Wednesday, September 18, 2013

VERY humorous campaign commercial by gay liberal lawmaker featuring his Tea Party supporting father.

Courtesy of Gawker:  

A political ad produced by a Massachusetts state rep is getting national attention today thanks to its universal message: Parents just don't understand. 

The openly gay liberal lawmaker Carl M. Sciortino, Jr., who is running to replace now-Senator Ed Markey in next month's special primary election, appears in the ad opposite his dad, Carl M. Sciortino, Sr. — a staunch Tea Party Republican. 

"I’ll never forget that conversation with my dad, where I had to come out and tell him..." the younger Sciortino says at the start of the ad. 

"Wait for this," the senior Sciortino interjects. 

"That I was a Massachusetts liberal," continues the candidate. 

It only gets better from there.

That was SO good. I loved everything about it.


  1. Best ad ever.
    Truth. Compassion. Humor. Justice. Who says liberal Democrats can't kick butt.

  2. Olivia5:39 PM

    That is a great ad. Can't you just see how proud that dad is of his son?

  3. Anonymous5:58 PM

    How this dad raised this son is beyond me. Mom must be to blame for the kids liberalism and gay-ness :) Love, love, love this ad and I truly hope that Carl Jr is elected and continues to make his father truly proud. Fantastic ad! They are a wonderful pair who should be celebrated. Now, this is family!

  4. Anonymous6:12 PM

    How adorable!

  5. Anita Winecooler8:04 PM


  6. That was awesome!

    Never thought I'd want to hug a tea-partier! lol What a good sport.

    Unconditional love - what a beautiful thing it is!

    Now I'm gonna go watch it again.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.