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Jim Garrow. |
Earlier this year, a right-wing activist named Jim Garrow started claiming that President Obama had instituted a litmus test within the military, requiring leaders to pledge to fire on American civilians if so ordered and purging anyone who refused.
Yesterday, Garrow showed up on Rick Wiles' End Times radio broadcast to claim that for the last forty years, he had been working as an undercover intelligence officer for the US government until he was forced out last month by President Obama for revealing this information.
During the interview, Garrow claimed that everyone in the intelligence community knows that President Obama is bisexual and that he has "little buddies ... brought into the White House even now."
Garrow also revealed that the Obama administration was responsible for the deaths of right-wing blogger Andrew Breitbart, journalist Michael Hastings, and novelist Tom Clancy, all of whom knew that Obama was, in reality, an agent of the Saudi Arabian government. In fact, Garrow said, it was the fact that Breitbart couldn't keep his mouth shut about it that caused all three of them to be killed:
Wiles: Is it common knowledge among intelligence agencies that Barack Obama is not an American but indeed a foreign agent?
Garrow: Yes. Yes.
Wiles: But do the other agencies know who he works for?
Garrow: Yes. Yeah, they do.
Wiles: And you think that answer is Saudi Arabia?
Garrow: Well, I know that to be true and that's why Breitbart, Hastings, and Tom Clancy are dead.
Wiles: Okay, Breitbart, no doubt in my mind, taken out. He bragged. I liked Andrew Brietbart but what he did was incredibly stupid. He bragged the day before his death that in the morning he was going to reveal shocking information that would stop the Obama campaign. Mr. Breitbart dropped dead waling home at night and his corpse was blood red.
Garrow: Brighter than that actually. But the point is that he caused the death of Hastings and Tom Clancy because he had been sharing data with them.
Wiles: There's a connection between Breitbart's death and Hastings and Clancy?
Garrow: All of them, yea. All of them. Because of the information that Breitbart gave to Tom Clancy, he was working on a novel that would have exposed Obama as a Saudi agenda, as a Saudi plant in the White House ... He knew exactly who Obama was and he was going to release it in character form in a book . The character was going to be this President of the United States who was a plant. It was going to be the real information about Obama was going to come out in the form of a novel.
If you are thinking that this Rick Wiles guy sounds vaguely familiar you are right. He was the guy from End Times radio who interviewed the husband of the Stenographer for God the other day.
So these are the kinds of conspiracy theories rattling around out there in the fringes of the Right Wing. The ones that are shaping the views of many of the Tea Party's staunchest supporters.
And you just KNOW how much they want to believe that Obama had something to do with the death of Andrew Breitbart.
"Facts? We don't need no stinking facts! We know it must be true!"
Damn - That's where my new roll of tin foil went! Who are these people?
ReplyDeleteFuck Crank killed BeerFart!
DeleteWTF is WRONG with these assholes? And he's been doing this for 40 years? Riiiight, and I'm the queen of England...
So are they setting up Sarah to be the "next victim"?
B/c if she goes for sure it will be b/c of Obama right?
No silly it will be b/c of SPEED and speed kills!
I'm glad actual paper isn't wasted to print this shit.
ReplyDeleteBasically, imagine two tin foil hat wearers agreeing that the sky is purple in their world.
Comical, but that is all.
I can't understand why these clearly mentally disturbed individuals are given a forum from which to spout their insane thoughts. Even more alarming is that they have an audience that actually believe what these demented souls are saying is the truth.
ReplyDeleteThe dark side of Freedom of Speech.
DeleteDark side, yes. But I'd rather hear their nonsense broadcast to a larger audience to completely invalidate all they represent. The ones like Sarah Palin who will grab a megaphone and broadcast this stupidity to the masses identify themselves as nutcases in doing so. This is called noise.
DeleteThis guy has had an imaginary job in "intelligence". If he's willing to drop the goods on the POTUS, surely he'll tell us about many of the other "facts" that he's gleaned from his "40 years in government intel".
Just because he has a huge supply of Reynolds wrap in his bunker doesn't make him anything more than a crank with a microphone.
But I'd listen to his adventures for a half an hour or so, until he gets to the line that he's about to make a major break in a major case that will bring down this president but he lacks funding for his operation and now he's a marked man and needs personal security and... he needs a few bucks, whatever people can do to help out a patriot trying to do his job and help save the western world. Then I'll tell him I'm just a little short in cash, after giving all my money to the scholarship fund for Andrew Breitbart's kids, since his wife was going to have to sell their $1.8 million house in LA until she got the life insurance policy and then received all the money collected by the suckers, er, supporters and they moved up to a three million dollar house. So yeah, cash is lean, but good luck finding a publisher.
Maybe he could talk to WND. They'll print anything. LOL
These people are disgusting but I really have to laugh at how they all have to throw in some little tidbit about how they know the President is gay. In their minds, this is the worst possible thing in the world they can say to smear him...that they have proof he is gay. Their tiny little minds just cannot grasp that increasing numbers of Americans realize that being gay just does not matter.
ReplyDeleteIt’s like when men feel slighted by an accomplished woman (Hillary comes to mind). “She’s a lesbian!” It’s the first thing out of their mouths.
DeleteThe hard religious right wasn't always homophobic. They had the USSR to hate. After the dissolution of the atheist Reds they needed something else to hate, so the random dart picked gays. Could have easily been black cats.
DeleteIn reality, they fear Agnostics like me more than anything else. Agnosticism is a safe transition zone for Christians who have a little smarts. It's a lot easier to demonize Atheists than Agnostics. The name calling is the telltale.
Very true about the Red hating but the homophobia and persecution of gays was still there but nobody talked about it. It was never in the news and it was nearly impossible to get justice. I will never understand the fear of and hate for agnostics and atheists. It almost makes you think some believers have doubts and non-believers are threats. I actually believe that most religious leaders don't believe any of the bullshit they preach. If they did believe it, they would live and talk much differently then they do.
DeleteInterviewer forgot to mention that Andrew Breitbart had said he had been fighting congestive heart failure for more than a year, and that the autopsy determined he died of hardening of the arteries. I believe his relatives said that is a family problem, or too many lard sandwiches.
ReplyDeleteCover story, planted by the administration. Did you NOT read 7:05am's comment?? They actually helped design the HAB gun. Try to keep up!!
DeleteYes, sure. They always make the perpetrators LOOK like a normal American. But did you know that Obummer's mom was white? Huh? I didn't think you did. And did you know she was from KANSAS? Now I see you haven't done your homework at all. Then you're going to blown away when I tell you that his middle name is Hoo-sane. Get it? And he's always been gay. You can look at him and tell that. Ask his wife if you don't believe me. And those 2 kids? They're not real. They're just holograms. And their grandmother in the White House? She's an actor. Yep, not real either. Now this is all top secret stuff. I'm writing a book. If you want to go ahead and order a signed, numbered copy in advance, you can give me the money now and I'll make sure you get one with a low number. It'll be worth a lot of money one day.
DeleteHe is wrong.
ReplyDeleteObama is not a bisexual.
He is a homosexual.
I don't give a fat rats ass who, what or why the President wants to share skin and spit with - that's between him and his wife. Get over your homophobic troll self.
Delete7:02 AM So is your Dad.
DeleteOH MY GOD, really?! Being homosexual is really going to hurt his Republican base... oh wait. He's not Republican, he's Democrat. And Democrats aren't racist homophobes.
DeleteMoron much?
DeleteAnonymous7:02 AM
DeleteHe is wrong.
Obama is not a bisexual.
He is a homosexual.
Boy, are you in the wrong place. In the Grown Up world, we don't see "homosexual" as a dirty word for name calling. You ass.
That's what I have heard about Todd Palin. Is it true?
DeleteYou stupid bastard. Why do all you people dwell so obsessively on who the president has sex with? Why are you all concerned that he is attracted to men?
DeleteI am certain that the President is madly in love with his Michelle, and equally certain that you and your hypocritical friends are jealous of her.
Just come out of the closet. Maybe it will change your life for the better not having to live a lie. You could find a real companion instead of fantasizing about the President.
Trolls trolling for friends, love and attention. Let's deprive them of their oxygen.
DeleteAlex is right ... I helped Obama design the heart attack beam gun. All you have to do is point it at a person and they have a heart attack and die on the spot.
ReplyDeleteI heard they will try it on Sarah next.
I have such a smile on my face right now. I love a good snark in the morning :P kudos, good sir
DeleteGood!!! Can't wait to hear the news!
DeleteDid anyone know that drinking a fifth of Liquor everday for 25 years while smoking 2 packs of cigarettes, and snorting 3-4 grams of coke per day (unless he was really partying), all the while with pre-existing heart problems... that this will make a person a prime target for a CIA assassination? Because its so easy for *them* to make it look like a heart attack.
DeleteSure, that's on page 2 of the CIA assassination manual, "How to kill someone and keep it a secret".
He’s an old white racist man and easy to dismiss. Next, he’ll have Barack Obama on the grassy knoll.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is; some conspiracy theories (911) have the scent of truth about them. Those were clearly implosions; I don’t care how much my stepson, SIL, and neighbor scold me, the truth will eventually uncover itself. And did the NSA spy on Merkel? I think so. It’s like dealing with a sociopath, you’ve got to tease the truth out of all the lies and it isn’t easy.
I don't care if the NSA spied on Merkel -- because it's a given that Merkel's governmental spy agency spied on the USA, and that goes for every other country that has a spy agency. Everybody's spying on everyone else.
DeleteDarlene--- Look up "tube frame construction" and also "progressive collapse". These concepts can be found in any architecture/ structural engineering textbook, and even on Wikipedia. Having educated yourself, get back to us.
DeleteHere's another one D; ignore him.
DeleteThe B.
Who is that creep? Someone should tell him to shut his yap because he's a fool/hater and we've got enough of those in Washington! Also, he looks as though he's just crawled out from under a rock and his rustic look is a joke.
ReplyDeleteKinda a me too story from the bubble of red oblivion… nut the participants are a bit nuttier than most pee-baggers… This Garrow guy has had too many eagle spleens for breakfast in the woods…. Either have the pee-bagers get him a pre-paid year of intense electroshock or send him back…
ReplyDeleteWhich explains why there were international policy headlines this week talking about how the Saudi's are not happy with us lately?
ReplyDeleteThe thing with the Saudi's, that was BUSH - jeesh didn't they note the pictures with Bushy holding hands with Sheik whats-his-face?
These guys are SO NUTS its really scary that they are allowed to walk around in public and let people believe what they are being told by them.
Yeah, the RWNJs are claiming today that the Saudis have cut diplomatic ties with the USA. Not happening...
DeleteDonald Trump, Rush, Glenn Beck and this nut case are alive:)
ReplyDeleteTalk about taking unrelated facts to join together to arrive at an extreme tale of irrational fiction!
For the safety of humans, why hasn't this nutcase been institutionalized?
ReplyDeleteBecause St. Ronnie closed all the institutions where people like this might be housed and turned them out into the street. This is the Republican base.
DeleteThis guy has been watching too many bad Hollywood political thrillers :/ Let's say it's true. Then Barack Obama was essentially groomed from birth by a third party to become president and .... I dunno, kill America or something? (they certainly thought one term would ruin us, and we're still here, soooooooo...?) How did they know he'd ever become President? It's not like you enter and win automatically, it's a gamble even if you do make it through the primaries. And wouldn't Hillary Clinton, possibly one of those most well-connected women in politics ever, have at least an inkling of what was going on? She wasn't exactly new to the scene in 2008.
ReplyDeleteI suppose, by their logic, that a Manchurian Candidate situation would be more probable. But then they'd have to treat him as a victim and no the protagonist, and they just can't stand seeing a black man with a "funny name" in a position of power.
The fact that he is still alive debunks his entire claim.
ReplyDeleteWillow cuts Alex's hair ...
ReplyDeleteOuch. Bet she makes a bad cup of coffee, too. Also.
Deletepsycho in aisle 4 -- recommend meds and restraints. yowsa!!
ReplyDeleteO/T: a little bit of lulz I came across on YouTube. John Cleese commenting on Sarah Palin, in 2008. Sad thing is, the remarks are as relevant today:
HA!!! If he's "gay" or "bi" that means he can't be a Muslim. Because we all know you can't be gay if you're a Muslim.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, these people drive me nuts. They are crazy and spew their nonsense on the free PUBLIC airwaves. Someone said this is the dark side of Freedom of Speech. I couldn't agree more.
But he got a signed note from his wife excusing him. It's all in the book I'm writing.
DeleteAnybody who goes through life as perpetually angry as Breitbart will pop a fuse sooner rather than later.
ReplyDeleteThe anger eats from within.
Sarah had better pay attention
These people would be funny if it weren't for the fact that they can legally buy guns.
ReplyDeleteLow level narc who got fired for spending the flash money on liquor. Prior to that, a roadie for Grateful Dead.
ReplyDeleteGeeze, he almost had me until he threw in Tom Clancy. (*snark off)
Me too, also. LOL
DeleteOh, no...they done gone down the rabbit hole...;)
ReplyDeleteThis ain't this nut's first rodeo.
Snopes.com is on this, just like every other wingnut conspiracy theory.
Sick!!! There is nothing these idiots won't say against our wonderful President Obama!
ReplyDeleteThank God the majority of Americans elected him twice and do respect him and the job he is doing in spite of the bull being put out there by Republicans and their extreme right! They are nothing more than obstructionists and racists!
They truly are sick people!
I Wonder if he ever saw the photos of President George W. Bush arm in arm with Saudi Princes while strolling merrily on the White House Lawn, tenderly kissing each other on the cheek before parting? Or his daddy tossing chunks on a foreign leader's shoes before fainting? Guess he missed those eight years.
ReplyDeleteThese end time radical yahoo fringenuts can't find one iota of dirt, one fleck of dust in truth about President Obama, so they go "full Palin" and spew bullshit till they believe it.
Remember all the left wing conspiracies about GW Bush walking hand in hand and kissing a Saudi Prince? Yeah, me neither, but there's photos of that.