Thursday, September 19, 2013

House Speaker John Boehner releases web ad asking WHY President Obama is willing to negotiate with Russian President Putin but NOT the Republicans. This is a trick question right?

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) released a Web video on Thursday seeking to contrast the White House’s willingness to work with the Russians to find a diplomatic solution in Syria against President Obama’s declaration that he won’t negotiate with Republicans over the debt limit. 

“The Obama administration on working with Congress to address the debt and deficit,” the ad says, before cutting to a montage of Obama and senior members of his staff saying they will not negotiate over the country’s debt ceiling. 

“The Obama administration on working with Putin on Syria,” the ad continues, before cutting to pictures of Obama looking chummy with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

“Why is the Obama administration willing to negotiate with Putin on Syria ... But not with Congress to address Washington's spending problem?” text from the ad asks. 

Hang on, I got this. 

Perhaps it just might be that it is because ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin has demonstrated a far less antagonistic attitude toward the President than has the GOP, and that he seems far less likely to destroy the country if he does not get his way.

Let's face it the most devastating damage inflicted on this country in the last thirteen years has been inflicted by the Republican party, and NOT the terrorists, or those we count among our enemies and adversaries.

If I were the President I would also feel that more could be accomplished by working with the Iranians, Russians, or militant Islamic groups than could EVER be accomplished by working with those who are being controlled by the domestic terrorist Tea Party groups.


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Perhaps there is a failure on the part of boner to understand the difference between negotiating and being held hostage. Correct me if I am wrong but haven't United States Government type persons said for many years now that "we don't negotiate with terrorists." Yeah, I think I've seen that somewhere. Pretty sure.

  2. Perhaps Boehner, it's because the congressional Republicorporatists don't compromise. They want what their corporate masters demand 100% of the time and when they don't get it they cycle endlessly through Obamacare repeal measures or debt ceiling extortion attempts. They are also anti-Obama all the time regardless of issue. They are anti-American.

  3. This is Boner just doing as he's told, trying to assert his bonafides as a legislative domestic terrorist to the crazy wing of the GOP. Why not be a man and pick up the phone and call President Obama and talk to him, Mister Speaker? I can answer that myself, unfortunately--- because the crazies of the Nutwing would run the Boner out of town on a rail if they found out he wasn't being the proper obstructionist that the Koch Bros. (via Tea Party) demands as a *loyalty* test of every Republican legislator, lest they have a primary challenge funded by one or more of the Koch front groups like AFP.

    Personally, I'm not sure I'd want to be Speaker bad enough to spend every waking moment on my hands and knees with David and Charles Koch at either end of me, just fucking me from any angle on demand because their combined net worth is $60 billion. Helluva way to earn a living there, Boner.

  4. Hey, nobody stays alive that puts Putin in a corner.
    Boehner is just showing his ignorance or maybe jealous that he is such a cry baby and not a hard ass ex-KGB thug.

  5. Sally in MI1:45 PM

    Cute, John. Now, tell us what you have 'negotiated' in 5 years? Think hard. Yeah, nada. The GOP does not compromise. Instead, they demand, like two year olds. Then they whine, stomp their feet, threaten, and point fingers. Oh, and tell us 'the President won't lead.' Yes, John, he leads. And he is leading you into the abyss. People WANT health care. They know the deficit is shrinking. They also know the GOP has done nothing for the US in a dozen years, and has no intention of helping us. Buh bye John. Oh, and no, we do not negotiate with the terorist GOP. No more.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      This afternoon, while a captive audience at exercise, I was forced to listen to a "Benishek for Michigan" radio ad promoting our teabagger Congressman. it was all about "Dan Benishek" and how he works tirelessly for the people of Michigan. Hmm. Scant evidence of that. He does work hard for the Koch Brothers and for Grover Norquist although they are certainly not from Michigan. My blood pressure is supposed to improve with exercise; listening to this advertisement did nothing but raise it. I also wondered - why. He's not up for re-election until Nov. 2014. Is he running scared already????

  6. Anonymous1:51 PM

    1:02! The visual is a riot!!! What is wrong w/these Republicans? They just get nuttier and nuttier! What bullshit! Vote them out of office every chance you get - especially the Congress jerks!

  7. O/T....just reported at the Asylum....Baldy is expected to emerge from her drug induced coma by Sunday!

    America's News HQ


    @SarahPalinUSA joins us on @ANHQDC this Sunday. What do you want her to discuss, the debt, Obamacare, Syria? Tweet us your thoughts. just know Baldy's handlers are going to be working extra hard to clean Baldy's TV wig and find some clean clothes for Baldy to put on her skeleton far as that FACE....*shudder*....good luck trying to take the man out of it! LMAO!!!

    1. "What do you want her to discuss..."

      Too funny! Sarah doesn't discuss anything. She screeches a mishmash of RWNJ BumperSticker speak. You can bet the fleeced flock at c4p will listen with rapt attention and then post glowing praise of their queen's profound wisdom.

  8. Anonymous2:03 PM

    "I got 98% of what I wanted." Boehner, 2011

    President Obama has negotiated, cajoled, compromised and capitulated and STILL they aren't happy. They expect him to cave in to their demands and they don't like it when he takes an unshakable stand. He's learned how to deal with these bullies and that is not to back down...period. He'll stare them down and outblink them since they are just big overgrown babies throwing a tantrum and President Obama is an ADULT.

  9. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The ad is complete bullshit but it's such a lovely example of GOP faulty logic mixed with lies.

    Whether it's Syria or the ACA, Pres. Obama's position is for promoting the well-being of citizens. Maybe it's time the GOP cooperates with him the same way Putin did.

    But fk Boehner for trying to compare protecting Syrians and the international community from chemical weapons to 'saving' people from getting healthcare.

    And fk Boehner and his Tea Party Caucus for trying to blame-shift their efforts toward a government shutdown and harm to the economy.

  10. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Mr. Boner has absolutely no clue how it works. His comparison is straight-up unequivocal.

  11. Sally in MI2:37 PM

    "What do you want her to discuss?" Gee, if I tweeted, I would tweet: "Trig's birth certificate, Todd and Shailey Tripp, lawsuits for plagiarism, why she never mentions Track's daughter."Cause at least those are subjects she knows about...wanna bet the first 5 minutes are blasting OBama, and then it's all about her precious new book? And what is ANHQDC?

  12. Anonymous2:51 PM


  13. Things are not always as they first appear, but if we keep asking questions and peeking behind the curtain, the propagandists who profit by undermining the less-informed will be exposed.

    Unfortunately, there will always be a few who will still deny the truth because the truth does not agree with their existing ideology. Hence, the Palinbots and Teabaggers, all created with propaganda through a self-serving media too cowardly to take risks of telling the truth because of the pushback from powerful interests who own or influence them.

    How do they build consensus for their cause? Here's a simple example of how a hoax can be created right under our noses, and then fueled by a media which is (today) starved for eyeballs and clicks.

    Part 1 of 3

    These same types of exposés should be used to educate those who are naive about the profit motives behind the subterfuge committed by the Tea Party financiers, and the obstruction of the ACA by their henchmen in Congress. once the marching ordere are given, the talking points developed and refined in think tanks directly funded by these .0001% are repeated at each level in the hierarchy of the TGOP, and any dissenters are sanctioned, punished or primaried. I don't have solutions for every issue. But I have identified the sources of many of our problems who need to be prevented from profiting while hurting this country. First things first.

  14. PalinsHoax4:18 PM

    What do I want Palin to discuss on America's News HQ? Oh that's easy.

    1.) Hey Has-Been Half-Term Quitter - When are you going to paste the Sarahpac logo on an advertisement of a woman wearing an empathy belly pregnancy simulator?

    2.) And when are you going to paste the Sarahpac logo on an advertisement of the "Pimps-R-Us" of Alaska?

    That's what I want the Has-Been Half-Term Quitter to discuss.

  15. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

    Bohner got outdone, poor hostage that no one wants to negotiate for.

    Here it is, hold on to your lunches, folks.

    And the icing on the cake? They voted to cut nutrition assistance to the tune of 40 billion dollars, to cut out "fraud". Some sick bastards!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.