Saturday, September 21, 2013

Everybody, and I mean everybody, should be this excited about science.

This, of course, is from Bill Nye's appearance on Dancing with the Stars.

I watched a clip and I have to admit it was painful to sit through, however there is NO DOUBT that Bill Nye is the man when it comes to explaining science, and using the show to spread the good word is an admirable endeavor.


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Looks like MethMamma Palin is up to her old tricks. New ghostwritten article with lots of violent metaphors and lots of dick sucking Mr. Cruz...she's even THREATENING U.S. Senators

    EXCLUSIVE: Palin -- Bombs Away on Obamacare; Cruz Is over the Target

    Americans who are fed up with Obamacare won a victory yesterday. The House voted to defund Obamacare while still funding the federal government to avoid a “devastating” shutdown. (I shall not digress, but it’s beyond distressing to hear liberals try to convince Americans that any government slowdown is comparable to “terrorism.”)

    Now the battle goes to the Senate, and we’ll find out if Harry Reid is so committed to the horrendous “Un-affordable Care Act” that he’ll be the one to shut down the government to fund the unworkable Obamacare.

    Let’s be clear. Republicans in Congress aren't advocating a government shutdown. That’s why they voted in the House to fully fund our bureaucracy while defunding Obamacare. The conservatives in Congress are listening to the majority of Americans who do not want Obamacare.

    Following the will of the people is apparently a novel idea in D.C. these days. Just ask Senator Ted Cruz and his liberty-loving posse on Capitol Hill who have led the charge to defund Obama’s train wreck.

    Those of us who hang in there supporting a major political party with our energy, time, and contributions would like to believe that that party would praise principled conservatives like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee for following through on campaign promises. We’d like to believe that the GOP establishment would applaud the way these bold leaders have rallied the grassroots to their cause. But, no, such praise would require a commensurate level of guts and leadership, and the permanent political class in D.C. is nothing if not gutless and rudderless.

    We’re now, once again, subjected to the “anonymous sources” backstabbing game. The Capitol Hill cowards are rushing to anonymously denounce Senator Cruz to any reporter with a pad and pen.

    Welcome to our world, Ted. The same people have been denouncing conservatives like me for years (right after they ask for help fundraising for themselves or endorsing the latest candidate they’ve suckered into paying their exorbitant consulting fees). We can compare shiv marks next time we meet, my friend.

    If the Senate doesn’t get behind Ted Cruz’s efforts to defund Obamacare, it won’t be because of any failure on Ted’s part. It’ll be because there weren’t enough principled leaders to stand with him, and that would be a tragic loss, not for Ted, but for America.

    More and more Americans are waking up to the nightmare of Obamacare as its rollout continues. Hardworking families are losing their employer-provided health care coverage. Businesses are cutting back their employees’ hours to skirt Obamacare’s mandates. Americans barely scrapping by are discovering that Obamacare has made health care completely unaffordable. Those who aren’t part of a protected special interest group have been left in the cold.

    When you’re living on a fixed income, having to pay hundreds of dollars more each month for health care will cut into your ability to pay for basic necessities like food, electricity, or gas (which has increased 90% under Obama). Open your eyes, America. When the full reality of Obamacare strikes home, we’ll thank God that principled leaders like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee took a stand to stop it in its tracks.

    But the permanent political class is handwringing and howling that if there’s a government shutdown the media will blame Republicans for it. Here’s a little newsflash, GOP establishment: Whenever anything bad happens, the media blames Republicans for it. That’s not an excuse to roll over and play dead. It’s a call to follow the advice I give my daughters: Woman up, stand your ground, and fight like a girl!

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Asserting an opinion is not synonymous with "up to tricks." You have freedom to spread hate and lies. She has freedom to voice her opinion.

    2. Anonymous4:51 AM

      Oooh, pointing her "Surveyors Marks" on Senators now are we Sarah?

    3. Anonymous5:03 AM

      8:09, you have it exactly backwards. The Wasilla Wendigo spreads hate and lies. We just call her out.

  2. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I want no pity. I need no empathy. But use me as a barometer. Over the years, the leftwing media has falsely and irrationally accused me of everything from faking a pregnancy to abetting murder. They lie. Deal with it.

    Republicans in Congress support funding the government. If the Democrats block these funding measures, a government shutdown is on them. In the meantime, stop the ridiculous hysterics. Heck, about the most significant thing that happened during the last government shutdown was Clinton hooked up with Monica.

    As I said in my speech at CPAC this year, it’s time for the Senate to put itself on Cruz Control.

    Ignore the peanut gallery pundits. They’ve written my political obituary so many times, I’m practically Lazarus. Now they’re trying to destroy Ted Cruz. Good luck with that, you weasels. Texans are just as tough as Alaskans. Smaller, but just as tough.

    But here’s the important thing that none of these establishment backstabbers understand. It’s not the messenger that matters. It’s the message. You can try to take out someone like Ted Cruz, but that won’t stop the message from catching fire. The message is liberty, and it’s been resounding ever since a band of patriots dumped tea in Boston harbor.

    The message only grows stronger. The grassroots is bigger than any one person. We the People will rise up, and we will make our voices heard. Right now, Ted Cruz is speaking for us in this Obamacare fight. God bless him for it.

    Hang in there, Ted and Mike. You have millions of supporters among ordinary hardworking Americans. We support you because you don’t shy away from the fray. May your colleagues in the Senate gain the wisdom to support your excellent efforts so that you can see that the view is better from inside the bus than under it.

    Oh, and a little reminder to Republican senators up for re-election in 2014: Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands. So, we’ll be watching your votes very carefully this week.

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Yeah, I'll just bet Sarah and Bristol and Piper also too have blood-crusted fingernails as we speak, getting that good god-given organic (it's not organic, it's wild) protein that is Alaska there. (Instead of Todd calling around to his buddies to see if anyone has some extra moose in their freezer for them to use as a photo-op.)

    2. Anonymous4:54 AM

      I thought at first "abetting a murder" was in reference to Curt Mendard. Then I realized she meant Gabby Giffords. Which gives me pause nonetheless.

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Remember those five seconds back in August of 2008, when fresh new face Sarah Palin was going to save John McCain’s flailing presidential run and revive the Republican Party with her legs and her winking and her lipstick? But then a funny thing happened on the way to the White House — she opened her mouth, and oh lord did the words come out of it, and it was all kinds of horrific. And the whole nation laughed and laughed and laughed even more, and she thought we were laughing with her, but no, actually, we were laughing AT her, and Saturday Night Live even came back from the dead (very briefly) to join in on the fun and make everyone think Palin said she can see Russia from her house (even though that is not exactly what she said, but pretty close).

    Well, it’s taken five years, but Palin finally has a comeback, with an assist from Aunt Billie’s anonymous but obviously super clever friend!

    1. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Aunt Billie gets the pros and cons of being shoved into the eye of the hive that is the internet, thanks Sarah.

      (Although, if sweet Aunt Billie is regularly passing on crap Obama-hating memes, she deserves the ire.)

  4. Anonymous8:03 PM

    She is evil incarnate. Just a lying, scheming bitch. She's lying about the ACA. She's following the Koch rulebook to the letter. And gee, tell us, dearie, about YOUR healthcare.Since you don;t work fulltime, you must not have that premium care Fox offers, so who pays for your surgeries, your meds, your checkups? How can you deny care to so many people, and crow about it? Are you that callous? Is the GOP still pretneding to be Christian? I do think Jesus would be all for universal health care. And if some parts are not the best, why not fix them? The fact that all tyhe GOP has to 'defund, eliminate, repeal' tells me that they are afraid of something. Like, it will work. And please don't think you;re convincing anyone that government shutdown will be the fault of Dems. No, honey buns, it's on Cruz, Paul, Boehner, and your buddies on Capitol Hill. As always,

  5. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I think her barometer might need fixing.

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Why is Sarah Palin calling John McCain a coward because he has spoken against her newest BFF, Ted "Canadian Citizen" Cruz? That's how Sarah has backstabber every political mentor she's ever had, and she wonders why she has no adult friends who think she's more than just a political punch line. She's a joke who can't speak a complete sentence in proper English, and sure as hell can't even write her own Facebook Posts or Editorials.

    I could go on and on about her hypocrisy and fraudulent behavior of making accusations against others paying consultants when she herself is one of the worst examples of wasting over 90% of her PAC revenues on Consultants and other expenses unrelated to the mission she has stated in the PAC which bears her name. There is no bigger fraud or grifter in politics today, and her own FEC expenditure reports filed by her PAC prove that Sarah is a liar and a fraud. She is also a fool if she doesn't realize that anyone with any level of intelligence knows these facts about her. Sarah would be ashamed if she weren't a grifting loser who is incapable of exhibiting any self-awareness, intellect or compassion. Sarah will not even realize that her turn to be pushed under the bus is deserved and just around the corner. I cannot wait to see her do the perp walk, when she will so hear the laughter that reveals just how many people despise her and what she stands for---greed, deceit, and corruption. It's been a long time coming. Tick Tock.

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I didn't think Bill Nye was THAT bad :/ isn't this week one or whatever? I don't watch these dancing/singing shows, but I thought it was kinda cute. I grew up watching his show (currently have every single episode for my son to watch too) and I loved the whole science experiment bit and seeing him kinda loosen up

    1. Anonymous4:55 AM

      I thought he was utterly charming. :-)

    2. I thought it was wonderful and showed a good sense of humor.

  8. He was much less painful to watch than Bristol. He can move. He actually knows a proper frame. Notice his hand is on her shoulderblade, not down at her waist. And being able to swing isn't anything to sneeze about. He has a sense of rhythm and he's not stiff; he can move.

    While the judges may have put them on the bottom and the audience may not like him simply because he looks like a geek, I think he did pretty well.

    MUCH better than brisket.

  9. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Good for him, I'll bet he put in more time than the contractual obligations even called for.

  10. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Will he put on the "5" pounds in this the way Bristol did also?

  11. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Did he do this to show a big middle finger to the H8er Science Deniers?

  12. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I love the Science Guy! He has so much courage to do that and risk being ridiculed. I find him adorable and fascinating and his performance just touched me, it was just so genuinely him.

    On another note, this is what the FUCKING GOP just ripped out of the mouths of millions of starving Americans:


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.