Thursday, September 19, 2013

Will McAvoy's brilliant defense of his Republicanism on the season finale of Newsroom.

Damn I'm going to miss this show!


  1. Anonymous4:46 AM

    The new "Republicanism" forces the coalition to look like throwbacks to another era.......fear is a dangerous substitute for a brain.......

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      9 episodes? Is that all? WTF? There is no more? Last season was 10 episodes.

      Crap :(

  2. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Well said and written!

  3. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I loved where he debated the woman on the Rmony campaign, she was whining about all the "negative" repub stories and he simply told her, hey they are doing stupid shit and it gets reported...
    I really like this show but can't stand Mac, she is a Narcissist and now he is going to marry her? She will break his heart again. :( Really love Will and Jane's Character! The R's can call her "Hanoi Jane" or what not she is a professional!!! Great actress!

  4. Anonymous6:40 AM

    That's the conundrum, right? I have conservative friends, truly reasonable, nice people who have to pass this "purity" test. And it is really embracing the shittiest possible attributes of racism, religious whackery, homophobia, and just plain terminal dumb ass. Sucks to be you, guys.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      But the Republicans that have evolved over the past 40 years ARE racist, homophobic, and narrow minded. I think what we're witnessing is that they're being "outed." All the racial code words, created over the decades, have been decoded. We all know what Republicans mean and who they hate. But the so-called rational Republicans refuse to confront those irrational members, which makes them worse than Democrats (almost). Of course, Repubs want to preserve their hegemony, and maybe some conservatives don't feel comfortable condemning blacks or gays (because they can point to a black friend or a gay relative), but they're certainly glad there is a faction in their party that does. It's called cowardice.

  5. hedgewytch8:22 AM

    I love the writing for this show. I usually have to watch each episode at least twice because on the second time around I catch things I missed on the first go.

    But I thought the new season just started? I'm so confused....

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Love the way Sorkin get's it, and helps elucidate it through this medium.


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