Thursday, October 03, 2013

Angry Republicans confront Ted Cruz during closed door lunch meeting. “It was very evident to everyone in the room that Cruz doesn’t have a strategy."

"What should we do next? I'm sorry I did not think of that."
Courtesy of Politico:

Ted Cruz faced a barrage of hostile questions Wednesday from angry GOP senators, who lashed the Texas tea party freshman for helping prompt a government shutdown crisis without a strategy to end it. 

At a closed-door lunch meeting in the Senate’s Mansfield Room, Republican after Republican pressed Cruz to explain how he would propose to end the bitter budget impasse with Democrats, according to senators who attended the meeting. A defensive Cruz had no clear plan to force an end to the shutdown — or explain how he would defund Obamacare, as he has demanded all along, sources said. 

Things got particularly heated when Cruz was asked point-blank if he would renounce attacks waged on GOP senators by the Senate Conservatives Fund, an outside group that has aligned itself closely with the Texas senator. 

Cruz’s response: “I will not,” according to an attendee. 

“It was very evident to everyone in the room that Cruz doesn’t have a strategy – he never had a strategy, and could never answer a question about what the end-game was,” said one senator who attended the meeting. “I just wish the 35 House members that have bought the snake oil that was sold could witness what was witnessed today at lunch.” 

“He kept trying to change the subject because he never could answer the question,” the senator said. “It’s pretty evident it’s never been about a strategy – it’s been about him. That’s unfortunate. I think he’s done our country a major disservice. I think he’s done Republicans a major disservice.”

You know if this keeps going much longer Cruz will replace McCarthy as the example of arrogant megalomania gone amok in Washington.

The end game might not simply find Ted Cruz isolated from his fellow Republican Senators, but actually tarred and feathered and run out of town. The man is essentially destroying what little is left of the Republican's reputation.

Of course what could you expect from a Tea Party bomb thrower whose biggest supporter was Sarah Palin?


  1. Pat in MA9:34 AM

    They NEVER think of what's next - it's all guns ablazing, yeehah!! invade Iraq, mission accomplished, oh wait... we need a plan? But, but we're EXCEPTIONAL... I'm so sick of these idiots.

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Mr. Haney from Green Acres goes to Washington. Atcually that is unfair since Mr. Haney was not a bad guy.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      They ought to tar and feather HIM and Sarah Palin the Queen of the Teabaggers!!!

      Also sorry (G) but Ted Cruz sets off my gaydar, no guy has a face THAT smooth unless.....
      Lets just say I think him and the Toad would get along just fine :)

  3. Pat in MA9:36 AM

    Oh, and how about THIS guy? Picks on a park ranger at the WWII memorial and says THEY should be ashamed. People better remember all this sh*t in 2014!

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      kudos to the ranger for keeping her cool, though

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      All the jerk had to do was give the ranger a simple apology ("I was out of line just now and I want to apologize"). Adults do that. Toddlers bolt.

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      As someone who has spent most of my career on the front line in public service, I feel for this Ranger, being abused for doing her job. Despite the nastiness, she remained professional and a lot more dignified than Neugebauer. What a prick!

    4. Anita Winecooler7:30 PM

      He feels he deserves "his", cause his flag is bigger than hers, so is his paycheck and percs. I'd have kneed him good, make him apologize in mezzo suprano

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    His end game will be whatever the Koch-teamsters say it will be, He is just a messenger,

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      I wonder why none of them thought about asking him BEFORE they all marched alongside him to the shutdown? They should have done their jobs, and thought this all through, then decided against it. All they could think of was making the President look bad, but it backfired on them BIG TIME.

  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Ted Cruz has only one plan, get himself elected President of the United States.

    This is a little like the Bush (GWB) plan for his Iraq lie: talk up weapons of mass destruction, bomb the heck out of a country, declare mission accomplished. Ted Cruz wants Boehner out of the way so he: talked up defunding and shut down the govt. Now all he has to do is hang around until Boehner loses the speakership. Cruz wants a better puppet than Boehner to gridlock congress for him until Nov. 2016.

    1. I can't wait to see how the right spins his Canadian birth certificate. Oh, wait, he's a RW Republican and white. Never mind.

    2. "Calgary" Ted Cruz is a Dominionist. Like Palin, he's been lead to believe that HE IS THE ANOINTED ONE, the one that will lead the USA to Armageddon. Where did he get that idea?

      The same place Palin did: dear old dad.

      His father, Cuban-born Rafael Cruz, is a divorced fire-and-brimstone Seven-Mountains-Mandate kinda preacher man with a muddy past who specializes in attacking government from the pulpit in general and President Obama in particular. Dear old dad still insists that President Obama is a Muslim.

      Which is rich, considering he's from Cuba, and fought alongside Fidel Castro!

      Rafael's pathway to US citizenship is murky, to be kind and he only gained citizenship in 2005. His son was the State of Texas Solicitor General at the time. Ahem.

      Its not clear that his mother, Eleanor Darragh Cruz actually lived in the USA the requisite number of years prior to his birth to qualify him as a "USA citizen".

      Despite The best Ivy League schools and stellar law / legal achievements - poor Ted only discovered that he has dual Canadian-American citizenship.


      An article from last year; more about dear old dad:

      SNIP - Rafael Cruz regularly stumps for his son, whom he's compared to the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah - a relentless advocate with "fire in his bones." Ted, he says, is "not going to Washington to compromise." - END SNIP.

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The ignorance in the right wing faction is beyond beyond! They now tout foregoing their legislative salaries. Pu-u-leeze! How are they going to get around the law that says no one can tamper with their salaries?

    Remember, Cantor did not know how a bill became a law until he publicly announced his stupidity after the House passed a BILL (not a law) and he got corrected publicly about his lack of civics education, soon after getting his present political position.

    $arahPayme may well have ability to hex those she endorses, but really, when those folks are already so dumb, how much "witchery" does it take to expose the fact their head is up their @ and therefore not useful for common sense thinking or productive work?

    Stay strong Progressives - the world needs us!

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Pst, pst . . . here sarah, sarah, sarah! Where r u, you lil'yapping lap dog?! And the goolish character posted in the above photo looks quite a bit like you around the eyes! More than a bit demented . . .

    I'll be stockin' up on some more weekend popcorn ~ 'cuz it's about to git rill interesting 'round these parts!

    8 ^ }

  8. He doesn't have to have a strategy. According to his ten-pounds-of-crazy-in-a-five-pound-sack daddy, sonny boy has been anointed and will one day be our supreme overlord.

    All he has to do is strut around preening his feathers and sticking his nasty face in front of every camera and microphone he can find until he is crowned.

    How unfortunate that his idiot lemming caucus doesn't grasp this.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      A page right out of the Palin playbook, Nefer. Peas in a pod.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      The fact that his father only recently became a US citizen might be some cause for alarm. . . .

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    The guy is a slime bucket! Gross looking and acting! All ego and zero common sense...even worse than Sarah Palin if that is believable!

    Hope he is railroaded out of Congress back there! The rest of the Republicans in the Senate and House need to kick him in the ass!

  10. Just breaking, there is a shooter on Capitol Hill.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      A shooter with no gun.

  11. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Sarah Palin couldn't have picked a better jackass on which to hitch her wagon.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I think it's funnier than hell. All she does is make herself look more batshit crazy with every dumb@ss move she makes!

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Personally, I think Cruz is a 'prick'!!! Sound familiar, Palin?

    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      It's been many, many years since Sarah Palin has hitched her "wagon" to any pricks. The last time was probably when Piper was conceived.

  12. honeybabe11:24 AM

    megalomania run amok works for me! and now repubs are getting shouted down in public...also works for me!

  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Grandstanding Texas (of course) R Congressman, blaming Park Ranger for keeping a WWII Memorial (which the Rs refused to fund for a least 10 years) closed (as a result of a vote HE supported)!

    Them in a nutshell...sigh.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

      What an ignorant sleazebag. This should go viral.

      Along with a lot of bs caught on tape, the next election ads are already written! Get out the vote!

  14. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Meanwhile, Michele Bachmann says she's never seen the Republicans so happy. They are apparently ecstatic about this whole government shutdown.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Another heifer that needs to be put out to pasture.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:24 PM

      To find joy in the suffering of others is beneath contempt. Can't fix stupid!

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Cruz is as sleazy a he looks.

  16. Anonymous12:12 PM

    That guy is a total Liberace wannabe.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

      The resemblance is uncanny, but Liberace was much more masculine looking!

  17. Anonymous12:30 PM

    As bad as Ted Cruz is and he is despicable ,his father is worse. The apple didn't fall far from the crazy tree. Wonkette (my second favorite site after IM) calls TC fetal alcohol syndrome face. LMAO!

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      I freaking LOVE Wonkette! LOL

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      The father just sounds worse. We can be certain that son Ted has the same beliefs, though he is somewhat stealth about them and wouldn't voice them publicly.

  18. Anonymous12:33 PM

    No strategy? Not one Republican has had a "strategy" since January 2009 except obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Not one bill has come forth from the GOP side of the aisle that would help anyone anywhere.

  19. Anonymous12:56 PM

    The Cruelty of Republican States in One Chart

    ...When you look at these income eligibility levels, you see just how cruel the existing system is. For instance, in Alabama, you can't get Medicaid if your income exceeds 23 percent of the poverty level, or $4,500 for a family of three. Just think about that for a second. Do you think you could find a place to live, pay your bills, and feed your family on that income? But the state of Alabama says if you're that rich, you can afford to buy health insurance. In Texas, the state that will be depriving the most people of insurance by rejecting the expansion, only families under 25 percent of the poverty level, or $4,894 for a family of three, will be eligible for Medicaid. I'm guessing that's about what Rick Perry spends on boots every year.

    It may be that in the next few years, many of those states will give in and accept the money, instead of making their poorest citizens the victims of their loathing for Barack Obama. Let's hope.

  20. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Ted doesn't need a strategy. He's likely expecting god to 'bless' whatever he's doing.

    Cruz is affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation, same dominionist outfit the spawned Palin. Specifically, Rafael Cruz is the director of Suzanne Hinn's (wife of grifter and fake healer Benny Hinn) Purifying Fires Ministry. Although this position has been listed as part of his bio when he's made political appearances, NO ONE in the media is taking that extra step and mentioning the Hinns or the NAR.

    Gryphen - Maybe you'll be the first to write about Cruz' dominionist roots.

    Rafael Cruz preaching:

  21. Anonymous2:03 PM

    So all that there prayin' in public wuz jest fur show? Git owt!

  22. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Ted Cruz for President in 2016

    1. Anita Winecooler7:11 PM

      "Winning!" in a Charlie Sheen kind of way.

  23. Beldar J Conehead2:46 PM

    Gryphen, don't be so hard on Ted "Good Day, eh, hoser!" Cruz. What if he's right that the worst thing in the entire whole wide world - worse even that shutting down the entire US government - is to discover an undeserving poor person has inadvertently been granted access to health care? Thank Jeebus there are men of conviction like Ted who absolutely refuse to let facts, common sense, compassion or compromise get in the way of their ideological purity. Plus, his wife is loaded and it's not HE'S ever gonna need help from the gubbmint, so fuck everyone else, anyway!

  24. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

    Cruz took a hit from the team, Boehner better be paying attention, he's not good at "plan b's" After President Obama's speech today, this isn't going to help the GOP one bit.

  25. Anonymous9:21 PM

    “... It was very evident to everyone in the room that Cruz doesn’t have a strategy... and could never answer a question about what the [government shutdown] end-game was...."

    Of course, he couldn't answer. The end-game is obviously constrained by the unmitigated treachery of fellow Republican after Republican who repeatedly maligned him during this afternoon's post-modern "inquisition":

    "False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause. For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me, and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it. This thou hast seen, O LORD: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me. Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord. Judge me, O LORD my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me. Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up. Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me. Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant" (Psalm 35:11-27).

  26. Anonymous11:35 PM

    My thoughts tonight have been that the Republicans did not think this through. At my job we do not discuss politics but the real effects of the shutdown shared led people to express their anger. Mostly everyone was angry about this BS staged
    about veterans. These staged side
    shows manufacturing an alternative
    reality drama has enraged people.
    The real financial effects, worry of
    worsening effects, worry about friends, neighbors, and family, to a sick feeling learning cancer patients who expected treatments bombarded by assholes exploiting consequences they chose twisting harm to lies to con they are saints.

    For an eighteen year old it is an armegeddon if she won't be able to return to college in Jan. because loans and grants are not being processed. It's big deal when your wedding this weekend at a national park is cancelled but people invested money for it. It is horrible when a parent gets no pay and there are children to feed.

    The Republicans must have an irrational intent to oppose and scapegoat then crucify the president that they were oblivious to real rippling effects.

    The majority of the public are not duped by these staged scenes or crazy making public humiliation of a park employee he chose to shutdown the job site/national park.

    Meanwhile real crap is happening not
    what psychos like Palin are spinning humiliating Obama for sequester cuts. How evil to go on and on about white house tours when kids may not eat or have health care or cancer treatment!

    Maybe the women in the black car "snapped". I think more of us are being pushed to snap. Tar and feathering would not be enough.


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