, we in Alaska know that theirs is not a wonderful marriage. Both are confirmed to have had affairs and they don't live together the majority of the time. They have a fraudulent marriage - nothing more and nothing less!

    1. jcinco1:51 PM

      I'll just say this about that, living in CO I know that brad hanson's hockey playing son (here in CO) sure has a big mouth about his dad and sarah.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Oooooh, jcinco -- don't leave us in the dark! :-)

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      jcinc0, another request to please share, thanks!

    4. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Wow, I doubt you are from AK AND that you know what you're talking about. I KNOW you don't

    5. Anonymous5:35 PM

      You DO know that Brad's kids are friends with Willow right?

    6. jcinco6:17 PM

      anon 5:34, I didn't say anything about being from AK, now did I?... DU is in CO.

      anon 5:35, So?

    7. Anonymous7:21 PM


      I don't like a tease. Hanson's son learned from a big violent abusive hockey coach of a father. I hope he can purge and do right. He deserves better than what he has had to live with.

      Willow should wise up. Her family plays her as the fool. Worst thing to happen to Tripp and Golden Child Bristol, eeeewwww nasty old Willow, poor Bristol.

    8. ROFLMAO @ 5:34 and MUST be a stupid ass Palin!

      Well..whichever one you needed to have kept your legs closed and your mind open while you were in school...otherwise you would know what "CO" means!

      I would give you a hint but I know you're too stupid...drunk or high to understand! LOL!!!

    9. Anonymous9:05 PM

      jcinco, did you mean to say Colorado College instead of DU?

      How sad that Track doesn't have a mother and father who watched out for him, made sure he stayed out of trouble, and really nurtured his hockey playing instead of just paying it lip service.

      He could have had a bright future, in college, away from his parents like this kid seems to have.

      Sarah and Todd really did a number on their three eldest.

    10. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Track had anger issues from an early age. He was lucky he didn't have Morlock parents who couldn't get him out of the serious war zones. His Morlock friend had injuries and appealed to Sarah about his problems. Lucky Track could just be angry and have parents that taught him how to get out of criminal behaviors.

  11. Anonymous12:31 PM

    If I was talking about someone and used that same language, I'm sure people would find it crass and weird. When Sarah says it, it sounds crass, weird, AND unprofessional. Is that what she's aiming for?

  12. Anonymous12:34 PM

    WTF is that word salad saying? She MUST have written than since it is absolutely nonsensical on every level.

    She is damn lucky that the elite media isn't taking her lies and criminality to task. They let her get away with money laundering, child abuse, treason, fraud, human trafficking, name it, she and Toad skate on it.

    It would be an awesome day when she gets taken down for her transgressions, her lies and her fomenting of racial hatred, but somebody with big money is still keeping those things on the down low.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      The day she runs for office she will get taken down and she knows it. She hides behind being a "citizen" who is exercising her first amendment rights and largely the media ignores her now; exception is when she is really saying doing something stupid. I think they are exposing her for who and what she really is and just waiting for her to announce a run for anything. Sarah, go ahead, run for office and we'll see how the media treats your past and present...

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Too bad she won't run for office. Yep, she would be taken down.

      She won't run for office and she won't sue for libel or slander because she would be taken down. Depositions would be great and she won't go there.

  13. Anonymous12:41 PM

    "The hottest governor of the coldest state," right Chuckie?

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Hahaha! It should be "The stupidest governor of the least populated state."

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      And, the least popular quitter gov of Alaska! Her photo isn't even on display in Juneau w/all the other prior govs of the state.

      She embarrassed the hell out of Alaskans!

    3. Anonymous10:25 PM

      "The Creepiest Father of the Worst Governor"

  14. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Where's Glenn Rice? Is he in a separate bed waiting for Sarah?

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      He is not going to soil himself with her. His mother nearly knocked his lights out when she found out about it.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      I feel tremendously sorry for Glenn Rice. What did he ever do to deserve having his name forever and ever linked to a one-night stand with some star-fucking wannabe in Wherever, Alaska?

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      lmao LOVE the libel from all angles here. Get lives.

  15. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Rep. Yoho: Obamacare 'Racist' Because White People Use Tanning Beds

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Can you be any more stupid than this guy?

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      I know, it's incredible isn't it, the depth of the stupid pit. But, it's only Monday. There are four whole days for one of them to outdo even this guy and they rarely let us down. Put a few bucks on $toopid$arah and you'll win nearly every time.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      The shriveling up white girl, Sarah Palin, is a user of tanning beds! The Alaskan taxpayers paid for hers when she lived in the Governor's Mansion (in Juneau) for the short time she was there prior to moving back home to Wasilla on the dead lake!

      Thank God, she quit!

    4. Anonymous9:13 PM

      The shallow end of the gene pool is damn crowded.

  16. Anonymous1:00 PM

    What's wrong with these people? What has Sarah Palin done to make these people go crazy over her? Have they seen her oversexed family? What about all their pregnancies before marriage? Her children's lack of education and GEDs? Have they heard about Shailey Tripp? Have they seen SarahPac's FEC reports and how they recklessly spend their money?

    Michelle Jones McClish > Sarah Palin· SARAH PALIN FOR PRESIDENT! Maam you are what this country needs...hard hitting honesty that gets things done! For the greater good...GET ON THAT TICKET!!!! Please....

    Rick Stout > Sarah Palin · u need to run for president next time sarah i will darn sure vote u

    Michelle Crotwell > Sarah Palin1 hour ago near Vicksburg, MS · Simply stated: Sarah Palin....this country NEEDS you to run in the next presidential election! Thank you 4 Likes

    Don Wallace Sr. > Sarah Palin · The country needs you in Washington Sarah!!!

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Michelle: Vicksburg Mississippi sez all I need to know about you.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Yeah, they raised all of $300 bucks for SarahPac yesterday, during their "money bomb". Suffice it to say, they are all braindead, and all poor, apparently. Her fans can shit in one hand and wave with the other, but still, that doesn't help Mrs. Palin remember "what she reads" (you know, the hard questions).

      As all Mrs. Palin wants is for these folks to pony up the Benjamins and pay her and her children's mortgages. But what do they do? Offer blind allegiance and very little cold hard cash. That can't make her too happy. Which is why she's always pissy and ranting on Facebook or Twitter through her ghostwriter.

      Next reporting from SarahPac will have much more money going to "speechwriters" because Mrs. Palin is poor and pissed and has a lot that her ghostwriters and speechwriters have to say for her, in the public forum. If only she could have had RAM sit down with Katie, then RAM might have actually been able to spin a comprehensive answer regarding that "GOTCHA QUESTION" of "What do you Read"?.

      I always thought if Katie was going totally "gotcha" the question should have been: "So, can you read"?

    3. @Anonymous 3:34 PM If Katie was going totally "gotcha" the question would have been "So, what does a vice president do?"

    4. Anonymous4:40 PM


      For the life of me, I've never understood the whole "Katie attacked with gotcha questions" complaint. Clearly, Palin & Co. had to pretend it was mean-spirted since Our Sarah so tremendously flubbed the simplest queries. Sarah was spooked by being interviewed by an intelligent person, on camera -- and I think that it being a woman made it worse. She couldn't wink at Katie or flirt with her and not look like a fool.
      Then, again, you could say Sean Hannity attacked her last week when he brought up Howard Dean's comments about death panels, and Sarah hadn't even been reading the news that would have given her a heads up on the issue. It was on every website and in every newspaper. She's so clearly unprepared, even today. But she should be whining that Sean ambushed her. Gotcha, Sarah, on your signature issue!

    5. Anonymous10:27 PM

      $300 should get Sarah a nice half day at the spa.

      Thanks, C4P!!!

  17. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "Media: Your rubbing shoulders with, er, rubbing the back of, Barack Obama..."

    Why is there a comma between "of" and "Barack"?

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Cause she's excited and she's about to comma.

    2. Because I kind of think she wrote it herself.

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Actually, that's proper use of commas. She obviously didn't pen it.

    4. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Anonymous 1:05 PM asked: Why is there a comma between "of" and "Barack"?

      To get serious: it's to go with the one following "with". "Barack Obama" is not just the object of the preposition "of", as would be implied by the absence of the comma in question. It is also the object of the preposition "with". (See also Parallelism.)

    5. Anonymous2:50 PM

      @ 1:55 and 2:04 thanks. I got confused by the interjection "er".

    6. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Sarah pronounces *er* as *um*. I love it when her brain stuttering is included in the transcription.

    7. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Shouldn't be a comma there.

  18. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Didn't Sarah Heath sleep naked with her school friends while they slept with their clothes on?

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Yes and she was a laughing stock for doing it. She thought it was okay because her dad said quote "it's not healthy for girls to sleep with their clothes on" unquote. She was in high school! How long was she groomed by Chuck Heath? Creepy!

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      How old was Sarah when Creepy Chuckie stopped tucking her in?

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      well, it was not so much as how old but when, like if other people were around. You know Chuck, he knows his Sarah from hooter to cooter.

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM


    5. Anonymous5:40 PM

      That was such a sick lie. I feel bad for all WHS students whose innocent childhoods were trashed with Sarah's because of irresponsible journalists and a few liars. Grads are NOT amused, just like the good Juneau students who defend their friends in the mansion.

      Teens and jealous classmates are disgusting. We all know these types. They spread lies about socially prominent students out of jealousy.

    6. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Sarah: "You mean your Dads and older brothers didn't hold you down and put their big sticks in your private parts?"

      Um, no. Your famy is really sick, Sarah Heath.

    7. Anonymous5:40 PM

      You know that story was true....stop lying to yourself Baldy Palin's ass licking troll!

      If it wasn't...ole Baldy would have sued Joe McGinnis and his publisher! That baby oil story was another true story along with Glen Rice. Baldy was a WHORE who slept and trapped that she is uglier than a junk yard dog and no self respecting man would come close to her...all she has left is flapping that big mouth of hers!

      She has apparently passed this same trait onto her nasty daughters...with the exception of her long suffering...motherless child Piper. Thank goodness Trig is being raised by someone other than Baldy's retarded ass!

      For the life of me I can't figure out why you insist on defending a person who shows you by her action and deeds that she needs serious mental help. Maybe because it's "obvi" YOU probably need the same type of mental assistance.

      Good luck with that! LOL!!!

    8. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Hey GinaM,
      Get a load of what I found!

      Mindy ‏@Mindybellagrazi 30 Jul
      I have not tweeted since last March. Oy ....My sister uses my twitter account.

    9. Anonymous9:26 PM

      There are worse things than sleeping naked.

  19. Anonymous1:14 PM

    "Rubbing the back of Barack Obama" -- what does that even mean? Do you Alaskans have some local lingo that the rest of us don't understand? If not, then this is a pointless and rather creepy remark. Sarah's peabrain jumped from "rubbing shoulders" to "rubbing the back," without ever pausing to wonder if her words made any sense.

    But, seriously Sarah, you're an EMPLOYEE of one of the biggest "journalism" networks in the world. Please go scold them for not doing their job. With the money and resources available to Fox, they could be reporting on the stories you allege aren't getting air time. Fly right now to New York City -- today! -- and tell Roger Ailes what he's doing wrong and what he should be covering.

    Second, Sarah, there's nothing stopping you from asking the questions you think aren't being asked -- and doing the research to find out the answers.
    Then you can use your Fox pulpit, your Facebook and Twitter forums, and your extensive direct-mal network to tell the public of your findings.
    Ready, set, go!

    Alternatively, fly directly to Ohio to confer with Speaker John Boehner, or get going to Virginia to talk with Eric Cantor, or call up Don Young. Tell them what news they're not talking about in the House. And then there's the Senate: Mitch McConnell's waiting by the telephone. Ted Cruz longs to have you rub his back. John McCain's wondering why you haven't returned his calls.

    Finally, news comes in all shapes and sizes, as I know your journalism "professors" taught you. U.S. Embassies are being shut down throughout the Middle East; China's growing pollution problem may halt its economic rise;
    Ithaca, N.Y. has the lowest unemployment rate in NYS; floods and record temperatures are affecting much of Europe; the royal baby is two weeks old; scientists may have uncovered a revolutionary treatment for high blood pressure; the New York Stock exchange hit its all-time high last week; and, among other things, if you're a sports fan (as millions are), several baseball players have been suspended.

    Sarah, do you care only about the NBA, NASCAR and the Kentucky Derby? If basketball players, hot rod drivers, or thoroughbred horses were discovered to have won by drugging, would that be news worth reporting? Should we ignore people who earn millions of dollars illegally, just because they're athletes?

    I don't mean to rub you the wrong way with my comments. No, wait. I don't mean to rub it in. Hold on. I don't mean to rub your nose in it. I mean ....

    Newsflash! Despite your allegations about the media, only Michelle Obama is allowed to rub the President's back. I'm afraid, Sarah, that you're stuck with Todd's flaccid skin and skinny shoulder blades for all eternity, no matter how much you fantasize about the President.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Anonymous 1:14 - like like LIKE your comment!!! Exactly what I think! She's constantly complaining about the media, yet she (supposedly) works for one of the biggest media networks in the world, so why doesn't she use it to tell us all about what she complains the rest of the media is not telling us! She is the very essence of a hypocrite!

  20. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Why would any elderly woman who is constantly being photographed would be seen one day wearing DDD false breasts and on other days photographed looking like a teenage boy?

    Something is definitely wrong with Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Different shirts.

    2. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Yes, they were different shirts.

      Sometimes Pamela Anderson wears a shirt and everyone's like...where'd your breasts go, Pam? Oh, it's just the shirt, duh.

  21. Poor Sarah... methinks it's been awhile since she's been laid.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Since the day Willow was conceived.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Sarah is a full-blown (pun not intended) prick tease. It's not about sex; it's about attention. She is probably frigid. Probably why Pimp Daddy Toad started fooling around with prostitutes.

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      6:14 PM

      I agree. Sex is a tool for her to use. She shut down long ago. Can probably act some.

  22. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Was Shailey Tripp rubbing Todd Palin's back? The Pimp's wife needs to pay attention to her daughters' sexual activities and her husband's sex trafficking and STFU about Barack Obama, her President. Sarah Palin's desire for having sex with President Obama is apparent. Too bad that Pimp Daddy Todd Palin does not satisfy his Skanky anorexic wife. Sarah had a taste of Glen Rice and can't forget the experience.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Both Mrs. Palin and her "husband" Todd fucked a whole lot of other people during their marriage. They are both guilty of a lot of adultery. Track is not Todd's, and there is actually question of whether Piper might actually be the spawn of Curtis Menard as well. We all know Trig isn't a spawn of Sarah, so really, she and Todd have Willow and Bristol, and they do look like they came from Todd.

      Simply said, Mrs. Palin has no room to speak to others regarding really any moral or ethical matters, not any relationship advice should be taken from a woman who possibly has two children from another man other than the one that she was married to for nearly 20 years.

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      If Track and P.I.G. are not spawns of Todd Palin, then Sarah and Todd illegally claimed Native Medical coverage for them. Frauds at everything they do.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      You need a life.

    4. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Anon 4:27, libel. Now go get a life

    5. Anonymous6:22 PM

      They are frauds, indeed.

  23. Anonymous1:43 PM


    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Why do you revolve your life around her? There are millions who know nothing about her and their lives are fine and dandy. Her word means nothing and has altered nothing. Now shoo and buy yourself a life.

  24. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Sarah Palin has loose neck skin that she has tightened up frequently. It would gross me out if I was Todd and seen her wrinkled cootchie skin flap.

    Sorry to gross you guys out.

  25. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Who the fuck gives two shits about Baseball? Give me a fucking break. Just like Lance Armstrong, who really cares about these sports and the performance enhancing drugs? Just a bunch of fat men that sit on their asses each weekend and watch sports instead of helping around the house.

    Screw sports. I hope all of the experimental drugs give these guys 20 kinds of weird diseases. It's odd enough that most of them have necks bigger than their heads and yeah, we're all supposed to think that was natural, through working out with weights and NOT 'roids and other substances? Give me a break.

    These brain dead nimrods make way to much money for doing nothing but entertaining fat, lazy, couch potato men and supporting their fantasies of what could have been if only they'd have been a better JV football player in high school.

    Too harsh?


    1. Irishgirl3:30 PM


    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Only harsh to us who still enjoy the game with our sons, just as we did with our Dads many years ago. But I understand. When they get older, we'll spend more time playing golf together.

  26. Anonymous1:51 PM

    There is a web site that appears to reveal evidence linking Todd to Shailey Tripp.  This evidence is available to the public, for all to see. This evidence should be embarrassing to the Palins, to the Anchorage Police, and all who align themselves with Captain America.

    The following letter will be sent today to John McCain at each of his offices, and a copy will be sent to his wife, Cindy and daughter Meghan.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      McCain will live to regret having Palin on his idiotic campaign all those years ago. It's his history! Everyone now knows what a fraud and idiot is, and was, Sarah Palin!

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Ever wander over and look at the stories of obama's chicago tales? No diff

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Nothing new that isn't in MOST politicians' pasts.

    4. Anonymous7:33 PM

      There are differences and facts. McCain may not live long enough to know just how history comes down on him. He thinks he is setting up his legacy, not necessarily so.

      There are big differences. But sure the Kenyan birth certificate and all are going to be on the real nutty sites.

    5. Anonymous10:35 PM

      I'm sorry, are you really suggesting that most politicians are married to pimps who provide women to members of the secret service? Or that most politicians have done anything that twisted?

      Here's a better question, since you're obviously just spitting out excuses for Todd: Why would you defend a man who exploited women and who has yet to pay the same price as the women he exploited?

  27. Anonymous2:04 PM

    She's just all pissy today because her C4P "money bomb" only collected $312 dollars yesterday. What's a woman to do when her loyal cultists won't pay up any more than the week's grocery bill? Poor Sarah, she'd better hope that Todd caught some fish and that he shoots a moose for the freezer because her C4P'r's don't look as if they can keep her in canned chili, much less hotels and private planes. Also too, she might have to let Trig's therapy lapse because the rubes aren't paying. Oh, wait, Trig never go any therapy, nevermind.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      grow up, stop libeling

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Three hundred dollars? You've gotta be kidding me. THAT was their money bomb? Haha. I'm laughing my ass off here! I thought C4P was her *base*.

      Even the Pbots have spent too much on you, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Anon 5:46. Ever think about giving that same advice to your buddy Mrs Palin? We'd appreciate a break from her slanderous and libelous comments. Five years is enough. Basta!

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM

      You must be kidding... $312? How can she live with that? What is the next money bomb going to be? You are joking?

  28. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Remember how William Shakespeare and Sarah Palin are best buds? I think she was re-reading "Hamlet" just before she drifted off last night, and his words stuck in her mind this morning as she tapped out her Facebook post:

    "To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub"

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      If she ever read Shakespeare, she'd have to stop and rub one out.

  29. Anita Winecooler2:08 PM

    Sometimes a seatless unicycle is just a seatless unicycle.

  30. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Sarah,where's Trigs' birth certificate?...How's THAT for journalism!

  31. Anonymous2:33 PM

    You would think that having graduated with a journalist degree that she would know the difference between "your" and "you're".

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Good catch.
      But even a fifth grader without any degree at all knows the difference between a possessive and a contraction.
      Maybe they don't teach that in Wasilla? You are (you're) expecting way too much from your (belonging to you) favorite facebook correspondent, Ms. Palin.

      Who, come to think of it, used to be a sports reporter....why wouldn't steroid use by athletes be a big story on the sports beat?

  32. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I think she was looking for "I've git your back," but Sarah can't keep one thought going long enough to finish it.

  33. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Five years later and Sarah still can't get over losing to Obama. McCain was just the name at the top of the ticket. It was Sarah who was really running against Obama and she can't get over losing. Sarah, you ought to thank your lucky stars that the media didn't ask you any tough questions. Obama is President Obama, elected by wide margins in two elections. You lost and you are still a sore loser, yes a loser in every sense of the word. Get over it!

  34. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Sarah Palin: Your rubbing the ________ of:

    A. Glenn Rice
    B. Brad Hanson
    C. Curt Menard Jr

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Do NOT libel Curtis, one of the BEST men you could hope to meet. Just because his family is friends with theirs, and his daughter works with Willow, does not mean you can bring him into your web of lies.


      And Sarah 1987 was literally a different person. I'd say she morphed around 2004. Just because I know her 90s friends and they are still her friends. I know her neighbor from the early 90s and the two still talk.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Anom 5:48 since you are implying that you know Curtis Menard Jr, is Curt the real father of Track?

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      If she had any friends, they would help her get into treatment. Check their bank accounts or mental history if they have much contact with her.

      Curtis can be a good man and have sex and knock up an old classmate. Happens all the time. He is deceased under suspicious circumstance, he would want the whole truth out. He does not need to worry about a 1990 reputation. How silly.

      A good man would care about a son that had to live a lie for some crazy mother.

      Truth would set them all free. It is a good thing.

    4. Anonymous7:55 PM

      You poor thing!

    5. Anonymous8:48 PM

      What exactly do you think you can do about it? Nothing. Carry on, AssClown. Rant and rave to your heart's content.

    6. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Yes, pity for Sarah. Poor thing.

    7. Anonymous10:37 PM

      You don't know anyone. You peak through virtual windows and sidle up to anyone even remotely attached to Sarah Palin.

      Prove me wrong.

  35. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Delighted to see the idiot isn't making much coverage anymore nationally. And, the interest in her on this blog is also dropping, which is also delightful to see.

    Everyone is becoming more and more bored w/the idiotic entertainer!

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Poor Sarah. Not many fans these days. No one much listening to her now and they won't show her on TV. Did Fox dump her again? Poor Sarah.

  36. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Ughhhh - that image of the foursome with Greta and gang. I can't get it out of my head. Try to think about fluffy cute furry animals, furry animals.......furry animals.........

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Gryphen should have warned us, you can't unsee that image.

  37. Ooooh, ewww, yeccchhh, Palin, get your goddamned sexual perversions the fuck under control. You have finally lost it, you creepy whacked out pervert.

    The country has had to listen to you and your sexually oriented rage toward men for the past five years.

    You learned at an early age to hate men but that you could control them through sex (which is why all your sexual titillation is so cold and false).

    You have no control over the President because he has no sexual interest in you whatsoever. It has been eating at you for years.

    Would you get some fucking help, you dreadful, creepy, nasty pervert?

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      and, libel

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Even her best friends won't tell her what libel is. She can't stop herself. Poor, poor Sarah. She needs a friend.

  38. Anonymous3:39 PM

    This one will make GinaM laugh. Over at the "P" this lady talks about her daughter going to Canada to see the "leaves changing", however, even here in Alaska we have about another month before we see fall colors. Wonder what planet this person lives on?

    Good Morning C4P friends....Another sunny 107 degree day in the great desert Southwest...My daughter and her husband are off today for Canada to see the turning of the fall leaves...Going first to Vancouver and then east..should be a great trip for them...Should be some stunning baseball news later today about the suspensions for illegal substance abuse..Pro football pre-season games have started.That's it for now ....have a great day

  39. Anonymous3:52 PM

    SP's continual sexual references don't, IMO, mean that it relates to a possible abusive childhood. Many grown adults who endured abusive childhoods don't usually use explicit imagery in their language. Many keep a lot of this stuff pent up inside and are carry unnecessary shame and guilt and many will deny it to their graves.

    SP's use of sexual imagery is always in a condescending way towards men she hates. Has she ever said anything derogatory against her father?

    Whatever her problems, she is disgusting. Rubbing the back of "Barack Obama" (she refuses to respectfully call him President) - the repetitive name-calling and repetitive juvenile taunting from this flat-hook-nosed plastic-smiling manly-looking unattractive woman makes it hard to even look at photos of her anymore.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I still think she was diddled by Daddy, or by some other male relative. Perhaps her older brother? There's just too much assuming of sexual malfeasance towards her daughters to think other wise.

      David Letterman "sexualizing Willow".

      Joe McGinniss "peeping on Piper"

      and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

      What adult person would assume sexual misconduct regarding her own children if there was none in her past? It is something that most of us would never consider, but it always seems first and foremost in her mind.

    2. There is a constellation of behaviors that convinces me Sarah Palin was sexually abused.

      The sexual references are part of it.
      The lapses into a little girl sing-song persona leave me no doubt.

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Wasn't there some allegation about boys who wanted to rape her daughters in Juneau?

      There are just too many of these incidents to not believe that Sarah has a dark and twisted past.

      Her daughters' sexualization is another signal, to me, that there is a serious problem with their mother's own sexual self.

      And I'm a mother of a teenaged daughter. Not only has she not been pregnant, but no one's threatened to rape her, peer into her bedroom window, or made jokes about her body. I can't imagine dreaming up these incidents. If Sarah isn't making them up, then she should have called the police and hired protection for her children. What has she said to her daughters to create such an atmosphere?

    4. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Honestly, I think she's just harnessing a man's natural inclination to subjugate women and is throwing it in their faces. Even in 2013, the workplace is NOT equal. Men are nasty. I don't begrudge her for this rhetoric.

    5. Anonymous10:41 PM

      I completely "begrudge her" for it. You give her way too much credit.

      It's all part of her "pistol packin' mama" bullshit.

  40. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Perhaps, you were also thinking of the Zina Saunders painting of Palin and McCain in bed.

  41. Anonymous4:11 PM

    OT and LOL! A Zina Saunders animated video on the 2nd Amendment, the NRA, and idiot gun enthusiasts, with inferences to Zimmerman, and homophobia.

  42. Her anger that Barack Obama has all the trappings of being President, while Sarah Palin - who couldn't even handle the job of Governor of the smallest state in the union - is sending the lady insane.

    She gets weirder and weirder while trying to get some attention from the President. When he once replied that he had no idea about nor interest in anything said by Sarah Palin, he was speaking the truth. Everything she says is her feeble attempt to be noticed - doesn't work Sarah - smart parents do not pander to silly children.

  43. Anonymous5:32 PM


  44. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Love cowards here.

  45. Anonymous5:51 PM

    at c4p briANUS berkleiANUS HAS to be a plant!! seriously who other than a plant can write this stuff? if not a lefty plant then briANUS NEEDS TO SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY!

    brianusBerkleianus • 6 minutes ago −
    Good Evening, Everyone!

    This post will constitute a companion piece to and completion of my morning post.

    This morning I expressed gratitude that Rush, during his interview a few days ago with Greta, expressed admiration for two political figures: Ted Cruz and …


    Tonight I am even more grateful to him.

    Why? Because of a contrast.

    I was watching Laura Ingraham substitute for Bill O'Reilly on “The Factor” tonight (yes, I know you guys will ask me why I was bothering with BOR's show—especially with a good Dodgers-Cardinals game on ESPN!!)

    Anyway, Ingraham had a segment in which possible candidates for President for 2016 were discussed.

    The usual suspects were trotted out: Hillary, Jeb, Christie, et al.

    ONE NAME was not mentioned (unless I missed it)--the Lady “Who Must Not Be Named.”

    I am, as I said, even more grateful to Rush than I was earlier that he had the guts to PRAISE SARAH on a prime-time FOX show!!

    In any case, the Governor is, IMV, placing her attention where it belongs right now: On 2014.

    This is because we are not engaged in a 2016 race right now.

    We are not even engaged in a mere 2014 race right now.

    Rather, WE ARE ENGAGED IN A 2014-2016 RACE!

    The race is a '14-'16 one precisely because of the nature of our Constitutional Republic.

    A) We cannot take back 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue until 2016.

    B) As far as Congress goes, while the House turns over in toto every two years, only about one third of the Senate seats come up for election each cycle. BUT, in a TWO-CYCLE period, about TWO THIRDS of the Senate slots come up. Hence, an extended period of time is required to change the nature of the upper chamber of Congress. President Palin will need a Conservative Congress at her side—TIME is required for this!!

    They can lie about her.

    They can vilify her.

    They can scorn her.

    They can mock her.


    Meanwhile, the Governor is faithfully and relentlessly working on that 2014-2016 campaign,

    When the time comes for PHASE 2016 of the Campaign for America, if it is the Lord's Will, she will thunder forth onto the national POTUS stage in a way that the bought-and-paid-for “pundits” will not be able to ignore,

    I would like to close these thoughts with a reference to the great New York Yankee icon Yogi Berra.

    A) “It's not over 'til it's over.”

    B) Yogi was one of the greatest World Series clutch hitters ever.

    They can have their Jeb, their Hillary, their Christie etc, in the second, third, fourth, even seventh innings.



    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      It's over Bree-Anus.

      Now get your thumb out of your ass, get on your bicycle, and go find a girlfriend. Kid, if you've turned 30 already and never had your knob polished by anyone other than your brother... er, you're probably a Palin and no one's told you yet.

      All of you people are so creepy, worshipping your cadaver scarecrow. When her liver finally rots out and her other organs fail, besides rubbing one out thinking about your mother-figure, what are your plans thereafter? Be thinking about it, Bree. Cuz it's all over but the crying. (And, BTW, Yogi said "It ain't over 'til it's over." And he didn't say it like a bottom-boy like you, kid.)

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      I'm rolling my head in a state of wonder that ANYONE could be so delusional as you are.
      I do not understand her fans devotion to her; it is unbelievable, and totally, totally undeserved. I've read some responses from residents of Wasilla with 'hints' of truth. Pls: come forward!

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Poor old Sarah, she doesn't have much left.

      Her legacy with John McCain is her claim to fame.

  46. Anonymous6:05 PM

    There's no subject in your sentence, re-tard.

  47. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Alaskans Prefer Hillary Clinton Over Sarah Palin, Poll Finds

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      No way, we Alaskans prefer Sarah Palin.

      Just kidding, we learned our lesson. Sarah Palin is a quitter.

  48. Anonymous6:40 PM

    David Corn explains how journalists are colluding with conservatives to create propaganda

    Conservative journalists are part of a secretive group that hopes to defeat moderate to progressive politicians, according to Mother Jones’ Washington D.C. Bureau Chief David Corn.

    During an interview with 92Y Producer Jordan Chariton at The Jefferson Hotel, Corn explained his recent reporting on the conservative coalition known as Groundswell. Members of the group include prominent tea party activists and politicians as well as conservative journalists like Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News.

    “Groundswell is a messaging strategy coalition, kind of hush hush, wasn’t announced really to the world that was set up by some conservatives after the Republican defeat in last year’s election,” Corn explained. “All these advocates…are sitting around hatching talking points, messaging points, strategies for beating back progressive groups, congressional Democrats, the White House, but also Karl Rove.”

    Corn claimed the group helped “gin up” the Benghazi scandal. He said conservative reporters were “scheming” with activists, politicians, and legislative aides to help advance a conservative agenda.

    “In this town, reporters are always talking to politicians and advocates,” he remarked. “But in the context of attending meetings and being a regular amongst a group that has been created to work on messaging — I mean, that’s the thing. In some ways, you could call it propaganda without being pejorative. In fact, they have said, ‘We’re losing the propaganda battle.’”

    Corn added that conservative journalists were not simply covering the meetings to stay informed. They were actively participating in the meetings to help develop political strategies.

    Watch video, uploaded to YouTube by 92ndStreetY, below:

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      David Corn explains how journalists are colluding with conservatives to create propaganda

      That's an understatement.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Stephen Bannon is a 'conservative journalist' now? Next thing you know, Todd Palin will be a conservative journalist!

      Not to mention Trig!

  49. Anonymous6:40 PM

    She is one sick person.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Poor Sarah. It is time for her pity party. What a legacy. There will be many tears among the poverty as the years take away her ill gotten goods.

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      You're preaching to the choir

  50. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Get BACK to where you once belonged. Er, that would be Wasilla, dumb shit.

    --Arizona (not just Tucson, either)

    1. Anonymous5:05 AM

      How far can she travel on $312? Man, those PeeBots really went all out for her with that money bomb. The reality of who and what Sarah really is seems to finally be sinking into the minds of the C4P crowd. Of course, this also shows that a large percentage of the posters at that site are sock puppets with multiple accounts.

  51. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I've been noticing that NO ONE is picking up on Baldy's Facebook and Twitter screeds. If you go to Google News, there's absolutely nothing. Huffington Post hasn't posted. Nothing on Politico, Mediaite, Drudge, USA Today. She really isn't news anymore, is she? She's really only singing to her ever twindling 'choir' of misfits and twisted ignoramuses. Even Twitchy isn't saying anything, and they ALWAYS cover her. She is a has been that never was.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Sarah your 15 minutes are up.

      Good Bye

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      She is dumb and irrelevant, not a good combo. It is tragic to watch the once mighty fall. In this case, not so much.

      She also has the anti-Midas Touch. No one wants to bottom-out with her. Only John McCain is stuck being her BFF for life. He deserves her, his pick... Ha!

      She is poison. When will Fox have her back to phone in her propaganda? You know she is down when they cut her off.

      How much can she do with a FB account, part time crappy ghost writers and at the carnival acts she does? Paying a fortune in speech writers so she can stumble through the same old garbage she always says.

    3. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Is Michelle Malkin the ugliest woman in America? I think so.

      She's the slowest, too. She'll get around to twitching Sarah's latest nonsense when she's finished writing her hate blog. Sarah's not even HER priority any more.

  52. Anonymous7:31 PM


    Breaking @breakobama - the Unmasking of a Twitter Thug

    This is what happens when you believe that you can anonymously hide out on twitter, shout out racist names and threaten to kill people:

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Ha Ha! I hope the FBI looks into this jerk. Spreading hatred AND re-writing history in a christianist perspective. What a Jerk!

  53. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Off her meds? No, probably overdosing....

  54. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Read This Before You Believe The Obamacare Premium Spike Hysteria

  55. Anonymous8:09 PM

    So...before today, Sarah put her name to two disgraceful back-to-back attacks on Pres. Obama. The national, so-called liberal media ignored both attacks and her. Today she attacked the media directly and they're still ignoring her. What trick will she pull next?

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Running naked through the desert shouting and tearing at her hair? One can dream ;-)

    2. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Sarah Palin is untouchable

    3. Anonymous9:46 PM

      I don't know but it will be ignored if it isn't violent or that drastic. She is done.

  56. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Sarah Palin when you were a sportscaster, were you Todd Palin's girlfriend?

    Is it true that you cheated on Todd and had a one nightstand with an out of state college basketball player?

  57. Anonymous9:24 PM

    It is slander if 12:21 is referring to the spoken word. It really isn't clear if he/she means what Sarah writes or what Sarah says.

  58. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Out of interest I googled Palin on Google News to see if anyone is taking any notice of her. Basically only the conservative sites even mentioned her, but look at the top 5 entries:

    U.S. News & World Report: "Alaskans Prefer Hillary Clinton Over Sarah Palin, Poll finds"

    Las Vegas Sun: "Palin PAC rasies $460K in first half of year"

    Politico: "Only 18 percent of Alaskans think Palin should make a bid"

    Washington Times: "Alaskans oppose Palin White House run: Poll"

    New York Daily News: "Limbaugh, Hannity & Palin nose-dive"

    Keep on tweeting at the media, Sarah. Maybe one day they'll care.

    1. Anonymous4:57 AM

      She's steadily working her way to the very bottom. Each time we think that she's made it, she pulls out a shovel and digs another level deeper.

  59. Anonymous10:00 PM

    EARTH to Sarah Pslin, your family, your bots, your consultants, and ANYONE that ever has stood behind you:

    My father is dying at 88 and ACA would help him. Death panels? You can stick it up your @ss, bitch. I am SO damn glad my Christian mother died a month before you were EVER introduced to the planet five years ago, and what I see my Dad going through. Just FUCK YOU, Sarah, fuck YOU and the lying pregnancy, prostitution ring, your delinquent know-nothing kids, your out and out lies, and you're doing it all for GOD and COUNTRY to get money? "Keep the Christ in Christmas?" My Dad will see heaven. I probably will not for this post and neither will you.

    FUCK. YOU. I would say, "and the horse you rode in on," but that pic was fake, too. Seriously, FUCK OFF. Just fuck OFF.

    Sorry, IM'ers, had to get it out. Usually post differently. Living "vibrantly!"

    1. abbafan3:41 AM

      Anon @ 10:00 P.M. - well stated!!! You have spoken eloquently how many of us here regard this idiotic, imbecilic, simple piece of shit! What is it with her sick, twisted obsession with the President and his family? Is it because her own family is a dysfunctional cluster-fuck! It is quite obvious to everyone that perhaps she was subjected to sexual and emotional abuse in her youth; there is no other explanation for her twisted behaviour. It is coming up on five years since this unvetted idiot was unleashed to a stunned electorate. Kudos to Ms. Couric for calling this moron out - journalism "degree" my ass! We all know you and your illiterate brood of rats read here $arah. (Sweet little Tri-G is innocent of all this.) Heed the aforementioned advice $arah and Pimp - Just Fuck Off!!!

  60. Anonymous10:22 PM

    5:32 is obviously hearing voices.

  61. 10:00 PM Thanks for sharing. Only real people like us can truly despise that woman for what she is--> evil down to her rotten core. But don't worry. If there is a God, he sees a lot more of Sarah than we do, and the stories he could tell would make us puke.

    Don't keep that anger inside you. Let it out so it doesn't become a part of you. You sound like a very decent, compassionate, loving person who cares about others and has learned a lot from your parents. Even the staggering amount of hate that Sarah Palin represents cannot overcome the love of one good person such as yourself.

    Thanks for blasting the target right in the bull's eye. I was about to do the same, but after reading your comment, I can save my energy for something positive today. Now that you have that out of your system, I hope that you can do the same.

    Positive thoughts and inner peace to you and your Dad.



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