Thursday, October 03, 2013

Breaking News! Reports of a shooter at the Capitol. Update!

There is still a lot of confusion but apparently there is a LEAST one shooter and people have been rushed inside by Capitol police to protect them while they put of barricades to keep them safe.

By the way the Capitol police are doing this without pay today due to the government shutdown. 

I think the Republicans just got their asses handed to them by karma.

Update: Well this figures.
Apparently these assholes don't respect ANY authority.

Update: The crisis is over, but it did not end well.

This from Politico:  

Two eyewitness said U.S. Capitol Police fired multiple shots at a black sedan on Constitution Avenue near the Hart Senate Office Building. Two people — including a child — were removed from the vehicle. One adult from the vehicle appeared to be hit by gunfire, according to a eyewitness on the scene. A helicopter landed on Capitol grounds, and one person was taken away. 

A female suspect was shot and killed, WJLA reported. 

Secret Service at the White House say the car slammed into the south side of the White House gate and then fled to Capitol. 

When shots were fired, Capitol Police cleared the plaza on the East Front of the Capitol, and quickly moved dozens of members of Congress, aides, reporters and tourists into rooms.

I am also seeing reports on Twitter that the child in the car was killed as well. (Never mind, those turned out to be false.)

This simply could not be a worse week for Washington D.C.

Update: I guess the question of the day is what drove that woman to ram the security gate outside of the White House and why did she exit her car firing shots at police?

Update 2: It is now unclear as to if this woman did indeed fire back at police. And the officer who was originally reported to have been injured by gunfire appears to actually have been injured during the pursuit.

Gotta love breaking news stories!


  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Color me NOT surprised. I mean, seriously, did anyone NOT see this coming?

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      News says a woman tried to ram her car through the WH.
      Anybody see deedeethree or theresa from c4p lately?

      Seriously, this is terrible news and no, not surprising. I'm so afraid we'll see more in the near future if our country continues to sink into dispair with the tea party at the helm

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    A woman attempted to ram the security gate at the White House, bailed out and shot at Police. Is Sarah Palin in Washington D.C.? That would be her M.O.

  3. did the car flee to the capitol so cruz could protect them?

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Sarah Palin Endorses Steve Lonegan In New Jersey Senate Race

    Palin's endorsement referenced the fact that, in spite of closing the gap in the polls, Lonegan is widely considered an underdog in the race against the Democrat, Newark, N.J. Mayor Cory Booker.

    "Steve asked for my support, and today I officially endorse his candidacy," Palin said in the statement. "I encourage voters in New Jersey to give Steve a look and not believe those in the media who tell us conservatives can't win in certain areas! Steve's own electoral history proves that theory untrue."

    Palin also criticized Booker's performance in Newark, his fundraisers in California, and his prolific social media presence.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Doesn't Lonegan know that a Palin endorsement is the kiss of death?

      Booker will win - hands down!!

      And, fuck you, Sarah Palin - you lying fraud!

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Does Sarah Palin know where New Jersey is?

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Shootings in D.C. are probably going to become the norm....would it surprise anyone....wouldn't me. Hope the Republicans have good security.

    Look at Issa's comment - what an asshole...wouldn't do what security/police suggested to him!

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      All the bull about taking things to whatever means and even battle to take the gubment from the furrener doesn't help. Issa may be ready for a coup.
      Reminds me of when Alexander Haig took charge. lol

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Slight adjustment needed for update #2's final sentence:
    "This simply could not be a worse week for the GOP Washington D.C.: hammered over shutdown, ACA exchanges working and now gun control back on the front burner".


  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Take your kids to work? Whaddup with the Diana Palin act? It will be interesting to learn what it is about.

  8. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Dear Lord.......this is just awful. Thank goodness baby is fine, and hoping the Capital Police Officer will survive. I just expect how this will spin tonight from the right. Michele Bachmann and Sister Sarah will no doubt be tweeting some inappropriate responses.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Black car + kid woman driver are we sure it wasn't Sarah!
      You know "Don't you know who I am"?

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Stupid pimping for dollars:
      email from Scampac today:


      You have been devoted supporters of Governor Palin and the fight for constitutional conservative values. Because of your loyalty, SarahPAC would like to offer you an exclusive opportunity: a free, signed copy of Governor Palin's soon-to-be released book, "Good Tidings and Great Joy," with a donation of $60 or more.

      "Good Tidings and Great Joy," will make a wonderful gift for your family and friends this Christmas Season. Christmas has long been a cherished holiday for me. There is something sacred about the joy that is shared when you're surrounded by the laughter of loved ones gathered around the table for Christmas dinner, celebrating the true reason for the season, the birth of our Savior. With a signed copy of "Good Tidings and Great Joy," you will be giving your loved ones a collection of Sarah's personal memories and traditions from her own Christmases that illustrate why the birth of Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of her faith.

      In the book, Sarah makes the case for bringing back our freedom to express the Christian values of the season, and the traditions so dear to our hearts. I believe this will resonate with you and those you love. Sarah knows the importance of preserving Jesus Christ in Christmas—whether in public displays, school concerts, pageants, or with each other—and laments the secularization of Christmas in today’s society.

      Across America, whether you read this book next to a roaring fire in Alaska or on a sunny beach in Florida, we hope you will join Sarah, and take action to keep Jesus Christ in Christmas and protect our children and our Christian faith from the politically correct elite who want to hijack the season.

      We want to thank you for your wonderful support, and in return we are very excited to offer you this exclusive opportunity to get a free, signed copy of this very timely book!

      Join us in this fight for Christmas and the founding principles of limited government and liberty that make America exceptional.

      Merry Christmas, and God Bless America!"

      Tim Crawford
      Treasurer, SarahPAC
      Its all about stupid Sarah! Not about the poor gov employee's that won't get paid, the WIC mom who can't feed her children NO! Its about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      a free book? with a $60 "donation" to sarahpac, what a bunch of crap..opportunistic pos...

  9. Anonymous12:27 PM

    The spin doctor's will be working overtime.........

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Completely O/T, but most fascinating, Gryphen:

  11. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Did you see Wonkette today? Apparently, Sarah Palin called for "civil disobedience" today on her Facebook page. Perhaps this women was following Sarah's marching


    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      why can't the skank be arrested for sedition ?!? this has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech, her rhetoric ( and her ghost writers' ) is out and out criminal ..

      sedition [sɪˈdɪʃən]
      1. speech or behaviour directed against the peace of a state
      2. (Law) an offence that tends to undermine the authority of a state
      3. (Law) an incitement to public disorder
      4. Archaic revolt
      [from Latin sēditiō discord, from sēd- apart + itiō a going, from īre to go]
      seditionary n & adj
      Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

  12. When I first heard this I wondered if she was listening to Rash Limpballs or Glenn Bleck on her radio. Those boys could ramp up a mentally ill person's case of road rage.

  13. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Typical......... in your anxiety to blame honest gun owners for every shooting incident, you rushed this story out without the facts Gryphen. Your prejudice is showing. This shows that you can't have an honest, rational opinion about guns, strictly an emotional one. Just like you accuse right wingers of when it comes to abortion and religion and health care.

    You owe all gun owners an apology.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      UMMM, excuse me, but Gryphen did not rush this story out without the facts! Do you know what "UPDATE" means?

      How is he supposed to know what is happening minute by minute in DC when he is in Alaska???? Please, get a grip!

      "Blaming honest gun owners for every shooting".....sounds like someone is nervous here! Too many shootings for you lately, huh? Making you edgy?

      Guns kill people, so yes, they provoke an emotional response, you nitwit.

  14. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Anonymous3:04 PM

    Typical......... in your anxiety to blame honest gun owners for every shooting incident,
    "Anxiety to blame" Whaaaat? Serious word Salad going on there NRA trollie! Truth is Woman is DEAD FROM A GUN!!!!

  15. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

    Turns out she's mentally unstable, went after the police and property with a loaded three thousand plus pound car, refused to get out, then fled at over 80 mph. She lived in Connecticut, worked as a dental hygienist and drove to DC on a suicide by ,cop mission, the child was spared harm and is in protective custody.
    The police officer was hurt when his car hit a barricade that was coming up, and remains in the hospital.

    The cops did their job, they're not getting paid, but they did their jobs.

  16. At this point in my life, if I don't get paid, I don't work. No more subsidizing. No more charity. No more doing it for "love". If my time, effort, education, training, talent and experience isn't worth being compensated, then I have better things to do than to donate my work. Pay me what I'm worth.

    Issa is an ass. I think the un-paid Capitol police should step back and let the chips fall where they may. And if Issa gets taken out, well, then sucks to be you Darrell and I certainly won't shed any crocodile tears over your demise.

  17. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I know what this woman did was wrong, but she was unarmed and mentally heart breaks for her baby and her family. Others may disagree with me but I don't think it was handled the best way.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.