Monday, September 23, 2013

Wayne LaPierre on Navy Shipyard shooting. "There were not enough good guys with guns."

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Courtesy of Press Pass: 

In his first television interview since the mass shooting last Monday in which gunman Aaron Alexis killed 12 people, LaPierre, the executive vice president of the NRA, described the Navy Yard as a military facility that was “largely left unprotected.” 

LaPierre said more personnel who work at military facilities, including retired military personnel, should be armed so they are able to stop attacks such as the one at the Navy Yard. 

“We need to look at letting the men and women that know firearms and are trained in them, do what they do best, which is protect and survive,” he said. 

LaPierre also vehemently criticized the flaws in the nation’s treatment of the mentally ill, especially of those mentally ill people who try to buy guns. “They need to be committed is what they need to be, and if they’re committed, they’re not at the Navy Yard,” he said. 

“I’ve been into this whole (background) check business for 20-some years; I’ve said the system is broken for 20 years and nobody listens,” he said. “It’s broken in terms of our military bases…. On the gun check, the NRA supported the gun check because we thought the mental records would be in the (national instant check) system, we thought criminals would be in the system. And we thought they would be prosecuted.” 

He said that the records of those adjudicated to be dangerous are not entered into the national instant check system for gun buyers. “So the Aurora shooter in Colorado gets checked and is cleared, the Tucson shooter gets checked and gets cleared, Aaron Alexis go through the federal and state check and gets cleared,” LaPierre said because the nation’s mental health system doesn’t detect a dangerous person such as Alexis.

So the fault for this incident falls to the mental health community for not notifying the Federal government so that Alexis could not pass a background check?   Are these the same universal background checks that LaPierre was vehemently arguing against earlier this year?

La Pierre referred to the mental health system as "completely broken" as if its entire function was to identify potentially dangerous individuals and keep them off of the streets. That is not the function of the mental health community. It is to provide services for "mental health."

In other words it is designed to help people function with their mental disabilities in a way that provides them with the most normalized life possible and allows them to live in the least restrictive environment possible for them.

Getting somebody committed against their will is no easy task nor should it be. To do that you have to have quite a lot of documentation to substantiate the need. In this case there did not seem to be enough.

I agree that the mental health system needs work, but what it needs mostly is more funding. Funding by the way that Obamacare, you know the law that Republicans keep trying to defund,  would help to put in place:

And the Republicans will have the stomach and stones to vote very soon here to defund the Affordable Care Act, which, says University of Chicago health-care expert Harold Pollack, “is the most important change to mental-health and substance-abuse policy in decades,” for two reasons. First, the expansion of Medicaid to all citizens with incomes up to 138 percent of the poverty line will mean that millions of people will be able to afford mental-health care who simply couldn’t before. And second, the ACA requires that coverage of mental illness and substance abuse be offered by insurers “at parity” to more traditional medical treatments. Up to now, these treatments have been more expensive, less likely to be covered, and so on.

Gee, perhaps LaPierre needs to take his need for more mental health services case to the Republicans and tell them to leave Obamacare the fuck alone!

However even if there were more money for mental health, that does NOT mean it would have stopped this shooter, as Aaron Alexis did not fall into the appropriate category to deny him access to firearms as the law stands right now:

Federal law prohibits felons and domestic violence misdemeanants from purchasing or possessing a firearm. None of Alexis' criminal behavior fell under this category.

Though Alexis was being treated by the government for mental illness, he was never adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution. The national policy tools that we have just don't cut it. 

Despite the numerous, glaring red flags in Aaron Alexis' background, he was a "law-abiding gun owner" as far as our National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) was concerned. And too few states have gone beyond the weak federal standard to prevent people like him from getting guns.

So no Mr. LaPierre the mental health community are not the ones who deserve the blame here, nor are the creators of video games, the fault lies with the impotent restrictions that determine who can and who cannot have a gun in this country.

You know the restrictions that the NRA has made it their mission to keep as easy to get around as possible.

The fault for the shooting lies with them, and more specifically, as the face of the NRA, it lies with Wayne LaPierre. 


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    BS - cover up story

    The man walked in using his ID. He WAS a GOOD guy, until his job was privatized in 2011. Then, he was denied benefits and often did not receive a paycheck for weeks of work.

    I feel bad that his situation led to this disaster, but the Navy is also at fault.

    1. eclecticsandra10:49 AM

      His paycheck dispute was old. How do you think he had so much money to buy the gun? The Navy had nothing to do with his paycheck.

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The only way to get someone committed against his or her will is with evidence that they represent a clear and present danger to him or herself, or someone else.

    This evidence must already exist, such as a suicide attempt (danger to self), or a fire-setting attempt (danger to someone else) such as that committed by the unfortunate Amanda Bynes.

    It cannot be based on speculation. The person must already have committed or tried to commit a dangerous act. He or she cannot be committed merely based on talking or even acting crazy, if acting crazy doesn't include doing something actually dangerous.

    Unfortunately, I know this due to experience with a mentally ill family member.

    BTW, even when someone does warrant being involuntarily committed, actually keeping him committed beyond the three-day hold is a very difficult and rigorous process.

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    There WERE good guys with guns. They were shot by the gunman who took their guns.

  4. OT: here's a comment at HuffPo to $P's brainless response to Mike Wallace's mentally-, ethically-, morally-challenged son:

    Political Pundit · 11,796 Fans · Republican motto since Reagan, in greed we trust.

    This is who the Republican base thinks is an intelligent woman and a perfect parent and role model.

    Sarah Palin; A mini bio.

    6 colleges before she receive a degree in journalism­.

    Pregnant out of wedlock. Suspicions of who the father might be.

    Used the Canadian healthcare system for doctors and medication­.


    More children who followed in her footsteps.

    Mayor of Wasilla population 5000.

    As mayor she appointed a town manager because the job was too hard.

    The current mayor said that the only busy day was Tuesday when she had to
    sign 100 checks for the workers.

    Gave a no bid contract for a $20 million Hockey stadium and as quid pro quo the
    developer built her a mansion for free.

    Left Wasilla in 20 million debt.

    Ran for governor.

    Won due to the power of the wink and fabricated history.

    As governor she addressed a group of secessionists that her husband was a
    member of.

    They planned to secede from America and saw it as the enemy.

    Apparently watched the skies to see Putin flying over.

    Was for a bridge to nowhere before she was against it.

    Set a state record for ethics violations­.

    Was chosen to be the running mate for John McCain.

    Destroyed any hopes of McCain winning by destroying any shred of credibilit­y
    he had.Which was not much to begin with.

    Quit as governor midterm to help America in other ways.

    Confided in friends and family that being governor was hard work and boring.

    Had a book written with her name on it.

    The book was proved to be full of inaccuracies and poor me the victim

    Became rich.

    Became a critic on all matters Obama.

    All proved to be irrational and unhinged babbling.

    Endorsed several governors who are currently pushing for their recall by
    purposeful­ly destroying the fabric of our union

    Became a Fox pundit because she is as unfair and unbalanced as the rest of
    these happy campers.

    Did a mockumenta­ry as the Royal Palin of Alaska.

    Shot a gun for the first time making the mockumenta­ry.

    Currently making money through Sarah Pac for another faux run as POTUS.

    Facebooks at the maturity level of a mean middle school girl on facebook
    and twitters like a canary on valium.

    Let her gnaw off he arm that's been feeding her as far as all any of us are concerned.

    1. PalinsHoax3:14 PM

      hrh10:46 AM Thank you for your excellent synopsis. Hope you don't mind, I'd like to add three more points *

      "Was for a bridge to nowhere before she was against it."

      * Then after she cancelled the Bridge to Nowhere, the half-term quitter governor went ahead and spent $26 million to build the Gravina Island Highway, the "Road to Nowhere", the road on an Alaskan island with about 50 inhabitants, the road that dead ends where the "Bridge to Nowhere" was supposed to be built.

      "Was chosen to be the running mate for John McCain."

      * Then stuffed a pillow up her shirt and pretended to be pregnant.

      "Did a mockumenta­ry as the Royal Palin of Alaska."

      * Publication of "Boys Will Be Boys" by Shailey Tripp reveals that the half-term has-been quitter can add another proud credential to her name - wife of a pimp.

  5. eclecticsandra10:48 AM

    I've been following all the press very carefully. There is conflicting information in practically every report. The main problem seemed to be in the security at the base. Almost half (5 of 11) of the security personnel were not present that morning. There was a dispute between the Metropolitan and Capitol police on jurisdiction. The phones issued to the security personnel weren't working either because of capacity or being adequately charged. There was an order to "shelter in place" when a fire alarm was sounded.

    This is on top of the ability of Alexis to get a gun and bring it in to the building. He was not able to buy a faster gun and brought only 24 shells. The restrictions were working. Much of the killing was done with a pistol confiscated from a security guard. One story said this security guard had to be ordered by the police chief to unholster his gun. It was in the process of doing that, that he was killed.

    We will probably never learn what actually happened. Rather than focus on gun registration and mental health, the DC security forces need some serious study and planning. The city won't be safer with more guns available for someone to confiscate but with better coordination between government entities.

    1. I don't know of anywhere else in the world that you are able to call the police....tell them you :

      Have moved hotel rooms 3 times in one night because you are being followed by unidentifiable "people"

      ..hearing voices coming from the walls. floor and ceiling...that's what these "people" are doing

      prevented from sleeping because the people who are following you are using "microwaves "

      and NOT be taken IMMEDIATELY to the nearest emergency ward to have your mental health assessed. wrong with that police department???

      They left him saying he could "call them back" if these imaginary people kept harassing they feed into his delusions on top of it all.

      They just made him WORSE.

      You do not need to be a mental health expert, or have any special training not to recognize the trouble this person was in..but you do have to be completely incompetent MORONS ...from the officers that answered the call to the sergeant that tooks their report and "phoned/faxed" it to the Navy.

    2. eclecticsandra3:22 PM

      He was not harming any one or a threat. You can't just pick up people for being crazy. We are fortunate to live here.

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    OT. A Reverend on the hypocrisy of Congress cutting food is wonderful.

  7. eclecticsandra11:24 AM

    Another piece of information that was telling was that of the 6 security officers on duty that morning, 5 were at the entrances and couldn't leave them. Only one person was available to intercept the shooter. Why wouldn't a place with armed security at entrances not have a way to shut down those entrances in an emergency?

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      I would think you would have to man each entrance in case of law enforcement needing to come in or people needing to get out (not the gunman). You can't just lock the doors.

    2. eclecticsandra1:10 PM

      That is a good point. I know that in the hospital when we had a stolen baby alert, someone had to stand at each exit to prevent anyone from leaving. If the response teams were better coordinated, however, surely some of the entrances could be blocked.

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Alexis had secret clearance. He passed a routine security clearance back in 2007 when he enlisted. It was good for 10 years. Before obtaining clearance as a contractor, Alexis would have theoretically been investigated by the Office of Personnel Management and ultimately granted clearance by "DONCAF" -- the Department of the Navy's Central Adjudication Facility, in Fort Meade, Maryland.

    He actually had TWO background checks and was confirmed twice by the DOD. No one reported having any problems with him before the day of the shooting. His background checks turned up a parking violation, but nothing about the 'shooting event' in 2004. Two prior shooting incidents were dropped; therefore he is not listed as committing any previous gun crimes to the NICS program. He did not get a felony conviction, so he's able to buy as many guns as he wanted.

    Both Alexis and Ed Snowden had background checks by the same private company.

    If he hadn't gone berserk, he'd still be working there.

    All this story does is point out that background checks and gun laws don't make anyone safer.

    My personal opinion - the government would like to arm school teachers - they should start with arming the military on base.

  9. Anonymous12:18 PM

    *bangs head on desk*

    LaPierre will not be happy until everyone over the age of 4 has a weapon and carries it with them at all times.

    What no one has ever explained is exactly HOW you're supposed to know which is the 'good' guy' and which is the 'bad guy' since they don't wear white hats like in the movies. And the bad guys could be considered good guys right up until the very moment they fire their first shot.

  10. It couldn't POSSIBLY be any more CRYSTAL CLEAR...the ONLY difference between the US and every other industrialized nation that does NOT have anywhere NEAR the gun violence the US


    That is the beginning and end of story.

    Every other sountry has mentally unstable citizens, violent video games, movies, music and every single factor that the US ..WITHOUT the DAILY SLAUGHTER of it's citizens.

    The fact that it is a "second amendment right" is just another excuse........."rights" are NOT free from regulation, restriction and laws....none of the other constitutional rights are.

    When will all the fools stop buying into the NRA??

    The head of the NRA is an arms dealer...that's right...a partner in a corporation that flogs militarized weapons..Wayne LaPierre has been an arms dealer since the 1980's, AND is greatly responsible for militarized weapons becoming legal in the US....he has DIRECTLY made $ MILLIONS $....from the sale of these weapons.....

    Rene Carlos Vos, an arms dealer in Alexandria, began hanging around the Washington headquarters of the National Rifle Association in the mid-1980s. The NRA’s staff was intrigued to see the garrulous, backslapping Vos in the group’s seventh-floor suite, home to its lobbying operation and the chief congressional lobbyist, Wayne LaPierre.

    the two men struck up a partnership. Vos would be temporarily hired as a lobbyist for the NRA, helping LaPierre press the gun lobby’s agenda on Capitol Hill. And when Vos formed the company Blue Sky Productions, which would become involved in importing tens of millions of dollars of military rifles, LaPierre signed on as his partner, state and federal records show.

    Together, the two friends would play an instrumental role in the early growth of America’s civilian market for military-style weapons.

    The legislative changes that LaPierre supported as the NRA’s chief lobbyist in the mid-1980s opened the door to the import of military-surplus weapons, which effectively had been banned for two decades. The legislation helped make a new, more powerful class of firearms more readily available to civilian gun owners and begin to shift the profile of American gun ownership.

    The arms deal put together by Vos’s company — a $58 million venture to import 50-year-old American-made M-1 rifles from South Korea back to the United States — proved so lucrative that other gun merchants immediately tried to follow its lead. Other importers would seek to bring in more military weapons, not just American but also foreign-made arms such as Russian Kalashnikovs and Israeli Uzis, and new business associations sprang up to represent their interests in Washington.

  11. Randall12:26 PM

    After listening to this man speak...
    I don't think Wayne LaPierre should be able to own a gun.
    Do you?

  12. eclecticsandra1:15 PM

    There was something about a well-regulated militia that was missing here.

  13. Anonymous1:29 PM

    He does realize that his god, Reagan, helped gut metal health in our nation when he was elected so many yearsa ago, doesn't he?

  14. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Why would anyone have Wayne LaPierre on television? He's never going to discuss gun control rationally. He is MR. NRA! All the networks were doing is giving him free air time to say what he always says - absolutely nothing.

    1. Exactly - that is all that needs to be said - as usual the Political Pundits give voice to the idiots on the far right

  15. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Well thanks to this idiot the country is armed. Now when the next American Revolution comes., that is, when we are fed up with the idiots running this country, and the rich stealing everything from us, they will be very alarmed to realize we are all ARMED. Then it will be too late for them.

  16. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I'm pretty sure that I read that the shooter obtained one gun - the handgun from an employee inside the Navy Yard. He took the good guy's gun and shot people with it. There were guns in the facility and often the shooter acts too fast or takes away the gun and uses it.

  17. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

    "“We need to look at letting the men and women that know firearms and are trained in them, do what they do best, which is protect and survive,” he said.

    Tell that to the super snyper dude who got killed at a gun range by a "Good Guy" he trained.

    This cretin makes my skin crawl.


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